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Overriding log, printing to screen Invalid log level '%s' Unknown module name '%s' Failed to set ASO priority to %d, errno %d This hardware model is not permitted to run ASO This hardware model is permitted to run ASO Hardware model check is disabled Failed to empty blocked set: %s [STOP] Unsupported partition configuration detected; ASO will not run. ERROR: Invalid strategy keyTerminating... ASO child process exited (0x%x)Couldn't fork ASO subsystem, errno: %liForked child with pid %iRequested to reset process %ld, but pid is not being optimised. Resetting process %ld due to apparent starvation. Assertion '%s' failed on line %d of %s Failed to add group to map Failed to allocate map Failed to add value to map [AsyncWorker] setthreadmask: %s [AsyncWorker] pthread_cond_signal returned %d [HIB] The system has a large number of bound threads. [HIB] ASO undoing all optimisations and hibernating. dr_reconfig(DR_RECONFIG_DONE): %s [HIB] Processing DR event, hibernating. [HIB] Processing additional DR event - resetting hibernation period. Failed to interpret phase of dr_info struct DRMonitor_handler: dr_reconfig(DR_QUERY): %s DRMonitor: sigaddset: %s DRMonitor: setthreadmask: %s DRMonitor: sigemptyset: %s DRMonitor: sigaction(SIGRECONFIG): %s Created %s job with id %ld Adding pid %ld [%s] to %s job %ld [EF][sys_action][%ld] Attaching (load %.2f) to domain %s (cores=%d,firstCpu=%d) [EF][sys_action][%ld] Detached from rset [EF][%ld] migrateMemory(%d,%d,%d): %s [EF][%ld] migrateMemory(%d,%d,%d): not initiated -AME over-subscribed [EF][%ld] clearing rad failed [EF][%ld] setting rad to domain %s failed [EF][%ld] attaching strategy %s [EF][%ld] detaching strategy %s [EF][%ld] Enabling core load, req/core = %f/%d = %f [EF][%ld] timing out strategy %s [EF][%ld] removing job process list for %d minutes [EF][%ld] Timing out job failed [EF][%ld] clearing timeout for strategy %s [EF][%ld] detaching all strategies from job [EF][sys_action][%ld] Migrating memory, target srad %d, pct %d%% [EF][%ld] Migrating memory failed [EF][%ld] Dispersing memory, source %d [EF][%ld] Dispersing memory failed [EF][%ld] Set biased allocation policy, target srad %d [EF][%ld] Set biased allocation policy failed [EF][%ld] Reset allocation policy [EF][%ld] Reset allocation policy failed [EF][%ld] End migration, target %d%% [EF][%ld] End migration failed [EF][%ld] Unknown Command type %d [WLM] Is now Inactive. Resetting all optimisations. [WLM] Is now active. [WLM] One or more WLM classes have changed. Resetting all optimisations. [WLM] System not optimisable. Failed to get folding state, errno %d [HIB] Core folding enabled on dedicated partition, hibernating Core folding disabled, continuing ASO enabled by tunable [HIB] ASO disabled by tunable, hibernating [HIB] Unsupported hardware configuration detected; ASO hibernating. "[HIB] Resuming from hibernation. [HIB] Increase entitlement to at least %d available cores or remove Exclusive use processor rsets to run ASO. Hibernating. [HIB] Current number of system virtual cpus too low (%d cpus) [HIB] Increase system virtual cpus to at least %d cpus to run ASO. Hibernating. [PMU][%ld] Failed to program PMU [PMU][%ld] Failed to deprogram PMU [PMU][%ld] Failed to disable PMU Failed to add new spec to metric specs map [PMU][%ld] Failed to program PMU %d times- marking PMU unavailable [PMU][%ld] Failed to gather PMU data- reprogramming job [SC][%ld] Considering for optimization (utilization=%.2f, pref=%d; attaching %s) [SC][%ld] Removing strategy %s from job [SC][%d] Timing out strategy %s for %lds [STOP] Maximum system entitlement is %.1f CPUs, but must be at least %.1f CPUs for ASO to operate. Stopping. [HIB] Current system entitlement too low (%.1f cores) [HIB] Increase system entitlement to at least %.1fcores to run ASO. Hibernating. [HIB] Used entitlement per unfolded vCPU is below threshold (%d%% of a core). [HIB] ASO will hibernate until used entitlement is at least %d%% of a core per unfolded vCPU [HIB] SPLPAR local dispatch ratio is below threshold (%d%%). [HIB] At least %d%% of VCPU dispatches must be local to run ASO Invalid shared Lpar error condition Invalid PM Sample mode (%d) Removing advisory rset from process %ld [PROC][%ld] Adding process with custom flags - enabled:%d disabled:%d cache_affin:%d mem_affin:%d large_page:%d memprefetch:%d [SC][%ld] Process (%s): Identified as having invalid PMU data. Clearing optimisations [HIB] System topology is flat, preventing ASO from operating. Hibernating Failed to find the requested group (%d, mode %s) in RawCounterValues_get_counters_for_group Failed to find the requested group (%d, mode %s) in RawCounterValues_get_index_for_group Failed to find the requested group (%d, mode %s) in RawCounterValues_get_num_slices_by_group_num Failed to add thread data to map in clone Thread %ld not in the map Fatal error: Could not open ASO lockfile (error %i) Fatal error: ASO already running (could not aquire lock file (error %d) Fatal error: Could not write to lock file (error %d) %s locked with pid %d SRC: Failed to set SIGNORM signal handler (error %i) SRC: Failed to set SIGFORCE signal handler (error %i) SRC: Failed to set SIGCANCEL signal handler (error %i) SRC: Failed to set SIGINT signal handler (error %i) Stop command received (signal %d), ASO will terminate. Stop (cancel) command received (signal %d), ASO will terminate. Stop (force) command received (signal %d), ASO will terminate immediately. Stop (interrupt) command received (signal %d), ASO will terminate. Failed to pass signal to child (%i) errno: %iget_rset_type: ra_getrset failed, errno %d get_rset_type: unhandled rset type %d [HIB] System must be a P7 running in P7 mode for ASO to operate. Hibernating. [HIB] Enhanced affinity must be enabled for ASO to operate. Hibernating. [STOP] Active memory sharing (AMS) is not supported by ASO. Stopping ASO aso_core_info returned %d, errno %d get_pages_per_srad(%d) - aso_affinity_status failed: %s disperse_memory(%d) - aso_affinity_settings failed: %s set_biased_allocation_policy(%ld) - aso_affinity_settings failed: %s reset_allocation_policy(%ld) - aso_affinity_settings failed: %s end_migration(%d) - aso_affinity_status failed: %s getRsetHandle: ra_getrset(%d) failed, errno %d getRsetHandle: rs_op(RS_COPY) failed, errno %d getNumLcpusInRset: rs_getinfo returned -1, errno was %d isRsetContained: rs_op(RS_ISCONTAINED) returned -1, errno was %d [STOP] WPAR detected. ASO will not run timeout_job(%d) - aso_set_opt_timeout failed: %s clear_job_timeout(%d) - aso_set_opt_timeout failed: %s timedwait: sigemptyset failed, errno: %d timedwait: setmask failed, errno %d timedwait: restoremask failed, errno %d [STOP] Virtual I/O server detected, ASO will exit.Failed to notify kernel of aso start (errno %d). Failed to notify kernel of aso stop (errno %d). aso_balance_unattached failed: ret %d, errno %d aso_balance_attached failed: ret %d, errno %d ptrace(PT_ATTACH) failed, pid %ld, errno %d waitpid failed, pid %ld, errno %d ptrace(PT_DETACH) failed, pid %ld, errno %d Failed to allocate counter id map Failed to add counter id to map. Failed to find counter ids for group %d Failed to get wlm_cpu_aggressive tunable from kernel end_hotsegs_profiling(%d) - aso_affinity_status error: %d (%s) hotsegs_profile_start(%d) - aso_affinity_settings error: %d (%s) Promoting %d pages for PID %d start_16mb_promotion(0x%16llx) - vm_pattr set error: %d (%s) start_16mb_promotion(0x%16llx) - vm_pattr get error: %d (%s) [ThreadPool] setthreadmask: %s [ThreadPool] pthread_cond_signal returned %d [ThreadPool] Failed to initialise thread