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To display the available actions for an object, select the object and then click Selected Menu.Options Menu - Contains items that display or hide the areas. To display the menu items, click Options.Templates Menu - Contains types of templates. This label identifies the currently selected type. To change the type of templates displayed in the Template Area, select the option box (rectangle) and click a type.Help Menu - Contains items that provide information about %1$s's windows, areas, objects, or tasks. To display the menu items, click Help.Show Action Area - Displays or hides the Action Area. A check box appears when the area is displayed. To display or hide the Action Area, click Show Action Area.Show Template Area - Displays or hides the Template Area. A check box appears when the area is displayed. To display or hide the Template Area, click Show Template Area.Show Information Area - Displays or hides the Information Area. A check box appears when the area is displayed. To display or hide the Information Area, click Show Information Area.Show Device Area - Displays or hides the Device Area. A check box appears when the area is displayed. To display or hide the Device Area, click Show Device Area.Show Bundle Area - Displays or hides the Bundle Area. A check box appears when the area is displayed. To display or hide the Bundle Area, click Show Bundle Area.Tear Off - Creates a separate window for this menu. The tear-off menu performs the same actions as the original pop-up menu. To create a tear-off menu, choose the dotted line.Open - Opens one or more wells containing related objects. To view the related objects, choose Open.Close - Closes all wells attached to this object. To close all the wells, choose Close. To collapse one of several attached wells, choose Minimize from the well's pop-up menu.Minimize - Collapses this area (area title bar remains visible). To collapse this area, choose Minimize. Minimizing the only area attached to an object completely closes it from view.Maximize - Expands this title bar into an area. To expand and view the contents of this area, choose Maximize.Add New - Creates a new object in this pane. To view the types of objects you can add, choose Add New. Select a type from the list to view a list of object templates. Then select the template for the object you want to add.Hide Action Area - Hides the Action Area (only the title bar remains). To remove this area from view, choose Hide. To redisplay the area, click the Area Control Button on the title bar.Hide Template Area - Hides the Template Area (only the title bar remains). To remove this area from view, choose Hide. To redisplay the area, click the Area Control Button on the title bar.Hide Information Area - Hides the Information Area (only the title bar remains). To remove this area from view, choose Hide. To redisplay the area, click the Area Control Button on the title bar.Select All - Selects all the objects in this area. To select all the objects, choose Select All. To deselect all the objects, click in this area.Save As Template - Creates a new template using this object's attributes. To create a template from this object, choose Save As Template. To view the new template, select the object's template type.Context Sensitive Help - Provides a question-mark pointer for selecting help on a specific object. To activate the Help System, click Context Sensitive Help, and then point and click the target.Overview - Provides an introduction to %1$s. To activate the Help System, click Overview.Index - Provides an index to all the help information for %1$s. To activate the Help System, click Index.Keyboard - Provides help on how to use the keyboard in %1$s. To activate the Help System, click Keyboard.Using Help - Provides help on how to use the Help System. To activate the Help System, click Overview.Template Area - Contains sets of templates and types buttons. A types button is always selected and its templates displayed in the area. You can use templates to create new objects or more templates.Types - Contains collections of related templates. The templates represented by the top-left type button are displayed by default. To display templates for another type, click that type button.Action Area - Contains activities you can perform in %1$s. To use an action, drag and drop the action on an object or an area. The Cannot pointer will identify invalid drop sites.? (Help) - Displays information about a specific object. To activate the Help System, drag and drop this ? action on the target, or choose Help from the object or area's pop-up menu. After reading the information, close the help window by choosing File -> Close.Notebook (Properties) - Displays attributes. To view the attributes of an object, drag and drop the Notebook action on the object, or choose Properties from the object's pop-up menu. If you have the correct access privileges, you can change the attributes.Work Area - Contains objects for this application. The area can be divided into panes that contain like objects. Double-clicking an object either opens a well containing related objects, or opens a notebook displaying the object's properties.Sash - Resizes adjacent panes. To make one pane larger and one pane smaller, drag the sash up and down between the adjacent panes.View Controls - Contains controls to change the way items are displayed in an area. To use a view control, drag and drop it in an area (as specified in the help for the control).Show Large Icons - Displays objects as large icons with their labels located beneath them. To display large icons, drag and drop the Large Icon control in the area, or choose Show Large Icons from the area's pop-up menu.Show Small Icons - Displays objects as smaller icons with their labels located to the right. To display small icons, drag and drop the Small Icon control in the area, or choose Show Small Icons from the area's pop-up menu.Horizontal Icon Control - Displays objects as mini-icons with their labels located to the right (in the same left-to-right positions as in the default view). To view an area in the mini-icon view, drag and drop this control in the area.Vertical Icon Control - Displays objects as mini-icons with their labels located to the right in a vertically scrollable list. To view an area in this scrollable list, drag and drop this control in the area.Show Grid View - Displays work area objects in rows and columns. This is the default view. To view the objects in a grid format, drag and drop the Grid control in the Devices pane, or choose Show Grid View from the area's pop-up menu.Show Tree View - Displays work area objects in a hierarchy with lines connecting dependent objects. To view the objects in a tree format, drag and drop the Tree control in the Devices pane, or choose Show Tree View from the area's pop-up menu.Display Controls - Contains controls to change the way items are displayed in an area. To use a display control, drag and drop it in an area (as specified in the help for the control).Find - Displays a dialog to set search criteria. To search for an object, drag and drop the Find control in the area, or choose Find from the area's pop-up menu.Sort - Sorts objects in an area. To sort objects, drag and drop the Sort control in the area, or choose Sort from the area's pop-up menu.Filter (Include) - Displays a dialog to set filtering criteria. To display all or a subset of objects within an area, drag and drop the Filter control in the area, or choose Include from the area's pop-up menu.Trash Can (Delete) - Deletes objects. To remove an object from your system, drag and drop it in the trash can, or choose Delete from the object's pop-up menu. Information Area - Displays information about the object or area at the current cursor location. To get more information about an object or area, drag and drop the ? Action on it.Area Control Button - Collapses the area (only title bar remains visible) or opens a collapsed area. To collapse or expand the area, click this button. (Using this button on the only well attached to an object completely closes it from view.)Horizontal Scroll Bar - Shows more of the left or the right of the area. To see more of the area, click a scroll bar arrow, or drag the scroll bar to the left or right.Vertical Scroll Bar - Shows more of the top or bottom of the area. To see more of the area, click a scroll bar arrow, or drag the scroll bar up or down.Exit - Closes the application. To close %1$s, click Exit.Switch User - Displays a window for switching to the root ID. To switch to root, click Switch User. (You must know the password for root.)Switch User - Switches from the root ID to your user ID. To change to your user ID, click Switch User.Attribute Group Button - Displays the list of attribute groups for the current object class. Each attribute group contains a set of unique dialog fields (for the class). To view the fields associated with another attribute group, click this button and select an attribute group from the list.Object List - Displays a list of objects. To view or work with the attributes for an object listed in the current dialog, select the object in the list.OK Button - Applies changes and closes the dialog. To submit your changes to the system for processing and return to the main window, click OK.Apply Button - Applies changes without closing the dialog. To submit any changes to the system for processing and keep this dialog displayed, click Apply.Cancel Button - Closes the dialog without applying changes. To cancel any changes and return to the main window, click Cancel.Reset Button - Resets all attribute fields to their original values. To reset the values without processing them and keep this dialog displayed, click Reset.? Button - Displays help for the dialog attribute field or button at the current cursor location. To display the help text for an item, click ? and point to the item.Help Button - Displays information about the Dialog Window and how to use it. To activate the Help System and learn more about the Dialog Window, click Help. For help on a specific field in this dialog, click the ? button and point to the field.Deselect All - Deselects all the objects in this area. To deselect all the objects, choose Deselect All. Clicking in this area also deselects all the objects.Apply - Applies this action to all selected objects. The action will be applied if it is valid for all selected objects. If the action is invalid for some of the objects, the action will not be applied to any object.Help - Displays context-sensitive help for this object or area. After reading the information, close the help window by choosing File -> Close.Add New - Creates a new object from a template in this area. If more than one type of template can be added, a list of templates is displayed. Select a template from the list for the object you want to add.Hide - Removes this area from view. To redisplay the area again, click the Show menu item from the Options menu.Help - Activates the Help System, which displays information about using the objects, areas, windows, mouse, and keyboard. To view this information, click Help.Differences - Displays a brief description of the differences between this version of %s and the documented version.Show Grid View - Displays work area objects in rows and columns. This is the default view. To view the objects in a grid format, drag and drop the Grid control to a Work Area pane, or choose Show Grid View from the area's pop-up menu.Show Tree View - Displays work area objects in a hierarchy with lines connecting dependent objects. To view the objects in a tree format, drag and drop the Tree control to a Work Area pane, or choose Show Tree View from the area's pop-up menu.Show Details View - Displays work area objects and their details in a row/column format. To view the objects in a details format, drag and drop the Details