ISO8859-1%A 0E rD M = K@ < 5  8 = J v 9 J G F3 K 2 4 A) v1 > 2CDOQ5*B`@A>&4eZ C!G9"H#H$D%@XM& %d7GD ) I f - .7#> Ubv0>0M`|' ! " #&*$Q%U&X'l()*+,- .)/A10"s1243 4 546+.7Z8o9: ;6<6=B1>Ht?R@0A?AB=CPDOE*`F<G=HI>J5\KLMc']+5!;!-!-")Z"W:"L" '#: 3#b +# 6# #Z$:$tV$O%@%VG%G%Q&'@&y6&.&,' ;'ME'+'+'2('-(Z *(!("U)m#*$+%j,^&j,'-4"'-1.;.2=.n.0... 4/ 5/7 7/m G/ D/020R0o,00!004001, 1]1i1n 1u*1'1%12W2 -2x!$2"&2e233+33.4 48+4X (4 ~4 ~5, <5 &5(6(68Y6a-6E6%7/7U$78883/88u8hX897+9,9O:& :v!0; "E;<##;$Y;%1<&)<2')<\(Y<)?<*y= +>=,|=-6>V.;>/;>0F?10?L2H?}3&?4W?5<@E6c@7`@8AG9"Ac:A;B< B5="BV>.By?B@ BA BB%C C%C0DNCVE-CFICGIDH DgIDJ-DKKDLEMEN9E<OsEvPEEQ.F0R+F_S-FT)FU6FVGWXG3XGYGZ/G[&G\0G]_H0^bH_fH`IZarIbAJScJdJeJ%1$s: 2520-001 The HA_GS interface has already been initialized. %1$s: 2520-002 A responsiveness callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-003 A delayed error callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-004 A responsiveness counter of non-zero length must be specified %1$s: 2520-005 The HA_GS interface has not been initialized. %1$s: 2520-006 Unable to allocate memory for group information. %1$s: 2520-007 A merge callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-008 Batch Control specified is not valid. %1$s: 2520-009 Number of Phases specified is not valid. %1$s: 2520-010 Source Reflection Number of Phases specified is not valid. %1$s: 2520-011 Group Default Vote specifed is not valid. %1$s: 2520-012 Group name, "%2$s", can be no longer than %3$d characters. %1$s: 2520-013 Unknown Notification Message, type=0x%2$x, length=%3$d. %1$s: 2520-014 Provider token %2$d does not exist. %1$s: 2520-015 Vote submitted, but this group is not in a voting protocol. %1$s: 2520-016 Invalid socket control flag given. %1$s: 2520-017 Invalid dispatch control flag given. %1$s: 2520-018 Invalid vote value given. %1$s: 2520-019 Invalid default vote value given. %1$s: 2520-020 Invalid subscription control flag value given. %1$s: 2520-021 "%2$s" is not currently supported. %1$s: 2520-022 Client joins to group named "%2$s" are not allowed. %1$s: 2520-023 Group named "%2$s" may not be specified as a source group name. %1$s: 2520-024 Source group name, "%2$s", can be no longer than %3$d characters. %1$s: 2520-025 Invalid Deactivation Phase Specified. %1$s: 2520-026 Cannot determine current client working directory. %1$s: 2520-027 Must specify at least one provider for an expel. %1$s: 2520-028 Provider "%2$d/%3$d" appears twice in expel list. %1$s: 2520-040 Client compiled against later release library. %1$s: 2520-041 Client cannot issue ha_gs_goodbye(). %1$s: 2520-042 Group contains back-level providers thus ha_gs_goodbye() cannot be called. %1$s: 2520-043 A subscription callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-044 A protocol n_phase callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-045 A protocol approved callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-046 A protocol rejected callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-047 An announcement callback function must be specified. %1$s: 2520-048 The cu_get_cluster_info() returns an error %2$d. HA Group Services domain information: Domain established by node %1$d Domain is recovering. Domain not established. Number of groups known locally: %1$d Number of Number of local Group name providers providers/subscribers %1$s: TRACE BEGIN request from SRC, trace was: %2$X will set to: %3$X. %1$s: TRACE END request from SRC, trace was: %2$X setting to: %3$X. %1$s: REFRESH request from SRC %1$s: Invalid request %2$d. No locally-connected clients. %1$d locally-connected clients. Their PIDs: DCE security is employed. Key version is %1$d Subsystem %1$s trying to connect to Topology Services. No data found for group named: %1$sNumber of groups: %1$dvoting data:Group slot #[%1$d] Group name [%1$s] GL node [%1$d] GL node [Unknown] No protocol is currently executing in the group.Running protocol is a one-phase protocol, thus no voting info.%1$s in phase [%2$d] of n-phase protocol of typeLocal voting data:No local providers to vote.Dummy vote submitted.Dummy vote not submitted.Number of providers: %1$dNumber of providers not yet voted: %1$dvote submittedvote not submittedGiven vote:Default vote:ProviderId Voted? Failed? Conditional?YesNoGlobal voting data:Number of nodes in group: %1$dNodes that have voted: Nodes that have not voted: HA GS NameServer StatusNS establishedNS not establishedNS recoveringThe death of the node is being simulated.NS state=%1$s, protocolInProgress=%2$s, outstandingBroadcast=%3$sProcess started on %1$s, %2$s ago.HB connection took %1$sInitial NS certainty on %1$s, %2$s ago, taking %3$s.certaintyuncertaintyOur current epoch of %1$s started on %2$s, %3$s ago.Number of UP nodes: %1$d List of UP nodes: No groups are known.List of known groups:Coronation Timer has popped!Coronation Timer has NOT popped!Domain not established for %1$s. Waiting for node %2$dDomain not established for %1$s. Waiting for node %2$sDomain not established for %1$s. Waiting for domain %2$s to finishDomain not established for %1$s. Waiting to hear from these %2$d nodes: Domain not established for %1$s. Waiting to hear from these %2$d nodes to finish: Domain not recovered for %1$s. Waiting for node Domain not recovered for %1$s. Waiting for node %2$s to finish Domain not recovered for %1$s. Waiting for these %2$d nodes: Domain not recovered for %1$s. Waiting to hear from these %2$d nodes to finish: Domain not recovered for %1$s. Waiting to hear from these %2$d nodes to abort: Security is employed. Key version is %1$d Our current epoch of certainty is started on %1$s, %2$s agoOur current epoch of uncertainty is started on %1$s, %2$s agoSecurity is employed. Critical clients will not be terminated even if unresponsive Critical clients will be terminated if unresponsive Dead Man Switch Enabled Dead Man Switch Disabled Dead Man Switch Enabled: reset interval = %1$ld seconds trip interval = %2$ld seconds Usage: %1$s { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -u | -t | -o | -r | -b | -g | -h } -a add Group Services subsystem to this partition -s start Group Services subsystem in this partition -k stop Group Services subsystem in this partition -d delete Group Services subsystem from this partition -c remove Group Services subsystem from all partitions (but do not remove SDR objects) -u remove Group Services subsystem from all partitions -t start Group Services subsystem trace in this partition -o stop Group Services subsystem trace in this partition -r refresh Group Services subsystem in this partition. (currently, Group Services refresh does nothing). -b tell Group Services subsystem this partition has begun to be migrated -g tell Group Services subsystem this partition has completed being migrated -h display this usage statement Subsystem %1$s is not fully stopped in %2$d seconds.%1$s: 2520-201 Cannot remove service entry %2$s from %3$s. %1$s: 2520-202 Cannot determine node number. %1$s: 2520-203 Cannot determine syspar name. %1$s: 2520-204 Cannot determine the IP address or code version for system partition %2$s. %1$s: 2520-205 Port number not found for sub-system %2$s. %1$s: 2520-206 Cannot register service name %2$s, protocol %3$s, port %4$s. %1$s: 2520-207 %2$s is not executable. %1$s: 2520-208 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped. %1$s: 2520-209 Could not add %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 2520-210 Cannot create object in %2$s for %3$s. %1$s: 2520-211 Internal error. %1$s: 252O-212 Cannot verify registration of service name %2$s, protocol %3$s, port %4$s. %1$s: 2520-213 Cannot get DCE credentials for SDR access. %1$s: 2520-214 Startup paramater line is HACMP/ES 4.2.x style. Assuming HAES domain. %1$s: 2520-215 cldomain is not found, assuming HAES 4.2, use SP partition name.%1$s: 2520-216 Domain name %2$s on parameter line will be used. %1$s: 2520-217 Can not initialize FFDC environment, return code = %2$s %1$s: 2520-218 Cannot get system partition name with 'spget_syspar -n'.%1$s: 2520-219 Aggregate IP group on /dev/ml0 under domain %2$s is not supported.%1$s: 2520-220 SW_GROUPIE_AGGIP_CFG is not defined by hagsglsmd.