ISO8859-1       )/,Y1%#I\I =5 2 o  ` @ l  ! " #$ $ %P &` p'8 ( )K*+Y,y^-a.|:/O0I1Q23z 45 6-7^8R9r:K;x<pO=>.H?w@|}A0B+CDHEFuG"HIvJt$KL.MN;OPfQR Sc!T!|Ux"V"zW#X\#YH#Zw$/[($\$]x$^%e_&%`'a'b(c*d*e+f,g-h.i/j0k1Kl2 mE26n5|oU6Cp7q93r;s<t>u@]vA&wC xcE*yFz8H;{It|K}UL~MPPRT|TgU9V]XrY[q]^3`aaaabbbbbb# b,b6 b;bEbJbPbV b_ bi bu bb'bbcf"cmc"cc4cccd+dd1dd?de34e8em>eve6e eEe7fE f}0ff0ff0fJg%gp0gyggggPgPh2!h h(h+h'i'i,(iTi}0iConnectDirectorySendReceiveBreakTerminateHelpModifyAlterPerformQuitMake a connection Display a dialing directory. Send a file over the current connection. Receive a file over the current connection. Send a break signal over the current connection. Terminate the connection. Get help and instructions. Modify local settings. Alter connection settings. Perform an Operating System command. Quit the program. Type the phone number of the connection for auto dialing, or the name of the port for direct connect, and press Enter. To manually dial a number, just press Enter. To redial the last number (%s), type 'r' and press Enter. Type the file name of the directory you want to display and press Enter. To use the current directory (%s), just press Enter. Type an operating system command and press Enter. Type the name of the file you wish to send and press Enter. To use the last file name (%s), just press Enter. Type the name of the file you wish to store the received data in and press Enter. To use the last file name (%s), just press Enter. Type the name of the file you wish to store the captured data in and press Enter. To use the last file name (%s), just press Enter. The prompt number %d passed to the prompt routine is not valid. The following keys can be used during a connection: ctrl %c Start or stop recording display output. ctrl %c Display main menu to issue a command. ctrl %c Return to a previous screen at any time. Node: CONNECTED MAIN MENU UNCONNECTED MAIN MENU ALTER CONNECTION SETTINGS MODIFY LOCAL SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND DESCRIPTION ------- ----------------------------------------------- Type the first letter of the command and press Enter. > To change a current choice, type the first letter of the command followed by your new choice (example: r 300) and press Enter. > To change a value, type the first letter of the command and press Enter. > ate: 0828-001 The Name command cannot create or open the file %s because of the error shown below. Nameate: 0828-002 The Receive command is ending because the sending site has not sent anything for %d seconds. ate: 0828-005 The system is ready to receive file %s. Use ctrl-X to stop xmodem. ate: 0828-006 The Connect command cannot start the process to read the port because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-007 Please dial a telephone number to make the requested connection. ate: 0828-010 The Connect command has made a connection through port %s. ate: 0828-011 The default file ate.def cannot be created or opened because of the error shown below. The program is continuing with standard defaults. ateate: 0828-012 The Directory command cannot open the file %s because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-013 The number %s that you entered is not a valid directory entry number. Enter a number from the directory list. ate: 0828-014 The letter %s that you entered is not a valid Help option. Enter 'Help' followed by the first letter of a valid command. ate: 0828-015 The file transfer is complete. ate: 0828-016 The system is ready to send file %s. Use ctrl-X to stop xmodem. ate: 0828-017 The Receive command cannot create or open the file %s because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-018 The Receive command cannot complete because you did not specify an input file name. ate: 0828-020 The program is ready to receive file %s. You will receive another message when the file transfer is complete. ate: 0828-022 The Send command cannot open the file %s because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-023 The Send command cannot complete because you did not specify an output file name. ate: 0828-024 The program is ready to send file %s. You will receive another message when the file transfer is complete. ate: 0828-025 The system is sending block %d. Writeate: 0828-027 The Receive command cannot write to the file %s because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-028 The system is receiving block %d. ate: 0828-029 The file transfer is active, but a checksum error occurred on sector %d. You do not need to take any action at this time. ate: 0828-030 The file transfer is active, but sector %s was received twice. The duplicate sector has been discarded. ate: 0828-031 The file transfer is active, but sector %1$s was received when sector %2$d was expected. The sector has been requested again. ate: 0828-032 The file transfer is active, but sector number %d could not be verified as being correct. The sector has been requested again. ate: 0828-036 The Send command cannot read the file %s because of the error shown below. ate: 0828-041 More. Press Enter. ate: 0828-042 The value %s specified for the Attempts command is not valid. Possible choices include any integer greater than zero. ate: 0828-044 The value %s specified for the Length command is not valid. Possible choices are 7 and 8. ate: 0828-045 The value %s specified for the Stop command is not valid. Possible choices are 1 and 2. ate: 0828-046 The value %s specified for the Parity command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for none, 1 for odd, and 2 for even. ate: 0828-047 The value %s specified for the Echo command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for OFF and 1 for ON. ate: 0828-048 The value %s specified for the Linefeeds command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for OFF and 1 for ON. ate: 0828-049 Correct the entry in your dialing directory and try again, or use the Connect command to make your connection. ate: 0828-050 The value %s you specified for the Wait command is not valid. Possible choices include any integer greater than or equal to zero. ate: 0828-051 The value %s you specified for the Transfer command is not valid. Possible choices are p for pacing and x for xmodem. ate: 0828-052 The value %s you specified for the Character command is not valid. Possible choices include any single character or integer. ate: 0828-053 The value %s specified for the VT100 command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for ON and 1 for OFF. ate: 0828-054 The system will use a parity of 0 because a length of 8 was specified. ate: 0828-055 The value %s specified for the Write command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for ON and 1 for OFF. ate: 0828-056 The session has been disconnected because the system can no longer detect a carrier signal. ate: 0828-057 The dialing directory %s has more than 20 entries. Only the first 20 entries can be used. ate: 0828-058 The value %s specified for the Xon/Xoff command is not valid. Possible choices are 0 for ON and 1 for OFF. ate: 0828-060 The system cannot open port %s because it is enabled or in use. ate: 0828-061 The system cannot open port %s because the port is busy. ate: 0828-062 The system cannot complete the Perform command requested because of the error shown below. Message number %d is not in messages.c ate: 0828-040 Press Enter. ate: 0828-003 The %s command is not valid. Enter the first letter of a command from the list on the menu. ate: 0828-004 A required temporary file cannot be opened because of the error shown below. Use the Quit command to end the program, then start the program again. ate: 0828-008 The system tried to open port %s but failed. If the port name is not correct, change it using the Alter menu. Or, take the action indicated by the system message shown below. ate: 0828-009 The Connect command cannot complete because the line was busy, or the modem did not detect a carrier signal. Make sure the number is correct and try again, or try the same number later. ate: 0828-019 The file transfer cannot begin because no pacing character has been received for 100 seconds. Verify that both the sending and receiving user specified the same pacing character in the Character command. ate: 0828-021 The file transfer cannot continue because no pacing character has been received for 30 seconds. Verify that both the sending and receiving user specified the same pacing character in the Character command. ate: 0828-026 Data is no longer being captured, and the current capture data has been lost. The capture buffer is full and cannot be written to the file %s because of the reason shown below. ate: 0828-033 Data is no longer being captured, and the current capture data has been lost. The process to write the capture buffer to the capture file cannot be started because of the reason shown below. ate: 0828-034 File transfer cannot complete because too many transmission errors have occurred. Use Connect command to re-establish the connection. Then try to transfer the file again. ate: 0828-035 The Send command cannot complete because the receiving site has not indicated it is ready to receive. Make sure the receiving site is using the same communication protocol, then send the file again. ate: 0828-037 The file transfer cannot complete because the receiving site did not acknowledge receipt of sector %d. Make sure the receiving site is using the same communication protocol, and send the file again. ate: 0828-038 The file transfer cannot complete because the receiving site did not acknowledge end of transmission. Make sure the receiving site is using the same communication protocol, and send the file again. ate: 0828-039 The xmodem command cannot complete because a flag is not valid. Valid flags are -r for receive, -s for send, or -p for passthrough. Enter the command again using one of these flags. ate: 0828-043 The value %s specified for the Rate command is not valid. Possible choices are 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200. ate: 0828-059 The value %s specified for a control key is not valid. Possible choices include any integer greater than or equal to zero and less than 32 decimal (040 octal, 0x20 hex). No such help as %d. HELP COMMAND TO ENTER A COMMAND: Commands are entered from the menu by typing the first letter of the command and pressing Enter. Control keys are typed by holding down the control key and typing the indicated letter while the control key is still depressed. You may use ctrl-r at any time to return to a previous screen. FOR FURTHER HELP INSTRUCTIONS: For further help instructions, use the help command followed by the first letter of a command on the connected or unconnected main menu (for example, 'h m' to get help on modifying local values). Valid command letters are: c (connect) h (help) a (alter) q (quit) d (directory) s (send) m (modify) b (break) t (terminate) r (receive) p (perform) CONNECT COMMAND The connect command allows you to establish a connection either manually or modem-dialed. It also allows you to open a locally-attached port. Before you try to make a connection, your modem must be set up properly. Read your modem book to determine how to set its switches. Some suggested settings follow: The computer supports RS-232 DTR (pin 20). No result codes are sent to the computer by the modem. Allow the computer to detect carrier by reading the RS-232C pin. If you type 'c' alone, you will be prompted for a phone number (auto dialing) and/or a port name (direct connect). If you enter both a telephone number and a port name, the telephone number must be first. MANUAL DIALING: If you just press Enter after the prompt, you will have 90 seconds to make a manual connection. If no connection is established, you will be returned to the main menu. AUTO DIALING: If you enter a number after the prompt, it will be auto dialed. If no connection has been established in 45 seconds (the line is busy, there is no answer, or a wrong number was dialed), you will be returned to the main menu. Telephone numbers are limited to 40 characters. They must begin with a number, and they may not include spaces. OPEN A PORT: If you enter a port name after the prompt, the port will be opened. NO PROMPT: You may avoid prompting by entering a 'c', a space, and (1) a telephone number or (2) a port name or (3) a telephone number, a space, and a port name. (Example: c 9,555-1234 tty1). CONTROL KEYS: Once connected, the following control keys may be used: ctrl b Start or stop recording display output. ctrl v Display main menu to issue a command. ctrl r Return to previous screen at any time. DIRECTORY COMMAND An already-existing dialing directory file can be read by entering 'd' and pressing Enter. You will be prompted for a dialing directory file name. The default dialing directory is the last one specified. If no name has been specified, the default directory name is /usr/lib/dir . You may avoid the prompt by entering the first letter of the command followed by a space and the directory name (example: d mydirectory). CREATING A DIRECTORY: Directories can be created using the editor of your choice. Items in the directory are space separated (1 or more), and must appear on the line in the following order: name (up to 20 chars; no embedded blanks permitted) telephone number (up to 40 chars; no embedded blanks permitted) rate (50,75,110,134,150,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200) length (7,8) stop bits (1,2) parity (0=none, 1=odd, 2=even; Parity must be 0 if Length=8) echo (0=off, 1=on) linefeeds (0=off, 1=on) A maximum of 20 entries may be placed in a single