ISO8859-1x441S'"/  &1 ,X ( K09H=81/+>[()03  R g  !  ! "/ #8 #$7 \%J &: ' ( ) .* A+" R, u- . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7 88 Y9+ c: ; < = > ? @" A *B- AC oDE E F G H! I(.J)WKLMN OP?Q0CR0tST-U&VqW}XDY,MZz[\']4^ _$`9a5Qb c!d+ef0gFh&eijk l)mn,oFp'fqrFs-t#u=v[w#xxAPUT: ikedb -p[Fs] [-e entity-file] [file] GET: ikedb -g[r] [-t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type]] DELETE: ikedb -d -t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type] CONVERT: ikedb -c[Fs] [-l linux-file] [-k secrets-file] [-f XML-file] ExPUNGE: ikedb -x OUTPUT DTD: ikedb -o Another process (pid=%d) is holding the ike DB lock Could not acquire ike DB lock The first flag must be one of: -p -g -d -c -x -o Unrecognized type: %s The -%c option requires the -%c option -%c option appears multiple times The -%c and -%c flags cannot both be specified Unrecognized ID-type: %s The -%c flag is not valid for type %s The -p command takes only a single filename %s '%s' does not exist in the database. The -%c option is disallowed, because %s '%s' has a remote ID type of '%s' %s is not a legal hex value %s cannot be over %n%%. %s cannot be negative. You have exceeded an LSP limit - too many %ss in %s '%s' You have exceeded an LSP limit - too many entries in %s '%s' You have exceeded an LSP limit - %s '%s...' is too long All IDs in a %s must be unique: %s '%s' rejected Local and remote ID %s should not be identical %s cannot be %s if not optional IP address is specified in %s %s '%s' already exists in the database. Use the -F option to force a PUT anyway. Remote id '%s' already exists: %s '%s' rejected You have exceeded an NDBM limit - record too large Error in call to %s Error accessing IKE database. Out of memory. Fatal internal error! An error occurred during parsing Unrecognized node type = Warning: '%s' is not a valid integer. Defaulting to 0. %s '%s' requests CRL usage, but none of its %ss use %s. The %ss of %s '%s' will not be used, since %s is '%s'. The IP address in the %s of %s '%s' will not be stored, since %s is '%s'. Error during Xerces-c Initialization. Exception message:type not supported GetItems() failed No ID specified OptionalIP addr not specified for FQDN ID: U@FQDN ID: ASN.1 ID: KEY_ID ID: Netmask not specified for IPV4 Subnet ID IPV6 Subnet ID To_IPAddr not specified for To_IP6Addr not specified for IPV4 Range ID: IPV6 Range ID: Prefix Length not specified forID type: Error creating/adding attributes to element Exception message: No transform specified. No proposal name specified. No proposal specified. failed. failed, rc=) succeeded, but no records found. database open failed.Retrieve records from Prekey Database failed. creation of item An error occurred during creation of output transcoder. Message is: LSP: unknown name LSP Type is undefined LSP Record was not found A DB sys specific error occurred A LSP function detected a bad parameter Failed to get a lock on a LSP repository LSP_get_all internal error LSP table already exists. Out of memory. Null ESP without authentication LSP: invalid data length '%s' is not declared as a default %s. %s must begin with '%s'. %s is a default %s and cannot be used by an %s. An ID token entered in a %s field is not valid. PUT: ikedb -p[Fs] [-e entity-file] [file] GET: ikedb -g[r] [-t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type]] DELETE: ikedb -d -t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type] CONVERT: ikedb -c[F] [-l linux-file] [-k secrets-file] [-f XML-file] ExPUNGE: ikedb -x OUTPUT DTD: ikedb -o '%s' is not a valid entry for a %s: ignored. The value for the %s %s is not valid. This installation of ikedb uses version %d.%d of the DTD. Your XML file corresponds to version %d.%d of the DTD. ikedb can read the older format, but this usage is deprecated. You should update your XML file to use the latest DTD format. This version is unknown to ikedb, so the results are unpredictable. The domain value should begin with a letter Invalid character in domain Missing @ character PUT: ikedb -p[Fs] [-e entity-file] [file] GET: ikedb -g[r] [-t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type]] DELETE: ikedb -d -t type [-n name | -i ID -y ID-type] CONVERT: ikedb -c[F] [-l linux-file] [-k secrets-file] [-f XML-file] ExPUNGE: ikedb -x OUTPUT DTD: ikedb -o LDAP GET: ikedb -R LDAP -g [] ADD_POLICY: ikedb -R LDAP -A [-f ] [-h ip/host ] -C DELETE_POLICY: ikedb -R LDAP -D [-h ip/host] [-F] OUTPUT DTD: ikedb -R LDAP -o LDAP REFRESH: ikedb -R LDAP -p [-F] The first flag must be one of: -R -p -g -d -c -x -o Memory Allocation failed. LDAP Access failed. LDAP operation failed. LDAP operation failed to fetch all host information. Delete operation failed for %s. No policy is associated with %s. No host is associated with %s policy name. Failed to dissociate host %s. Successfully removed association for policy %s. Policy does not exist for %s. %s is already associated with policy. New policy %s creation failed. Policy %s deletion failed. Association failed for %s host. %s policy does not exist on LDAP server. Unable to get hostname. Host %s does not exists. Getting remote ip List failed. Failed to get policy data from server. Unable to contact LDAP server. Invalid poliy name,length of policy name should be between 0 and 256. Use fully qualified domain name of the Host. Not a valid policy name. Not a valid xml config file. %s valid range is 1 - 90%%. IKEv2 does not support %s id type. Local and Remote IP Address in '%s' already exist. '%s' rejected