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F:  FFAFZFFaFzF!F:FF A!FZ"#F$%F&a'Fz()F*!+F:,-F./F0A1GZ23G45G6f7G89G:*;GD<=G>?G@PAGjBCGDEG.FvGGHIGJ:KGTLMGNOGP`QGzRSGT$UG3V {W2XY*Z[e\?d]^:_2634-000 Attribute identifier is not valid. 2634-002 Attribute "%1$s" cannot be specified when defining a new resource. 2634-003 The Resource Handle specified does not exist. 2634-004 Error %1$d returned from registry function %2$s. 2634-005 Attribute "%1$s" is read-only and cannot be set. 2634-006 Attribute "%1$s" appears in request more than once. 2634-007 The value specified for attribute "%1$s" has the wrong data type. 2634-008 Resource class name "%1$s" is not recognized by this resource manager. 2634-009 The control point for resource class "%1$s" cannot be initialized. 2634-010 The control point for the target resource cannot be initialized. 2634-011 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught with error code %2$d. 2634-012 An unexpected exception %1$s was caught. 2634-013 Attribute "%1$s" must be specified when a new resource is defined. 2634-014 The values for the NodeList attribute must be less than or equal to 4096. 2634-015 2634-016 2634-017 Too many Commands are running. Please try later 2634-018 Remote Command Execution error: "%1$s" 2634-019 Remote File Transfer error: "%1$s" 2634-020 The data type of the structured data element "%1$s" is not valid. 2634-021 The number of structured data elements provided is incorrect. 2634-022 The value of the structured data element "%1$s" is not valid. 2634-023 The "%1$s" structured data element must be an absolute path of a file. 2634-024 The "%1$s" structured data element must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. 2634-025 The destination file type requires the file name to be in a directory under "%1$s". 2634-026 The replace option can not be specified for destination file type %1$d. 2634-027 The file "%1$s" does not exisit. 2634-028 The file "%1$s" is empty. 2634-029 The transfer offset specified is greater than the size of the source file. 2634-030 The destination file "%1$s" already exists and the replace option was not specified. 2634-031 The file type of "%1$s" is not supported for reading or writing. 2634-032 There is not enough space available in the destination file system. 2634-033 The "%1$s" command failed with exit code %2$d. %3$s 2634-034 The value specified for the "MaxFileTransferBlockSize" attribute is not valid. The value must be between %1$d and %2$d. 2634-035 Unable to open an RMC session for file transfer using provided ip addresses "%1$s". 2634-036 The "%s" system call failed with error %d for file "%s". The ATM Device resource class provides the capability to monitor properties of all installed Asynchronous Transfer Mode adapters.ATM DeviceIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalDefines the device family to which resources of this class belong.Device FamilyGeneralWhenever an ATM adapter is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new ATM adapter is discovered.Whenever an ATM adapter is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever an ATM adapter is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the ATM device.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each adapter. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.ResourceHandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an ATM device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the ATM device is installed.Node ListThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource changes.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors per second that have occurred at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes.Receive Error RateAdvancedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors per second exceeds 1.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the receive error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive packets that are dropped per second exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped receive packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes.Transmit Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped outbound packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors per second that were detected at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Error RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows per second that were detected by the adapter. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Overflow RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit queue overflow rate goes below 2 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors that have occurred at the adapter level. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrors dynamic attribute.Receive ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDrops dynamic attribute.Receive Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped receive packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors that have been detected at the adapter level. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows that were detected by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit OverflowsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received.Bytes ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received betweem two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received.Packets ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received between two observations drops below 1000.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted.Bytes TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted between two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted.Packets TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted between two observations drops be 1000.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an ATM device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the ATM device is installed.Node IdentifiersThe Ethernet Device resource class provides the capability to monitor properties of all installed Ethernet adapters.Ethernet DeviceIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalDefines the device family to which resources of this class belong.Device FamilyGeneralWhenever an Ethernet adapter is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new Ethernet adapter is discovered.Whenever an Ethernet adapter is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever an Ethernet adapter is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the Ethernet device.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each adapter. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.ResourceHandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an Ethernet device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the Ethernet device is installed.Node ListThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors per second that have occurred at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Error RateAdvancedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors per second exceeds 1.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the receive error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes.Receive Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive packets that are dropped per second exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped receive packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped outbound packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors per second that were detected at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Error RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows per second that were detected by the adapter. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes.Transmit Overflow RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the transmit queue overflow rate goes below 2 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors that have occurred at the adapter level. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrors dynamic attribute.Receive ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDrops dynamic attribute.Receive Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped receive packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors that have been detected at the adapter level. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows that were detected by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit OverflowsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received.Bytes ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received betweem two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received.Packets ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received between two observations drops below 1000.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted.Bytes TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted between two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted.Packets TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted between two observations drops be 1000.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an Ethernet device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the Ethernet device is installed.Node IdentifiersThe FDDI Device resource class provides the capability to monitor properties of all installed FDDI adapters.FDDI DeviceIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalDefines the device family to which resources of this class belong.Device FamilyGeneralWhenever an FDDI adapter is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new FDDI adapter is discovered.Whenever an FDDI adapter is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever an FDDI adapter is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the FDDI device.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each adapter. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.ResourceHandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an FDDI device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the FDDI device is installed.Node ListThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors per second that have occurred at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Error RateAdvancedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors per second exceeds 1.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the receive error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive packets that are dropped per second exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped receive packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped outbound packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors per second that were detected at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Error RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows per second that were detected by the adapter. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Overflow RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit queue overflow rate goes below 2 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors that have occurred at the adapter level. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrors dynamic attribute.Receive ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDrops dynamic attribute.Receive Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped receive packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors that have been detected at the adapter level. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows that were detected by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit OverflowsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received.Bytes ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received betweem two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received.Packets ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received between two observations drops below 1000.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted.Bytes TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted between two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted.Packets TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted between two observations drops be 1000.This attribute identifies the list of node nameswhere the operational interface of the resource is available. Because an FDDI device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the FDDI device is installed.Node IdentifiersThe Token Ring Device resource class provides the capability to monitor properties of all installed Token Ring adapters.Token Ring DeviceIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalDefines the device family to which resources of this class belong.Device FamilyGeneralWhenever a Token Ring adapter is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedAn event is generated whenever a new Token Ring adapter is discovered.Whenever a Token Ring adapter is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a Token Ring adapter is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the Token Ring device.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each adapter. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.ResourceHandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a Token Ring device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the Token Ring device is installed.Node ListThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors per second that have occurred at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Error RateAdvancedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors per second exceeds 1.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the receive error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Receive Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive packets that are dropped per second exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped receive packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets per second that were dropped by the adapter device driver. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Drop RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of dropped outbound packets goes below 5 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors per second that were detected at the adapter level. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Error RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit error rate is 0 for two consecutive observations.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows per second that were detected by the adapter. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrorRate dynamic attribute. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDropRate dynamic attribute. Messages and data sent by an application to a network adapter for trans- mission are broken up into packets and appended with address, header, and trailer information by the various network protocol layers. At the adapter device driver level, packets are placed in buffers on a transmit queue. The packets are appended with a network interface header and then transmitted as frames by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrorRate, XmitOverflowRate, and XmitDropRate dynamic attributes. Transmit Overflow RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows exceeds 10 per second.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the transmit queue overflow rate goes below 2 per second.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Receive RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted per second drops below one hundred thousand.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted per second. A network adapter card is the hardware that is physically attached to the network cabling. It is responsible for receiving and transmitting data at the physical level. The network adapter card is controlled by the network adapter device driver. A machine must have one network adapter card (or connection) for each network (not network type) to which it connects. For instance, if a host attaches to two Token-Ring networks, it must have two network adapter cards. When a new network adapter is physically installed in the system, the operating system assigns it a logical name. Some example names are: tok0 for a Token-Ring adapter, ent0 for an Ethernet adapter, or atm0 for an ATM adapter. The trailing number in each name creates a unique logical number. For example, a second Token-Ring adapter would have the logical name, tok1.Packet Transmit RateThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted per second exceeds one million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted per second drops below 500.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive errors that have occurred at the adapter level. Messages received by a network adapter, referred to as frames, are encapsulated with destination, header and trailer information that is added by the various network protocol layers. A counter, maintained for each adapter, tracks the number of frame receive errors at the adapter device level that caused unsuccessful reception due to hardware or network errors. This counter is the raw value for the RecErrors dynamic attribute.Receive ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of receive errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of receive packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. When frames are received by an adapter, they are transferred from the adapter into a device-managed receive queue. The number of packets that are accepted but dropped by the device driver level for any reason (for example, queue buffer shortage) is tracked by a counter that provides the raw value of the RecDrops dynamic attribute.Receive Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped receive packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of outbound packets that were dropped by the adapter device driver. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit Packets DroppedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of dropped outbound packets changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit errors that have been detected at the adapter level. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit ErrorsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit errors changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of transmit queue overflows that were detected by the adapter. Counters are maintained for each adapter to track the number of trans- mission errors at the device level (due to hardware or network errors), number of transmission queue overflows at the device driver level (due to buffer shortage), and the number of packets dropped (packets not passed to the device by the driver for any reason). These counters provide the raw values for the XmitErrors, XmitOverflows, and XmitDrops dynamic attributes.Transmit OverflowsThe example event expression generates an event when the number of transmit queue overflows changes.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes received.Bytes ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes received betweem two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes received between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets received.Packets ReceivedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets received between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets received between two observations drops below 1000.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of bytes transmitted.Bytes TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of bytes transmitted between two observations exceeds thirty million.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of bytes transmitted between two observations drops below one million.This dynamic attribute reflects the number of packets transmitted.Packets TransmittedThe example event expression generates an event when the number of packets transmitted between two observations exceeds ten thousand.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the number of packets transmitted between two observations drops be 1000.