ISO8859-1hC`@YV?()' / N ` t 4"#265i)*17&:^8/14&S#z8 7!. ". >#. m$. %. &. '. )(. X)+ *+ ++ ,+ -+ 7.+ c/+ 0+ 1 2 3 4 05 M6 ]7 m8 }9 : ; < = > ? @ A .B >C2 OD2 E F G H IJ"K5L DMQN5fO5P:Q< R<JS<T:U8V88W)qX+Y$Z6[6#\!Z]"|^_`!a/b(cFdYe wf'g h'10 Gb Ethernet-SR PCI Express Dual Port Adapter (771000801410b003) 10 Gb Ethernet PCI Express Dual Port Adapter (7710008077108001) 10 Gb Ethernet-SR PCI Express Dual Port Adapter (771000801410b003) Specific Statistics: 10 Gb Ethernet PCI Express Dual Port Adapter (7710008077108001) Specific Statistics: Media Speed Running: Unknown Media Speed Running: 1 Gbps Full Duplex Media Speed Running: 10 Gbps Full Duplex Media Speed Selected: Auto negotiation usage: %s [-t] Link Status : Up Link Status : Down Link Status : UNKNOWN Jumbo Frames: Enabled Jumbo Frames: Disabled TCP Segmentation Offload Packets Transmitted: %lld TCP Segmentation Offload: Enabled TCP Segmentation Offload: Disabled TCP Segmentation Offload Maximum Packet Size: %d TCP Segment Aggregation Large Packets Created: %lld Receive TCP Segment Aggregation: Enabled Receive TCP Segment Aggregation: Disabled TCP Packets Aggregated into Large Packets: %lld TCP Payload Bytes Aggregated into Large Packets: %lld TCP Segment Aggregation Average Packets Aggregated: %lld TCP Segment Aggregation Maximum Packets Aggregated: %d Flow Control Status: Per Priority Mode Enabled Flow Control Status: Standard Pause mode Enabled Flow Control Status: Disabled Flow Control Packets Transmitted: %d Flow Control Packets Received: %d Transmit and Receive Flow Control Threshold (High): %d Transmit and Receive Flow Control Threshold (Low): %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri0: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri1: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri2: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri3: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri4: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri5: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri6: %d Flow Control Packets Transmitted at Pri7: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri0: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri1: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri2: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri3: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri4: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri5: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri6: %d Flow Control Packets Received at Pri7: %d PCI Mode: PCI-Express Lane Speed: 2.5Gbps Relaxed Ordering: Enabled Relaxed Ordering: Disabled TLP Size: 128 TLP Size: 256 MRR Size: 128 MRR Size: 256 MRR Size: 512 MRR Size: 1024 MRR Size: 2048 MRR Size: 4096 Current Link Speed: 2.5 Gbps Current Link Speed: 5.0 Gbps MPS Size: 128 MPS Size: 256 MPS Size: 512 MPS Size: 1024 Small Buffer Cluster Pool Allocation Failures: %d Large Buffer Cluster Pool Allocation Failures: %d DCBX Status: Enabled DCBX Status: Disabled XFI Training Failed Autonegotiation Failed Loss of Signal SFP+ Not Present SFP+ Invalid SFP+ Valid DCBX Options: 0x%x Group Bandwidth Percentages for Group IDs 0-3: 0x%x Group Bandwidth Percentages for Group IDs 4-7: 0x%x Pre-CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 0: 0x%x Pre-CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 1-2: 0x%x Pre-CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 3-4: 0x%x Pre-CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 5-6: 0x%x Pre-CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 7: 0x%x CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 0-3: 0x%x CEE Priority Group Settings for COS Priority 4-7: 0x%x PFC and FCOE Application Features: 0x%x Hardware Configuration and Flags: 0x%08x Priority Group Ids 0-7: 0x%04x%04x Priority Group Bandwidth Percentages 0-3: 0x%04x%04x Priority Group Bandwidth Percentages 4-7: 0x%04x%04x Priority Group Num of TCs: 0x%x Priority Group TLV Not Available PFC Flags: 0x%04x PFC TLV Not Available Application Protocol ID: 0x%04x Application OUI and User Priority Map: 0x%08x Application Protocol TLV Not Available FCOE Priority: %d FCOE Priority Collisions: %d FCOE: Pri%d FCOE: Per Priority Mode Not Supported NIC: Pri%d NIC: Per Priority Mode Not Supported