ISO8859-1>   $. 7 BM R ^ j m t +n=V498;r584#R Zv!0"C#F$L% S& _'k(r) x* +,-.8m/D01q2z /3< 4= 50 %6 V7< 8+ 9* B:2 m;C < =F o>> Next PageLast PageGoto PageNew FilePrint PagePrint FileQuitSelect PageSelect FileOkCancelEnter the new page numberEnter the file nameExitWarningEnter the Command LineEnter the PostprocessorEnter the Print CommandSet Command LineSet PostprocessorSet Print CommandConfigure PrinterYou must first use Mouse Button 3 to set up the command line, the postprocessor and the desired print command. Usage: xpreview [-help] [-page Number] [-backingStore backing-store-type] [file | -] xpreview: 1007-002 Warning: Unable to open file %s xpreview: 1007-003 Error occurred while in menu callback xpreview: 1007-004 Error occurred while in cancel callback xpreview: 1007-005 Error occurred in accept callback xpreview: 1007-006 Can't open display, exiting program. xpreview: 1007-007 The following command failed: %s xpreview: 1007-008 No File Selectedxpreview: 1007-009 The following command will be executed. Status messages may follow. %s xpreview: 1007-010 The command may have failed. xpreview: 1007-011 The selected file is not in the correct format. PRINTCANCELDirectoriesFile FilterFilterFilesSelectionPrevious PageChange the Printer QueuePrinter QueuesYou have requested a printer queue which does not support the type of data stream your file needs. Select PRINT to continue the printing Select CANCEL to cancel the print request xpreview: 1007-012 There are no defined printer queues. xpreview: 1007-013 Error while attempting to create a DPS context. The following command will be executed. If it appears incorrect, select CANCEL and use Mouse Button 3 to change the command line. %sYou must first use Mouse Button 3 to set up the command line. If you are not printing to the default printer queue, use the Change Printer Queue option to select the desired printer queue. Enter the required troff command line information for formatting a desired input file. The input should resemble the following example. pic -Tibm3816 input_file | tbl | troff -man -Tibm3816 When push button Print File or Print Page is selected, xpreview will add appropriate printing information to this string and send it to the desired printer queue for printing. xpreview: 1007-014 Error while executing the psdit command. xpreview: 1007-015 Error while printing the PostScript File. xpreview: 1007-016 Error with the qprt command. xpreview: 1007-017 If the psdit command was not found, please install the TranScript Tools option of the Text Formatting Package. xpreview: 1007-018 Fonts not found in Registry-Encoding: %s xpreview: 1007-019 Memory allocation error xpreview: 1007-020 XCreateFontSet() error xpreview: 1007-021 Locale is different from troff xpreview: 1007-022 The Display PostScript system is not available. xpreview: 1007-023 Error occurred while loading the Display Postscript objects. Verify that the Troff Postscript Xpreviewer is installed. xpreview: 1007-024 Error binding Dpsshr.o due to insufficient memory. xpreview: 1007-025 Post-script format is no longer supported.