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a Token Ring device is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the Token Ring device is installed.Node IdentifiersThe Host resource class provides the capability to query and monitor various properties of the host machine and its operating system. This includes processor load information, paging space activity, and kernel memory allocation statistics.HostIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalThis dynamic attribute is provided for compatibility with other resource classes. Typically, this attribute is asserted whenever a new resource is created or discovered. However, when the Host resource class is used outside of a cluster, there is only one host resource, and it always exists. As a result, a client may register for events from this dynamic attribute, but the client will never receive any events.Resource DefinedThe example event expression for the Host class causes an event to be generated whenever a new host is created or discovered.This dynamic attribute is provided for compatibility with other resource classes. Typically, this attribute is asserted whenever a new resource is deleted. However, when the Host resource class is used outside of a cluster, there is only one host resource, and it always exists and cannot be deleted. As a result, a client may register for events from this dynamic attribute, but the client will never receive any events.Resource UndefinedThe example event expression for the Host class causes an event to be generated whenever a host is deleted.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a persistent class attribute is modified, either explicitly or implicitly.Identifies the current name of the host as returned by the hostname command.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies the host. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalDescription of Variety in resource class Host.VarietyDescription of NodeList in resource class Host.Node ListThis attribute reflects the number of processors (CPUs) that are installed in the host. Note that only a subset of these processors may be active.Number of ProcessorsThis attribute reflects the number of bytes of real memory that is installed in the host. Bad memory pages, if any, are not included in this value.Real Memory Size (Bytes)This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the host resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the average number of processes that are waiting for the processor. The scheduler maintains a queue of all of the processes that are ready to be dispatched. Periodically, the process table is scanned to determine which processes are ready to run. If one or more processes are ready, they are placed on the run queue, and a counter is incremented. The counter computes the value of the ProcRunQueue attribute as the average number of ready-to-run processes. The scheduler also scans the process table for processes that are inactive because they are waiting to be paged in. A swapped process may (or may not) have some or all of its pages moved to the swap (paging) device. As with the ProcRunQueue value, the system maintains a counter for swapped processes that computes the value of the ProcSwapQueue attribute as the average number of processes swapped out. A process must be paged in and marked nonswapped before it can be placed on the run queue for execution.Processes in Run QueueAdvancedThe example event expression generates an event when the average number of processes on the run queue has increased by 50 percent or more between observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the run queue length drops below 50.This dynamic attribute reflects the average number of processes that are waiting to be paged in. The scheduler maintains a queue of all of the processes that are ready to be dispatched. Periodically, the process table is scanned to determine which processes are ready to run. If one or more processes are ready, they are placed on the run queue, and a counter is incremented. The counter computes the value of the ProcRunQueue attribute as the average number of ready-to-run processes. The scheduler also scans the process table for processes that are inactive because they are waiting to be paged in. A swapped process may (or may not) have some or all of its pages moved to the swap (paging) device. As with the ProcRunQueue value, the system maintains a counter for swapped processes that computes the value of the ProcSwapQueue attribute as the average number of processes swapped out. A process must be paged in and marked nonswapped before it can be placed on the run queue for execution.Processes in Swap QueueThe example event expression generates an event when the average number of processes on the swap queue is 50 or more for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the average swap queue length drops below 40 for two consecutive observations.This attribute reflects the total size of all active mounted paging space in the system (including NFS). A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is present in virtual memory but is not currently being accessed. A paging space is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other processes. The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation, and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning-level and terminate-level thresholds can be obtained and altered by the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes running in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to early when a program starts, paging space is reserved when a process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation algorithm used by the operating system causes the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than early, the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space when memory is requested but defers the reservation until the pages are touched.Total Active Paging SpaceThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever the total amount of paging space changes.This attribute reflects the size, in number of 4KB pages, of available paging space for all active paging space devices in the system. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is present in virtual memory but is not currently being accessed. A paging space is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other processes. The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation, and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning-level and terminate-level thresholds can be obtained and altered by the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes running in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to early when a program starts, paging space is reserved when a process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation algorithm used by the operating system causes the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than early, the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space when the memory is requested but defers the reservation until the pages are touched.TotalPaging Space FreeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the VMM is within 2 megabytes (512 4KB pages) of reaching the paging space warning level.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event is generated and the amount of free paging space becomes greater than the warning level amount.This attribute reflects the percentage of paging space in use for all active paging space devices in the system. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is present in virtual memory but is not currently being accessed. A paging space is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other processes. The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation, and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning-level and terminate-level thresholds can be obtained and altered by the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes running in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to early when a program starts, paging space is reserved when a process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation algorithm used by the operating system causes the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than early, the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space when memory is requested but defers the reservation until the pages are touched.% Total Paging Space UsedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when more than 90% of the total paging space is in use.The example rearm expression reenables event generation when the percentage of used paging space falls below 85%.This attribute reflects the percentage of free paging space for all active paging space devices in the system. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is present in virtual memory but is not currently being accessed. A paging space is a logical volume with the attribute type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other processes. The amount of paging space required depends upon the types of activities performed on the system. If paging space runs low, processes may be lost, and if paging space runs out, the system may panic. Paging space shortage may cause memory performance degradation, and thrashing can occur (if VMM memory load control is turned off). The system monitors the number of free paging space blocks and detects when a paging-space shortage exists. When the number of free paging blocks falls below a threshold known as the paging-space warning level, the system informs all processes (except kprocs) of this condition by sending the SIGDANGER signal. If the shortage continues and falls below a second threshold known as the paging-space terminate level, the system sends the SIGKILL signal to processes that are the major users of paging space and that do not have a signal handler for the SIGDANGER signal. The warning-level and terminate-level thresholds can be obtained and altered by the command vmtune (npswarn and npskill parameters respectively). Processes running in the early allocation environment avoid receiving the SIGKILL signal if a low paging space condition occurs. If the PSALLOC environment variable is set to early when a program starts, paging space is reserved when a process makes a memory request. If there is insufficient paging space, the early allocation algorithm used by the operating system causes the memory request to be unsuccessful. If the PSALLOC environment is not set, or is set to any value other than early, the operating system uses a late allocation algorithm for memory and paging space allocation. Late allocation does not reserve paging space when memory is requested but defers the reservation until the pages are touched.