ISO8859-1%+Ht<?d;. [ L+ 3x _  4C,]-$2&$7'\ %GHHEFM?@ *!,"*#?$!C%'e0481-036 Cannot open %1$s; errno is %2$d. 0481-037 Cannot create %s. The new run level is %c. SINGLE-USER MODE. 0481-038 Cannot find entries for root or su in /etc/passwd. 0481-039 The execlp function for %1$s failed with errno %2$d. Do you want to exit SINGLE-USER MODE? Press Y for Yes, N for No or Enter for the default runlevel: 0481-040 The internal process table is full. 0481-041 The command is respawning too rapidly. Check for possible errors. pid:%1$s "%2$s" 0481-042 Cannot run command %1$s; exec system call failed with errno %2$d. The system is initialized. The console is defined. Init: The system console, %s, is remote. Press the character key to gain control again. Enter a run level between 0 and 9 or s, S, m, or M: will change to state %c. 0481-043 %3.3o is not a valid character. 0481-044 Cannot write the utmp entry: %2.2s. Usage: init [0123456789abchMmNQqSs] 0481-045 Standard input is not a display device. Moving control to the console device. SINGLE-USER MODE entered from %s. 0481-046 Cannot send a signal to init. Password:0481-047 The password is not valid. Paging space is low. Use the chps command to extend the paging space. init: 0481-301: The exec subroutine failed, could not execute /etc/brc. init: 0481-302: The fork subroutine failed, could not execute /etc/brc. Truncated %1$s ; Size is 0. init: 0481-401: Will not be able to respawn NFS daemon(s) on restart. init: 0481-402: Will not be able to respawn Kerberos daemon gssd on restart. 0481-039 The execle function for %1$s failed with errno %2$d. 0481-403 Cannot create temporary file %s. 0481-404 Cannot update %2$s; errno is %3$d. 0481-405 Cannot rename temporary file %s. 0481-406 Cannot change the effective root directory to %s. %s. 0481-407 Invalid chroot path %s. 0481-408 Cannot restore invalid state.