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EF@ tGL HD I1 GJ' yK LA &  bkZS b K%= * e/ 5?7E{J 5PZ` +fTqx~Cs M @3 ! ǖ"ˢ#2$0% NM&@## hGY )1)[T /%1$s: 0960-001 Changing %2$s options on an active workload partition not supported. %1$s: 0960-002 %2$s already exists. %1$s: 0960-003 Name cannot be changed on a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-004 %2$s is not a valid attribute for the %3$s category. %1$s: 0960-005 At least %2$s attribute(s) is/are required for the %3$s stanza. %1$s: 0960-006 %2$s is not a valid value for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-007 Checkpointability cannot be changed on a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-008 Failed cleaning up %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-009 %2$s failed: %3$s %1$s: 0960-010 Cannot rename workload partition %2$s to %3$s - %4$s already exists. %1$s: 0960-011 Failed to configure autostart. %1$s: 0960-012 Failed to configure checkpointability. %1$s: 0960-013 Failed to configure new workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-014 Could not find the configuration file for workload partition %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: 0960-015 Failed to detect workload partition base directory. %1$s: 0960-016 Failed to detect file systems for %2$s. %1$s: 0960-017 Cannot move %2$s to %3$s; %4$s is not empty. %1$s: 0960-018 %2$s errors refreshing devices. %1$s: 0960-019 An error occurred removing the %2$s attribute from %3$s. %1$s: 0960-021 Failed to export device %2$s. %1$s: 0960-022 Extra arguments found on the command line - %2$s. %1$s: 0960-035 Option -%2$s cannot be used with -K. %1$s: 0960-023 The -K flag not implemented for this option: (%2$s). %1$s: 0960-024 Option -%2$s requires at least one argument. %1$s: 0960-025 Option -%2$s must not have an argument when -K is in effect. %1$s: 0960-026 Option -%2$s is not valid with application workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-027 At least one of -%2$s is required. %1$s: 0960-028 Option -%2$s requires an argument. %1$s: 0960-029 The -%2$s flag requires the %3$s attribute. %1$s: 0960-030 The -K flag requires one of -%2$s. %1$s: 0960-031 Each instance of -%2$s requires exactly one attr=value pair when used with -K. %1$s: 0960-033 Failed to change the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-034 Could not get file system information for %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-036 %2$s is not a valid base directory. %1$s: 0960-038 The %2$s network attribute (IPv6) is not supported. %1$s: 0960-039 Failed to load active configuration data for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-040 Failed to acquire a lock for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-041 Modifying %2$s stanzas requires that %3$s be specified. %1$s: 0960-042 Workload partition %2$s already exists. %1$s: 0960-043 Failed to change the name of workload partition %2$s to %3$s in index file: %4$s %1$s: 0960-044 %2$s is not a valid workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-045 Workload partition names may not be more than %2$s bytes. %1$s: 0960-046 Workload partition name is required. %1$s: 0960-047 Failed to get new %1$s: 0960-048 Changes made to the configuration will take effect on the next workload partition restart. %1$s: 0960-049 The -N flag requires either the address or address6 attribute. %1$s: 0960-050 %2$s is not empty. %1$s: 0960-051 %2$s does not exist, or is not a directory. %1$s: 0960-052 %2$s must either not exist, or be an empty directory. %1$s: 0960-053 Cannot change the name (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-054 Old and new base directories are the same. %1$s: 0960-055 Only the size of a file system in a running workload partition may be changed. %1$s: 0960-057 Failed preparing %2$s for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-058 Failed removing security stanza from %2$s %1$s: 0960-059 Failed to restore the original base directory. %1$s: 0960-060 Failed to restore original workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-061 Failed to remove already-existing destination directory %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-062 Failed to remove empty directory %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-063 Failed to remove %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-064 Failed to rename configuration file %2$s to %3$s - %4$s %1$s: 0960-065 Failed rolling back. %1$s: 0960-067 Failed to set %2$s %1$s: 0960-068 Failed to set password: %2$s %1$s: 0960-069 Error getting status for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-070 Cannot find a %2$s stanza to remove from %3$s where %4$s=%5$s. %1$s: 0960-071 Failed to unexport device %2$s. %1$s: 0960-072 Failed to unlock new workload partition name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-073 Failed to unlock original workload partition name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-074 Failed to update running workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-076 Failed to write configuration file %2$s. %1$s: 0960-077 Extra arguments found on the command line. %1$s: 0960-079 The -%2$s and -%3$s flags are mutually-exclusive options. %1$s: 0960-080 You must specify at least one of -n or -f. %1$s: 0960-081 Checkpointable workload partitions require additional software. %1$s: 0960-082 Could not find global configuration database %2$s. %1$s: 0960-083 %2$s does not exist or is not a device special file. %1$s: 0960-084 %2$s is configured as a writable mount for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-085 *** Exception: %2$s %1$s: 0960-086 Error in EXCEPT: %2$s (%3$s): %4$s, %5$s. %1$s: 0960-087 *** Failed to add exception: %2$s %1$s: 0960-088 A dependency on a local file system should be indicated by specifying only the directory attribute. %1$s: 0960-089 File system dependencies must not specify any of the following attributes: %2$s %1$s: 0960-090 Local file system dependency %2$s was not found in /etc/filesystems. %1$s: 0960-091 Could not find unique in %2$s. %1$s: 0960-092 Improper severity for exception (%2$s): %3$s. %1$s: 0960-093 Got incomplete info for network interface %2$s . %1$s: 0960-094 security.privs: Invalid privilege: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-095 Failed to load file: %2$s %1$s: 0960-096 %2$s is already mounted for writing over %3$s. %1$s: 0960-097 No internal checks for %2$s stanzas! %1$s: 0960-098 %2$s had %3$s parsing error(s): %4$s %1$s: 0960-099 Procedural error: %2$s: %3$s = %4$s -- %5$s, %6$s %1$s: 0960-100 All writable file systems must be remote for checkpointable workload partitions. Found local file system %2$s. %1$s: 0960-101 %2$s: %3$s must be a defined system resource set. %1$s: 0960-102 %2$s is not valid for system workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-103 %2$s is required in all %3$s stanzas. %1$s: 0960-104 %2$s is required for application workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-105 %2$s must be unique across all workload partitions. %3$s also found in the following files: %4$s %1$s: 0960-106 %2$s must be unique within a configuration file. Found %3$s more than once. %1$s: 0960-107 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Hard maximum must be at least %4$s and at most %5$s. %1$s: 0960-108 Improper stanza. %2$s is not valid. %1$s: 0960-109 %2$s: address = %3$s, netmask = %4$s and broadcast = %5$s are inconsistent. %1$s: 0960-111 %2$s = %3$s must refer to an active global network interface. %4$s not found in ( %5$s ). %1$s: 0960-112 %2$s = %3$s must not be an IP address in the global environment. %1$s: 0960-113 %2$s = %3$s is invalid: Must be greater than or equal to %4$s. %1$s: 0960-114 %2$s = %3$s has incorrect ownership. Should be owned by root. %1$s: 0960-115 %2$s = %3$s has incorrect permissions. They should be %4$s. %1$s: 0960-116 %2$s: %3$s is not %4$s. %1$s: 0960-117 %2$s: Total minimum for all active WLM classes (%3$s) exceeds %4$s. %1$s: 0960-118 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Minimum may not be greater than soft maximum. %1$s: 0960-119 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Minimum must be at least %4$s and at most %5$s. %1$s: 0960-120 %2$s: %3$s is already a mount point in /etc/filesystems. %1$s: 0960-121 The %2$s stanza is not allowed for system workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-122 %2$s:%3$s does not exist. %1$s: 0960-123 A %2$s stanza is required, but not found. %1$s: 0960-124 %2$s:%3$s is not a mountpoint in /etc/filesystems. %1$s: 0960-125 %2$s: %3$s is not in the same network as any of the global interfaces. %1$s: 0960-126 Only one %2$s stanza is allowed. %1$s: 0960-127 %2$s = %3$s must be a read-write mount of the global %4$s. %1$s: 0960-128 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Soft maximum may not be greater than hard maximum. %1$s: 0960-129 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Soft maximum must be at least %4$s and at most %5$s. %1$s: 0960-130 totalThreads for %2$s.totalThreads (%3$s) must be >= totalProcesses (%4$s) . %1$s: 0960-131 %2$s: %3$s is in /etc/filesystems, but is not of type %4$s. %1$s: 0960-132 Severity not defined for exception %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-133 The address and address6 attributes are mutually exclusive within a single network category. %1$s: 0960-134 The %2$s attribute is required for the %3$s category. %1$s: 0960-135 The address %2$s was found more than once. %1$s: 0960-136 The address attribute must be unique across all network categories. %1$s: 0960-138 Changed ownership of %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 0960-139 Changed permissions of %2$s from %3$s to %4$s. %1$s: 0960-142 %2$s: INVALID PARAMETERS. %1$s: 0960-144 Cannot chdir to /: %2$s %1$s: 0960-145 Unable to change ownership of %2$s. %1$s: 0960-146 Cannot exec cmd: %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-147 Unable to load configuration file. %1$s: 0960-148 Could not create directory %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: 0960-149 Failed to detect any network interfaces. %1$s: 0960-150 Failed to detect any active network interfaces. %1$s: 0960-151 The devname attribute is required in all device stanzas. %1$s: 0960-152 The devname attribute should be unique within the file. %1$s: 0960-153 Unable to find workload partition root directory %2$s. %1$s: 0960-155 Could not find file %2$s. %1$s: 0960-157 Error forking child: %2$s %1$s: 0960-158 Error opening index file for reading: %2$s %1$s: 0960-159 Failed to determine the appropriate interface for address %2$s. %1$s: 0960-161 Invalid directory. %1$s: 0960-162 Invalid directory to unmount. %1$s: 0960-163 Invalid IPv4 netmask: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-165 Invalid workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-166 bail_if_unauthorized: INVALID PARAMS. %1$s: 0960-167 Directory %2$s has an invalid parent directory. %1$s: 0960-168 The privs attribute has an invalid privilege %2$s. %1$s: 0960-169 bail_if_unauthorized: INVALID RETURN from %2$s. %1$s: 0960-170 Invalid workload partition root directory. %1$s: 0960-171 The security file %2$s has an invalid security stanza. %1$s: 0960-172 The %2$s attribute has an invalid privilege %3$s. %1$s: 0960-173 The IPv6 protocol is not supported. %1$s: 0960-174 %2$s -> %3$s may not be more than %4$s bytes. %1$s: 0960-175 %2$s -> %3$s must be at least %4$s bytes. %1$s: 0960-176 Unable to get login information for user id %2$s. %1$s: 0960-177 Unable to get login information for user name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-178 Error in lower_privnames: invalid argument. %1$s: 0960-179 Error in get_lv_vg(), invalid argument. %1$s: 0960-180 The security file %2$s is missing a valid security stanza. %1$s: 0960-181 Failed to create the SRC subsystem for the %2$s workload partition. %1$s: 0960-182 Failed to mount %2$s. %1$s: 0960-183 Directory %2$s is mounted from host %3$s (expected %4$s). %1$s: 0960-184 Failed to mount the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-185 Directory %2$s is a local mount (expected remote mount from %3$s). %1$s: 0960-186 Directory %2$s is mounted over %3$s (expected %4$s). %1$s: 0960-187 Directory %2$s is a remote mount from %3$s (expected local mount). %1$s: 0960-188 Failed to mount file systems for workload partition %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-189 Found multiple instances of %2$s. %1$s: 0960-190 Failed to determine appropriate netmask for address %2$s on interface %3$s. %1$s: 0960-191 Not authorized to perform operation without one of the following authorization(s): %2$s. %1$s: 0960-192 They do not match, try again. %1$s: 0960-193 Only one %2$s attribute is supported. %1$s: 0960-194 %2$s should be owned by %3$s. %1$s: 0960-195 set_password: Error waiting for child process (pid %2$s): %3$s %1$s: 0960-196 set_password: Unable to chroot to %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-197 set_password: Unable to fork: %2$s %1$s: 0960-198 set_password: Error setting password for %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-199 set_password: Invalid workload partition root directory: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-200 set_password: Workload partition root directory must be provided. %1$s: 0960-201 set_password: User name must be provided. %1$s: 0960-202 Directory %2$s should have %3$s permissions; Found %4$s. %1$s: 0960-203 Failed to determine appropriate prefix6 for address %2$s on interface %3$s. %1$s: 0960-205 Error in raise_privnames, invalid argument. %1$s: 0960-206 Error in readsecfile, invalid argument. %1$s: 0960-207 Failed to remove the SRC subsystem for the %2$s workload partition. %1$s: 0960-209 You must specify the interface attribute in each network category. %1$s: 0960-210 %2$s is not a valid value for the %3$s attribute of the %4$s category. %1$s: 0960-211 %2$s is not a valid category. %1$s: 0960-213 Timed out waiting for lock on %2$s. %1$s: 0960-214 Failed to unmount %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-215 Failed to unmount file systems for workload partition %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-216 %2$s is not correctly formatted. %1$s: 0960-217 Unknown address type requested: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-218 Failed to unlock device %2$s. %1$s: 0960-219 Could not find the general attributes. %1$s: 0960-220 Unable to load kernel data: %2$s %1$s: 0960-221 Unable to load kernel data for maintenance mode: %2$s %1$s: 0960-222 Unable to modify kernel data: %2$s %1$s: 0960-223 Unable to modify kernel data for maintenance mode: %2$s %1$s: 0960-224 Could not find the name attribute for the general stanza in %2$s. %1$s: 0960-225 Could not find the general stanza. %1$s: 0960-226 Could not determine the key for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-227 Workload partition %2$s is already active. %1$s: 0960-228 ATTENTION: Cleanup may not have completed successfully. %1$s: 0960-229 ATTENTION: Previous workload partition operation %2$s did not complete. %1$s: 0960-230 ATTENTION: Invalid option %2$s. %1$s: 0960-231 ATTENTION: %2$s failed with return code %3$d. %1$s: 0960-232 ATTENTION: %2$s returned an unexpected result. %1$s: 0960-233 Could not determine if workload partition %2$s is checkpointable. %1$s: 0960-234 Signal received, cleaning up. %1$s: 0960-235 This command is not permitted for application workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-236 This command is not permitted. %1$s: 0960-237 Workload partition %2$s has private /usr and cannot be synchronized using %3$s. %1$s: 0960-238 Error initializing configuration data. %1$s: 0960-239 The workload partition %2$s is not configured to be checkpointable. %1$s: 0960-240 Error exporting workload partition devices. %1$s: 0960-241 Error getting workload partition configuration data. %1$s: 0960-242 Waiting for workload partition to halt. %1$s: 0960-243 Error starting workload partition init. %1$s: 0960-244 Error loading workload partition. %1$s: 0960-245 Failed to load checkpoint/restart kernel extension via command %2$s. %1$s: 0960-246 Workload partition %2$s is currently locked by %3$s (PID = %4$s). %1$s: 0960-247 Error processing workload partition locks. %1$s: 0960-248 Error initializing event log. %1$s: 0960-249 No checkpoint/restart kernel extension registered. %1$s: 0960-250 Error mounting file systems. %1$s: 0960-251 Unable to locate workload partition name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-252 NFS device %2$s is not exported with root access to host %3$s. %1$s: 0960-253 Workload partitions with NFS file systems may not be started in maintenance mode. %1$s: 0960-254 Workload partition %2$s is not currently active. %1$s: 0960-255 The %2$s option is not permitted for application workload partition %3$s. %1$s: 0960-256 This operation is not permitted on a Paused (P) workload partition. %1$s: 0960-257 Error populating workload partition sys0 device data. %1$s: 0960-258 Could not determine root access for host %2$s to the %3$s file system. %1$s: 0960-259 Not authorized to run this command on this workload partition. %1$s: 0960-260 User script %2$s failed with RC %3$s. %1$s: 0960-261 Waiting up to %2$s seconds for workload partition to halt. %1$s: 0960-263 Error starting workload partition subsystem. %1$s: 0960-264 Error synchronizing workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-265 Timed out waiting for workload partition to halt. %1$s: 0960-266 Error unmounting file systems. %1$s: 0960-267 Error unloading workload partition. %1$s: 0960-268 Timeout waiting for lock. %1$s: 0960-271 %2$s.%3$s encountered an error. %1$s: 0960-272 %2$s expects one or more of %3$s, separated by commas. %1$s: 0960-273 %2$s is not a valid state. Valid states are %3$s. %1$s: 0960-274 %2$s is not a valid type. Valid types are %3$s. %1$s: 0960-276 Error parsing %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-277 Option -%2$s requires that -%3$s also be specified. %1$s: 0960-278 %2$s was unable to find cfgfile for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-279 Error finding stanza file for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-280 Option -%2$s cannot be used with -%3$s. %1$s: 0960-281 The address and address6 network attributes are mutually exclusive. %1$s: 0960-282 Could not append to /etc/filesystems: %2$s %1$s: 0960-283 The %2$s attribute must be specified for %3$s file system %4$s. %1$s: 0960-284 At least one attribute must be present for the -%2$s option. %1$s: 0960-285 The %2$s attribute must be specified for %3$s file system %4$s if %5$s is specified. %1$s: 0960-286 The %2$s attribute must be specified for %3$s file system %4$s if %5$s is not specified. %1$s: 0960-287 Error: %2$s requires at least %3$s blocks. %1$s: 0960-288 The %2$s file system already exists. %1$s: 0960-289 The -1 option may only be used with the -c option, or the -f option with a specification file where checkpointable = yes. %1$s: 0960-290 Failed to change %2$s/tmp to rwxrwxrwt. %1$s: 0960-291 Failed to chmod %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 0960-292 Failed to change ownership of %2$s to 0/0: %3$s %1$s: 0960-293 Failed to change permissions of %2$s to 0644: %3$s %1$s: 0960-295 cleanup() not run. %1$s: 0960-296 Cleanup failed. %1$s: 0960-297 The command %2$s does not exist or is not executable. %1$s: 0960-298 A workload partition called %2$s already exists. Please choose another name. %1$s: 0960-299 Workload partition name %2$s already exists in /etc/filesystems. Specify another name. %1$s: 0960-300 A workload partition name is required. %1$s: 0960-301 The %2$s resource control attribute must be -1 (unlimited) or between %3$s and %4$s. %1$s: 0960-302 Cannot attach to file systems for existing workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-303 The name of the workload partition cannot be blank. %1$s: 0960-304 Could not determine writability of /usr and/or /opt file system. %1$s: 0960-305 Unable to create %2$s/tmp. %1$s: 