ISO8859-1#88q$O" a BK  D fl _q v >Q  8 uopHbs LjS  !t"#fUsage: rc.powerfail [-s] [-h] [-t Minutes] [-c Seconds] rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system currently running under normal power conditions. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system is now operating with a non-critical cooling problem. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system is now operating with a non-critical power problem. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system is facing a severe power problem. The system will shut down in %s minutes unless the problem is resolved before then. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system powered off manually. System will shut down immediately. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system suffering from very severe power problems. System will shut down immediately. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system is under critical power problems. System will halt in 20 seconds. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: shutdown failed. You should manually shut down the system NOW with shutdown -F. rc.powerfail: crontab entry for power problems may not be logged. rc.powerfail:1::WARNING!!! The system is now operating with cooling problem. This message will be walled every 12 hours. Remove this crontab entry after the problem is resolved.rc.powerfail:2::WARNING!!! The system is now operating with a power problem. This message will be walled every 12 hours. Remove this crontab entry after the problem is resolved.rc.powerfail: The power status has changed to normal state. The system shutdown has been cancelled. rc.powerfail: The power status has changed to non-critical state. The system shutdown has been cancelled. rc.powerfail: The power status has changed to a severe power problem. The system will shut down as scheduled. rc.powerfail: The power status has changed to a highly critical power problem. The system will halt in 20 seconds. rc.powerfail: The power status has changed. The system will be shut down NOW. rc.powerfail: An internal error has occurred in the machstat command. The system will be shut down NOW. You should also call your Service Representative and report this problem. rc.powerfail: This command is used to handle power problems with the system. There are several different states that the system can be in when the signal SIGPWR is received by init. The action taken will be determined by the value of the power status. The following table shows the values of the power status and action taken. Power Status Indication ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0 System is running normally, there is no action taken. 1 A non-critical cooling problem exists. 2 A non-critical power problem exists. 3 System facing a critical condition. Will start shutdown in 10 minutes. 4 System facing a severe condition. Will be halted in the next 20 seconds. 255 ERROR with the machstat command, system shutdown starts immediately. rc.powerfail: The time in minutes given with the -t option was invalid. System shutdown will occur in 10 minutes. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. A call to machstat to validate the signal has failed. The system will automatically shutdown NOW. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: The system is suffering from a critical power problem. The system will shut down in %s minutes. rc.powerfail: The time until system shutdown has expired. The system will be shutting down NOW. rc.powerfail: The time until system shutdown has expired. You should shut down the system NOW using shutdown -F. rc.powerfail: An internal error has occurred in the rc.powerfail command. If you have received messages that the system is shutting down, you should execute shutdown -F immediately. You should also call your Service Representative and report this problem. rc.powerfail: System powered off manually and will shut down immediately. rc.powerfail: The system suffering from very severe power problems. System will shut down immediately. rc.powerfail: The time in minutes given with the -c option was invalid. rc.powerfail will wait only for 10 seconds for the completion of any environment specific scripts, before system shutdown. rc.powerfail: User scripts under /usr/lib/scripts/epow directory will not be executed, since this directory does not have read permissions. rc.powerfail will ignore these scripts and system shutdown will proceed shortly. rc.powerfail: The subdirectories under /usr/lib/scripts/epow directory do not have sufficient permissions to execute the files under them. rc.powerfail will not be able to execute the scripts under these directories. rc.powerfail: The wait time for the completion on environment specific scripts, is more than the time before system shutdown. rc.powefail will wait for %s seconds, and continue with system shutdown. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system suffering from very severe power or cooling problems. System will shut down immediately. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: The system suffering from very severe power or cooling problems. System will shut down immediately. rc.powerfail: init has received a SIGPWR signal. The system is suffering from very severe problems. System will shut down immediately. Execute rc.powerfail -h as the root user for more information. rc.powerfail: The system is suffering from very severe problems. System will shut down immediately.