ISO8859-1+/7 C]w# $ : G @[ #(>(=90803-012 %s cannot create another process. Acceptwritesrv: 0803-020 Reading the stream message. writesrv: 0803-013 The service specified is not known. Opening the stream socketBinding the stream socketGetting the socket namewritesrv: 0803-014 Cannot open %s. writesrv: 0803-015 Cannot continue. writesrv: 0803-016 The specified tty line does not exist. writesrv: 0803-017 Write permission has been denied on the target tty. writesrv: 0803-018 Cannot open the target tty line for writing. Node Service Handle Time To reply, enter: write -h %d,%s|%s|%s writesrv: 0803-019 Cannot communicate with the write command. writesrv: acceptwritesrv: 0803-051 Error in multibyte character conversion.