0960-306 Unable to create directory %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-307 Could not create directory for the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-308 Could not create or open temporary file %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-309 Could not create temporary working directory: %2$s (RC = %3$s) %1$s: 0960-310 Could not open /etc/filesystems for reading: %2$s %1$s: 0960-311 Could not open the file %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-312 Could not scrub %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-313 Could not untaint temporary working directory. %1$s: 0960-314 Could not write specification file to %2$s. %1$s: 0960-315 Unable to locate configuration file for workload partition name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-317 %2$s must be a namefs file system mounted on the global %3$s. %1$s: 0960-318 Workload partition directory %2$s is not empty. Quitting. %1$s: 0960-319 Could not find the directory %2$s, over which to mount the %3$s file system. %1$s: 0960-320 Error executing %2$s. %1$s: 0960-321 Failed to execute %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-322 Failed to exec(%2$s): %3$s %1$s: 0960-323 The parameter to -e must be another system workload partition. %1$s: 0960-324 File may not exist: %2$s %1$s: 0960-326 The -e and -f flags are mutually exclusive. %1$s: 0960-327 The -w flag requires the -o flag. %1$s: 0960-328 Failed to fork %2$s: %3$s %1$s: 0960-329 Found %2$s file system %3$s. %1$s: 0960-330 Found registered file systems associated with %2$s. %1$s: 0960-331 Cannot create a workload partition without /, /usr, /opt and /proc. %1$s: 0960-332 The /usr and /opt file systems must have compatible VFS types. %1$s: 0960-334 Error retrieving file system data: invalid argument. %1$s: 0960-335 Failed to get the hostname. %1$s: 0960-337 %2$s contains the following invalid character(s): %3$s %1$s: 0960-339 The directory, %2$s, is not valid. %1$s: 0960-340 %2$s is not a valid hostname %1$s: 0960-341 ATTENTION: Invalid %2$s line: %3$s %1$s: 0960-342 Invalid mount group specified to -p. %1$s: 0960-343 The address6 network attribute (IPv6) is not supported. %1$s: 0960-344 Local file systems may not be specified with -p. %1$s: 0960-346 You should chmod %2$s %3$s manually *after* starting the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-347 Workload partition names may not be more than %2$d bytes. %1$s: 0960-348 Hostnames may not be more than %2$d bytes. %1$s: 0960-349 Do not specify -d with -p. %1$s: 0960-350 Missing or invalid mount group specified to -p. %1$s: 0960-351 Failed to create the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-352 Cannot mount the %2$s workload partition file system over a writable %3$s %4$s file system. %1$s: 0960-353 Improperly formatted mount group name: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-354 File system %2$s must always be mounted read-write. Please use rw in mountopts. %1$s: 0960-355 Non-shared /usr and /opt file systems must be mounted read-write. %1$s: 0960-356 Failed to update mount stanza for directory %2$s with %3$s = %4$s. %1$s: 0960-358 Must have exactly one general stanza. %1$s: 0960-359 NFS device %2$s is not exported with root access to %3$s from %4$s. %1$s: 0960-360 %2$s exists but is not a regular file. %1$s: 0960-361 Do not specify a parameter to -p when restoring unregistered file systems. %1$s: 0960-365 The preservename attribute is not valid when preserve = no. %1$s: 0960-367 SIG%2$s received - cleaning up... %1$s: 0960-368 To restore these file systems, use -p (general.preserve) without -M (mount). %1$s: 0960-369 Error querying specifications file for base directory. %1$s: 0960-370 Failed to register workload partition key. %1$s: 0960-371 The system has been configured to remove the files which are required in order to make a system workload partition, possibly via the inurid command. The system must be reinstalled before system workload partitions can be created. %1$s: 0960-372 Application workload partitions should not be started from within a remotely-mounted directory. %1$s: 0960-373 Failed to rename %2$s to %3$s: %4$s %1$s: 0960-374 Failed to replace %2$s: %3$s (RC = %4$s) %1$s: 0960-376 Command failure: rmfs %2$s %3$s %1$s: 0960-377 You should manually remove this entry from /etc/filesystems. %1$s: 0960-378 To access workload partition file systems under %2$s, use the following command: mount -t %3$s %1$s: 0960-379 To clean up, use the following command: rmwpar -F %2$s %1$s: 0960-380 The security.privs attribute can not be used in conjunction with the secfile, privs+, or privs- attribute. %1$s: 0960-381 Failed to set password for %2$s. You should change it manually. %1$s: 0960-382 ATTENTION: Unable to determine the size of the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-383 You must specify exactly one application to run. %1$s: 0960-384 You must specify a different base directory. %1$s: 0960-385 The directory attribute must be specified for the mount stanza. %1$s: 0960-386 You must specify explicit mounts when restoring unregistered file systems with -p. %1$s: 0960-387 You must specify overriding settings for the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-388 Specification file path %2$s is an existing directory. %1$s: 0960-389 Specification file %2$s should not be an executable. %1$s: 0960-390 To start the workload partition, execute the following as root: startwpar [-v] %2$s %1$s: 0960-392 Found duplicate mount stanzas for the %2$s directory. Please check the specification file. %1$s: 0960-393 Failed to insert mount stanza for directory %2$s. %1$s: 0960-394 ATTENTION: Unable to determine root access to %2$s for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-396 Failed to populate workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-397 Failed to write configuration file. %1$s: 0960-400 Unable to populate %2$s. %1$s: 0960-401 Unable to fully synchronize %2$s with global workload partition. %1$s: 0960-402 Copy %2$s %3$s failed. %1$s: 0960-403 Workload partition can not populate global %2$s. %1$s: 0960-404 Empty workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-405 Workload partition populate failed due to empty workload partition name. %1$s: 0960-406 The %2$s file systems have already been populated. %1$s: 0960-407 Encountered problem in adding hostname to /etc/hosts file. %1$s: 0960-408 System installation failed creating workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-409 Invalid directory %2$s. %1$s: 0960-410 Failed to resolve IP Address for %2$s. %1$s: 0960-411 Some functionality may be limited within the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-412 Workload partition populate failed because %2$s is not a directory. %1$s: 0960-413 NSORDER setting failed. %1$s: 0960-414 Warning: Unable to populate rpm database in workload partition. %1$s: 0960-415 Warning: Unable to synchronize rpm-installed files into workload partition. %1$s: 0960-416 See the installation log in /var/adm/ras/wpar.%2$s.log for more details. %1$s: 0960-417 Specify -p to create this workload partition using the existing file system data. %1$s: 0960-418 %2$s failed: %3$s %1$s: 0960-419 Could not find a workload partition called %2$s. %1$s: 0960-420 Could not find a workload partition called %2$s in state %3$s. %1$s: 0960-422 Could not find a workload partition called %2$s in type %3$s. %1$s: 0960-421 %2$s: Failed to complete successfully. %1$s: 0960-423 Failed to lock volume group %2$s. Attempting to proceed without lock... %1$s: 0960-424 Failed to exec stopwpar. %1$s: 0960-425 Failed to exec stopwpar -F. errno: %2$s %1$s: 0960-427 Preserving file systems. %1$s: 0960-428 Could not determine workload partition file systems. You may have to remove them manually. %1$s: 0960-429 Could not remove workload partition from the index file: %2$s %1$s: 0960-431 The -%2$s flag is not valid for application workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-433 Workload partition %2$s is not in the Defined state. (Use -F to force.) %1$s: 0960-434 Not all traces of the workload partition could be removed. Common problems may be remedied by running: rmwpar -F %2$s after the next reboot of the global system. %1$s: 0960-435 Failed to remove the base directory %2$s for the workload partition. You should remove it manually. %1$s: 0960-436 Failed to remove the %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-437 Only one workload partition may be removed at a time. %1$s: 0960-438 Workload partition %2$s is running. %1$s: 0960-439 A workload partition name must be specified. %1$s: 0960-440 Specify -s or -F to stop the workload partition before removing. %1$s: 0960-441 Could not find the SRC subsystem: cor_%2$s %1$s: 0960-442 Use the stopwpar command instead. %1$s: 0960-443 Could not determine the state of workload partition %2$s. (Use -F to force.) %1$s: 0960-445 Failed to unlock volume group %2$s. Attempting to proceed... %1$s: 0960-446 %2$s is not executable. %1$s: 0960-447 %2$s does not exist. %1$s: 0960-448 %2$s is not a plain file. %1$s: 0960-449 Malformed configuration database. Expected more than one cr stanza, found %2$d. %1$s: 0960-450 Either -i or -k is required, but not both. %1$s: 0960-451 The -i flag accepts only the path to an executable. %1$s: 0960-452 Too many arguments. %1$s: 0960-454 Path must be absolute. %1$s: 0960-455 One of the following is required: -%2$s. %1$s: 0960-456 You may change the root directory for the workload partition using: chwpar -d after it has been created. %1$s: 0960-457 Failed to generate new directory name. Quitting. %1$s: 0960-453 Failed to update mount stanza for directory %2$s. %1$s: 0960-458 You should chmod %2$s %3$s manually before starting the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-459 Failed to chmod %2$s to %3$s after mounting. %1$s: 0960-460 The %2$s attribute may not be specified for %3$s file system %4$s. %1$s: 0960-461 The %2$s attribute may not be specified for %3$s file system %4$s