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See the error stack, if available, for more information. 2610-001 Invalid handle specified. 2610-002 Invalid resource manager ID (%1$d) specified. 2610-003 Session already exists with the specified resource manager. 2610-004 Cannot open file "%1$s", error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-005 System call "%1$s" is unsuccessful, error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-006 Resource Manager "%1$s" start/stop command did not return. 2610-007 Resource Manager "%1$s" start command is unsuccessful with exit code %2$d. 2610-008 Could not establish a session with the resource manager "%1$s". 2610-009 Could not bind to name "%1$s", error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-010 Could not make directory "%1$s", error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-011 Cannot get "%1$s" for "%2$s", error is %3$d - %4$s. 2610-012 Internal error (%1$d,%2$d,%3$s,%4$s) 2610-013 Output from Resource Manager "%1$s" start command: %2$s 2610-014 Resource Manager "%1$s" stop command is unsuccessful with exit code %2$d. 2610-015 Output from Resource Manager "%1$s" stop command: %2$s 2610-016 Resource Manager "%1$s" start command terminated due to signal %2$d. 2610-017 Resource Manager "%1$s" stop command terminated due to signal %2$d. 2610-018 Resource Manager "%1$s" did not connect after being started. 2610-019 Resource Manager "%1$s" did not send shoulder tap message. 2610-020 The library has already been initialized. 2610-021 The session is in use by another thread. 2610-022 Invalid class ID (%1$d) specified. 2610-023 Session with the resource manager "%1$s" has terminated. 2610-024 Join Phase %1$d request for class ID %2$d is out of sequence. 2610-025 Invalid argument passed to Join API function. 2610-026 Waiting for outstanding responses; cannot perform function. 2610-027 The specified pointer does not point to an array of response structures. 2610-028 The session associated with the resource manager "%1$s" is in use. 2610-029 Stop commands are being executed (number = %1$d). 2610-030 Configuration utility script "%1$s" is unsuccessful with exit code %2$d. 2610-031 Configuration utility script "%1$s" terminated due to signal %2$d. 2610-099 Another test message The daemon is started.The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon has been started.The startsrc -s ctrmc command has been executed or the rmcctrl -s command has been executed.Confirm that the daemon should be started.The daemon is stopped.The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon is stopped.1. The stopsrc -s ctrmc command has been executed.2. The stopsrc -fs ctrmc command has been executed.3. The stopsrc -cs ctrmc command has been executed or the rmcctrl -k command has been executed.Confirm that the daemon should be stopped.Number of command that stopped the daemonThe default log file has been changed.The current default log file has been renamed and a new log file created.The current log file has become too large.No action is required.File nameInsufficient resources in file system.The subsystem is not correctly configured in the SRC.Verify the Resource Monitoring and Control subsystem has restarted by executing the command lssrc -s ctrmc.Contact the IBM Support Center and provide this information.Execute the command rmcctrl -A.Ensure that the /var file system contains free space and free i-nodes, then restart the subsystem by executing the command rmcctrl -s.Ensure that the /var file system contains free space and free i-nodes.Configuration DatabaseError numberResource manager nameIncorrect command argument detected.An incorrect command argument was specified; the argument is ignored.When convenient execute the command rmcctrl -A.Incorrect command argumentInternal error.An internal error has been detected.An error in internal processing has occurred.Error data 1Error data 2Error data 3Cannot execute with the current user ID.The current user ID is not root.The permissions of /opt/rsct/bin/rmcd are incorrect.Insure that the permissions of /opt/rsct/bin/rmcd are 550.The user ID under which the RMC daemon was executedUnexpected system call error.A system call returned an unexpected error.The system call named below returned an unexpected error.System call error numberSystem call nameCannot open the Configuration Database.The Configuration Database does not exist.The subsystem is not correctly configured.Error in the Configuration Database.The Configuration Database is damaged.The Configuration Database has been modified.Cannot create Configuration Database version file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the Configuration Database version file.Configuration Database version file nameError in a Resource Manager definition file.The Resource Manager definition file is damaged and the associate Resource Manager is not used.The Resource Manager definition file has been modified.Reinstall the rsct.core fileset corresponding to the resource manager specified below and, when convenient, execute the command rmcctrl -k followed by the command rmcctrl -s.System call error numberError lineError positionCannot create default log file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the default log file.Default log file nameCannot create run directory.