directory. An example of a directory with 3 numbers follows. The header is provided for this example only and should not appear in a normal directory file. NAME NUMBER RATE LENGTH STOP PARITY ECHO LF's Contest_BBS 9,555-1669 1200 8 1 0 0 1 Matchmaker 9,555-8747 1200 7 1 1 1 0 Utility_Board 9,555-3470 1200 7 2 2 0 0 MODIFY COMMAND The modify command allows you to: SPECIFY A CAPTURE FILE: This is a file in which to save a copy of the displayed output. If no name is specified, the default name is 'kapture'. If the capture file doesn't exist, it will be created. If it does exist, captured data will be appended to the bottom of it. No capturing is done unless the 'Write' value is ON (see below). ADD LINEFEEDS: Have the program add linefeeds whenever it sees a carriage return. ECHO CHARACTERS: Have the program echo characters typed at the keyboard to the display. Use this option if you see no characters or double characters. VT100: Emulate a Digital Equipment Corporation VT100 terminal. WRITE TO CAPTURE FILE: Write display data to the capture file. This value may also be set during a connection by using ctrl-b. XON/XOFF: Turn Xon/Xoff signals on or off. If on, signals indicating a communications buffer overflow will be sent to and received from the remote computer. The signals are ascii 17 (Xon) and ascii 19 (Xoff). IF YOU USE A DIRECTORY FILE: The values specified in the directory file for echo and line feeds will be used during the connection, and remain as the current values after the connection. MODIFY COMMANDS: The modify menu is reached by typing the first letter of the Modify command 'm' at the main menu. The modify menu may be avoided (fast path) by specifying values after the 'm' command. For example, to name the capture file 'junk' and turn on the write value, type: m n junk w. ALTER COMMAND The alter command allows you to specify the: LENGTH: Set the character length in bits. The default is 8. STOP BITS: Set the number of stop bits sent. The default is 1. PARITY: Set the parity to none, odd or even. The default is none. RATE: Set the bits per second (also called the speed or the baud rate). The default setting is 1200. PORT: Specify the tty device. The default device is tty0. PREFIX: Specify the modem prefix. The default is ATDT (ATtention, Dial Touchtone). Another common value is ATDP (ATtention, Dial Pulse). See your modem manual to determine what prefix is appropriate. SUFFIX: Specify the modem suffix. The default is none. To reset to no suffix from another string, set the suffix value to 0. REDIAL WAIT: Specify the seconds to wait between redialing attempts. The default is 0 (no delay). REDIAL ATTEMPTS: Specify the maximum number of times to redial. The default is 0 (no redialing will be done). PACING CHARACTER: Set the pacing character or time delay. The default is 0, no delay between sending lines. FILE TRANSFER METHOD: Choose the file transfer method. This may either be pacing or xmodem: PACING operates by sending or receiving a file one line at a time. If you enter an integer for the pacing character, it will pause that many seconds between transmitting lines. If you enter a character, it will wait for the receiving computer to send this prompt before sending the next line. In the receive mode, pacing will send the prompt character to the remote computer after receiving a carriage return. XMODEM is a protocol that sends or receives data a block at a time, and provides for error checking. IF YOU USE A DIRECTORY FILE: The values specified in the directory file for length, stop bits, parity and rate will be used during the connection, and remain as the current values after the connection. ALTER COMMANDS: The alter menu is reached by typing the first letter of the Alter command 'a' at the main menu. The alter menu may be avoided (fast path) by specifying values after the 'a' command. For example, to set the rate to 300 and the parity to even, type: a r 300 p 2. PERFORM COMMAND The Perform command is issued from the menu by typing the first letter of the command, 'p'. You will be prompted to enter an operating system command. You may avoid the prompt by entering the first letter of the command followed by a space and the operating system command. For example, to see a list of files in the current directory, enter 'p li'. After the operating system command has been executed, 'Press Enter' will be displayed. Enter will return you to the program. QUIT COMMAND The quit command exits the program and returns you to the operating system. SEND COMMAND The Send command