ùISO8859-10Ø ##*G'rš3¹,í 6 Q )m +— 7Ãû   % /9"A(d0481-048 The %s command name is not recognized. 0481-049 Cannot open %s. 0481-050 A parameter is not valid. 0481-051 The request for %s is not valid. 0481-052 Cannot update inittab for %s. 0481-053 No action was taken. 0481-054 There is not enough memory available now. 0481-055 The stat system call failed on %s. 0481-056 Port %s is not enabled. It cannot be locked. Warning: %s is not locked. 0481-058 Cannot create a temporary file. 0481-059 Cannot update the temporary file. 0481-060 Cannot change the name of the temporary file. ENABLE SHARE DELAY HOLD DISABLE UNKNOWN UNAVAIL UNDEF Device %s not in available state. Unable to change group ownership of %s.