% Total Paging Space FreeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the percentage of free paging space falls below 10%.The example rearm expression reenables event generation when the amount of free paging space reaches 15%.This attribute reflects the system-wide percentage of time that one or more processors are idle. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTotalTimeUser, PctTotalTimeKernel, PctTotalTimeWait, and PctTotalTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Total Idle TimeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the average time that all processors are idle is at least 70%.The example rearm expression reenables event generation when the average time that all processors are idle falls below 10%.This attribute reflects the system-wide percentage of time that one or more processors are waiting. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTotalTimeUser, PctTotalTimeKernel, PctTotalTimeWait, and PctTotalTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Total Wait TimeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the average time that all processors are waiting on I/O is at least 50%.The example rearm expression reenables event generation when the average time that all processors are waiting falls below 10%.This attribute reflects the system-wide percentage of time that one or more processors are in user mode. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTotalTimeUser, PctTotalTimeKernel, PctTotalTimeWait, and PctTotalTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time that all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Total User TimeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the average time that all processors are in user mode is at least 70%.The example rearm expression reenables event generation after an event occurs and the average time that all processors are in user mode decreases below 10%.This attribute reflects the system-wide percentage of time that one or more processors are in kernel mode. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTotalTimeUser, PctTotalTimeKernel, PctTotalTimeWait, and PctTotalTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time that all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Total Kernel TimeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the average time all processors are in kernel mode is at least 70%.The example rearm expression reenables event generation after an event occurs and the average time that all processors are in kernel mode decreases below 10%.This attribute reflects the percentage of real page frames that are on the VMM free list. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and are referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real mem- ory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. After a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the operating system kernel remains pinned, many regions are pageable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory that may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered with the system command vmtune.% Real Memory FreeThe example event expression generates an event when the percentage of real page frames that are free falls below 5%.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the percentage of free frames exceeds 10%.This attribute reflects the percentage of real page frames that are pinned and cannot be paged out. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and are referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real mem- ory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. After a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the operating system kernel remains pinned, many regions are pageable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory that may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered with the system command vmtune.% Real Memory PinnedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the percentage of real page frames that are pinned exceeds 75%.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the percentage of pinned page frames falls below 70%.This attribute reflects the number of real page frames that are on the VMM free list. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and are referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves references to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real mem- ory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the segment type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds. Memory regions defined in either system or user space may be pinned. Pinning a memory region prohibits the pager from stealing pages from the pages backing the pinned memory region. After a memory region is pinned, accessing that region does not result in a page fault until the region is subsequently unpinned. While a portion of the operating system kernel remains pinned, many regions are pageable and are only pinned while being accessed. Thresholds used by the VMM include the minimum and maximum number of pages to be maintained on the free list (used to determine when the VMM should start or stop stealing pages to replenish the free list), and the maximum percentage of real memory that may be pinned. The values of these thresholds may be queried or altered with the system command vmtune.Free Real Memory FramesThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of free real page frames falls below 120.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of free page frames exceeds 150.This attribute reflects the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is reading both persistent and working pages from disk storage. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and are referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves ref- erences to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Pages of a virtual address space are considered to be persistent or working. Persistent pages have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent pages. Because per- sistent pages have a permanent storage location, the VMM can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page on a subsequent request. Working pages are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text regions, and shared-library text and data regions. Working pages also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the page type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds.Page In RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the rate of pages read (both persistent and working pages) by the VMM exceeds 500 per second.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the rate of pages read drops below 400 per second.This attribute reflects the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is writing both persistent and working pages from disk storage. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and are referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves ref- erences to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Pages of a virtual address space are considered to be persistent or working. Persistent pages have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent pages. Because per- sistent pages have a permanent storage location, the VMM can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page on a subsequent request. Working pages are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text regions, and shared-library text and data regions. Working pages also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the page type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds.Page Out RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the rate of pages written (both persistent and working pages) by the VMM exceeds 500 per second.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the rate of pages written drops below 400 per second.This attribute reflects the average rate of page faults that occur per second. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves ref- erences to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Pages of a virtual address space are considered to be persistent or working. Persistent pages have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent pages. Because per- sistent pages have a permanent storage location, the VMM can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page on a subsequent request. Working pages are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text regions, and shared-library text and data regions. Working pages also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the page type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds.Page Fault RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of page faults per second exceeds 500.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the rate of page faults falls below 400 per second.This attribute reflects the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is reading working pages from paging space disk storage. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves ref- erences to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Pages of a virtual address space are considered to be persistent or working. Persistent pages have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent pages.Because per- sistent pages have a permanent storage location, the VMM can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page on a subsequent request. Working pages are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text regions, and shared-library text and data regions. Working pages also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the page type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds.Page Space In RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of pages read from paging space devices exceeds 500 per second.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the rate of pages read from paging space devices falls below 400 per second.This attribute reflects the rate, in pages per second, that the VMM is writing working pages to paging space disk storage. Virtual memory is partitioned into fixed-size units called pages. Each page may be in real memory (RAM) or stored on disk until needed. Real memory is partitioned into units that are equal in size to virtual pages and referred to as page frames. To accommodate a large virtual memory space with a limited real memory space, the system uses real memory for work space and maps inactive data and programs to disk. The VMM (Virtual Memory Manager) manages the allocation of real memory page frames, resolves ref- erences to virtual memory pages that are not currently in real memory (or do not yet exist), and manages the reading and writing of pages to disk storage. A page fault occurs when a page that is not in real memory is referenced. Pages of a virtual address space are considered to be persistent or working. Persistent pages have permanent storage locations on disk. Data files or executable programs are mapped to persistent pages. Because per- sistent pages have a permanent storage location, the VMM can write a changed page back to its permanent location, or simply free the page frame if it was not altered and re-read the page on a subsequent request. Working pages are transitory and exist only during their use by a process. Examples are process stack and data regions, kernel and kernel-extension text regions, and shared-library text and data regions. Working pages also require disk storage locations when they cannot be kept in real memory. Disk paging space is used for this purpose. The VMM maintains a list of free page frames that it uses to accommodate page faults. In most environments, the VMM must occasionally add to the free list by reassigning some page frames owned by running processes. The virtual-memory pages whose page frames are to be reassigned are selected by the VMM's page-replacement algorithm, which takes into consideration the page type, statistics regarding rate of reoccurring page faults, and user-tunable thresholds. The number of frames reassigned to the free list is also determined by VMM thresholds.Page Space Out RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of pages written to paging space devices exceeds 500 per second.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the rate of pages written to paging space devices falls below 400 per second.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for a network data buffer (mbuf). There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Mbuf Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for a network data buffer exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for an network data buffer falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for a kernel socket structure. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Socket Buffer Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for a kernel socket strucuture exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for an kernel socket structure falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for a protocol control block. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Protocol CB Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for a protocol control block exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for a protocol control block falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for other buffers used by IP. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 OtherIP CB Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for other IP-related memory exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for other IP-related memory falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for streams header and data buffers. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Mblk Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for streams headers and data buffer exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for streams headers and data buffers falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for streams-related memory other than headers and data. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Streams Buffer Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for other streams-related memory exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for other streams-related memory falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of requests per second that are being made for other kernel memory. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Other Kmem Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of requests per second for other kernel-related memory exceeds 5000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of requests per second for other kernel-related memory falls below 4000.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for a network data buffer (mbuf). There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Mbuf Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for network data buffers exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for network data buffers falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for a kernel socket structure. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Socket Buffer Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for kernel socket structures exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for kernel socket structures falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for a protocol control block. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Protocol CB Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for protocol control blocks exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for protocol control blocks falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for other buffers used by IP. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 OtherIP CB Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for other IP-related memory exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for other IP-related memory falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for streams headers and data. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Mblk Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for streams headers and data buffers exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for streams headers and data buffers falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for other streams-related memory. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Streams Buffer Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for other streams-related buffers exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for other streams-related memory falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of failing requests per second for other kernel memory. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Other Kmem Failed Request RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of failed requests per second for other kernel-related memory exceeds 10.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of failed requests per second for other kernel-related memory falls below 5.This attribute reflects the average number of allocated network data buffers that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated MbufsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of allocated network data buffers exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of allocated network data buffers becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of kernel socket structures that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated Socket BuffersThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of allocated kernel socket structures exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of allocated kernel socket structures becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of allocated protocol control blocks that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated Protocol CBsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of allocated protocol control blocks exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of allocated protocol control blocks becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of allocated IP memory blocks other than mbufs that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated OtherIP CBsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of IP-related allocations (except network data buffers) exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of IP-related allocations (except network data buffers) becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of allocated buffers for streams headers and data that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated MblksThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of allocated streams headers and data buffers exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of allocated streams headers and data buffers becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of allocated streams buffers other than headers and data buffers. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs), and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated Streams BuffersThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of streams-related allocations (except headers and data buffers) exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of allocated streams buffers for uses other than headers and data buffers becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the average number of other allocated kernel buffers that are in use. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Allocated Other KMemThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of 'other' kernel allocations exceeds 10000.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the number of 'other' kernel memory allocations becomes less than 9000.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated network data buffers. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated MbufsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all allocated network data buffers exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all allocated network data buffers drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated kernel socket structures. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated Socket BuffersThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all allocated kernel socket structures exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all allocated kernel socket structures drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated protocol control blocks. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated Protocol CBsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all allocated protocol control blocks exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all allocated protocol control blocks drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated IP buffers other than mbufs. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated OtherIP CBsThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all IP-related allocations other than network data buffers exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all IP-related allocations other than network data buffers drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated buffer for streams headers and data buffers. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated MblksThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all streams-header and data-buffer allocations exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all streams headers and data buffers drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of all allocated streams buffers other than headers and data buffers. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Allocated Streams BuffersThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all streams-related allocations other than headers and data buffers exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all streams-related allocations other than headers and data buffers drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total size of 'other' allocated kernel memory. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (or system) level and user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). The operating system provides routines used by the kernel and by services running at system level for allocating memory in kernel space. Counters are maintained in the kernel to track the requests and use of kernel memory, based on the type of data structure or service. These dynamic attributes can be used to monitor the number, size, and state of requests for buffers allocated in kernel memory. Note: This value for this attribute is not updated unless the following command has been performed since the last time the system was started: no -o extendednetstats=1 Size of Other Allocated KmemThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the total size of all allocated kernel memory of type 'other' exceeds 64MB.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the total size of all allocated kernel memory of type 'other' drops below 32MB.This attribute reflects the total number of virtual memory pages that are being accessed by all running processes. It does not include pages used by the kernel or filesystems. If the number of pages being accessed for all processes is greater than the amount of real memory then performance may be reduced due to the number and frequency of page faults that require reading and writing to disk storage.Active PagesThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of active virtual memory pages exceeds 90% of 256 megabytes or 65536 pages of memory.The example rearm expression reenables event generation when the number of active virtual memory pages falls below 80% of 256 megabytes or 65536 pages of memory.This attribute reflects the percentage of real memory pages that are needed to accomodate the set of active virtual memory pages for all running processes. This value does not include those pages in use by the kernel or filesystems. If the percentage of real memory that is needed to accomodate the set of active virtual memory pages approaches or exceeds 100%, performance may be reduced due to the number and frequency of page faults that require reading and writing to disk storage.% Real Memory ActiveThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the percentage of real memory pages needed to accomodate the set of active virtual memory pages exceeds 90%.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the percentage of real memory pages needed to accomodate the set of active virtual memory pages falls below 80%.This attribute is an array containing three entries which contain the number of of jobs in the run queue averaged over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.Load AverageThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the average number of jobs in the run queue has been greater than 10 over both the last minute and the last five minutes.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the average number of jobs in the run queue over the last minute drops below 2.This attribute reflects the number of users that are currntly logged on to the system.Number of UsersThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the number of users logged onto the system is greater than 50.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the the number of users logged onto the system drops below 25.This attribute reflects the number of seconds since the system was last booted.System Up TimeThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the system has been up for more than a week.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events when the system has been up for less than a week. Since this cannot happen until the system is rebooted, this combination of event and rearm expressions will result in one event being generated when the system has been up for one week.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available.Node IdentifiersThis attribute reflects the set of management scopes that are active on the node. A management scope is a concept implemented by the RMC subsystem that controls the set of nodes to which RMC operations will potentially have an effect. One or more scopes may be active at the same time on a node. Each active scope is represented by a bit in the value of this attribute. The values corresponding to each scope are: Local=1, SharedResourceCluster=2, ManagementCluster=4.Active Management ScopesThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the set of active management scopes change.This attribute reflects the name of the operating system running on the node (e.g. Linux, AIX, ...). Operating System NameThis attribute reflects the version of the operating system kernel running on the node. Kernel VersionThis attribute reflects the name of the software distribution that is installed on the node (e.g. Red Hat, SuSE, etc). This is mainly applicable to Linux since IBM provides the only distribution for AIX. Distribution NameThis attribute reflects the version of the software distribution that is installed on a node. Distribution VersionThis attribute reflects the type of processor architecture that the node uses (e.g. i386, s390, ppc, etc.). Processor ArchitectureThis attribute reflects the number of processors (CPUs) that are currently online in the host. Number of Online ProcessorsThis attribute reflects the number of processor unit this SPLPAR is entitled to receive.Entitled Processor CapacityThis attribute reflects the number of virtual processors (CPUs) that are currently online in the host (SPLPAR). Number of Online Virtual ProcessorsThis attribute reflects the number of processors (CPUs) that are currently online in the system that contains this partition. Number of Active Physical ProcessorsThis attribute reflects the percentage of available real memory that are needed to accomodate the set of available real memory for all running processes. If the percentage of real memory that is needed to accomodate the available real memory approaches or exceeds 100%, performance may be reduced due to the number and frequency of page faults that require reading and writing to disk storage.% Real Memory AvailableThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the percentage of available real memory exceeds 90%.The example rearm expression reenables the generation of events after the percentage of available real memory falls below 80%.The Paging Device resource class provides the capability to query and monitor properties of devices used for paging space.Paging DeviceIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalWhenever an paging device is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a new paging space device is discovered.Whenever a paging device is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedAn event is generated whenever a paging device is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the paging space device.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each adapter. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a paging device is only accessible from a single node at at time, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the paging device is configured.NodeListThis attribute reflects the size of the paging space device.SizeThis attribute reflects the current state of the paging space device. Valid states include Offline, Online, and Failed.Operational StateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed-OfflineThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the paging device goes offline.