ISO8859-1N8RYs4fFpV O x  T _mR k s 7[ j a r| W Qq N v jy T[UYh`T?e^e[*a^jGT| I X d' { tf)jf [b_{iWZ\*h fKjc{hfeN ue s q O o |!1Z!L" a#VI#[$ a$^[$Z%d%wO%K&,P&x & c'I U'm(p(q;()J)5:) 7) h)0518-001 odmcreate: Specify a valid descriptor type, line %1$d in file %2$s. 0518-002 odmcreate: Specify descriptor %1$s as an array, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-003 odmcreate: Do not specify descriptor %1$s as an array, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-004 odmcreate: Incorrect descriptor type specified, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a valid descriptor type. 0518-005 odmcreate: The descriptor %1$s does not exist in class %2$s, line %3$d in file %4$s. Specify a valid descriptor name for an ODM_LINK descriptor. 0518-0006 odmcreate: Specify less than 128 descriptors in object class %1$s, line %2$d in file %3$s. 0518-007 odmcreate: An internal problem has been detected. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact a service representative or the approved supplier. 0518-008 usage: odmcreate [-p][-h][-c] {File . . . } Creates object classes based on descriptions in the file. 0518-009 odmcreate: Syntax error in description file: line %1$d in file %2$s. 0518-010 odmcreate: An incorrect array dimension specified, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify an integer greater than 1. 0518-011 odmcreate: The name of the object class is too long, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a name less than %3$d characters long. 0518-012 odmcreate: Cannot open header file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-013 odmcreate: Cannot open class description file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-014 odmcreate: Cannot append to file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-015 odmcreate: Object class %1$s is not described in description file, line %2$d in file %3$s. Object classes linked to must be defined in class description file. 0518-016 odmcreate: Cannot run preprocessor on class description file %1$s. Check file for syntax errors. 0518-017 odmcreate: Cannot access the database at this time. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-018 odmcreate: Cannot open output source file %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-019 odmcreate: Cannot allocate enough storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-020 odmcreate: Cannot close database. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-021 odmcreate: A descriptor name is too long, line %1$d in file %2$s. Specify a name less than %3$d characters long. 0518-022 odmcreate: Cannot create object class %1$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-023 odmcreate: The name of the input file %1$s is too long. Specify a name less than %2$d characters long. 0518-024 odmcreate: The C compiler must exist when the -p flag is specified. 0518-025 odmcreate: Too many object classes specified in the file %1$s. Specify less than 5025 classes in one file. 0518-000 odmcreate: Do not use clone to imbed class description, line %1$d in file %2$s. Copy the description instead. 0518-101 odmdrop: Cannot access object class %1$s Check path name and permissions. 0518-102 odmdrop: Object class name is too long. Check path name and permissions. 0518-103 odmdrop: An object class name was not specified. Specify a valid object class. 0518-104 odmdrop: Cannot initialize the database. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-105 odmdrop: Cannot delete object class %1$s Check path name and permissions. 0518-100 usage: odmdrop -o class_name Deletes object classes. 0518-201 odmchange: The search string is too long. Specify a search string less than %d characters. 0518-202 usage: odmchange -o Classname [-q criteria] File Changes objects in a given object class. 0518-203 odmchange: An object class name was not specified. Specify a valid object class. 0518-204 odmchange: Description file name too long Specify a file name less than %d characters. 0518-205 odmchange: Description file %1$s is not accessible Check path name and permissions. 0518-206 odmchange: Cannot initialize the database. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-207 odmchange: Cannot open object class %1$s Check path name and permissions. 0518-208 odmchange: Cannot find class name in stanza, stanza line: %1$d The class name must exist in the description file. 0518-209 odmchange: Syntax error in description file, stanza line: %1$d. 0518-210 odmchange: Incorrect criteria specified: %1$s Correct criteria and try again. 0518-211 odmchange: Error occurred changing data in object class: %1$s Check stanza and try again. 0518-212 odmchange: A descriptor name was not specified, stanza line: %1$d. A descriptor must be specified in the stanza. 0518-213 odmchange: Descriptor %1$s does not exist in object class, stanza line: %2$d. Correct descriptor name and try again. 0518-214 odmchange: Descriptor value does not correspond to descriptor type, stanza line: %1$d. Correct descriptor value and try again. 