attributes. [ThreadPool] pthread_cond_broadcast returned %d [ThreadPool] pthread_cond_wait returned %d No tunables matched '%s' from config file Could not find tunable %s at line %d. Could not update tunable %s with a double at line %d. Overriding kernel tunable %s with config file value at line %d. Could not update tunable %s: not a double Could not open ASO Configuration File, errno: %d Could not parse config file line %d (line was too long). Could not parse config from line %d: '%s' Non-ascii character identified on line %d. Error executing tunable command (%i) ret %d, error %i Reverting to default for tunable %s [WLM] wlm_get_info malloc error.[EXP][%ld] Failed to derive counters [EXP][%ld] Allowing domain %s (%d) [EXP][%ld]: giving up experimenting because only %d domains allowed. [EXP][%ld] Detaching without recommendation. [EXP][%ld] Final recommendation reached: %s [MEM][%ld] Rejecting job for migration: spans multiple srads [MEM][%ld] %.2f%% local, striped local %.2f%% [MEM][%ld] %d%% max affinitised, %.2f%% max local [MEM][%ld] Rejecting job for memory affinity: too close to target (%.2f%% + %d > %.2f%%) [MEM][%ld] Rejecting job for migration: insufficient free memory on srad %d [MEM][%ld] Accumulated remote accesses: %f [MEM][%ld] Recommending MIGRATE to %d(%d%%) %f [MEM][%ld] Rejecting job for migration: insufficient remote accesses [MEM][%ld] Recommending STAY ATTACHED (no recommendation) [MEM][%ld] Current migration request in progress, continuing migration [MEM][%ld] Migration aborted - SRAD changed. [MEM][%ld] Current migration request completed [MEM][%ld] %.2f%% pages moved, target %.2f%% (progress %.2f%%) [MEM][%ld] Sufficient progress detected, detaching monitor. [MEM][%ld] Migration failed, insufficient movement. [PRED][%ld] Failed to derive %d times [PRED][%ld] Failed to derive %d times - resetting job [PRED][%ld] Rad changed - throwing away aggregated data [PRED][%ld] Recommending max domain %s of minimum size %d [PRED][%ld] No gain expected from further compression; detaching. [SV]: Performing FullRefreshAction - removing all existing opimisations [SV]: SystemLoadEvent detected: Process Load deviance %i; Utilization deviance %i [SV] Too many SystemLoadEvents. Load variability too high - full refresh [SV]: No action [perf_info] system utilisation %.2f; total process load %.2f [SV]: UnoptimisableProcessEvent detected: Process deviance of unoptimisable processes: %i [SV] Too many UnoptimisableProcessEvents. Full refresh. [monitor][%ld] %s resetting job: %d variable samples Unexpected number of threads per core (%d) [HIB] Cache optimizations are hibernating. [HIB] Increase entitlement to at least %d available cores or remove Exclusive use processor rsets to run ASO. [HIB] Core folding enabled on dedicated partition. [HIB] Increase system entitlement to at least %.1fcores to run ASO. [HIB] Cache optilizations will hibernate until used entitlement is at least %d%% of a core per unfolded vCPU [HIB] At least %d%% of VCPU dispatches must be local to enable cache optimizations [HIB] The system does not have enough memory to activate the large page promotion optimization [HIB] Increase system virtual cpus to at least %d cpus to run ASO. [HIB] Large page promotion optimisations are hibernating. [HIB] LRU is now active. [HIB] LRU is now inactive. [HIB] System level demotes are noted. [HIB] %s is set to %d, Large page promotion optimisations are disabled. [LGPGs][%ld] Recommending initial (TLB) profiling, utilization = %f [LGPGs][%ld] Recommending refresh of profiling data, job on large page promotion queue for %d seconds [LGPGs][%ld] Recommending reprofiling to fix %d large page demotions that have occurred.[LGPGs][%ld] Recommending reprofiling since %d seconds elapsed after last round of promotions. [LGPGs][%ld] Entering large page post-optimization as no remaining unpromoted hot segments. Promoted segments =%d [LGPGs][%ld] Recommending reprofile to start next cycle of promotions, utilization =%f [LGPGs][%ld] Rejecting job for further large page profiling or promotion. Detaching any attached large page strategy. Job has been memory affinitized. [LGPGs][%ld] Rejecting job for further large page profiling or promotion. Detaching any attached large page strategy. Insufficient core utilization = %f [LGPGI][%ld] Rejecting job for promotion: insufficient TLB miss ratio %f [LGPGI][%ld] Recommending advanced profiling, tlb miss ratio = %f [LGPGa][%ld] Rejecting job for promotion, number of hot segments = %d [LGPGa][%ld] Recommending large page promotion, number of hot segments = %d, number of segments to promote =%d [MEMPREF][%ld] Recommending initial profiling [MEMPREF][%ld] Recommending MemoryPrefetch Tuning [MEMPREF][%ld] Recommending MemoryPrefetch Tuning with boosted priority [MEMPREF][%ld] Job is not suitable for memory prefetch tuning. Detach ... [MEMPREF][%ld] Rejecting job for further Memory Prefetch optimization. Reset DSCR setting for the Job. Unstable job during post monitoring. [MEMPREF][%ld] Validating job after memory prefetch optimization. Make sure the tuning effect is positive. [MEMPREF][%ld] Recommending Post memory prefetch stability monitoring. [MEMPREF][%ld] Rejecting job for further memory prefetch optimization due to end of tuning life cycle [MEMPREF][%ld] Rejecting job for further memory prefetch stability monitor strategy due to dissatisfaction of metrics. Will not recommand profile [EF][%ld] Reset Memory Prefetch Tuning... [EF][%ld] Optimize Memory Prefetch... [EF][%ld] Memory Prefetch tuning failed [MEMPREF][%ld] Rejecting job for further memory prefetch optimization due to self DSCR tuning Setting debug level to %d [monitor][%ld] average utilization only %.2f; detaching cache monitor [perf_info] ASO monitored workloads: total utilization %.2f; total load %.2f [EF][sys_action][%ld] migrateMemory(%d,%d,%d): %s [EF][sys_action][%ld] Dispersing memory, source %d [EF][sys_action][%ld] Set biased allocation policy, target srad %d [EF][sys_action][%ld] Reset allocation policy [EF][sys_action] End memory migration for pid %ld [SC][%ld] Considering for optimization (utilization=%.2f, preferred=%d; attaching %s) [EF][sys_action] Promoting %d pages to 16MB size for Job ID %d [MEM][%ld] %.2f%% local memory, striped local memory %.2f%% [MEM][%ld] Recommending MIGRATE to SRAD %d (target %d%%) score %f [MEM][%ld] %ld pages moved, target %ld (progress %.2f%%) [LGPGs][%ld] Rejecting job for further large page profiling or promotion. Detaching any attached large page strategy. Insufficient core utilization = %f or shmid change = %s [MEMPREF][%ld] Rejecting job for further memory prefetch optimization due to manual DSCR tuning setppriv failed with errno %d. Aborting. Processor version not supported. [HIB] Number of VCPUs too low for cache/memory optimizations. [HIB] Cache and memory affinity optimizations will hibernate because topology is flat. [STOP] System entitlement too low. [STOP] ASO does not support Enhanced Affinity disabled mode. Only Memory Prefetch Optimization is supported when Active Memory Sharing is enabled. [EF][sys_action][%ld] Promoting %d pages to 16MB [LGPGi][%ld] Rejecting job for promotion: insufficient TLB miss ratio %f [LGPGi][%ld] Recommending advanced profiling, tlb miss ratio = %f Processor version partially supported [SV]: Performing RefreshAction_cache - removing all existing cache/memory opimisations Processor type is %s running in %s mode. Only basic cache optimization is enabled [STOP] DSO is not supported on KVM systems File %s does not exist. Exiting. [HIB] Cache optimizations will hibernate until used entitlement is at least %d%% of a core per unfolded vCPU