ISO8859-1d$@e~,#&.-C 0q ( # % 6$Rw: 07T%q21/@,2m,(! !0"(L#u$,%#&''5 (! D), f*- +) ,* -, .2 C/0 v04 1- 2, 3$ 74$ \5! 6- 7 8 9% :! /; Q< c= {> ? @ A B* C4 D HE6 bF G H I J K L M% N0O6GP ~QRST UVW+X YA$Zf[%{\]^_` a;b>c)Pd zUnknown state from myusername_full()Impossible EXPUNGE event* OK Timeout in %lu minutes Cross-format (%.80s -> %.80s) COPY completed[REFERRAL %.900s] Try specified URLPreauthenticated user=%.80s host=%.80sLine too long before authentication host=%.80sNull command before authentication host=%.80sMissing command before authentication host=%.80sAuthenticated anonymous=%.80s host=%.80sAuthenticated user=%.80s host=%.80sAUTHENTICATE %.80s failure host=%.80sLogin anonymous=%.80s host=%.80sLogin user=%.80s host=%.80sAnonymous select of %.80s host=%.80sAutologout host=%.80sLogout user=%.80s host=%.80sFatal mailbox error user=%.80s host=%.80s mbx=%.80s: %.80sAutologout user=%.80s host=%.80sKilled (lost mailbox lock) user=%.80s host=%.80sHangup user=%.80s host=%.80sKilled user=%.80s host=%.80s%.80s, while %s user=%.80s host=%.80sAbsurdly long client literal user=%.80s host=%.80s%.80s, while writing binary user=%.80s host=%.80s%.80s, while writing text user=%.80s host=%.80sRetrying after disk error user=%.80s host=%.80s mbx=%.80s: %.80sFatal error user=%.80s host=%.80s mbx=%.80s: %.80s%.80s BAD AUTHENTICATE ANONYMOUS cancelled %.80s NO AUTHENTICATE ANONYMOUS failed %.80s BAD %.80s %.80s cancelled %.80s NO %.80s failed %.80s NO Mailbox is empty %.80s BAD Bogus criteria list in %.80s %.80s OK FIND %.80s completed %.80s BAD Command unrecognized: FIND %.80s %.80s BAD Bogus IDLE continuation %.80s BAD Command unrecognized: %.80s %.80s BAD Server in unknown state for %.80s command %.80s BAD Command line too long %.80s BAD Syntax error in binary specifier %.80s BAD Syntax error in section specifier %.80s BAD Syntax error in header fields %.80s BAD Unknown section text specifier %.80s BAD Section specifier not terminated %.80s BAD Syntax error in partial text specifier %.80s BAD Syntax error after section specifier %.80s BAD Excessively complex FETCH attribute list %.80s BAD Unterminated FETCH attribute list %.80s NO Anonymous may not %.80s this name %.80s BAD Missing literal in %.80s %.80s BAD Missing message to %.80s %.80s NO Empty message to %.80s %.80s NO Excessively large message to %.80s No such destination mailboxUndecodable BASE64 contentsUndecodable QUOTED-PRINTABLE contentsUnknown Content-Transfer-EncodingInvalid body partPre-authenticated user * BYE Service not available * BAD Null command * BAD Excessively long tag BAD Missing command * BYE IMAP4rev1 server terminating connection * OK [NETSCAPE] * VERSION 1.0 UNIX * ACCOUNT-URL "* NO Unknown status flag * NO CLIENT BUG DETECTED: STATUS on selected mailbox: + Waiting for DONE OK [] User authenticated * BYE Autologout Fatal mailbox error: * OK [UIDVALIDITY ] UID validity status * OK [UIDNEXT ] Predicted next UID * NO [UIDNOTSTICKY] Non-permanent unique identifiers: * OK [READ-ONLYWRITE] Mailbox status * OK [UNSEEN ] first unseen message in * BYE Server shutting down * OK [ALERT] Server shutting down shortly * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen) * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()] Permanent flags * BYE Autologout; idle for too long * BYE Lost mailbox lock * BYE Killed + Ready for argument CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 X-NETSCAPE IDLE NAMESPACE MAILBOX-REFERRALS BINARY UNSELECT SCAN SORT* NO Disk error: * BYE [ALERT] IMAP4rev1 server crashing: