ISO8859-1u!2!Tv     =1Q `m*  !1;)m  !" #*$2%!R&t'()*+,#-8.N/f01234:5C *6* n7 8? 9I :/ ?;% o<$ = > ? @ A* B! =C _D qE F G H I J K L .M 9N OO0 iP$ Q& R S T U 2V# NW rX Y$ Z# [; \."]&Q^x_`!a bcd e%%fKgdhlitj!klmn8o3pPq$ors&t%uBad arg is : %c Extra parameters socket (ICMP) setsockopt (IP_HDRINCL) setsockopt (IPV6_RECVPKTINFO) setsockopt (IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS) setsockopt (IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP) socket (ROUTE) socket (UDP) setsockopt (IPV6_MULTICAST_IF) wrote %d chars, ret=%d out of memory ndpd-router: Cannot create a socket. The error number is %d. deleting LL addr of %s unsupported flag change for %s out of memory getkerninfo changing LL addr of %s The ioctl SIOCGNETOPT system call failed. socket (RIP) setsockopt (IP_RECVPKTINFO) setsockopt (IP_RECVHOPS) setsockopt(RIP) bind (RIP) out of memory %s: ERROR: '%d' recvfrom ERROR: ndpd-router does not support this option. The ioctl SIOCGIFMTU system call failed. Sending RtAdv for %s/%s no HOPS (%d) receive ICMPv6 RtSol on %s/%s to %s (len=%d) receive ICMPv6 RtAdv on %s/%s receive ICMPv6 NDSol on %s/%s for %sreceive ICMPv6 HaadReq on %s/%sreceive ICMPv6 HaadReply on %s/%sSending PrefAdv for %s/%s receive ICMPv6 PrefSol on %s/%sreceive ICMPv6 PrefAdv on %s/%swrote %d chars, ret=%d read ICMPv6 return 0 read ICMPv6 truncated read ICMPv6 doesn't give interface ICMPv6: bad ifp (%x) ICMPv6: too short (%d) ICMPv6 RtSol: too short %d null option length (%d) RtAdv from %s/%s mismatch RtAdv from %s/%s mtu %d!=%d ICMPv6 NDSol: too short %d get_home_ifp: can't get ifp of home subnet (can't load %s)get_home_ifp: can't get ifp of home subnet (can't resolve symbol %sget_home_ifp: can't get ifp of home subnetget_home_ifp: bad ifp (%x) ICMPv6 PrefSol: can't check mobile registration (can't load %s)ICMPv6 PrefSol: can't check mobile registration (can't resolve symbol %s)ICMPv6 PrefSol: can't check mobile registrationICMPv6 PrefSol: mobile not registeredpending response without a timeout? receive route (%d,%d) get new address %s/%d on %s interface %s down interface %s up interface %s got addr %s plen %d addrs %x ignoring interface %s without LL got interface %s read (route message) read (route message) return 0 bad message version %d bad message type (%d) no ifa for %s bad ifinfo (no ifp#%d) bad sdl address unsupported interface type %.*s finished! No IPV6 interface !! end of main loop reached RIP receive %d bytes type %d from %s/%s hlim %d RIPng: %d entries for request on %s Sending rip info for %s on %s type %d RIPng: %d entries on %s delete route %s/%d change route %s/%d (link#%d) set route %s/%d (link#%d) Warning: RIPng on a non-router noderead RIPng return 0 read RIPng truncated read RIPng doesn't give packet info read RIPng doesn't give hops limit wrong rip packet received vers %d cmd %d len %d from %s/%s rip packet with wrong hop limit %d from %s/%s wrong rip response from %d/%s port %d wrong rip response for %s/%s wrong proxy %s from %s/%s wrong prefix %s/%d[%d] from %s/%sadding route deleting route %s/%d expiring route %s RIPng set entry %s/%d[%d] deleting route %s through if down %s with len=%d and mask=%s accept reject truncate to %d can't find the anycast to delete opening certificate file: %s parsing certificate file: %s Failed to load OpenSSL Sending Certification Path Advertisement (CPA) on %s/%s receive ICMPv6 CPS on %s/%s Drop ICMP packet: LKU running Drop recv_route packet: LKU running interface %s does not exist unable to query liveupdate operations Receive signal <%s> from Live Update Drop RIPng packet: LKU running