if %5$s is specified. %1$s: 0960-462 The %2$s attribute may not be specified for %3$s file system %4$s if %5$s is not specified. %1$s: 0960-463 The address attribute is required for the network category. %1$s: 0960-464 The devname attribute is required for the device category. %1$s: 0960-473 The /usr and /opt file systems must be both read-only or both read-write. %1$s: 0960-474 The /usr and /opt file systems must have the same NFS host. %1$s: 0960-475 Failed to start workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-476 Failed to unlock workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-477 Failed to set password for %2$s. %1$s: 0960-480 Must have exactly one security stanza. %1$s: 0960-481 Error in lower_privnames. %1$s: 0960-482 Error in raise_privnames, unable to raise privileges. %1$s: 0960-483 Unknown error occurred. %1$s: 0960-484 Error occurred while attempting to change workload partition name. Name already assigned. %1$s: 0960-485 Invalid parameter passed to system call. %1$s: 0960-486 Error occurred while attempting to load workload partition resource controls. %1$s: 0960-487 Error occurred while attempting to unload old workload partition resource controls. %1$s: 0960-488 Error occurred while setting IP address for workload partition. %1$s: 0960-489 Address in use error occurred while setting IP address for workload partition. %1$s: 0960-490 Error occurred while attempting to remove old IP address from workload partition. %1$s: 0960-491 Error occurred while attempting to set the root path file system for workload partition. %1$s: 0960-492 System error occurred while copying arguments to system call. %1$s: 0960-493 System error occurred. Refer to errno for more details. %1$s: 0960-494 Could not create event log directory %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: 0960-495 The address6 attribute must be unique across all network categories. %1$s: 0960-496 Failed to generate a suitable name for the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-497 You must specify an absolute path. %2$s is not absolute. %1$s: 0960-500 Option -%2$s cannot be used with -%3$s unless -%4$s is also specified. %1$s: 0960-501 Error stopping workload partition subsystem. %1$s: 0960-502 sec_setwpscid failed %1$s: 0960-503 The new workload partition will be created with no network configuration. %1$s: 0960-504 NFSv4 mounts may not work for this workload partition. %1$s: 0960-505 Unable to populate %2$s with base files. %1$s: 0960-506 Could not perform system compatibility check. %1$s: 0960-507 Level %2$s of bos.rte.libc in saved image does not match level %3$s on the running system. %1$s: 0960-508 Compatibility check between saved and running system failed. Use the -C option to ignore system compatibility levels. %1$s: 0960-509 Could not determine name to create for workload partition. Use -n to specify a name. %1$s: 0960-510 Workload partition %2$s already exists. Use the -F option to force removal. %1$s: 0960-511 Could not remove %2$s. Exiting. %1$s: 0960-512 Could not create temporary directory %2$s %1$s: 0960-513 Abnormal program termination. %1$s: 0960-514 %2$s exited with return code %3$s. %1$s: 0960-515 Could not open file %2$s. %1$s: 0960-516 Unable to copy /etc/nfs contents. %1$s: 0960-517 This operation is not permitted on a Frozen (F) workload partition. %1$s: 0960-518 Unknown stanza type passed: %2$s %1$s: 0960-519 Cannot find a %2$s stanza to remove from %3$s. %1$s: 0960-520 Failed removing %2$s stanza from %3$s. %1$s: 0960-521 Failed removing %2$s stanza from %3$s where %4$s=%5$s. %1$s: 0960-522 This command cannot be run on TCB systems. %1$s: 0960-523 Found %2$d general.names in %3$s. %1$s: 0960-524 %2$s = %3$s is invalid: Must be less than or equal to %4$s. %1$s: 0960-525 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Expected -1 or a positive number followed by MB, GB, or TB. %1$s: 0960-526 %2$s = %3$s invalid: Units may not be specified with -1 (unlimited). %1$s: 0960-527 %2$s = %3$s is invalid: Must be greater than or equal to %4$s (%5$s). %1$s: 0960-528 %2$s = %3$s is invalid: Must be less than or equal to %4$s %5$s. %1$s: 0960-529 %2$s: %3$s is not a directory. %1$s: 0960-530 %2$s: %3$s could not be parsed. %1$s: 0960-531 %2$s: %3$s is not valid. %1$s: 0960-532 %2$s: %3$s must be an absolute path. %1$s: 0960-533 %2$s: %3$s is not executable. %1$s: 0960-534 No interface specified for address %2$s. %1$s: 0960-535 Could not open global configuration database %2$s. %1$s: 0960-536 %2$s has no device exports. %1$s: 0960-537 %2$s has no file system configuration. %1$s: 0960-538 %2$s has no network configuration. %1$s: 0960-539 There is a problem with %2$s as a workload partition base directory. %1$s: 0960-540 Operation is not permitted in a workload partition. %1$s: 0960-541 Netmask or broadcast not specified for address %2$s. %1$s: 0960-542 The %2$s stanza is not allowed for application workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-543 You must specify at least one setting to change. %1$s: 0960-544 Cannot change the base directory (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-545 Cannot change the checkpointability (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-546 Cannot change the security settings (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-547 Base directory cannot be changed on a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-548 The parameter to -e must be another application workload partition. %1$s: 0960-549 A workload partition name must conform to the following naming restrictions: May not be more than 25 bytes. May not contain '=', ':', '/' or whitespace. May not start with '-' or '0'. %1$s: 0960-110 Workload partitions with remote file systems must have at least one network address. %1$s: 0960-550 Failed to brand() into workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-551 Failed to create environment. %1$s: 0960-552 Failed to determine current security settings. Clearing all privileges for user application. %1$s: 0960-553 No shared-usr workload partitions exist on the system. %1$s: 0960-554 The parent of the workload partition base directory should have %2$s permissions. Directory %3$s has %4$s. %1$s: 0960-555 The parent of the workload partition base directory should be owned by root. Directory %2$s is owned by %3$s. %1$s: 0960-203 Failed to determine appropriate prefixlen for address %2$s on interface %3$s. %1$s: 0960-557 The prefixlen attribute is not specified for address %2$s. %1$s: 0960-558 %2$s is not a valid IPv6 network configuration. %1$s: 0960-463 The address or address6 attribute is required for the network category. %1$s: 0960-449 Malformed configuration database. Expected one cr stanza, found %2$d. %1$s: 0960-559 Use the following command to see the full routing table for this workload partition: netstat -r -@ %2$s %1$s: 0960-560 WPAR-specific routing is not enabled for this workload partition. %1$s: 0960-561 Failed to refresh routing table for workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-562 Found more than one route stanza resolving to the same destination/gateway/interface combination: %2$s %1$s: 0960-563 Failed to update %2$s stanzas. %1$s: 0960-564 The %2$s and %3$s attributes are mutually exclusive within a single %4$s category. %1$s: 0960-565 The rtnetmask and rtprefixlen attributes are not valid for host routes. %1$s: 0960-566 The rtnetmask and rtprefixlen attributes are not valid when the prefix length is included in the rtdest attribute. %1$s: 0960-567 Invalid prefix length: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-568 %2$s has no user-specified routes. %1$s: 0960-569 Failed to configure general yes/no attribute %2$s. %1$s: 0960-570 Interface name %2$s maps to non-existent interface device %3$s. %1$s: 0960-571 The name-mapped interface %2$s is not defined in %3$s. %1$s: 0960-572 The %2$s attribute is not valid in a %3$s stanza containing the %4$s attribute. %1$s: 0960-573 One of the following attributes is required in all %2$s stanzas: %3$s. %1$s: 0960-574 Error occurred while attempting to refresh workload partition routes. %1$s: 0960-575 This operation is not permitted on a workload partition in the Moving (M) state. %1$s: 0960-576 Post-installation script %2$s exited with return code %3$s. %1$s: 0960-577 A workload partition name must conform to the following naming restrictions: May not be more than 25 bytes. May not contain whitespace or any of the following symbols = : / ! ; ` ' " < > ~ & ( ) * + [ ] , . ^ $ ? { } | \ May not start with '-' or '0'. %1$s: 0960-578 Workload partition directory %2$s is empty. Quitting. %1$s: 0960-579 Workload partition %2$s has shared /usr and cannot be synchronized using %3$s -D. %1$s: 0960-580 Synchronization operation halted due to a cycle detected while processing %2$s. %1$s: 0960-581 Synchronization operation cannot proceed because one or more filesets has an interim fix applied. %1$s: 0960-582 The following filesets could not be synchronized because the required software level was not found on the installation media: %1$s: 0960-583 The following filesets could not be synchronized because the required combination of filesets and updates could not be force installed from the installation media: %1$s: 0960-584 The following filesets could not be synchronized because no installation device was specified and software levels must be installed to complete synchronization: Fileset Name WPAR Level Global Level %1$s: 0960-585 No detached workload partitions exist on the system. %1$s: 0960-586 Attributes of %2$s do not match those in ODM. %1$s: 0960-587 %2$s has un-supported subclass type. %1$s: 0960-588 The name for device with ID, %2$s, is missing. %1$s: 0960-589 the device with devname, %2$s, is missing. %1$s: 0960-600 The devname or devid attribute is required for the device category. %1$s: 0960-601 The devid attribute should be unique within the file. %1$s: 0960-602 The given devid, %2$s, is invalid. %1$s: 0960-603 The devname and devid attributes are mutually exclusive. %1$s: 0960-604 the device with devname, %2$s, is still being used in the WPAR. %1$s: 0960-605 The -%2$s flag requires the %3$s or %4$s attribute. %1$s: 0960-606 the device, %2$s, is NOT exported to the WPAR. %1$s: 0960-607 the device, %2$s, is already exported from the global. %1$s: 0960-608 Can not add storage devices to a checkpointable WPAR. %1$s: 0960-609 Can not make a WPAR with storage devices checkpointable. %1$s: 0960-610 Cannot perform the requested operation because the device, %2$s, is busy. %1$s: 0960-611 Failed to populate scratch file system. %1$s: 0960-612 Operation is not permitted in a workload partition with no rootvg. %1$s: 0960-613 Operation is not permitted in a workload partition with no volume group. %1$s: 0960-614 Rootvg disk can not be added to non rootvg workload partition. %1$s: 0960-615 Data storage disk mobility is enabled only for rootvg WPAR. %1$s: 0960-616 Can not change password when a rootvg workload partition is in the defined state. %1$s: 0960-617 If a workload partition has storage devices, it should be a rootvg workload partition to be checkpointable. %1$s: 0960-618 Failed to get physical volume information on disks. %1$s: 0960-619 Failed to make specified disk, %2$s, available. %1$s: 0960-620 Failed to remove %2$s on disk %3$s. %1$s: 0960-621 Failed to create a workload partition's rootvg. Please use -O flag to overwrite %2$s. If restoring a workload partition, target disks should be in available state. %1$s: 0960-622 Failed to vary off WPAR rootvg. %1$s: 0960-623 Failed to export a workload partition's rootvg. %1$s: 0960-624 Failed to get volume group information. %1$s: 0960-625 Failed to change LV labels. %1$s: 0960-626 Failed to create scratch file system. %1$s: 0960-627 The %2$s flag is not allowed with a rootvg workload partition. %1$s: 0960-628 For a rootvg WPAR, all non-namefs file systems should reside in a workload partition's rootvg. %1$s: 0960-629 Cannot change password when a rootvg workload partition is in the defined state. %1$s: 0960-630 Failed to mount %2$s. %1$s: 0960-631 Failed to cleanup rootvg WPAR. %1$s: 0960-632 %2$s is not a valid image data file. %1$s: 0960-633 No bootdisk found. %1$s: 0960-634 Import of volume group %2$s failed with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-635 %2$s: The following command failed with RC=%3$d: %4$s %1$s: 0960-636 %2$s: The following command failed in the WPAR with RC=%3$d: %4$s %1$s: 0960-637 Failed to locate file system %2$s. Found %3$d entries. %1$s: 0960-638 The rootvg workload partition is already shutdown. %1$s: 0960-639 Unable to stop WPAR volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-640 Configuration of device %2$s on arrival node failed with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-641 Device currently in state of %2$s and not available for use. %1$s: 0960-642 Failed retrieving device name for %2$s with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-643 Failed retrieving device name with RC=%2$d. %1$s: 0960-644 Failed to copy ODM file with RC=%2$d. %1$s: 0960-645 Failed to empty file %2$s with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-646 Failed to get list of active volume groups with RC=%2$d. %1$s: 0960-647 Failed to obtain ODM with RC=%2$d. %1$s: 0960-648 Failed to reclaim reservation for volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-649 Failed to remove device %2$s from ODM with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-650 Failed to restore ODM with RC=%2$d. %1$s: 0960-651 Failed to set device state for %2$s. %1$s: 0960-652 Failed to unconfig %2$s with RC=%3$d. %1$s: 0960-653 No PV count found for volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-654 No UDID found for device name %2$s. %1$s: 0960-655 No VGID found for volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-656 No configured disk devices found. %1$s: 0960-657 No major number found for volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-658 No reservation found for volume group %2$s. %1$s: 0960-659 No volume groups found. %1$s: 0960-660 Reserve volume group failure on %2$s. %1$s: 0960-661 The following volume group is in Read-Write mode: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-662 The following volume group is in System Management mode: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-663 Workload partition does not have a rootvg device. %1$s: 0960-664 Workload partition is not in the correct state. %1$s: 0960-665 The -%2$s flag is not valid for a RootVG workload partition. %1$s: 0960-666 Cannot change the ostype of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-667 The operating system level within the workload partition is not supported. %1$s: 0960-668 Cannot use -D to synchronize versioned workload partition %2$s. %1$s: 0960-669 Directory %2$s does not contain the software required to create a versioned workload partition. %1$s: 0960-670 Could not copy required software from %2$s to workload partition. %1$s: 0960-671 Could not extract file from %2$s. %1$s: 0960-672 To restore these file systems, use -p (general.preserve) without -B. %1$s: 0960-673 Renamed %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 0960-674 Cannot use default /usr with -B and -L image_data=none. %1$s: 0960-675 The kext or exportfile attribute is required for the extension category. %1$s: 0960-676 The kext and exportfile attributes are mutually exclusive. %1$s: 0960-677 No other attribute can be used with exportfile. %1$s 0960-678 Only the recalc attribute can be used with exportfile. %1$s: 0960-679 %2$s has no kernel extension configuration. %1$s: 0960-680 The local and major attribute cannot both be yes. %1$s 0960-681 No attributes can be used with kext=ALL. %1$s 0960-682 Unable to export kernel extension %2$s. %1$s 0960-683 Unable to remove kernel extension %2$s. %1$s 0960-684 Could not query kernel extension %2$s. %1$s 0960-685 Error exporting workload partition kernel extensions. %1$s: 0960-686 Cannot add adapter(s) to versioned workload partition. %1$s: 0960-687 Cannot add adapter(s) to a checkpointable WPAR. %1$s: 0960-688 Cannot add adapter(s) to a WPAR that has only endpoint device(s). %1$s: 0960-689 Cannot add individual endpoint device(s) to a WPAR that has adapter(s). %1$s: 0960-690 Only rootvg disk(s) can be added to a WPAR that has adapter(s). %1$s: 0960-691 The %2$s is not attached to the specified adapter(s). %1$s: 0960-692 Cannot remove device(s) attached to adaper(s). %1$s: 0960-693 Cannot checkpoint a WPAR that has adapter(s). %1$s: 0960-694 The rootvg device attribute is only allowed for disk(s). %1$s: 0960-695 Workload partition %2$s has private /usr. Please refer to the usage of %3$s for detached WPAR synchronization. %1$s: 0960-696 Cannot checkpoint a WPAR that has kernel extensions. %1$s: 0960-697 Cannot add kernel extensions to a checkpointable WPAR. %1$s: 0960-698 WPAR cannot be moved or checkpointed until the following fixes have been applied inside the WPAR and it has been restarted: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-699 Invalid workload partition root directory: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-700 Unable to fork: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-701 Error waiting for child process (pid %2$s): %3$s. %1$s: 0960-702 Unable to chroot to %2$s: %3$s. %1$s: 0960-703 Failed to recreate SRC subsystems to be restartable. %1$s: 0960-704 Workload partition root directory must be provided. %1$s: 0960-705 %2$s is not a valid IPv6 address. %1s: 0960-706 Cannot change the UUID (-%2s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-707 The given UUID is not valid. %1$s: 0960-708 Failed to generate workload partition's UUID. %1$s: 0960-709 The system must be rebooted prior to creating a version %2$s workload partition. %1$s: 0960-710 Installation of DR script for WPAR failed with rc = %2$s. %1$s: 0960-711 Uninstallation of DR script for WPAR failed with rc = %2$s. %1$s: 0960-712 The specified architecture must be lower than or equal to the system's architecture. %1$s: 0960-713 Cannot convert to Versioned WPAR when it has adapter(s). %1$s: 0960-714 The workload partition must be active in order to add rootvg disks. %1$s: 0960-715 Cannot convert to Versioned WPAR when adapter(s) specified. %1$s: 0960-716 Option -p can only be used in conjunction with -C. %1$s: 0960-717 Options -s,-p, and -C are only valid for rootvg workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-718 Options -s,-p, and -C cannot by used in conjunction with any flags other than -v and -K. %1$s: 0960-719 Option -s can only be used in conjunction with -C and -K. %1$s: 0960-720 Cannot export a kernel extension with local=no to workload partition of this ostype. %1$s: 0960-721 The workload partition's rootvg must be extended with the new disk(s). Please run extendvg inside the workload partition prior to stopping or rebooting it. %1$s: 0960-722 The workload partition must be active before it can be prepared for relocation. %1$s: 0960-723 Unable to query the workload partition's rootvg. %1$s: 0960-724 The workload partition's rootvg requires %2$s additional bytes to create private copies of the /usr and /opt file systems. %1$s: 0960-725 Failed to create private copies of the /usr and /opt file systems. %1$s: 0960-726 Failed to populate private copies of the /usr and /opt file systems. %1$s: 0960-727 Unable to unmount /usr and /opt file systems in the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-728 The mount of the new private copies of the /usr and /opt file systems failed. %1$s: 0960-729 A workload partition that has kernel extensions exported with local=no cannot be relocated to a different AIX level. %1$s: 0960-730 Failed to create mount points for /nre file systems. %1$s: 0960-731 An ostype value of %2$s is not valid without the -p option to preserve existing rootvg file systems. %1$s: 0960-732 Cannot change the architecture (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. 0960-733 The version of AIX level A is higher than level B for fileset %1$s and lower for at least one other fileset. 