ISO8859-1 Jx ~DI /G w",D="U:"3"# _' ,f 23 53F 43|36_:9e39J9>/B_BE4H/LL;ODOPPQ5yU&/YUsage: lssensor [-v|V] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-A | -h | name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all sensors. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be listed for. By default, sensors on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List sensors from all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more sensors to display all the attributes for. Running cmd: %1$s sensorDisplaying sensor information:Usage: lssensor [-v|V] [-a| -n host[,host...]] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-A|-h| name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all sensors. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be listed for. By default, sensors on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List sensors from all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -h Display this usage information. -l Long formatted output. -t Tabular formatted output. -d Delimiter-formatted output. -D Delimiter Delimiter-formatted output using Delimiter. -x Omit headings when using long, tabular, or delimited output. name... The name of one or more sensors to display all the attributes for. Usage: lssensor [-v|V] [-a| -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-A|-h| name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all sensors. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be listed for. By default, sensors on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List sensors from all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -h Display this usage information. -l Long formatted output. -t Tabular formatted output. -d Delimiter-formatted output. -D Delimiter Delimiter-formatted output using Delimiter. -x Omit headings when using long, tabular, or delimited output. name... The name of one or more sensors to display all the attributes for. NameUsage: lssensor [-m] [-v|V] [-a| -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-A|-h| name [name...]] -A Display all attributes of all sensors. -m Display microsensor resources. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be listed for. By default, sensors on the local machine will be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be listed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a List sensors from all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. Use this to see the underlying RMC command that is being run. This can help to interpret error messages that are displayed. -h Display this usage information. -l Long formatted output. -t Tabular formatted output. -d Delimiter-formatted output. -D Delimiter Delimiter-formatted output using Delimiter. -x Omit headings when using long, tabular, or delimited output. name... The name of one or more sensors to display all the attributes for. %1$s: 2633-844 The sensor %2$s does not exist. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host] [-h] [-v|-V] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host Which node the sensor should be created on. By default, sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host] [-e 0|1|2] [-h] [-v|-V] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host Which node the sensor should be created on. By default, sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host] [-e 0|1|2] [-r] [-h] [-v|-V] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host Which node the sensor should be created on. By default, sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -r Set attribute RefreshActive. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host] [-e 0|1|2] [-h] [-v|-V] [-c 0|1|2|3] [-u userid] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host Which node the sensor should be created on. By default, sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. -c Set attribute ControlFlags to 0, 1, 2, or 3. The default value is 0. -u userid Set attribute UserName. The default value is the user name associated with the current effective user id. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. %1$s: 2633-820 The refresh interval value %2$s is not valid. %1$s: 2633-821 %2$s has been terminated with signal %3$s. %1$s: 2633-822 %2$s has been terminated, rc= %3$s. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host] [-e 0|1|2] [-h] [-v|-V] [-c n] [-u userid] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host Which node the sensor should be created on. By default, sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. -c Set attribute ControlFlags to 0 to 7. The default value is 0. -u userid Set attribute UserName. The default value is the user name associated with the current effective user id. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-e 0|1|2] [-h] [-v|-V] [-c n] [-u userid] name command -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be created on. By default, the sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be created. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. -c Set attribute ControlFlags to 0 to 7. The default value is 0. -u userid Set attribute UserName. The default value is the user name associated with the current effective user id. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. Usage: mksensor [-i seconds] [-n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-e 0|1|2] [-h] [-v|-V] [-c n] [-u userid] name command mksensor -m [-i seconds] [-n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-h] [-v|-V] name module [arguments] -i sec Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -m Define a microsensor resource. -n host,... Which nodes the sensors should be created on. By default, the sensor is created on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be created. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -e Set attribute ErrorExitValue to 0,1 or 2. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. -c Set attribute ControlFlags to 0 to 7. The default value is 0. -u userid Set attribute UserName. The default value is the user name associated with the current effective user id. name The name of the sensor that is being created. command The command that should be run to retrieve the system value that this sensor monitors. module The path name to the loadable microsensor module. arguments A string passed to the microsensor module callback function. %1$s: 2633-823 The value for "Name" is not valid. %1$s: 2633-825 The value for "Command" is not valid. %1$s: 2633-825 The value for "Module" is not valid. Usage: chsensor [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|-V] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -n host,... Which node the sensor should be changed on. By default, sensor is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the sensor to be changed. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. Usage: chsensor [-i seconds] [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|-V] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -i seconds Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host,... Which node the sensor should be changed on. By default, sensor is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the sensor to be changed. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2633-830 %2$s has been terminated with signal %3$s. %1$s: 2633-831 %2$s has been terminated, rc= %3$s. Usage: chsensor [-i seconds] [-a | -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-v|-V] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -i seconds Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -n host,... Which node the sensor should be changed on. By default, sensor is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be changed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the sensor to be changed. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. Usage: chsensor [-m] [-i seconds] [-a | -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-v|-V] [-h] name attr=value [attr=value ...] -i seconds Interval (in seconds) to run the command. -m Change a microsensor resource. -n host,... Which node the sensor should be changed on. By default, sensor is changed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be changed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Change sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name The name of the sensor to be changed. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2633-844 The sensor %2$s does not exist. Usage: rmsensor [-a | -n host[,host...]] [-v|V] [-h] name [name...]] -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be removed from. By default, sensor is removed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more sensors to remove. Usage: rmsensor [-a | -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-v|V] [-h] name [name...]] -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be removed from. By default, sensor is removed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be removed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more sensors to remove. Usage: rmsensor [-m] [-a | -n host[,host...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-v|V] [-h] name [name...]] -m Remove a microsensor resource. -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be removed from. By default, sensor is removed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be removed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -a Remove sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -v or -V Verbose mode. -h Display this usage information. name... The name of one or more sensors to remove. %1$s: 2633-844 The sensor %2$s does not exist. Usage: refsensor [-a|-n host[,host,...]] [-h] [-v|-V] name [attr=value ...] -a Refresh sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be refreshed on. By default, sensor is refreshed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor to refresh. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2633-840 The sensor attribute for %2$s is not valid. %1$s: 2633-841 The sensor is not monitored and cannot be refreshed. %1$s: 2633-842 The sensor attribute %2$s was not updated because either it is not monitored or the value is the same as its current value. %1$s: 2633-843 The event for sensor attribute %2$s was not generated because either it is not monitored or the value is the same as its current value. Usage: refsensor [-a|-n host[,host,...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-h] [-v|-V] name [attr=value ...] -a Refresh sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be refreshed on. By default, sensor is refreshed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be refreshed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor to refresh. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. Usage: refsensor [-a|-n host[,host,...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-h] [-v|-V] name [attr=value ...] refsensor -m [-a|-n host[,host,...]|-N {node_file |"-"}] [-h] [-v|-V] name -a Refresh sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the cluster. -m Refresh a microsensor resource. -n host,... Which nodes the sensor should be refreshed on. By default, sensor is refreshed on the local machine. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -N node_file|"-" A file or standard input listing the nodes on which the sensor should be refreshed. This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM) cluster or a peer domain cluster. -h Display this usage information. -v or -V Verbose mode. name The name of the sensor to refresh. attr=value Set this sensor attribute to this new value. %1$s: 2633-844 The sensor %2$s does not exist.