ISO8859-10',#T*x", 5 #) M m '((1,!^       K G  O! X" e#! o$! %! &! '! (! )! ;* ]+F q, - . / 0 1! 2! 3! 14! S5! u6! 7 8 9 : ; < = >! ?! 5@ WAH bB C D E F G !H >I ZJ uK L M N O PQ/RCS]TuUVWXYZ[\5]S^o_`abcd!e 0fQgohijklm%nEo!epqrst u5v2wDx[ynz {0|}~%  1 usage: mpcstat [-aceimrst] Where: -a Requests all the following MPOA Client statistics. Note: Does not reset statistics counters or toggle trace. -c Requests the configuration. -e Requests the egress (incoming) cache. -i Requests the ingress (outgoing) cache. -m Requests the list of MPOA Servers in use. -r Resets the statistics counters after reading. -s Requests the statictics counters. -t Toggles full debug trace on/off. MPCSTAT: Permission denied. MPCSTAT: ODM failure MPCSTAT: Device %s not an MPOA device MPCSTAT: Device %s not configured MPCSTAT: No LEC device with MPOA enabled MPCSTAT: Device %s not available MPCSTAT: Unable to open socket, errno = %d MPCSTAT: Unable to connect to device %s, errno = %d MPCSTAT: Ioctl failed, errno = %d MPOA CLIENT STATISTICS (%s) : MPC ATM Address: MPC CONFIGURATION Shortcut Setup Frame Count %d Shortcut Setup Frame Time (seconds) %d Initial Request Retry Time (seconds) %d Maximum Request Retry Time (seconds) %d Failed Request Retry Hold Down Time (seconds) %d VCC Inactivity Time (minutes) %d MPC State: Idle Initializing Operational Network Down Terminated Debug Trace: Enabled Disabled MPC EGRESS CACHE ElanID L3 Address Shortcut Address State Active Purging DataPurging Inactive ElanID (hex) : %x ElanType : %s TagValue : %d CacheId : %d Seconds before Expiration : %d Frames Received : %d Frames Discarded : %d MPC INGRESS CACHE L3 Address Shortcut Address State Flow DetectionResolutionHoldDownResolved tagged Seconds before Expiration : %d Frames Forwarded : %d Resolution Reqs Sent : %d Successful Res Rep Recvd : %d Resolution Naks Recvd : %d VC Handle for this Shortcut : %d VC State : Idle Signalling Operational Released Retry Hold Down VC Call Failures : %d Atm device used for this VC : %s MPS LIST LEC Name MPS ATM Address MPS MAC Address MPC STATISTICS Transmitted Frames: %-16dReceived Frames : %d Transmitted Octets: %-16dReceived Octets : %d Res Req Xmit (total : %-16dImposition Req Recvd : %d Res Req Xmit (Refresh: %d Res Req Xmit (Re-xmit: %d Res Req Xmit (Timouts: %d Resolution Rep Success: %d Res Rep Discarded : %d Resolution Naks Recvd : %-16dImposition Naks Recvd : %d Adm Prohibited: %-16dAdm Prohibited: %d Insuff Resources : %-16dInsuff Resources : %d No Binding: %-16dNo Binding: %d Binding Not Unique: %-16dBinding Not Unique: %d No Cache Resources: %-16dNo Cache Resources: %d No Shortcut Resources : %-16dNo Shortcut Resources : %d No Cache or S-cut Res : %-16dNo Cache or S-cur Res : %d Unsupported Protocol : %-16dUnsupported Protocol : %d Unsupported Mac Enc : %-16dUnsupported Mac Enc : %d Unspecified : %-16dUnspecified : %d Inactv I-cache Deletions : %-16dE-Cache entries Aged-out : %d MPS Purges Received : %-16dDataplane Purges Recvd: %d MPS Purges Discarded : %-16dDataplane Purges Xmitted : %d MPS Triggers Received : %-16dDataplane Purge Re-xmit : %d MPS Triggers Discarded: %-16dDataplane Purge Timeouts : %d MPS Keep Alives Received : %d MPS Keep Alives Discarded : %-16dFrames Returned to LEC: %d ATM device: %sVC Call Failures: %d MPC CONFIGURATION MPOA CLIENT INFORMATION (%s) : Elapsed Time: %d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds MPC EGRESS CACHE Holding Time(sec): %d MPC INGRESS CACHE Maximum MTU: %d MPS LIST LEC Name MPS ATM Address MPS MAC Address MPC STATISTICS Unknown VPI/VCI : %d/%d VPI/VCI: %d/%d VC State: MPC SHORTCUT CONNECTIONS usage: mpcstat [-aceimrstv] Where: -a Requests all the following MPOA Client information. Note: Does not reset statistics counters or toggle trace. -c Requests the configuration. -e Requests the egress (incoming) cache. -i Requests the ingress (outgoing) cache. -m Requests the list of MPOA Servers in use. -r Resets the statistics counters after reading. -s Requests the statictics counters. -t Toggles full debug trace on/off. -v Requests the list of shortcut connections.