%1$s: 2520-221 Cannot retrieve Aggregate_IP from SDR. %1$s: 2520-222 could not create log directory %1$s %2$s: 2520-223 command failed. rc=%3$s %1$s: 2520-224 Group Services subsystem %2$s is being down %1$s: 2520-225 The command /opt/rsct/bin/ct_clusterinfo is not found %1$s: 2520-226 cluster %2$s does not exist %1$s: 2520-227 Not a recognized flag: %2$s %1$s: 2520-228 Not fully stopped in %2$s seconds. %1$s: 2520-229 Error in writing to the file. %1$s: 2520-230 Error in reading the file. Usage: %1$s {[-h host] [-c] -g | [-h host] [-c] -s | [-h host] [-c] -p} %2$s [-h host] [-c] -g group_name %3$s [-h host] [-c] -s subsystem_name %4$s [-h host] [-c] -p subsystem_pid Usage: %1$s {[-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -g group_name | [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -s subsystem_name | [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -p subsystem_pid} %2$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -g group_name %3$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -s subsystem_name %4$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] [-c] -p subsystem_pid Usage: %1$s {[-h host] -a | [-h host] -g group_name | [-h host] [-l] [-c] -s subsystem_name | [-h host] [-l] [-c] -p subsystem_pid} %2$s [-h host] -a. %3$s [-h host] -g group_name %4$s [-h host] [-l] [-c] -s subsystem_name %5$s [-h host] [-l] [-c] -p subsystem_pid Usage: %1$s {[-l log_length] [-d log_dirsize] [-o option_str] | [-h]} %2$s [-l log_length] [-d log_dirsize] [-o option_str] %3$s [-h] Usage: %1$s [-h host] -g group_name %2$s [-h host] -s subsystem_name %3$s [-h host] -p subsystem_pid Usage: %1$s [-h host] -g group_name %2$s [-h host] -s subsystem_name %3$s [-h host] -p subsystem_pid Usage: %1$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -g group_name %2$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -s subsystem_name %3$s [-h host] [-l] [-a argument] -p subsystem_pid Status information for subsystem %1$s: Colony switch device is not currently supported. Not yet connected to Group Services after %1$d connect try Not yet connected to Group Services after %1$d connect tries Connected to Group Services. Subscribed: %1$s. Joined: %2$s (%3$d aliases) YesNoSwitch device %1$s not currently open on this node. Switch device %1$s opened with file descriptor %2$d. Switch device opened %1$d time(s), closed %2$d time(s) %1$s: TRACE BEGIN request from SRC, trace was: %2$X will set to: %3$X. %1$s: TRACE END request from SRC, trace was: %2$X setting to: %3$X. %1$s: REFRESH request from SRC %1$s: Invalid request %2$d. %1$s group name is %2$s. %1$s group is joined, and aliased to %2$s. %1$s group is not joined. The size of %1$s group is %2$d. - Adapter Group Mbrs Joined Subs'd Aliases %1$-7s %2$-15s %3$-5s %4$-6s %5$-6s %6$-6s (not found)(up)(down)Aggregate Adapter Configuration New config is re-bebuilding by PID %1$d. The current configuration id is %1$s. Waiting for Group Services response. Current Members Group Number of. Name Nodes GMbrs LMbrs Joined Subs'd Aliases %1$-17s%2$-6s%3$-7s%4$-7s%5$-7s%6$-6s%7$-14s Current Global Membership Node List Current Local Membership Adapter List Group Services daemon startedDaemon started during system startup Daemon re-started automatically by SRC Daemon started during installation Daemon started manually by userDaemon started manually by userCheck that Group Services daemon is runningGroup Services daemon stoppedDaemon stopped by SRC Daemon stopped by signalDaemon stopped manually by userCheck that Group Services daemon is stoppedGroup Services daemon can not be startedFail to retrieve data from SDR or ODM Subsystem configuration is not valid File system full. Cannot create necessary directoryFail to retrieve data from SDR or ODM Subsystem configuration is not valid File system full. Cannot create necessary directoryVerify the system status Verify Group Services configurationGroup Services daemon exits abnormallyUnrecoverable internal failure in daemonUnrecoverable internal failure in daemonVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsInternal logic error in Group Services daemonAn internal logic failure occurs in daemon Unexpected program failureUnrecoverable logic failure in daemonVerify that Group Services daemon is still running Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsGroup Services informational messageInformational messageInformational messageNONEGroup Services domain has not been established.Remote Group Services daemons may not be running Group Services daemon has been waiting for the remote node responsesNetwork communication has been blocked. Remote Group Services daemons have been stopped.Check the network connection. Check the Topology Services. Verify that remote Group Services daemons are running Call IBM Service if problem persistsGroup Services daemon exit to merge domainsNetwork between two node groups has repairedNetwork communication has been blocked. Topology Services has been partitioned.Check the network connection. Check the Topology Services. Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsGroup Services daemon exit to re-join the domainTopology Services daemon reports inconsistent node down and up eventsNetwork has been a temporal problemVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsGroup Services daemon received an unknown messageGroup Services message has been corruptedGroup Services message has been corruptedVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsConnection failure between Group Services and Topology ServicesTopology Services daemon is not running Topology Services daemon has died Topology Services library has detected an errorGroup Services detects an error condition of Topology ServicesCheck the Topology Services daemon Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsConnection failure on the Group Services client socketSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the requestSystem resources are not sufficient to complete the requestRestart the Group Services daemon Call IBM Service if problem persistsUser is not allowed to use Group Services daemonThe user is not the root user The user is not a member of hagsuser groupGroup Services does not allow the userCheck whether the user is the root Check whether the user is a member of hagsuser groupGroup Services daemon is unable to run the deactivate-scriptThe deactivate script does not exist. The system resource is not sufficient to complete the requestGroup Services daemon can not find the script Group Services daemon can not change the EUID/EGIDCheck the deactivate-scriptGroup Services GLSM daemon startedDaemon started during system startup Daemon re-started automatically by SRC Daemon started during installation Daemon started manually by userDaemon started manually by userCheck that the daemon is runningGroup Services GLSM daemon stoppedDaemon stopped by SRC Daemon stopped by signalDaemon stopped manually by userCheck that the daemon is stoppedGroup Services GLSM daemon exitsUnrecoverable logic failure in daemonUnrecoverable logic failure in daemonVerify that the daemon has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsGroup Services GLSM daemon can not be startedGroup Services daemon is not running Subsystem configuration is not validGroup Services daemon is not running Subsystem configuration is not validVerify the Group Services statusDIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATIONMaster daemon(IBM.ConfigRM) is not respondingIBM.ConfigRM daemon misbehaves, or may be blocked. System may be overloadedNoneCheck the IBM.ConfigRM daemonMaster daemon(IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) is stopped improperlyMaster daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) must be stopped improperly Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) may be abortedMaster daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) process is inadvertently killed.Check the Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd)Topology Services subsystem is unresponsiveTopology Services daemon blocked for too longDaemon blocked due to resource contentionDetermine reason for Topology Services daemon blockageDaemon is not respondingRSCT daemon is not working correctly or may be blocked. RSCT subsystem may be overloadedNoneCheck the RSCT daemonsGroup Services daemon exit to merge/split sitesNetwork between two sites has repairedCAA Services has been partitioned and/or merged.Check the CAA policies. Verify that CAA has been restarted Call IBM Service if problem persistsMaster daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been failed and not rejoined too long to Group Services.Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been failed and may not be able to rejoin to Group Services.Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) may have an internal error, and it may be failed to start or fail to connect to Group Services.Check if the critical daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been restarted and joined to Group Services successfully.Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) rejoined to GS successfullyInformational messageInformational messageNONE