ISO8859-1  (7"H kx #    $#H!d %')Fp#   & 1SuccessDlopen failureSymbol not foundError in underlying service moduleSystem errorMemory buffer errorConversation failurePermission deniedMaximum number of attempts exceededAuthentication failedGet new authentication tokenInsufficient credentialsCan not retrieve authentication infoNo account present for userCan not retrieve user credentialsUser credentials have expiredFailure setting user credentialsUser account has expiredUser password has expiredCan not make/remove entry for sessionAuthentication token manipulation errorAuthentication token can not be recoveredAuthentication token lock busyAuthentication token aging disabledModule specific data not foundIgnore moduleGeneral PAM failureUnknown Errorpam_sm_setcred: %ssetproc_cred: %spassword: Please enter user name: