ISO8859-1X16M!(!, + )J ,t / .$#%*I1t(>/)>-h--92,0_6%"8 &I!/p"9# $7%# 3&' W', (' ), ** +@ ,," m-1 .$ /9 07 !12 Y2' 3( 4% 5! 6( %71 N81 9/ :0 ;* <1 >=' p>- ?/ @* A,!B&NC(uD,E&F3G(&H0OI%J*K+L&M,$N&QO,xP*Q$R(S)T/HU(xV+W9X,cdpd: 0810-013 starting cdpd cdpd: 0810-014 must be root cdpd: 0810-015 failed to open unix domain socket cdpd: 0810-016 waiting for incoming message or signal cdpd: 0810-017 waiting on signal cdpd: 0810-018 timer expiration occured cdpd: 0810-019 unexpected signal cdpd: 0810-020 unix domain message received cdpd: 0810-021 unix domain message dropped cdpd: 0810-022 CDPDU received on port %s cdpd: 0810-023 failed to create signal pipe cdpd: 0810-024 unix domain connection received cdpd: 0810-025 unix domain connection dropped cdpd: 0810-026 SRC message received cdpd: 0810-027 SRC message dropped cdpd: 0810-028 failed to read SRC message cdpd: 0810-029 SRC command not supported by cdpd cdpd: 0810-023 sending CDPDU on port %s cdpd: 0810-024 failed building CDPDU on port %s, send aborted cdpd: 0810-025 failed sending CDPDU on port %s cdpd: 0810-026 failed to get MAC address cdpd: 0810-027 failed to build basic TLV set cdpd: 0810-028 failed to build 802.1 TLV set cdpd: 0810-029 failed to build 802.3 TLV set cdpd: 0810-030 ioctl(NDD_GET_STATS) failed with errno %d cdpd: 0810-031 gethostbyname failed with errno %d cdpd: 0810-032 failed to get system description cdpd: 0810-033 failed to build management address TLV cdpd: 0810-034 failed to open socket cdpd: 0810-035 bad address family cdpd: 0810-036 failed to write to port %s with errno %d cdpd: 0810-037 sysdesc string too big cdpd: 0810-038 failed sending CDPDU on port %s cdpd: 0810-039 rate limit reached, delaying transmission cdpd: 0810-040 processing frame cdpd: 0810-041 failed to read on port %s with errno %d cdpd: 0810-042 frame was discarded cdpd: 0810-043 neighbor CDPDU is valid cdpd: 0810-044 neighbor shutdown on port %s cdpd: 0810-045 allocating new neighbor cdpd: 0810-046 malloc failed, out of memory cdpd: 0810-047 updating existing neighbor cdpd: 0810-048 starting rxInfoTTL timer (%d seconds) on port %s cdpd: 0810-049 frame is too small cdpd: 0810-050 not sent to CDP multicast address cdpd: 0810-051 ethertype is not CDP cdpd: 0810-052 chassis ID was not first or of bad length cdpd: 0810-053 port ID was not second or of bad length cdpd: 0810-054 TTL was not third or of bad length cdpd: 0810-055 shutdown frame received cdpd: 0810-056 duplicate chassis ID TLV cdpd: 0810-057 duplicate port ID TLV cdpd: 0810-058 duplicate TTL TLV cdpd: 0810-059 duplicate TLV of type %d cdpd: 0810-060 system capabilities TLV too short cdpd: 0810-061 duplicate system capabilities TLV cdpd: 0810-062 bad enabled system capabilities cdpd: 0810-063 management address TLV too short cdpd: 0810-064 org specific TLV too short cdpd: 0810-065 neighbor CDPDU expired on port %s cdpd: 0810-066 failed to create socket cdpd: 0810-067 failed to bind to cdpd socket cdpd: 0810-068 failed to listen on cdpd socket cdpd: 0810-069 failed to accept on socket cdpd: 0810-070 received GETPORTLIST request cdpd: 0810-071 failed to find port %s cdpd: 0810-072 received GETPORT request cdpd: 0810-073 received GETNEIGHBOR request cdpd: 0810-074 failed to find port %s cdpd: 0810-075 no neighbor information for port %s cdpd: 0810-076 received ADDPORT request cdpd: 0810-077 port %s is already being managed cdpd: 0810-078 failed to add port %s cdpd: 0810-079 port %s added successfully cdpd: 0810-080 received REMOVEPORT request cdpd: 0810-081 failed to find port %s cdpd: 0810-082 port %s removed successfully cdpd: 0810-087 failed to find port %s cdpd: 0810-088 failed to set %s for port %s cdpd: 0810-089 %s for %s set successfully cdpd: 0810-090 invalid request type cdpd: 0810-091 failed to read, errno %d cdpd: 0810-092 failed to write, errno %d cdpd: 0810-093 failed to open socket, error %d cdpd: 0810-094 failed to bind, error %d cdpd: 0810-095 failed to connect, error %d cdpd: 0810-096 failed to add multicast address, error %d cdpd: 0810-097 malloc failed, out of memory