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the run directory.Run directory nameCannot create lock file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the lock file.Lock file nameCannot start resource manager.Resource manager start command returned an error.The start command for the resource manager specified below returned an error.Exit status of start commandSignal numberCannot create shared memory key file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the key file.Key file nameCannot create shared memory dump file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the dump file.Dump file nameError in shared memory.Shared memory is damaged.Shared memory has been modified.Shared memory IDName of file containing copy of shared memoryCannot create message trace file.The /var file system does not contain sufficient resources to create the message trace file.Message trace file nameTrace error.A trace function returned an unexpected error.A trace function returned the error specified below.Trace error numberTrace argumentCannot obtain service port number.The port number is not in the file /etc/services.The subsystem is not correctly configured.Service nameProtocol nameNot responding to Group Services.The RMC daemon is not responding to Group Services in a timely manner.The RMC daemon cannot obtain system resources.Cannot stop resource manager.Resource manager stop command returned an error.The stop command for the resource manager specified below returned an error.Exit status of stop commandRSCT has detected that system time has moved backward.The system time has been set back.Via system operator or NTP action, the system time has been set backward.The RSCT components rely on system time to always increase. If the system time has moved backward, RSCT components may hang or present undefined behavior. If PowerHA is installed, refer to the PowerHA documentation. If SAMP is installed, refer to the SAMP documentation. Otherwise, if a Peer Domain is online it should be forced offline via the forcerpoffline command. Once the Peer Domain is offline, or if there is no Peer Domain, run the command rmcctrl -z followed by the command rmcctrl -s. Refer to the RSCT documentation for more information.Current system time obtained by RSCTLast system time saved by RSCTFailed to load 32-bit librtas library.librtas library could not be loadedlibrtas library not installed.Ensure 32-bit installed on the system.Error data: Cannot obtain service port number.The port number is not in the file /etc/services or port 657 (TCP/UDP) is used by another process.The subsystem is not correctly configured.Check if any other program is using port 657 (TCP/UDP).Service nameProtocol nameInvalid packet size limit set.The packet size limit set in file /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.maxpktsz is too low or too high to be usable.The packet size limit set in file /var/ct/cfg/ctrmc.maxpktsz is too low or too high to be usable.The lowest or highest limit possible will be used instead, as listed in the details section.Size found in ctrmc.maxpktszPacket size limit being used insteadOnline in Peer Domain is requested.The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon has been requested to be online in Peer Domain.Node online via the 'startrpnode' or 'startrpdomain' command.Confirm that the daemon is in online using 'lssrc -ls ctrmc' and confirm it reports as 'Daemon is a member of the peer domain'.rmcd_flagsOffline in Peer Domain is requested.The Resource Monitoring and Control daemon has been requested to be offline in Peer Domain.Node offline via the 'stoprpnode' or 'stoprpdomain' command.Confirm that the daemon is in offline using 'lssrc -ls ctrmc' and confirm it don't reports as 'Daemon is a member of the peer domain'.rmcd_flagsInternal error.An internal error has been detected during domain online.An error in internal processing has occurred during domain online.Error data 1Internal error.An internal error has been detected during domain offline.An error in internal processing has occurred during domain offline.Error data 1Cannot start Trace Spool Manager.Trace spool manager failed to start.An error in internal processing has occurred during starting.Trace Spool Manager restarted successfullyTrace Spool Manager daemon has been successfully started.Trace Spool Manager daemon has been restarted.Confirm that the daemon is restarted.Trace flags set:Configuration Data Base version from peer group state:Configuration Data Base version from local copy of CDB:Configuration Data Base version from Registry:Daemon started on %%A %%D at %%TDaemon has been running %d days, %d hours, %d minutes and %d secondsDaemon connected to group services: YesDaemon connected to group services: NoDaemon has joined peer group: YesDaemon has joined peer group: NoDaemon communications enabled: YesDaemon communications enabled: NoPeer count: %dPeer group state: Version = %1$d Last requested change = 0x%2$02x Change argument = 0x%3$02x State flags = 0x%4$02x PINST node number = %5$-6s CDB Version = %6$-32sLogical Connection Information for Local Clients LCID FD PID Start TimeLogical Connection Information for Remote ClientsLogical Connection Information for Peers LCID Node Resource Manager Information Name ClassKey ID FD SHMID YesNoHighest file descriptor in use is %dPeer Daemon StatusInternal Daemon CountersDaemon Resource Utilization Last IntervalUser: %13.3f seconds %7.3f%%System: %13.3f seconds %7.3f%%User+System: %13.3f seconds %7.3f%%Daemon Resource Utilization TotalData segment size: %dK2610-200 Reserved message 2610-201 The peer daemon on node %d is not responding to Group Services. 