ISO8859-1,"@ c%  " ! % 28 k",:/g,/"% =&^ usage: %s [-S] [-D] Receive request (%d) Running command %s Accepting tunnel (tunnel id = %d) %s: can not find the ike tunnel %s: refusing tunnel (tunnel id = %d) Closing tunnel (tunnel id = %d) Cannot close tunnel Add new mobile %s on interface %s Delete mobile %s on interface %s %s: not superuser %s: SRC not found, continuing without SRC support No more available thread Waiting for action.... %s: unable to run command %s Searching TID for %s and %s tunnel ID %d found Source addr found Destination addr found %s: SRC %s stop received, exiting %s: add_mobile, error opening ICMPV6 socket %s: add_mobile, error setting IPv6 option (%d) %s: del_mobile, error opening ICMPV6 socket %s: del_mobile, error setting IPv6 option (%d) Accepting tunnel (tunnel id = %s) %s: refusing tunnel (tunnel id = %s) Closing tunnel (tunnel id = %s) Can not close tunnel (tunnel id = %s)