ISO8859-1cE8~#( #A e ~  '("+8&d%2283P:3'F_'u )!"#"$1%1N&.'3(0)" * 7+' W,$ -, .) /1 0. -1, \2& 33 4) 58 6. G76 v8; 9! :" ;! .< P= l>! ?' @2 A- BI 8CE D4 E4 FC2GFvH&I3JK28L/kMN#O P-Q8'R7`SaTU"V%6W\X{Y Z#[%\]#^!5_%W`}abc2Usage: imptun [-v <4|6>] -f [-t tid_list] [-n] [-r] [-g] Only superuser can run imptun. Bad IP version number %s. Invalid IP version number. -f must be specified. Access is denied for directory %s. %s is not a directory. Directory %s not found. Can not access directory %1$s %2$s Invalid -t option : %s. Imptun failed. IBM tunnels not found. Syntax error found in file %s line %d. Invalid IP version %s found in line %d. parse policy file %s failed. Can not add IBM tunnel record. %s Can not add auto-generated filter rule. %s IPv%1$d tunnel %2$d imported as %3$d. Can not add manual tunnel record. %s Can not change tunnel default record for IPv4. %s Can not change tunnel default record for IPv6. %s Can not add auto-generated rule (2). Filter table full. Can not add auto-generated filter rule (1) to ODM. Filter rule %1$d automatically generated for tunnel %2$d. Can not add auto-generated filter rule (2) to ODM. Manual tunnels not found. Filter rules not found. Syntax error found in file %s Tunnel(s) not imported. Can not open %s : %s Can not get IPv%d default filter rule. Can not access IPv%1$d filter rule %2$d. Can not initialize ODM. %s Can not lock ODM. %s Can not open ODM files %1$s. %2$s Can not change default filter rule for IPv%d. %s Can not add pre-defined rule. Filter table full. Can not add pre-defined filter rule 1 to ODM. Can not add pre-defined rule 1. Filter table full. Can not add pre-defined filter rule (1) to ODM. -n and -r are mutually exclusive. Syntax error found in line %d. Invalid filter id %s found in line %d. Invalid action %s found in line %d. Invalid source address %s found in line %d. Invalid source mask %s found in line %d. Invalid destination address %s found in line %d. Invalid destination mask %s found in line %d. Invalid source routing %s found in line %d. Invalid protocol %s found in line %d. Invalid source port operation %s found in line %d. Invalid source port %s found in line %d. Invalid destination port operation %s found in line %d. Invalid destination port %s found in line %d. Invalid combination of source port and its operation. Invalid combination of destination port and its operation. Invalid interface %s in line %d. Invalid rule scope %s in line %d. Invalid direction %s in line %d. Invalid log %s in line %d. Invalid fragment %s in line %d. Invalid tunnel id %s in line %d. Invalid auto-generation %s in line %d. Can not add user-defined rule. Filter table full. Can not add user-defined filter rule to ODM. User-defined filter rule %1$d for IPv%2$d tunnel %3$d has been imported. Usage: imptun [-v <4|6>] -f [-t tid_list] [-n] [-r] [-g] Warning ibm_mac_algo %s not found for tunnel ID %d. Warning ibm_prf_algo %s not found for tunnel ID %d. Warning, IBM tunnel ID %d was skipped, an invalid value was found. Warning, manual tunnel ID %d was skipped, an invalid value was found. Algorithm in IBM tunnel %d not found. Algorithm in maunal tunnel %d for IPv%d not found. Couldn't open the policy file. Unexpected end of line in policy file on line %d. Unexpected end of line in fwpolicy at line %d. Error reading tunnel ID Unexpected end of line at line %d. error parsing policy on line %d line %d : wrong etransport/mtransport format The number of imported filter rules is greater then %d. Some of the imported filter rules have been discarded. Usage: imptun [-v <4|6>] -f [-t ] [-n] [-r] [-g] [-l ] Invalid tunnel type %s. -l and -n are mutually exclusive. IBM tunnel is not supported by IPv6. ESP Algorithm cannot be NONE. AH Algorithm cannot be NONE. Invalid SPI. Sender authentication key invalid. Reciever authentication key invalid. Sender encryption key invalid. Sender encryption mac key invalid. Reciever encryption key invalid. Reciever encryption mac key invalid. AH key found for ESP policy. ESP key found for AH policy. ESP key found for NULL. Only superuser or authorized user can run imptun.