ISO8859-11*,31.e8 # - 17 4i /0"6";Y8??"N/q(-.)'4Q$+$0 *-!(X"+#3$/%+&9='w()*+,- . / :0 U15 uUsage: cdromd [-d] Usage: %s [-q] [-h|-?] Name Usage: %s {-a|-e|-m|-u} [-q] [-h|-?] Name Usage: %s {-l|-r|-s [-k]} [-q] [-h|-?] Name -d Send debugging messages to the syslogd daemon. -q Silent mode. Do not print error messages. -h Print these lines. -a Check if the specified device is managed by cdromd. -e Check if the media is ejected. -m Check if a media is present and mounted. -u Check if a media is present but not mounted. -l Load the media, if one is present in the drive. -r Resume management of the device by cdromd. -s Suspend management of the device by cdromd. Name Device name or mount point. cdromd: 0905-001 cdromd can only be run by root user. cdromd: 0905-002 Incorrect keywork %s in cdromd.conf file. cdromd: 0905-003 Incorrect line %d in cdromd.conf file. cdromd: 0905-004 Incorrect device name %s in cdromd.conf file. cdromd: 0905-005 Incorrect mount point %s in cdromd.conf file. cdromd: 0905-006 No device found. %1$s: 0905-010 This command name is not valid. %1$s: 0905-011 Flag -%2$c is not valid. %1$s: 0905-012 cdromd daemon is not running. %1$s: 0905-013 %2$s is not managed by cdromd. %1$s: 0905-014 No media present in %2$s. %1$s: 0905-015 Cannot unmount %2$s. Device is busy. %1$s: 0905-016 Cannot unmount %2$s. %1$s: 0905-017 Cannot eject media in %2$s. %1$s: 0905-018 %2$s is not mounted. %1$s: 0905-019 %2$s is already mounted on %3$s. %1$s: 0905-020 Cannot mount %2$s on %3$s. %1$s: 0905-021 %2$s is mounted on %3$s. %1$s: 0905-022 A media is present in %2$s. %1$s: 0905-023 %2$s is already in suspended state. %1$s: 0905-024 %2$s is not in suspended state. %1$s: 0905-025 %2$s is in suspended state. cdromd: SRC was not found, going on without SRC support. cdromd: Started. cdromd: STOPSRC received. cdromd: REFRESH received. cdromd: Trace enabled. cdromd: Trace disabled. %s is managed by cdromd. %s is not mounted. No media is present in %s. %s is in suspended state. %s is managed again by cdromd. -k Do not eject the media when suspending a device.