2610-202 The system call %1$s returned the error (%2$d) %3$s 2610-203 The socket connection type %s rejected. There are too many open descriptors. 2610-204 The client connection is closed due to incorrect message (%1$d). 2610-205 Cannot get the user ID for the user name %1$s that is specified for the resource manager %2$s, the error is (%3$d) %4$s 2610-206 Cannot get the group name associated with the user name %1$s that is specified for the resource manager %2$s, the error is (%3$d) %4$s 2610-207 Cannot get the group ID for the group name %1$s that is associated with the resource manager %2$s, the error is (%3$d) %4$s 2610-208 The %1$s system call is unsuccessful when operating on the %2$s directory, the error is (%3$d) %4$s 2610-209 The %1$s system call is unsuccessful with error %2$d - %3$s when loading %4$s Additional error information: %5$s 2610-210 Output from the Resource Manager %1$s start command: %2$s 2610-211 Incomplete Resource Manager ID notification is detected. 2610-212 Incorrect Resource Manager ID notification is detected (%1$d). 2610-213 Cannot connect to resource manager %1$s, error is (%2$d) %3$s. 2610-214 An incorrect message was received from the resource manager %1$s. Error is (%2$d) %3$d. Message dump file is %4$s. 2610-215 The error 0x%1$08x was received when getting the resource persistent attribute specified by the ID %2$d, class %3$s, resource manager %4$s. 2610-216 The error 0x%1$08x was received when getting the class persistent attribute specified by the ID %2$d, class %3$s, resource manager %4$s. 2610-300 This command is correctly specified but another command in the ordered command group is not. 2610-301 The resource class name %1$s is not defined. 2610-302 Reserved message 2610-303 Reserved message 2610-304 Reserved message 2610-305 Reserved message 2610-306 Reserved message 2610-307 Reserved message 2610-308 Reserved message 2610-309 Reserved message 2610-310 Reserved message 2610-311 Reserved message 2610-312 Reserved message 2610-313 Reserved message 2610-314 Reserved message 2610-315 The following select string does not contain any node numbers within the range 1-4096: %1$s 2610-316 Reserved message 2610-317 Reserved message 2610-318 The following select string contains a node number that is not an integral value: %1$s 2610-319 Reserved message 2610-320 Reserved message 2610-321 Reserved message 2610-322 Reserved message 2610-330 The resource class name is not specified in the command 2610-331 Reserved message 2610-332 Reserved message 2610-333 Reserved message 2610-334 Reserved message 2610-335 Reserved message 2610-336 The class %1$s does not support the specified command. 2610-337 The attribute array contains a duplicate attribute name at index %1$d: %2$s. 2610-338 The following expression does not contain a dynamic attribute name: %1$s 2610-339 The register event command does not specify an expression. 2610-340 The register event command has specified a NULL re-arm expression. 2610-341 An expression and its associated re-arm expression specify different dynamic attribute names: %1$s and %2$s. 2610-342 The attribute array contains either a NULL pointer or a NULL attribute name at index %1$d. 2610-343 The attribute array contains an undefined attribute name at index %1$d: %2$s. 2610-344 The event was not registered since only a validity check was requested. 2610-345 The specified registration ID does not match a registered event. 2610-346 There are no persistent attributes defined for the resource class %1$s. 2610-347 There are no dynamic attributes defined for the resource class %1$s. 2610-348 There are no class persistent attributes defined for the resource class %1$s. 2610-349 There are no class dynamic attributes defined for the resource class %1$s. 2610-350 The specified resource handle is incorrect. 2610-351 The locator attribute %1$s was not included in the Define Resource command for the class %2$s. 2610-352 The attribute array contains an incorrect type for the attribute %1$s at index %2$d. 2610-353 The command specified one or more resources but the class %1$s does not support resources. 2610-354 The following expression contains more than a single attribute name: %1$s 2610-355 The following re-arm expression is specified with a Quantum variable: %1$s 2610-356 A query dynamic attribute command specified a quantum dynamic attribute name at index %1$d: %2$s. 2610-357 A query dynamic attribute command requested all dynamic attributes but all are quantum. The class is %1$s. 2610-358 No attributes are specified in the command. The class is %1$s. 2610-359 The persistent attributes of the class %1$s cannot be set since the class is MtypDivided 2610-360 This command could not be validated since a previous command in the ordered command group was incorrectly specified. 