0518-215 odmchange: Could not convert binary value, stanza line: %1$d. Binary values should start with 0x and contain an even number of hexadecimal digits. 0518-216 odmchange: Incorrect numeric value, stanza line: %1$d. Numeric values should contain only the digits 0-9. 0518-217 odmchange: Incorrect descriptor type in object class %1$s. Make sure object class is valid. 0518-200 odmchange: Object class name is too long. Specify an object class name less than %d characters. 0518-219 odmchange: Could not allocate storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-301 odmdelete: Criteria string too long. Specify a criteria less than %d characters. 0518-302 usage: odmdelete -o object_class [-q criteria] Deletes objects from an object class. 0518-303 odmdelete: No object class name was specified An object class name must be specified with the odmdelete command. 0518-304 odmdelete: Cannot initialize the database Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-305 odmdelete: Could not open object class %1$s Check path name and permissions. 0518-306 odmdelete: Could not delete objects. Check criteria, path name and permissions. 0518-307 odmdelete: %1$d objects deleted. 0518-300 odmdelete: Object class name too long. Specify an object class name less than %d characters. 0518-309 odmdelete: Could not allocate storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-401 odmadd: Cannot find class name in stanza, stanza line: %1$d %2$s. Correct stanza and try again. 0518-402 odmadd: Cannot open class: %1$s, stanza line: %2$d %3$s Check path name and permissions. 0518-403 odmadd: Could not allocate storage, stanza line: %1$d %2$s. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-404 odmadd: Could not find descriptor name, stanza line: %1$d %2$s. Correct stanza and try again. 0518-405 odmadd: Descriptor %1$s does not exist in object class, stanza line: %2$d %3$s. Correct descriptor name and try again. 0518-406 odmadd: Incorrect value for descriptor, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Change value and try again. 0518-407 odmadd: Could not allocate storage for vchar, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-408 odmadd: Could not convert binary value, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Binary values should start with 0x and contain only hexadecimal digits. 0518-409 odmadd: Incorrect numeric value, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Numeric values should contain only the digits 0-9. 0518-410 odmadd: Incorrect double value, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Double values should contain only the digits 0-9. 0518-411 odmadd: Incorrect short value, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Short values should contain only the digits 0-9. 0518-412 odmadd: Descriptor %1$s has an unknown type, stanza line: %2$d %3$s Make sure object class is valid. 0518-413 odmadd: Could not add to class, ODM error number: %1$d, stanza line: %2$d %3$s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-414 odmadd: Incorrect stanza, stanza line: %1$d %2$s. Correct stanza and try again. 0518-415 usage: odmadd {File . . . |-} Adds objects to an object class. The should be in the form: : = = : = = . . . 0518-416 odmadd: Name of input file %1$s is too long. Specify a name less than %2$d characters. 0518-417 odmadd: Cannot open file: %s. Check path name and permissions. 0518-418 odmadd: Invalid class name, stanza line: %1$d %2$s Correct stanza and try again. 0518-501 usage: odmget [-q criteria] {Classname . . . } Retrieves objects from an object class. 0518-503 odmget: Criteria is too long: %1$s Specify a criteria less than %2$d characters. 0518-504 odmget: No object class name specified An object class name must be specified. 0518-505 odmget: Class name too long: %1$s Specify an object class name less than %2$d characters. 0518-506 odmget: Cannot open object class %s Check path name and permissions. 0518-507 odmget: Could not retrieve object for %1$s, ODM error number %2$d 0518-508 odmget: Could not convert binary descriptor %1$s in object class %2$s 0518-509 odmget: Unknown descriptor type for %1$s in the object class %2$s Make sure the object class is valid and try again. 0518-510 odmget: Could not allocate storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. 0518-601 usage: odmshow {Classname . . .} Shows the description of an object class. 0518-602 odmshow: Could not open object class %1$s, ODM error number %2$d. Check path name and permissions. 0518-603 odmshow: Unknown descriptor type for %1$s of %2$d. Make sure the object class is valid and try again. descriptors: %1$d structure size: 0x%2$x (%3$d) bytes data offset: 0x%x 0518-607 odmshow: Could not read object class %1$s, ODM error number %2$d population: %1$d objects (%2$d active, %3$d deleted) 0518-609 odmshow: Could not access linked object class 0518-610 odmshow: Object class name is too long. Specify an object class name less than %d characters.