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the state of the device becomes Online.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis dynamic attribute reflects the percentage of free space available on the paging device. A paging space is fixed disk storage for information that is resident in virtual memory but is not currently being accessed. A paging space, or swap space, is a logical volume with the type equal to paging. When the amount of free real memory in the system is low, programs or data that have not been used recently are moved from real memory to paging space to release real memory for other activities.% FreeAdvancedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when less than 20% of the paging device is free.The example rearm expression reenables events when an event has been generated and the amount of free space on the device excceds 25%.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a paging device is only accessible from a single node at at time, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the paging device is configured.Node IdentifiersThe Physical Volume resource class provides the capability to query and monitor all installed physical volumes in a system.Physical VolumeIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalIdentifies the next-higher-level grouping of resources to which the resources of this class belong. This attribute is present for all classes that correspond to devices. A client could use this attribute to find all related devices across multiple resource classes. For all disk-related or storage-related devices, the value for this attribute is 'Storage'.Device FamilyGeneralWhenever a physical volume is created either explicitly or implicitly, this attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a new physical volume is discovered.Whenever a physical volume is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a physical volume is removed.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the physical volume, such as 'hdisk0'.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each physical volume. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Physical volumes can only be accessed from one node at a time unless they are configured on nodes that are part of a cluster. Because clusters are not supported at this time, the NodeList attribute contains only one entry.NodeListThis attribute reflects the unique identifier that is written onto the physical volume.PVIdThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis attribute reflects the average percentage of time that the disk is busy.% BusyAdvancedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the disk has been busy at least 90% of the time for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the disk is busy less than 80% of the time.This attribute reflects the average rate at which blocks are read from the disk. The rate is calculated as the difference in total blocks read from the disk between two observations, divided by the time between observations.Read Block RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the rate per second of 512 byte blocks read from the disk is greater than 100.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the read block rate goes below 50.This attribute reflects the average rate at which blocks are written to the disk. The rate is calculated as the difference in total blocks written to the disk between two observations, divided by the time between observations.Write Block RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated when the rate per second of 512 byte blocks written to the disk is greater than 100.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the write block rate goes below 50.This attribute reflects the average rate of transfers that were issued to the physical disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of indeterminate size. The rate is calculated as the difference in total transfers between two consecutive observations divided by the time between observations.Transfer RateThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever the rate of transfer to the disk has increased by 50%.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available.Node IdentifiersThis attribute lists hdisk devices associated to this vpath pseudo device.Active HdisksThe Processor resource class provides the capability to monitor properties of individual processors.ProcessorIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalWhenever a processor resource is created either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event whenever a new processor is discovered.Whenever a processor is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event whenever a processor is removed.This attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedAn event is generated whenever a persistent class attribute changes.Identifies the name of the processor such as 'proc1'.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each processor. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a processor is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the processor is installed.NodeListIdentifies the type of processor such as PowerPC_POWER3.Processor TypeThis attribute reflects the current state of the processor. Valid states are Offline, Online and Failed-Offline.Operational StateUnknownOnlineOfflineFailed-OfflineThe example event expression generates an event whenever the processor goes offline.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the processor state changes to Online.This attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis attribute reflects the percentage of time the processor is idle. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTimeUser, PctTimeKernel, PctTimeWait, and PctTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Time IdleAdvancedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event when the processor is idle at least 80% of the time for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the idle time for the processor is below 50% for two consecutive observations.This attribute reflects the percentage of time the processor is waiting. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTimeUser, PctTimeKernel, PctTimeWait, and PctTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Time WaitingThe example event expression causes the generation of an event when the average time the processor is in wait state is at least 50% for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the time in wait mode decreases below 30% for two consecutive observations.This attribute reflects the percentage of time the processor is running in kernel mode. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTimeUser, PctTimeKernel, PctTimeWait, and PctTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Time Kernel ModeThe example event expression causes the generation of an event when the average time the processor is in kernel mode is at least 80% for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the time in kernel mode decreases below 20% for two consecutive observations.This attribute reflects the percentage of time the processor is running in user mode. The system tracks the amount of time each processor is idling, is in wait state, is running in kernel mode, or is running in user mode. At each clock tick, an array of counters is incremented to reflect the processor activity based on the state of the current running processes. The PctTimeUser, PctTimeKernel, PctTimeWait, and PctTimeIdle attributes provide the approximate average percentage of time all active processors are currently spending in each state. Therefore, the sum of these values is 100% at any given observation. There are two protection modes that processes run in, kernel (system) level or user level. Processes running in kernel mode run with kernel privileges and have access to kernel data. These processes include kernel processes (kprocs) and services (such as system calls and device drivers). Processes running at user level are normal applications with user level privileges and run in their own unique process space. When a user level process invokes a kernel service, for example, by making a system call, a mode switch occurs that causes the process to run in kernel mode while the service is running. When the current running process makes a request that cannot be immediately satisfied, such as an I/O operation, the process is put into a wait state. A processor is considered idle when the current running process is the 'wait' process. The 'wait' process is a kernel process (kproc) that is dispatched when no other processes are ready to run.% Time User ModeThe example event expression causes the generation of an event when the average time the processor is in user mode is at least 80% for two consecutive observations.The example rearm expression reenables events after an event has been generated and the time in user mode decreases below 50% for two consecutive observations.This attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a processor is only accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the processor is installed.Node IdentifiersOn SMT enabled system, one physical or virtual processor can support multiple thread contexts and execute instructions for them in parallel to improve the utilization of the functional units and otherwise idle processor cycles due to cache delays or other wait states imposed on an individual thread of execution. This attribute refers to this SMT threads ID.Logical Processor IDThe Program resource class provides the capability to monitor a set of processes that are running a specific program. A program is defined to be a set of zero or more processes that are running a specific executable or command and whose attributes match a filter criteria. The filter criteria includes the real or effective user name of the process, arguments that the process was started with, and whether the program was started by the exec() system call. The primary aspect of a program resource that can be monitored is the set of processes that match the program definition. This is typically used by a client to detect when a required subsystem starts or stops.ProgramIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalWhenever a program definition is created either explicitly or implicitly, this attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource DefinedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event whenever a program resource is defined.Whenever a program definition is deleted either explicitly or implicitly, this dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event.Resource UndefinedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event whenever a program resource is deleted.This attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThe example event expression generates an event whenever a persistent resource class attribute changes.Provides a symbolic name for each program definition.NameGeneralA globally unique handle that identifies each program definition. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of nodes where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a program is only directly accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node identifier of the host in which the program definition is present.NodeListIdentifies the name of the command or program to be monitored. The program name is the base name of the file containing the program. This name is displayed by the ps command when -l or -o "comm" is specified. The program name displayed by ps when the -f or -o "args" option is specified may not be the same as the base name of the file containing the program.Program NameThis attribute allows the specification of a filter that selects a subset of all processes running the program identified by the ProgramName attribute. The filter attribute is a string that is composed of comparison operators, literal values and the names of process properties. For example, the string "ruser == root" would match any processes in which the real user name is root. The syntax supported in the filter string is equivalent to the select string syntax supported by the RMC subsystem. The process properties that may be used in the filter string are: ruser - Identifies the real user name for the process. The real user name can be displayed by the ps command when the -f, -l or -o "ruser" option is specified. user - Identifies the effective user name for the process. The effective user name can be displayed by the ps command when the -o "user" option is specified. args - Represents the array of argument strings that was passed to main. Since this is an array, any of the array operators such as subscripts can be used. For example, args[1] references the first argument after the program name. exec - Indicates whether the process performed an exec() system call or not. This symbol resolves to one if the process did an exec and 0 otherwise. FilterSpecifies how the program definition was created. It indicates whether the program definition was defined explicitly or implicitly. A resource may be defined implicitly by specifying a select string in the format: ProgramName == "" && Filter == "" The value of this attribute will be 0 if the program definition was implicitly defined or 1 if it was explicitly defined.OriginThis attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listThis attributes reflects the current set of processes that match the program definition. This attribute consists of the following four subfields CurPidCount, PrevPidCount, CurrentList and Change List.ProcessesAdvancedThe example event expression causes the generation of an event whenever the number of processes that match the program definition change.The example rearm expression reenables event generation after an event has been generated and the number of processes matching the program definition is one.Represents the number of processes that currently match the program definition and thus are considered to be running the program.Current Process CountRepresents the number of processes that matched the program definition at the last state change (i.e. previous value of CurPidCount).Previous Process CountContains a list of the process identifiers for all processes that currently match the program definition.Current Process ListContains a list of the process identifiers that were added or removed since the last state change. Whether the list represents additions or deletions can be determined by comparing CurPidCount and PrevPidCount. If CurPidCount is greater, this list contains additions, otherwise it contains deletions. Additions and deletions will never be combined in the same state change.Process List ChangesThis attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available. Because a program is only directly accessible from a single node, the value of this attribute is always the node name of the host in which the program definition is present.Node IdentifiersThis resource action enables an authorized user to invoke a command.Run CommandA unique handle that identifies the command to be run.Command HandleThe name of a user whose privileges will be used to run the command.User NameCommand options used to run the commandCommand OptionsCommand NameFull path of the command to be runCommand arguments of the command to be runCommand ArgumentsCommand run timeout of the command to be runRun Time-outEnvironment parameters used to run the commandEnvironment ParametersStandard output of the run commandStandard OutStandard error of the run commandStandard ErrorExit code of the run commandExit CodeStatus of the run commandStatusThis resource action enables an authorized user to run an action on a command.Action On CommandA unique handle that identifies submitted commandCommand HandleAction IDAction IDStatus of the command summittedStatusClient Platform IDPlatform IDTarget Platform IDPlatform IDCanonical Exit CodeCanonical Exit CodeVersionClient RCE VersionVersionServer RCE VersionVersionClient RCE VersionVersionServer RCE VersionThe HostPublic resource class provides the capability to query and monitor the public key of the host machine.Host PublicIdentifies the specific defined class attributes and actions that apply to this variation of the resource class.VarietyInternalThis dynamic attribute is provided for compatibility with other resource classes. Typically, this attribute is asserted whenever a new resource is created or discovered. However, when the Host resource class is used outside of a cluster, there is only one host resource, and it always exists. As a result, a client may register for events from this dynamic attribute, but the client will never receive any events.Resource DefinedThe example event expression for the HostPublic class causes an event to be generated whenever a new host is created or discovered.This dynamic attribute is provided for compatibility with other resource classes. Typically, this attribute is asserted whenever a new resource is deleted. However, when the Host resource class is used outside of a cluster, there is only one host resource, and it always exists and cannot be deleted. As a result, a client may register for events from this dynamic attribute, but the client will never receive any events.Resource UndefinedThe example event expression for the Host class causes an event to be generated whenever a host is deleted.This dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes of the resource class change.Configuration ChangedThe example event expression causes an event to be generated whenever a persistent class attribute is modified, either explicitly or implicitly.A globally unique handle that identifies the host. Every resource is assigned a resource handle, which is used internally for identifying and locating each resource. The resource handle is fixed in size and avoids the problems of name space collisions across different types of resources.Resource HandleInternalIdentifies the specific defined resource attributes and actions that apply to the resource.VarietyThis attribute identifies the list of node names where the operational interface of the resource is available.Node IdentifiersGeneralThis attributes specifies the text form of public key of the local host's identifier token from the key files.Public Key in Text FormThis structured data element represents the generation method name of the attribute PublicKey.Generation Method Name of Public KeyThis structured data element represents the value of the attribute PublicKey.Value of Public KeyPublic Key in Binary FormPublic Key in Binary FormThis dynamic attribute is asserted to generate an event whenever the persistent attributes or the access control list for the resource change.Configuration ChangedNoneAttributesAccess control listAttributes and access control listFully Qualified Hostname used in Hostname based authenticationHostnameDescription of resource class HostService.HostServiceDescription of Variety in resource class HostService.VarietyGroup255Description of ConfigChanged in resource class HostService.ConfigChangedDescription of example expression for ConfigChanged in resource class HostServiceDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of TransferFileToRemoteNode in resource class HostService.TransferFileToRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ReceiveFileFromRemoteNodeDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ChecksumOffsetDescription of ReceiveFileFromRemoteNode in resource class HostService.ChecksumBytesThe live kernel update class action in IBM.ProgramLiveUpdateActionThe processing phase of live kernel updatePhaseThe role (partition - original/surrogate) where live kernel update required processing has to be doneThe result of corresponding live kernel update phase processingResultThe maximum fragment size in bytes used for file transfer.MaxFileTransferBlockSize