ùISO8859-1@Ø<HVIŸ=é/'KWt£  7 @S #” #¸2Ü7,G;t<°Fí/4$d6‰AÀusage: sodebug [-s sockaddr [-t type]|-p pid] [-l [level]] [-h] Error (sodebug): -s option must be specified with -t option Error (sodebug): Allowed types for -t option are : tcpcb, inpcb, socket Error (sodebug): after -l, specify either : none, min, normal, or detail Error (sodebug): non existing address %lx for type specified Error (sodebug): non existing pid %d specified %s : failed. The kernel is running in 64 bit mode, but %s cannot be found %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32 bit mode. The 64 bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel Cannot read the process entry More than %d processes !!! socket address : %lx , sodebug flag : %x , trace level : %s(%x) Socket information for INPCB : %lx Socket information for TCPCB : %lx Setting new values for trace level and debug flag Error (sodebug): pid must be a non null decimal value Error (sodebug): invalid address specified Error (sodebug): too many arguments specified for sodebug Error (sodebug): options for sodebug can only be used once Error (sodebug): the specified combination of options is not allowed Root privilege is necessary to execute sodebug Error (sodebug): Cannot open stdout Syscall error when setting debug flag and trace level Error (sodebug): Help (-h) flag cannot be mixed with other flags