control to a Work Area pane, or choose Show Details View from the area's popup menu.Details Title - Displays and reorders details columns. To change or show the details, click here. %s - Sort%s - Find%s - FilterSort objects in %s area.Find objects in %s area.Filter objects in %s area.AllNoneEqualsNot EqualsLikeNot LikeIn ListNot In ListBetweenNot Between<<=>>=OrderAlphabeticallyBy TypeBy DateBy SizeDirectionAscendingDescendingSelect Types to be found:Select Types to be filtered:Select Characteristics to find by:Select Characteristics to filter by:DateSizeDrop HelpOperations:MoveCopyThis drop action will move objects to the new position. To accept this drop, click OK, otherwise click CancelThis drop action will copy objects to the new position. To accept this drop, click OK, otherwise click CancelThis drop action can either copy or move objects to the new position. Select the operation that you desire. In the future, press Ctrl and the middle mouse button to do copy operations. The default operation is move. To accept this drop select the OK button, otherwise select CancelThis drop action is at an Invalid drop position. Please Cancel this drop by clicking the Cancel button.WarningThe selected objects will be deleted. Deselect objects to prevent deletion.Are you sure you want to delete %s?HelpSwitch UserSwitch To root UserErrorInformationQuestionWarningWork-in-progressOperating System MessageMessage LogTemplate Area%1$s (%2$s)TypesTemplates%1$s TemplatesInformation AreaActionsWork AreaView ControlsDisplay ControlsOKYesCancelNoHelpResetApplyListExpandRangeExitSwitch UserStopDonePauseResumeContinueView LogClosePrintMessage(s):Command / Script:PasswordUser NameEnter user name and password tooperate as that user.Enter root's password to operate as the root user.Cannot set access privileges to root. You entered a wrong password for root. Select one or more items from the list.Select one item from the list.Option %1$s is required. Enter a value for this option.Value for option %1$s is out of the valid range. Enter a value within the range.Value for option %1$s is not on a valid increment. Enter a value within the range using the increment.Minimum value: %1$s, Maximum value: %2$s, Increment: %3$s Initializing %1$s. Please wait . . . %1$d Objects, %2$d Hidden%d ObjectsFind FirstFind NextSearch For:Pattern Not FoundThis action causes you to exit the %s application. Are you sure you want to do this?Cannot allocate sufficient storage. Try again later or contact the system administrator. A core file will attempt to be produced in the current directory. %1$s ActionsAdd To ObjectCreate ObjectThis is a list of objects that can be added to this object.This is a list of objects that can be created in this window.%1$s MenuTemplate MenuTemplate Area MenuMain Window MenuInformation Area MenuWork Area MenuObject MenuAction MenuType MenuButton MenuMenu Option MenuDefault MenuObjectsDestinationHelpPropertiesNotebookOpenMinimizeCloseMaximizeAdd NewAdd ExistingMove ToHideSelect AllDeselect AllSave As Template...DeletePrintShow Large IconsShow Small IconsShow Tree ViewShow Grid ViewSortFindInclude%s...On ContextOn WindowShow Information AreaShow Template AreaShow Device AreaShow Bundle AreaShow Tool BarShow Action AreaSet PreferencesFileWindowSelectedOptionsViewActionsHelpTemplatesUPITBADBDFxPWCSOVATHASFITGLmebPOCNEMCould not open the log file: %s This session will not be logged. If logging is required, check path name and permissions. Do you want to continue?Could not open the script file: %s The commands run during this session will not be logged. If command logging is required, check path name and permissions. Do you want to continue? [%1$s] %2$s Command: >>%3$s Output: ---- start ---- %4$s ---- end ---- Exit value: 0x%5$x Value:Choose a template type.ylCtrl+BackspaceAdditional instructions may appear below:OverviewContext Sensitive HelpUpdating...EmptyDifferencesThis version of %s looks different from the documentation, but has the same capabilities. Select Help for a description of the differences. Do you want to see this message every time you start %s?1. Has a menu bar, which provides another way to interact with the interface. 2. The Exit and Switch User buttons are menu items available from the Window menu. 3. Has a Selected menu, which is active when objects are selected in the panes or in the Template Area. Contains items that perform actions on the selected objects. 4. The main Area Control buttons (close buttons) are menu items available from the Options menu. To close a well, choose Minimize from the well pop-up. 5. The Help button is a menu item available from the Help menu. 6. The action area is located below the menu bar. 7. View controls, display controls, and the trash can are located in the action area. 8. The Template Area is hidden in the default view. To view templates, select Show Template Area from the Options menu. 9. Template type buttons are menu items available from an option menu. 10.Information Area text may be truncated due to limited screen space. Software SourcesSoftware BundlesCannot use a , (comma), . (dot), : (colon), ; (semicolon), * (asterisk), or blank space in the user defined template name.A , (comma), . (dot), : (colon), ; (semicolon), * (asterisk), or a blank space has been detected in the user defined template name. These are reserved characters and cannot be used. To continue and create the new template, remove the reserved characters from the template name field.Show Details ViewChange/Show DetailsSelect the detail, then use the Up/Down arrows to change its column order.VisiblityVisibleColumn OrderChanges the view of the data. Select this button for a list of alternate views.Yes,NoObject ViewCommon ViewOption ViewCurrent OptionThis is the name of the option for the values which are currently being displayed. You can select a different option by using the List or arrow buttons to the right of this field.Browse the list.(Num.)(Dec.)(Hex.)(Oct.)(Path)3115