ùISO8859-14 :Õ)I:5„-ºHè41 #f (Š ³ Å .Íü ,'hostent: 0822-041 The IP address %s already exists. hostent: 0822-042 The specified flags are not compatible. hostent: 0822-043 %c is not a valid flag.hostent: 0822-044 A flag was passed with an option that is not expected. hostent: 0822-045 The IP address %s must be numeric. hostent: 0822-046 Specify at least one host. hostent: 0822-047 Specify either a host or an IP address, but not both. hostent: 0822-048 The IP address %s does not exist. hostent: 0822-049 %s is not found. Usage: %s -a IPAddress -h Hostname ... %s -d IPAddress %s -X %s -c IPAddress1 [-h Host ...|-i IPAddress2] %s -s {IPAddress|Host} [-Z] %s -S [-Z] hostent: 0822-050 %s is an invalid address.