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Partition Name :Partition Number :Type :Mode :Entitled Capacity :Partition Group-ID :Shared Pool ID :Online Virtual CPUs :Maximum Virtual CPUs :Minimum Virtual CPUs :Online Memory :Maximum Memory :Minimum Memory :Variable Capacity Weight :Minimum Capacity :Maximum Capacity :Capacity Increment :Maximum Dispatch Latency :Maximum Physical CPUs in system :Active Physical CPUs in system :Active CPUs in Pool :Unallocated Capacity :Physical CPU Percentage :Unallocated Weight :Minimum Virtual Processor Required Capacity:System configuration: System configuration changed. The current iteration values may be inaccurate. Detailed information on Hypervisor Calls Hypervisor Number of %%Total Time %%Hypervisor Avg Call Max Call Call Calls Spent Time Spent Time(ns) Time(ns) Node Name :16GB Page Memory :Shared Physical CPUs in system :Maximum Capacity of Pool :Entitled Capacity of Pool :lparstat : The output is applicable only to the Global Environment. lparstat { -i | -d | [-H | -h] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. lparstat { -i [-W] | -W | -d | [-H | -h] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. WPAR Key :WPAR Configured ID :WPAR Maximum Logical CPUs :WPAR Maximum Virtual CPUs :WPAR Percentage CPU Limit :Memory Mode :Total I/O Memory Entitlement :Variable Memory Capacity Weight :Memory Pool ID :Physical Memory in the Pool :Hypervisor Page Size :Unallocated Variable Memory Capacity Weight:Unallocated I/O Memory entitlement :Memory Group ID of LPAR :-r/-R option requires system configuration privilege -e/-r/-R options can only be used with -m option System running in dedicated memory mode, -m flag is not valid Could not reset high water mark Could not allocate memory for vrme_pools lparstat { -i [-W] | -W | -d |-m [-e [ r | R]] | [-H | -h] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. lparstat { -i [-W] | -W | -d |-m [-e [ r | R]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. System is not running in AME memory mode, -c flag is not valid Target Memory Expansion Factor :Target Memory Expansion Size :Desired Virtual CPUs :Desired Variable Capacity Weight :Desired Capacity :Desired Memory :Power Saving Mode :DisabledStatic Power SavingsDynamic Power Savings (Favor Performance)Dynamic Power Savings (Favor Power)Undefinedlparstat { -i [-W] | -W | -d |-m [-e [ r | R]] | [-H | -h] | [-X [-o filename]] [-c] | [-E [w]] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. Option -E generates an useful report only in SPURR capable processors. The specified file already exists. lparstat { -i [-W] | -W | -A | -d |-m [-e [ r | R]] | [-H | -h] | [-X [-o filename]] [-c] | [-E [w]] [Interval [Count]] } -e/-r/-R/-p options can only be used with -m option lparstat { -i [-W | -s | -P] | -W | -s | -P | -A | -d |-m [-e [ r | R] [-p [w]]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] | [-X [-o filename]] | [-E [w]] [-t] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. lparstat { -i [-W | -s | -P] | -W | -s | -P | -d |-m [-e [ r | R ] [-p [w]]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] | [-X [-o filename]]| [-E [w]] [-t] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. Sub Processor Mode :Hypervisor Number of %%Total Time %%Hypervisor Avg Call Max Call Call Calls Spent Time Spent Time(ns) Time(ns) Service Partition ID :Number of Configured LPARs :Dynamic Power Saver TunablesIdle Power Saversecondslparstat: 0551-023 Energy Management Tunables could not be retrieved. Folding Enabled (IPS)Folding Enabled (SPS)DisabledEnabledUtil threshold for increasing frequency :Util threshold for decreasing frequency :Number of samples for computing util stats :Step size for going up in frequency :Step size for going down in frequency :Delta % for determining active cores :Util threshold to determine active cores...:Enable/Disable freq delta between cores :Maximum frequency delta between cores :Idle Power Saver Enable :Delay Time to Enter Idle Power Saver :Util Threshold to Enter Idle Power Saver :Delay Time to Exit Idle Power Saver :Util Threshold to Exit Idle Power Saver :AIX Power Saving Action :lparstat { -i [-W | -s | -P] | -W | -s | -P | -A | -x | -d |-m [-e [ r | R] [-p [w]]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] | [-X [-o filename]] | [-E [w]] [-t] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. lparstat { -i [-W | -s | -P] | -W | -s | -P | -x | -d |-m [-e [ r | R ] [-p [w]]] | [-H | -h] | [-c] | [-X [-o filename]]| [-E [w]] [-t] [Interval [Count]] } Function: Reports LPAR related information and statistics. LPAR Speculative Execution Mode :Cannot create the specified file Time Physical Processor Utilisation:--------Actual--------------Normalised-----------------------------Actual---------------------------------------Normalised------------------ usersyswaitidlefreq user sys wait idle Phy Consumption Context Switches Phantom Adjunct Stolen Hypervisor Busy Idle Vol InVol Intrpts Busy Idle hpit hcallshcallshpit Time CPU Busy CPU Used%user%sys%wait%idlephysc%entc%nsp appvcswphint%idon%bdon%istol%bstol%hypv%xcpuxphyscdxm%utuser%utsys%utwait%utidle%utcychpiphysbpmemiominiomuiomfiohwmiomafpgcolmpgcolccolioresiodesiompn:AIX Live Partition Mobility :