ISO8859-1RS3N4DJ&G n C  5 %RCusage: netcdctrl [[-b file|-a file|-s file|-f] [-t type -e type]] [-l level] [-h] Wrong pathname length -e parameter value must be : hosts, protocols, servers, networks, netgroups or all -t parameter length must be less than 9 characters -d parameter value must be enclosed between 0 and 7 -a, -b, -f , -s, -l flags are exclusive; only one must be specified With -t and -e flag, one of the -a, -b, -f, or -s flags must be specified Impossible to connect to netcd daemon Error at file creation At least one of the -a, -b, -f, -s, -l, -h flags must be specified Impossible to open file %s -e parameter value must is not a defined yp map name -e parameter is not a known map name -e parameter value must be : hosts, protocols, servers, networks, netgroup or all