ùISO8859-14 43S ‡,¨Õì & > +S  $—¼Íì *8I:‚.½-ì$7"\+«Êé=þ*< g!‡"ž#'»$ã%1ù&+'J(i)ˆ*§+Æ,å-.#/B0a1€2_Ÿ3^ÿ4q ^ @ Ð( ( :% c^ ‰ è ê ì 9 îGeneric EFS errorThe CLiC kernel extension was not loaded - cf syslogThe EFS kernel extension was not loaded - cf syslogThe CLiC library was not loaded The EFS library (libefssys.a) was not loadedEFS was not configuredLDAP not avalaible for EFSEFS can't take a security lockKernel returns an errorlibefs bad parameterNot enough memory to complete the operationKeystore does not existNo key available to decrypt the dataOperation deniedReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredCrypto library error (CLiC), see syslog for error detailThe group does not contain any member with EFS crypto infoThe group does not contain any EFS crypto infoThe user does not contain any EFS crypto infoThe Keystore creation failedThe group Access Key creation failedThe Keystore list operation failedWrite cookie or keystore into a file failedA group keystore already existefs_admin keystore is erroneusRead keystore failedThe group in guard mode can't give its access key to a memberThis process doesn't own efs_admin rights Modification in keystore failedCreation cookie failedBase-64 Encode/Decode failedWrite cookie or keystore on LDAP failedLDAP Operation failedOpenSSH Pubkey not present in the target keystoreReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredReserved errno was encounteredYou have to request the group %s access key with the command: efskeymgr -k group/%s -s user/%sYou have to remove the group %s access key with the command: efskeymgr -k group/%s -S user/%sFor security, it will be better to regenerate the group %s access key with the command: efskeymgr -r -k group/%sThe following operation(s) is(are) pending on your EFS keystore:You are granted access to %s%s keystore.You are removed access to %s%s keystore.Your private key must be regenerated.Do you want to process this action now (y), later (n: default), or never (d)? [ %s / %s / %s ]yndPlease run 'efskeymgr -v' to process pending operation(s)