2610-361 An incorrect sd_use argument was specified. 2610-362 An incorrect name count was specified in the command. 2610-363 No Structured Data for the specified use are defined for class %1$s. 2610-364 The attribute array contains an attribute name at index %1$d that is not a Structured Data type: %2$s. 2610-365 The action array contains either a NULL pointer or a NULL action name at index %1$d. 2610-366 The action array contains an undefined action name at index %1$d: %2$s. 2610-367 The action array contains an action name at index %1$d that does not have a defined Structured Data input: %2$s. 2610-368 The action array contains an action name at index %1$d that does not have a defined Structured Data response: %2$s. 2610-369 An incorrect vv_use argument was specified. 2610-370 No attributes, action inputs or command arguments for the specified use are defined for class %1$s. 2610-371 The security function %1$s returned the error value %2$d. 2610-372 Reserved message 2610-373 Reserved message 2610-400 Resource not defined. 2610-401 Resource has been undefined. 2610-402 Shared memory is damaged. 2610-403 The resource is stale. 2610-404 Error number %1$d was detected while evaluating an expression using the %2$s attribute. 2610-405 Cannot obtain values for %1$d persistent attributes. 2610-406 Cannot execute the command on node %1$d. The node is not currently in the cluster. 2610-407 No resources found. 2610-408 Resource selection could not be performed. 2610-409 Cannot execute the command on node %2$d. The resource manager %1$s is not available. 2610-410 Cannot complete the command on node %2$d. The resource manager %1$s has terminated. 2610-411 No response from the resource manager %1$s on node %2$d. The resource manager has terminated. 2610-412 A Resource Manager terminated while attempting to enumerate resources for this command. 2610-413 While attempting to enumerate resources for this command an enumerate error was detected. 2610-414 Descriptions are not available for the resource class %1$s. 2610-415 Cannot execute the command. The resource manager %1$s is not available. 2610-416 Cannot complete the command. The resource manager %1$s has terminated. 2610-417 No response from the resource manager %1$s. The resource manager has terminated. 2610-418 Permission is denied to access the resources or resource class specified in this command. 2610-217 Received %1$d unrecognized messages in the last %2$f minutes. Service is %3$s. 2610-218 Internal error. Error data %1$d %2$d %3$s. 2610-374 The value of the locator attribute %1$s must be an array with one element. 2610-375 The following select string contains attributes that cannot select any resources: %1$s 2610-419 The resource or resource class on node %1$d is no longer available. The node has left the cluster. 2610-420 The dynamic attribute is not supported. 2610-421 Cannot obtain values for %1$d dynamic attributes. 2610-376 The following select string contains a node name that is not a string value: %1$s 2610-377 A command argument specified the node name %1$s, but this is not a configured node name. 2610-378 There are no cluster nodes configured that support the specified command. 2610-379 An invoke class action command argument specified the node name %1$s, but this is not a configured node name. 2610-380 An invoke class action command specified a resource class that is not the Subdivided Management style. 2610-381 The following select string does not contain any node numbers within the range 1 through %1$d, where %2$d is the highest configured node number in the cluster: %3$s 2610-382 The following select string does not contain any configured node IDs: %1$s 2610-383 The value of the locator attribute %1$s is invalid. 2610-384 The resource class %1$s cannot be accessed while in DM session scope. 2610-422 Cannot execute the command on node %2$s. The resource manager %1$s is not available. 2610-423 Cannot complete the command on node %2$s. The resource manager %1$s has terminated. 2610-424 No response from the resource manager %1$s on node %2$s. The resource manager has terminated. 2610-425 Cannot execute the command on node %1$s. The node is not currently in the cluster. 2610-426 The specified resource or resource class is not currently available on node %1$s. 2610-427 Monitoring of the resource is temporarily suspended. 2610-428 Monitoring of the resource has not yet started. 2610-429 The specified resource class is not installed on node %1$s. 2610-430 The resource or resource class on node %1$s is no longer available. The node has left the cluster. 2610-431 Cannot enumerate resources for this command on node %1$s. The node is not currently in the cluster. 