ISO8859-13@;%,a0'-0OFH|K\L < H2 H{ 2 ;:3CnG>i94:$F8?6FO = G 7 8 E F  @ . O l g4 P  ZV b :W , 3"dspcat: 1312-001 Cannot open specified catalog: %s dspcat: 1312-002 Cannot specify message number with the -g flag.Usage: dspcat [-g] CatalogName [SetNumber [MessageNumber]]dspcat: 1312-003 Specify a valid set number.dspcat: 1312-004 Specify a valid message number.Usage: gencat CatalogFile SourceFile...gencat: 1312-005 Cannot open target file %s. gencat: 1312-006 The realloc system call failed.gencat: 1312-007 The following message text is longer than the $len value: %s gencat: 1312-008 The set number in the following line is not valid: %s gencat: 1312-009 The length of the hex number in the following line is not valid. It must be either two or four digits. %s gencat: 1312-010 Reached end of line before the defined closing quote. %s gencat: 1312-011 The following message string is longer than NL_TEXTMAX: %s gencat: 1312-012 Reached end of string before expected. %s gencat: 1312-013 Internal error: The file pointer offset is not correct.gencat: 1312-014 Internal error: The file pointer offset is not correct.gencat: 1312-015 Cannot load the catalog file %s. gencat: 1312-016 Cannot read the existing catalog file %s. gencat: 1312-017 There is not enough memory available now.gencat: 1312-020 The following set uses a symbolic identifier: %s gencat: 1312-021 The following message uses a symbolic identifier: %s gencat: 1312-019 There is no message defined in a source file.gencat: 1312-022 Set or message numbers are not in ascending sequence after: Message: %d, Set: %d %s Usage: %s SymbolName SourceFile[...SourceFile] [-h] mkcatdefs: 1312-025 The message catalog name is too long. mkcatdefs: 1312-026 Cannot open %s. mkcatdefs: 1312-027 The symbolic message identifier is not valid: %s mkcatdefs: 1312-028 A set number is not in ascending sequence. mkcatdefs: 1312-029 %s is not a valid set identifier. mkcatdefs: 1312-030 The message identifier %s is used more than once. mkcatdefs: 1312-031 The message id %s has already been assigned to identifier. mkcatdefs: 1312-032 The message numbers are not in ascending sequence. mkcatdefs: 1312-033 There were read errors in file %s. mkcatdefs: 1312-034 There were write errors in file %s. mkcatdefs: 1312-035 Errors found: The %s header file is not created. mkcatdefs: %s is created. mkcatdefs: 1312-036 No symbolic identifiers; %s is not created. mkcatdefs: The %s header file is not created. mkcatdefs: 1312-037 Catname contains invalid International Language character. mkcatdefs: 1312-038 SourceFile contains invalid International Language character in the following text: %s mkcatdefs: 1312-039 There is no memory available nowUsage: dspmsg [-s SetNumber] CatalogName MessageNumber ['default' [Argument...]] dspmsg: 1312-040 Either all conversion specification in the message must be in the %n$ format or none of them should be in this format. dspmsg: 1312-041 The message is missing a $ in a conversion specification of type %n$ dspmsg: 1312-042 Invalid argument index in message. May need more arguments on the command line. dspmsg: 1312-043 Messages must use a supported conversion specifier, either %s or %ld. dspmsg: 1312-044 Missing a default message.Usage: runcat CatalogName SourceFile [CatalogFile]