ùISO8859-1#8@_Y/¹#éI $W| 6“ 2Ê :ý ?8 QxNÊ"<?CCƒEÇI 7W•ž§­²¹Â!É!ë  !*,"VW#X®Usage: frcactrl {load|unload} frcactrl open Ip_Address Port [Virtual_Host] Server_Name Virtual_Root Log_File [bin] frcactrl close Ip_Address Port [Virtual_Host] frcactrl stats [reset] [interval] frcactrl loadfile Ip_Address Port [Virtual_Host] Document_Root File ... frcactrl logging {on|off} [CPU_Id] frcactrl logfmt File frcactrl {start|stop} Ip_Address Port [Virtual_Host] frcactrl: The kernel extension is already loaded. frcactrl: 1900-001 The kernel extension %s is not loaded. frcactrl: 1900-002 Enter Port as a number between 1 and 65535. frcactrl: 1900-003 Specify an absolute pathname for the Document_Root parameter. frcactrl: 1900-004 Use an absolute filename with Document_Root as its prefix. frcactrl: Loading %s into cache...done. frcactrl: 1900-005 Specify CPU_Id as a value between 0 and %d. frcactrl: 1900-006 Only the root user can load a kernel extension. frcactrl: 1900-007 Only the root user can unload a kernel extension. frcactrl: 1900-008 Cannot find an FRCA instance for (%1$s:%2$s%3$s%4$s). frcactrl: 1900-009 This FRCA instance is already open. TotalRequestsDeferredCacheHitsMissesResourceErrors frcactrl pctonintr [Percentage] frcactrl revaltimeout [Seconds] frcactrl nsisupport {on|off} frcactrl stats [{reset|on|off|interval}] frcactrl: 1900-010 Only the root user or authorized user can load a kernel extension. frcactrl: 1900-011 Only the root user or authorized user can unload a kernel extension.