2610-219 The peer daemon on node %1$s is not responding to Group Services. Peer Domain StatusManagement Domain Status: Managed NodesManagement Domain Status: Management Control PointsDaemon is connected to group servicesDaemon is not connected to group servicesDaemon is a member of the peer domainDaemon is not a member of the peer domainPeer domain node count: %dDaemon is the MCP of a management domainDaemon is the MCP and also a managed nodeManagement domain node count: %dDaemon is a managed nodeManagement domain MCP count: %dDaemon communications are enabledDaemon communications are not enabledNode IdentifiersThis attribute lists the numeric identifiers of the nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available.Node Name ListThis attribute lists the symbolic names of the nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available.2610-432 Cannot obtain values for %1$d dynamic attributes. 2610-433 Monitoring of the resource has started but no data is available. 2610-220 The error 0x%1$08x was received when getting the resource dynamic attribute %2$s, class %3$s, resource manager %4$s. 2610-221 The error 0x%1$08x was received when getting the class dynamic attribute %2$s, class %3$s, resource manager %4$s. 2610-222 The %1$s system call is unsuccessful when operating on the %2$s file, the error is (%3$d) %4$s 2610-385 The %1$s attribute was not included in the Define Resource command for the class %2$s. 2610-386 The %1$s value of the %2$s attribute is not a configured Peer Domain name. 2610-387 A command specified a resource class that is not the Globalized Management style. 2610-388 A command argument specified the peer domain name %1$s, but this is not an active peer domain name. 2610-389 The command must be executed while in DM session scope. 2610-390 The following expression does not contain an attribute name: %1$s 2610-391 An expression and its associated re-arm expression specify different attribute names: %1$s and %2$s. 2610-392 The following expression contains a persistent attribute name not supported in expressions: %1$s 2610-393 The following expression contains a persistent attribute of type resource handle, which is not supported in expressions: %1$s 2610-434 The attribute is not supported. Active Peer DomainThis attribute is the name of the peer domain where the operational interface of the resource is available.General2610-223 Cannot bind to the port specified by service name %1$s, using the %2$s protocol. 2610-435 The resource or resource class on node %1$s cannot be accessed. The node is not operating at the necessary functional level for this command. 2610-436 The resource or resource class cannot be accessed in peer domain %1$s. The domain is not operating at the necessary functional level for this command. 2610-224 Communication is suspended with the node associated with IP address %1$s. 2610-394 The permissions argument 0x%1$08x contains no valid permission bits. 2610-395 The list usage argument 0x%1$08x is not valid. 2610-396 The ACL type argument 0x%1$08x is not valid for the target of the command. 2610-397 The ACL type argument 0x%1$08x is not valid. 2610-398 The ACL flag argument indicates to use the Resource Shared ACL, but the ACL type is not Resource nor Resource Initial. 2610-399 The ACL flag argument indicates to use the Resource Shared ACL, but an ACL was also specified. 2610-302 The ACL specified in the command is not valid. 2610-437 The resource was successfully defined but the Resource Initial ACL could not be set. 2610-438 Cannot obtain the specified ACL. 2610-439 Cannot set the specified ACL. 2610-440 Permission is denied to access a resource specified in this command. Network Identity %1$s requires '%2$s' permission for the resource '%5$s' of class %3$s on node %4$s. 2610-441 Permission is denied to access the resource class specified in this command. Network Identity %1$s requires '%2$s' permission for the resource class %3$s on node %4$s. Client message policy is RequiredClient message policy is DisabledClient message policy is EnabledDaemon message policy (Management Domain) is RequiredDaemon message policy (Management Domain) is DisabledDaemon message policy (Management Domain) is EnabledClient message timeout: %dClient start session timeout: %dClient first command threshold: %dClient first command timeout: %dClient first command timeout applies to unauthenticated and non-root authenticated usersClient first command timeout applies only to unauthenticated users2610-225 Communication is suspended with the node associated with IP address %1$s and node ID %2$016llx. Reason code is %3$d. 2610-442 A resource action for class %1$s is not defined on node %2$s. 2610-443 A class action for class %1$s is not defined on node %2$s. Name ClassKey ID FD SHMID Mem Charge2610-226 Cannot open the ACL file %1$s, error returned by fopen() is (%2$d) %3$s. 2610-227 In the ACL file %1$s the entry on line %2$d is not within a stanza. 2610-228 In the ACL file %1$s the entry on line %2$d must have at least a user identifier and object type specifier. 2610-229 In the ACL file %1$s a duplicate class name was detected on line %2$d. 2610-230 In the ACL file %1$s an invalid object type is specified on line %2$d. 2610-231 In the ACL file %1$s an invalid permission is specified on line %2$d. 2610-232 The ACL file %1$s contains no ACLs. 2610-233 In the ACL file %1$s an invalid user type is specified on line %2$d. 2610-234 Output from the Resource Manager %1$s stop command: %2$s 2610-444 Cannot obtain values for some dynamic attributes. %1$d attributes are not being monitored. %2$d attributes have data pending. 