ISO8859-1?B 5c     $3M h9r7-:M_x+ H 'i!"2#$.%72&7j',(,)-*.*+,Y,+-,.,/ 0@ 12a2A34 5 6' %7# M8 q9& :# ; <% =* >% F?* lUsage: soestat [-a] | [-d [-p ]] [-r] [-v] sa device %s - Ethernet Device Server IP address: %s tty devices - %s statistics - EDS signature: %s TCP port: %u State: CONFIG State: UP State: DOWN State: STALE State: TERM State: ERROR State: UNKNOWN state %x error reason code: %lu - No error Server doesn't support binary transmission telnet option Server doesn't support suppress go ahead telnet option Server doesn't support COMPORT telnet option Server response for a telnet option negotiation timed out Unknown error %x Bytes transmitted: %lu Bytes received: %lu Transmit errors: %lu Receive errors: %lu Transmit bytes dropped: %lu Receive bytes dropped: %lu Connection retries: %lu Connection timeouts: %lu Control commands sent: %lu Control commands received: %lu Notifications from device server: %lu Control command timeouts: %lu Connection drops due to keep alive timeouts: %lu Number of current opens: %lu Timeout errors from line state register: %lu TSR_empty notifications from line state register: %lu THR_empty notifications from line state register: %lu Break errors from line state register: %lu Frame errors from line state register: %lu Parity errors from line state register: %lu Overrun errors from line state register: %lu DCD toggles from modem state register: %lu RI toggles from modem state register: %lu DSR toggles from modem state register: %lu CTS toggles from modem state register: %lu tty devices - NONE Number of times this tty was reset due to connection loss: %lu Number of times control command send failed: %lu Number of outstatnding send buffers yet to be freed by TCP: %lu %s: Not supported inside WPAR error querying kernel extension %s not loaded '-a' and '-d' cannot be given together '-d' cannot be used more than once sa device name is too long '-p' flag cannot be used without '-d' '-p' cannot be used more than once tty device name is too long Permission error, unable to continue Failed to read the statistics from kernel Permission error, unable to continue Failed to read the statistics from kernel