ùISO8859-1 –xD?T”5²!è% )0 +Z F† 3ÍUsage: install [-c DirectoryA] [-f DirectoryB] [-i] [-m] [-M Mode] [-O Owner] [-G Group] [-S] [-n DirectoryC] [-o] [-s] File [DirectoryX ...] install: 0653-230 The %1$s and %2$s flags may not be used together. install: 0653-231 File %1$s already exists in directory %2$s . File %1$s is moved to %2$s . install: 0653-232 The command "cp %1$s %2$s" failed. File %1$s is installed as %2$s . The old file %1$s is moved to %2$s . install: 0653-233 File %s was not found. File %1$s is installed as %2$s by default. install: 0653-234 Specify permissions for -M option in absolute mode. install: 0653-235 The directory %s does not exist.