2610-235 In the ACL file %1$s an invalid user ID is specified on line %2$d. Description is not available.2610-303 A Qualifier is appended to a NULL expression:%1$s 2610-304 A Qualifier has no preceding blank:%1$s 2610-305 The expression contains an undefined Qualifier:%1$s 2610-306 The expression contains a Qualifier with an invalid argument:%1$s 2610-307 The expression contains a Qualifier with a missing argument:%1$s 2610-308 Permission is denied to access a resource when querying CustomDynamicAttributes. Network Identity %1$s requires '%2$s' permission for the resource '%5$s' of class %3$s on node %4$s. 2610-309 Permission is denied to access the resource class when querying CustomDynamicAttributes. Network Identity %1$s requires '%2$s' permission for the resource class %3$s on node %4$s. 2610-310 Error detected when querying CustomDynamicAttributes on node %2$s. Error code is %1$d 2610-311 Unexpected values returned when querying CustomDynamicAttributes. Error code is %1$d 2610-312 The following expression contains more than one, distinct attribute name: %1$s 2610-236 Configuration error detected when starting in a Peer Domain. 2610-313 A Qualifier is not properly terminated:%1$s Stale client session close timeout: %lldSystem call "%1$s" is unsuccessful, error is %2$d - %3$s. The ctrmc subsystem cannot process the configuration request at this time. Configuration file %1$s is damaged, rc = %2$d. Handling a SR Domain ONLINE request from IBM.ConfigRM. Handling a SR Domain OFFLINE request due to Group Services failures. Handling a SR Domain OFFLINE request from IBM.ConfigRM. Disable the remote port by closing the client server socket. Pending messages found during offline. Requesting CRM to restart RMC. Force clean of an UNREG event in pci_peer_recovery, ctbp = %1$p, smbp = %2$p, smb_xcb_count=%3$d, smb_xcb_ackd = %4$d, smb_xcb_nosend = %5$d. Usage: %1$s { -a | -s | -k | -d | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -h display this usage statement. %1$s: 2610-500 %2$s is not executable. %1$s: 2610-501 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped. %1$s: 2610-502 Could not add %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 2610-503 Cannot copy the Configuration Database. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -h display this usage statement. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -m set the client message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -h display this usage statement. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -m set the client message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -M set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -h display this usage statement. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -m set the client message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -M set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -t set the client message timeout value to n. -u set the start session timeout value to n. -v set the 1st command timeout value to n. -w set the 1st command threshold value to n. -x enable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -T set the client message timeout value to the default value. -U set the start session timeout value to the default value. -V set the 1st command timeout value to the default value. -W set the 1st command threshold value to the default value. -X disable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -h display this usage statement. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -r | -R | -z | -Z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -m set the client message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -M set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -r enable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -R disable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -Z without checking if critical resources are active, stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -t set the client message timeout value to n. -u set the start session timeout value to n. -v set the 1st command timeout value to n. -w set the 1st command threshold value to n. -x enable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -T set the client message timeout value to the default value. -U set the start session timeout value to the default value. -V set the 1st command timeout value to the default value. -W set the 1st command threshold value to the default value. -X disable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -h display this usage statement. %1$s: 2610-504 Cannot stop RMC subsystems while critical resources are active. Usage: %1$s { -a | -A | -b n | -B | -s | -k | -K | -d | -m { R | E | D } | -M { R | E | D } | -p | -P | -q | -Q | -r | -R | -z | -Z | -t n | -u n | -v n | -w n | x | -T | -U | -V | -W | -X | -h } -a add Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -A add and start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -b set the stale client connection timeout to n. -B set the stale client connection timeout to the default value. -s start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -k stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -K stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers. -d delete Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem. -m set the client message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -M set the daemon message policy to one of R, E or D. R is Required E is Enabled D is Disabled -p enable remote client connections. -P disable remote client connections. -q enable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -Q disable remote client connections the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -r enable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -R disable reverse heartbeat in the Management Domain the next time the Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem is started. -z stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -Z without checking if critical resources are active, stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource managers, but the command does not return control to the user until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped. -t set the client message timeout value to n. -u set the start session timeout value to n. -v set the 1st command timeout value to n. -w set the 1st command threshold value to n. -x enable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -T set the client message timeout value to the default value. -U set the start session timeout value to the default value. -V set the 1st command timeout value to the default value. -W set the 1st command threshold value to the default value. -X disable 1st command timeout for non-root authenticated users. -h display this usage statement. 2610-000 Could not complete function due to an internal error. See the error stack, if available, for more information. 2610-001 Invalid handle specified. 2610-002 The specified table operation is invalid. 2610-003 The table is being processed. 2610-004 Cannot open file "%1$s", error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-005 System call "%1$s" is unsuccessful, error is %2$d - %3$s. 2610-006 Cannot allocate %1$d bytes of memory using %2$s(). 2610-007 Internal error. Error info: 0x%1$016llx 0x%2$016llx %3$s %4$s. 2610-008 The specified table has a type that does not match the subroutine call. 2610-009 The key token argument has not been specified. 2610-010 A name argument has not been specified. 2610-011 An IP address argument has not been specified. 2610-012 The IP address %1$s is not valid. 2610-013 The specified resource handle is a duplicate. 2610-014 The specified key token is a duplicate. 2610-015 A specified node name is a duplicate. 2610-016 A specified IP address is a duplicate. 2610-017 The table is not usable due to a prior error. 2610-018 The table contains no entries. 2610-019 The table refresh is already completed. 2610-020 Configuration file %1$s is damaged, rc = %2$d. 2610-021 No table entry was found that matches the specified key value. 2610-022 The specified node group name is a duplicate. 2610-023 A node group name argument has not been specified. 2610-024 Reserved message. 2610-025 The ctrmc subsystem cannot process the configuration request at this time. 2610-026 The ctrmc subsystem is not responding to the configuration request. 2610-027 The RMC daemon has not been designated as distinguished. 2610-028 The RMC daemon is not active. 2610-029 The RMC daemon is not a member of a RSCT Peer Domain. 2610-099 Another test message. 2610-030 The table updates are applied but not committed. 2610-031 The table updates must be applied before being committed. 2610-014 The key token %1$s is a duplicate. 2610-015 The node name %1$s is a duplicate. 2610-016 The IP address %1$s is a duplicate. 2610-032 The auxiliary data string length is %1$d, which exceeds the %2$d byte maximum. 2610-033 The auxiliary data %1$s is a duplicate. Usage: To reconfigure the RSCT subsystems enter: %1$s [ -n | -s | -h ] -n Generate a new Node ID. This is the default behavior if no option is specified. -s Save the Node ID. -h Display this usage statement and exit. Note that all RSCT data is removed. Please refer to the RSCT Technical Reference before executing this command. Usage: To reconfigure the RSCT subsystems enter: %1$s [ -i Node_ID | -n | -s | -h ] -i Use the Node ID specified by the Node_ID argument. The Node ID must be at least 9 but no more than 16 hexadecimal characters. -n Generate a new Node ID. This is the default behavior if no option is specified. -s Save the Node ID. -h Display this usage statement and exit. Note that all RSCT data is removed. Please refer to the RSCT Technical Reference before executing this command. Cannot run if an online Peer Domain exists (see output of lsrpdomain). For assistance with removing domains, refer to the rmrpnode and rmrpdomain commands. 2611-100 The system call %1$s failed on the object %2$s with error number %3$d. 2611-101 System parameters could not be obtained. The system is busy. 2611-102 System parameters could not be obtained due to error code %1$d. 2611-103 A buffer of size %1$d could not be allocated. 2611-104 The librtas library could not be loaded. The dlerror message is %1$s