is available only when a connection has been established. It is used to send a file to a remote computer. Two methods are provided for sending a file: pacing and xmodem protocol. You specify which method you wish to use by using the Transfer and Character commands on the Alter menu. PACING operates by sending a file to the remote computer one line at a time. If you enter an integer for the pacing character, it will pause that many seconds between transmitting lines. If you enter a character, it will wait for the receiving computer to send this prompt before sending the next line. XMODEM is a protocol that sends or receives data a block at a time, and provides for error checking. The remote computer must also have the capability to use xmodem. SEND COMMAND: To use the Send command, enter the first letter of the command ('s') and press Enter. You will be prompted for the name of the file to send. The file must exist. You may avoid the prompt by entering the first letter of the command followed by a space and the name of the file to send (example: s send_file). RECEIVE COMMAND The Receive command is available only when a connection has been established. It is used to receive a file from a remote computer. Two methods are provided for receiving a file: pacing and xmodem protocol. You specify which method you wish to use by using the Transfer and Character commands on the Alter menu. PACING operates by receiving a file from a remote computer one line at a time. If the pacing character is not an integer, the pacing routine will send the character to the remote computer after each carriage return it receives. XMODEM is a protocol that sends or receives data a block at a time, and provides for error checking. The remote computer must also have the capability to use xmodem. RECEIVE COMMAND: To use the Receive command, enter the first letter of the command 'r' and press Enter. You will be prompted for the name of the file to receive. You may avoid the prompt by entering the first letter of the command followed by a space and the name of the file to receive (example: r receive_file). If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, the received data will be appended to the bottom of it. TERMINATE COMMAND The Terminate command is used to end a connection. It is available only when a connection has been established. It is issued from the main menu (type ctrl-v while connected to display the main menu, enter 't' and press Enter). It disconnects the modem, closes the port, and returns you to the main menu or to the directory menu, depending on how you established the connection. BREAK COMMAND The Break command is used to send a break signal to the remote computer. It is available only when a connection has been established, and is issued from the main menu (type ctrl-v while connected to display the main menu, enter 'b' and press Enter). LENGTHSTOPPARITYRATEDEVICEINITIALFINALWAITATTEMPTSTRANSFERCHARACTERNAMELINEFEEDSECHOVT100WRITEXON/XOFFDIRECTORYCAPTURE_KEYMAINMENU_KEYPREVIOUS_KEYError opening /etc/inittab: No memory available for screen buffer. COMMAND DESCRIPTION CURRENT POSSIBLE CHOICES --------- ---------------------- -------- ------------------------------ LengthBits per character %-8d 7,8 StopNumber of stop bits %-8d 1,2 ParityParity setting %-8d 0=none, 1=odd, 2=even RateNumber of bits/second %-8d 50,75,110,134,150,300,600, 1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200 Device/dev name of port %-8.8s tty0-tty16 InitialModem dialing prefix %-8.8s ATDT, ATDP, etc. FinalModem dialing suffix %-8.8s 0 for none, valid modem suffix WaitWait between redialing %-8d seconds between tries AttemptsMaximum redial tries %-8d 0 for none, a positive integer TransferFile transfer method %c p=pacing, x=xmodem CharacterPacing char or number %c 0 for none, a single char/integer Name the capture file %-18.18s Any valid file name LinefeedsLinefeeds added %-8s ON, OFF EchoEcho mode %-8s ON, OFF VT100VT100 emulation %-8s ON, OFF Write display data to %-8s ON, OFF capture file Xon/XoffXon/Xoff signals %-8s ON, OFF OFFONDisconnect (%s or %s)? No such state as %d. # NAME TELEPHONE (first digits) RATE LEN STOP PAR ECHO LF's -- -------------------- -------------------------- ----- --- ---- --- ---- ---- Enter directory entry number or e(Exit) direc: Error in converting to widechar. item_cmp: Error in converting to widechar. menu: Error in converting to widechar. main: Error in converting to widechar. main: Error in converting to multibyte. AutoWrapVT100 auto wrap margins %-8s ON, OFF