0960-734 The version of AIX level B is higher than level A for fileset %1$s and lower for at least one other fileset. 0960-735 AIX levels not compatible, fileset %1$s has an older build date and a newer version number. 0960-736 Version %1$d of component number %2$d is not supported. %1$s: 0960-737 System level from system backup image cannot be higher than the level of the hosting system. %1$s: 0960-738 System level from system backup image cannot be determined. %1$s: 0960-739 System level from backup does not match system level. Use syncwpar command to synchronize workload partition %2$s with system level. %1$s: 0960-740 Cannot specify backup device without -t or -C option. %1$s: 0960-741 Please specify proper address family. %1$s: 0960-742 Option -C is not valid for native workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-743 Option -C is not valid for active workload partitions; must be in defined state. %1$s: 0960-744 Options -K and -p cannot be applied to a workload partition with ostype %2$d. %1$s: 0960-745 Options -K and -C cannot be applied to a 5.2 or 5.3 workload partition. %1$s: 0960-746 Cannot change the cross-WPAR access to semaphores and shared memory segments (-%2$s) of a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-747 Access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments cannot be changed on a running workload partition. %1$s: 0960-748 Option -x cannot be used with -c. %1$s: 0960-749 Access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments cannot be allowed to a checkpointable workload partition. %1$s: 0960-750 Checkpointability cannot be set to a workload partition with access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. %1$s: 0960-751 Checkpointability (-c option, or -f option with a specification file where checkpointable = yes) and access to cross-WPAR semaphore and shared memory segments (-x option, or -f option with a specification file where xwparipc = yes) cannot be set together. %1$s: 0960-752 Cannot change the architecture of a versioned workload partition. %1$s: 0960-753 %2$s is a part of rootvg of global and cannot be used by the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-754 Please run cp_bos_updates before you continue. See /usr/lpp/bos/README.cp_bos_updates for information. %1$s: 0960-755 The command cp_bos_updates has not been run on this system. See /usr/lpp/bos/README.cp_bos_updates for information. %1$s: 0960-756 %2$s is an invalid device name with a rootvg WPAR, /dev not allowed. %1$s: 0960-757 Interim fix operations are not allowed in shared workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-758 Synchronize workload partition %2$s with system level before doing ifix related operations. %1$s: 0960-759 Interim fix operations are not allowed with any other operations. %1$s: 0960-760 The workload partition's %2$s file system is out of space. %1$s: 0960-761 Failed to increase the size of %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-762 The WPAR is in maintenance mode. %2$s is mounted over %3$s. Remember to restart the WPAR after the space issue is resolved. %1$s: 0960-763 Please start the wpar in maintenance mode to investigate the issue. %1$s: 0960-764 The size of %2$s file system was increased by %3$s in 512-blocks. %1$s: 0960-765 Please take action to acquire more space in %2$s file system. %1$s: 0960-766 Unable to query the workload partition's file system space. %1$s: 0960-767 There is not enough space in the workload partition's root file system to export a device. 0960-768 The version of fileset %1$s is higher on the departure system than on the arrival system. 0960-769 The version of fileset %1$s is higher on the arrival system than on the departure system. %1$s: 0960-585 No native detached workload partitions exist on the system. %1$s: 0960-770 RootVG WPAR is not supported in a trusted AIX environment. %1$s: 0960-771 Unable to add %2$s bytes to file system %3$s as required to complete the operation. %1$s: 0960-772 '%2$s' vfs type is not allowed with the %3$s option for a RootVG WPAR, only type '%4$s' mounts are supported. %1$s: 0960-773 '%2$s' vfs type is not allowed with the %3$s option, only type '%4$s' mounts are supported. %1$s: 0960-774 Default directory '%2$s' not allowed with %3$s option. %1$s: 0960-775 A checkpointable WPAR cannot have namefs mount. %1$s: 0960-717 Options -p, and -C are only valid for rootvg workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-718 Options -p, and -C cannot by used in conjunction with any flags other than -v and -K. %1$s: 0960-776 A WPAR with an architecture different from 'none' must be checkpointable. %1$s: 0960-777 Directory '%2$s' now mount point for '%3$s' (was '%4$s' before). %1$s: 0960-778 The -c flag is only valid when a single workload partition name is specified. %1$s: 0960-779 Device data synchronization failed, ODM reported error %2$s. %1$s: 0960-780 Device data synchronization failed. %1$s: 0960-781 The creation of new overlays failed with error %2$s. %1$s: 0960-782 The addition of new overlays to ODM failed with error %2$s. %1$s: 0960-783 The -c flag is not a valid option for a native workload partition. %1$s: 0960-784 Cannot convert to Versioned WPAR when it has multiple bootsets. %1$s: 0960-785 The specified Bootset ID is already in use by the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-786 The device ID '%2$s' is already in a bootset. %1$s: 0960-787 The device '%2$s' is already in a bootset. %1$s: 0960-788 Multiple bootset IDs were found: Only one bootset can be created at a time. %1$s: 0960-789 %2$s is not a valid attribute for %3$s. %1$s: 0960-790 %2$s attribute is required when removing a bootset. %1$s: 0960-791 Cannot locate the specified bootset ID %2$s in the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-792 Cannot remove a device that belongs to a bootset. %1$s: 0960-793 Cannot change the base directory when the workload partition has multiple bootsets. %1$s: 0960-794 Cannot remove a bootset that belongs to a bootlist. %1$s: 0960-795 Cannot remove a bootset that is the current rootvg of the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-796 %2$s attribute is required with -b flag unless removing bootlist with -K flag. %1$s: 0960-797 Bootlist should contain at least one bootset. %1$s: 0960-798 The bootlist for a non-rootvg workload partition can contain only one bootset. %1$s: 0960-799 Failed to update the workload partition's bootlist. %1$s: 0960-800 Failed to remove the workload partition's bootlist. %1$s: 0960-801 Non-supported vfs type found while creating bootset: %2$s. %1$s: 0960-802 Failed to populate the workload partition's bootset. %1$s: 0960-803 Failed to clean up the workload partition's bootset. %1$s: 0960-804 Cannot remove the workload partition's file systems which are currently being used. %1$s: 0960-805 Failed to remove the workload partition's bootset whose bootset ID is %2$s. %1$s: 0960-806 Bootset operations are only allowed when the workload partition is in active state. %1$s: 0960-807 The -%2$s flag requires the %3$s or %4$s attribute for a RootVG workload partition. %1$s: 0960-808 Cannot add bootsets to versioned workload partitions. %1$s: 0960-809 Failed to remove %2$s volume group in the workload partition. Please manually remove the bootset volume group. %1$s: 0960-810 Failed to make devices available in the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-811 Failed to create a bootset for the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-812 Failed to rename an alternate volume group in the workload partition. %1$s: 0960-813 %2$s is not a valid device type for a bootset. %1$s: 0960-814 The maximum bootset ID may not be greater than %2$s. %1$s: 0960-815 %2$s attribute with %3$s flag is only valid for rootvg workload partitions %1$s: 0960-816 Synchronization to a new AIX version is not allowed on %2$s because it is an AIX 5.2 or 5.3 WPAR. %1$s: 0960-817 A rootvg WPAR cannot be started or stopped by a non-root user. %1$s: 0960-818 The versioned WPAR '%2$s' cannot be synchronized using '%3$s -D'. %1$s: 0960-819 The operating system level of the global does not match the level of the WPAR. %1$s: 0960-820 File %2$s is missing and is required %1$s: 0960-821 This command is not permitted during an AIX live update. AcctActiveAddressApplicationAutoAutoMountBroadcastBrokenCPU LimitsCPU SharesDefinedDevice NameDeviceDirectoryErrorHostnameInterfaceLoadedMask/PrefixMemory SharesMemory LimitsMountPointNameNetmaskNodenameOptionsOwnerPausedPrefix LengthPrivate /usrPrivilegesResource SetSizeStateSystemTotal ProcessesTotal ThreadsTransitionalTypeUser ScriptVfsCheckpointableunlimitedFailed. yesWarningERRORRESOLVEDFrozenKeyPer-Process Virtual Memory LimitOperationProcess IDStart TimeGENERALNETWORKFILE SYSTEMSRESOURCE CONTROLSOPERATIONSECURITY SETTINGSDEVICE EXPORTSStart/Stop ScriptAddress(6)Total PTYsTotal Large PagesMax Message Queue IDsMax Semaphore IDsMax Shared Memory IDsMax Pinned MemoryUSER-SPECIFIED ROUTESWPAR-Specific RoutingDestinationGatewayMovingOStypeIDVirtual DeviceStatusTotal Virtual Memory LimitRootVGRootVG WPARKERNEL EXTENSIONSEXTENSION NAMELocalMajorStatusChecksumModification TimeAdapterVirtual IP WPARUUIDMaintenanceArchitectureConvert2Transit2FamilyPrefixlenCross-WPAR IPCServiceSynchronize Scratch File SystemBootlistBootsetBOOTLISTBOOTSETNew password for user %1$s: Re-enter new password for user %1$s: Executing %1$s in workload partition %2$s. Exporting workload partition devices. COMMAND START, ARGS: %1$s. Initializing configuration data. Loading workload partition. Mounting all workload partition file systems. Mounting %1$s Return Status = SUCCESS. Removing application workload partition %1$s. Running user script %1$s. Shutting down all workload partition processes. Stopping workload partition %1$s. Stopping workload partition subsystem %1$s. Starting workload partition init. Starting workload partition subsystem %1$s. Starting workload partition %1$s. Synchronizing workload partition %1$s (%2$s of %3$s). Workload partition %1$s synchronized successfully. Unloading workload partition. Umounting %1$s. Unmounting all workload partition file systems. Verifying workload partition startup. %1$s: Attaching to existing file systems... %1$s: Creating file systems... %1$s: Verifying file systems... mkwpar: Copying base files... Copying network name resolution configuration... %1$s: Removing file system %2$s. %1$s: Removing workload partition %2$s. Stopping workload partition %1$s. %1$s completed successfully. Return Status = FAILURE. %1$s: Passed. %1$s: Failed. Workload partition %1$s created successfully. Changing password for %1$s Attempting to determine the appropriate interface for address %1$s Fileset levels to be committed: Fileset levels to be rejected: Fileset levels to be force applied: Fileset levels to be applied: Filesets which have interim fixes applied in the global environment: Filesets which have interim fixes applied in workload partition %1$s: Previewing install operations to synchronize %1$s: Note: Further operations may be necessary to complete synchronization: ALLOCATEDEXPORTEDMISSINGBringing up WPAR's rootvg disks for backup. Please wait... Reverting back to the previous state of WPAR... Creating workload partition's rootvg. Please wait... Exporting a workload partition's rootvg. Please wait... Cleaning up the trace of a workload partition's rootvg population... Populating scratch file systems for rootvg workload partition... Finished populating scratch file systems. Creating scratch file system... Skipping device: %1$s. Extracting file system information from backup... Exporting workload partition kernel extensions. %1$s: These kernel extensions changed and updated in the WPAR: %1$s: These kernel extensions changed and not updated in the WPAR: %1$s: Preview operations do not exist for migrating workload partitions to a new version or release. %1$s: Unable to find bos image in %2$s. %1$s: The level of bos in %2$s does not match the global environment level. %1$s: Workload partition migration not supported for rootvg WPARs. Please run syncwpar to migrate this WPAR to the system os level. Synchronization failed. Reapplying overlays. Synchronize the packages of the scratch file system of the wpar %1$s bytes added to file system %2$s as required to complete the operation. Bringing up WPAR's rootvg disks for synchronization. Please wait... Creating a bootset for WPAR %1$s. Please wait... Removing the bootset for the WPAR %1$s Command output: %1$sPlease run migwwpar to migrate this WPAR to the system os level. Usage: syncwpar [ [-a] [-i] | [-F] [-r] ] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Flags: -a = Perform additional installation only. -i = Only update installp filesets. -F = Force copy RPM files. -r = Only update RPM files. -p = Preview operation. Do not actually perform the synchronization. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Expand file system space if possible. -A = Apply operation to all corrals. -f = Specifies a file containing a list of workload partitions. Usage: startwpar [-a] [-m] [-v] [-1 [-R] | -2 [-e 'environment'] | -I] wparName Flags: -1 = Phase 1 - load. -2 = Phase 2 - start initial process. -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -e = Environment string to pass through to alternate initial process. -I = Only exec default initial process. -m = Maintenance mode - starts workload partition with no network interfaces. -R = Flag the workload partition as restarted (from checkpoint). -v = Verbose mode. Usage: stopwpar [-F|-h] [-N|-t ] [-r] [-v] wparName Flags: -F = Forced stop. -h = Hard stop. -N = No timeout for halt. -t = User specified halt timeout in seconds. -r = Reboot after halt is completed. -v = Verbose mode. Usage: rebootwpar [-F|-h] [-N|-t ] [-v] wparName (Only valid for system workload partitions.) Flags: -F = Forced stop. -h = Hard stop. -N = No timeout for halt. -t = User specified halt timeout in seconds. -v = Verbose mode. Usage: rmwpar [-F] [-p] [-s] [-v] wparName Flags: -F = Forced remove. The '-s' flag is implied. -p = Preserve file systems (system workload partitions only). -s = Stops the workload partition before removing (system workload partitions only - application workload partitions should use the stopwpar command). -v = Verbose mode. USAGE: Register: %1$s {-i | -k} /path/to/executable Unregister: %1$s {-ik} -u Display: %1$s {-i | -k} Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-g vg ] [-h hostName] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-u /path/to/script] [-v] { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast). -o = Path to output specification file. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). Usage: wparexec [-a] [-c [-1]] [-F] [-h hostName] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-n wparName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-R attr=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] { [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] [--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args] | {-f inFile | -e existing_wpar} [-o outFile [-w]] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] | -w -o outFile [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] } Flags: -1 = Create configuration file only. -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -M = File system dependencies (dev, directory, vfs, mode, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast). -o = Path to output specification file. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Do not create, only write specification file. Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-N address=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. Usage: ckwpar -f |-n [-a][-F][-q][-m][-S][-s][-t {A|S}][-v] -a Automatically resolve conflicting settings (modifies the input file or workload partition). -f Check . Implies -m unless -s is explicitly specified. -n Check workload partition named . Implies -s unless -m is explicitly specified. -F Fast mode. Exit immediately upon encountering the first error which would cause a non-zero return code. -q Quiet mode. Set return code, but do not display any messages for errors or warnings. This option is not the opposite of -v. -m Set validation context to making a workload partition. -S Strict mode. Cause warnings to be fatal. By default, warnings do not cause a non-zero return code. -s Set validation context to starting a workload partition. -t {A|S} This is an A (Application) or S (System) workload partition. The default setting is System. -v Verbose mode. Cause progress messages to be displayed. This option is not the opposite of -q. Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-D | -M | -N] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | -G | {-D|-M|-N} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional) and B (Broken). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). Usage: %1$s [-a] [-A] [-b Blocks] [-B devexportsFile ] [-C] [-d directory] [-f Device] [-F] [-h hostName] [-i imagedataFileName ] [-k] [-M mkwparFlags] [-n WPARName] [-r] [-s] [-S {a|A|f|F|n} ] [ -U ] [-v] [ -w wparSpecificationFile ] -a Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A Start automatically on system boot. -b Number of 512-byte blocks to read in a single input operation. -B Path to permitted device exports file. -C Continue installation if compatibility check fails. -d Base directory. -f Name of device to restore the information from. Default is /dev/rmt0. -F Force creation of workload partition if it already exists. -h Hostname. -i Path to alternate file. -k Create logical volumes with minimum sizes from the backup. -M Additional flags to pass to the mkwpar command. -n Workload partition name. -r Copy global network name resolution configuration. -s Start after creation. -S {a|A|f|F|n} Specifies type of synchronization to use to make software levels in workload partition compatible with the global environment: a Install additional software if required, but do not remove (default). A Install additional software if required, but do not remove. Do not fail installation if synchronization fails. f Full synchronization - install or remove software as required. F Full synchronization - install or remove software as required. Do not fail installation if synchronization fails. n Do not perform any software synchronization. -U Do not use any existing MAP files. -v Verbose mode. -w Path to alternate mkwpar input specification file. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-g vg ] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-u /path/to/script] [-v] { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). Usage: wparexec [-a] [-c [-1]] [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-M attr=value ...] ... [-n wparName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-R attr=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] { [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] [--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args] | {-f inFile | -e existing_wpar} [-o outFile [-w]] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] | -w -o outFile [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] } Flags: -1 = Create configuration file only. -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -M = File system dependencies (dev, directory, vfs, mode, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Do not create, only write specification file. Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-D | -I | -M | -N] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-D|-I|-M|-N} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), M (Moving) and B (Broken). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...[-O]] ... [-F] [-g vg] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-u /path/to/script] [-v] { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -O = Overwrite an existing volume group on the speicified disks for a rootvg workload partition. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). Usage: wparexec [-a] [-c [-1]] [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-M attr=value ...] ... [-n wparName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-R attr=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] { [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] [--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args] | {-f inFile | -e existing_wpar} [-o outFile [-w]] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] | -w -o outFile [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] } Flags: -1 = Create configuration file only. -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -M = File system dependencies (dev, directory, vfs, mode, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Do not create, only write specification file. Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-C] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...[-O]] ... [-E directory] [-F] [-g vg] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-u /path/to/script] [-v] [-X attr=value ...] ... { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -C = Create versioned workload partition. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -E = Directory containing software for versioned workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -O = Overwrite an existing volume group on the speicified disks for a rootvg workload partition. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). -X = Configures the exported kernel extensions (kext, exportfile, local, major). Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] [-X attr=value] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] [-X kext=value] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Kernel extension exports (kext, exportfile, local, major, recalc). Usage: %1$s [-a] [-A] [-b Blocks] [-B devexportsFile] [-C] [-d directory] [-f Device] [-F] [-h hostName] [-i imagedataFileName] [-k] [-K postInstallationScript] [-M mkwparFlags] [-n WPARName] [-r] [-s] [-S {a|A|f|F|n} ] [-U] [-v] [-w wparSpecificationFile] -a Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A Start automatically on system boot. -b Number of 512-byte blocks to read in a single input operation. -B Path to permitted device exports file. -C Continue installation if compatibility check fails. -d Base directory. -f Name of device to restore the information from. Default is /dev/rmt0. -F Force creation of workload partition if it already exists. -h Hostname. -i Path to alternate file. -k Create logical volumes with minimum sizes from the backup. -K Post-installation customization script. -M Additional flags to pass to the mkwpar command. -n Workload partition name. -r Copy global network name resolution configuration. -s Start after creation. -S {a|A|f|F|n} Specifies type of synchronization to use to make software levels in workload partition compatible with the global environment: a Install additional software if required, but do not remove (default). A Install additional software if required, but do not remove. Do not fail installation if synchronization fails. f Full synchronization - install or remove software as required. F Full synchronization - install or remove software as required. Do not fail installation if synchronization fails. n Do not perform any software synchronization. -U Do not use any existing MAP files. -v Verbose mode. -w Path to alternate mkwpar input specification file. Usage: Shared WPAR synchronization: syncwpar [ [-a] [-i] | [-F] [-r] ] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Detached WPAR synchronization: syncwpar syncwpar -D [-d device] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Flags: -a = Perform additional installation only. -i = Only update installp filesets. -F = Force copy RPM files. -r = Only update RPM files. -p = Preview operation. Do not actually perform the synchronization. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Expand file system space if possible. -A = Apply operation to all corrals. -f = Specifies a file containing a list of workload partitions. -D = Synchronize detached workload partitions. -d = Installation device to use for detached synchronization. Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-D | -I | -M | -N] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-D|-I|-M|-N} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), M (Moving), B (Broken), and E (Error). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-D | -I | -M | -N | -X] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-D|-I|-M|-N|-X} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), M (Moving), B (Broken), and E (Error). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). -X = Print kernel extension exports. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-C] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...[-O]] ... [-E directory] [-F] [-g vg] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-u /path/to/script] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-X attr=value ...] ... { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -C = Create versioned workload partition. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -E = Directory containing software for versioned workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -O = Overwrite an existing volume group on the speicified disks for a rootvg workload partition. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Specifies Workload Partition UUID. If not given, UUID will be automatically generated for the corresponding Workload Partition. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). -X = Configures the exported kernel extensions (kext, exportfile, local, major). Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-X attr=value] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] [-X kext=value] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Changes Workload Partition UUID. If not given, new UUID will be automatically generated. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Kernel extension exports (kext, exportfile, local, major, recalc). Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-D | -I | -M | -N | -X] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-D|-I|-M|-N|-X} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), N (Maintenance), M (Moving), B (Broken), and E (Error). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). -X = Print kernel extension exports. Usage: wparexec [-a] [-c [-1]] [-F] [-h hostName] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-H architecture] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-n wparName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-R attr=value ...] [-u userScript] [-v] [-x] { [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] [--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args] | {-f inFile | -e existing_wpar} [-o outFile [-w]] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] | -w -o outFile [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] [[--] [VAR=val ...] Command [args]] } Flags: -1 = Create configuration file only. -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -H = Create an architecture compatible workload partition. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -M = File system dependencies (dev, directory, vfs, mode, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Do not create, only write specification file. -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-C] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...[-O]] ... [-E directory] [-F] [-g vg] [-h hostName] [-H architecture] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-t] [-T attr=value ...] [-u /path/to/script] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-x] [-X attr=value ...] ... { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -C = Create versioned workload partition. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -E = Directory containing software for versioned workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -H = Create an architecture compatible workload partition. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -O = Overwrite an existing volume group on the speicified disks for a rootvg workload partition. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -t = Copy rootvg file systems. -T = File system copy controls (preserve_private, preserve_wpars) -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Specifies Workload Partition UUID. If not given, UUID will be automatically generated for the corresponding Workload Partition. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. -X = Configures the exported kernel extensions (kext, exportfile, local, major). Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-H architecture] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-x] [-X attr=value] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-H] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] [-x] [-X kext=value] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -H = Change the workload partition's targeted architecture type. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Changes Workload Partition UUID. If not given, new UUID will be automatically generated. -v = Verbose mode. -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. -X = Kernel extension exports (kext, exportfile, local, major, recalc). Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-H architecture] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-x] [-X attr=value] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-H] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] [-x] [-X kext=value] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -H = Change the workload partition's targeted architecture type. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -K = Deletes the specified attributes from the configuration of the workload partition. -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Changes Workload Partition UUID. If not given, new UUID will be automatically generated. -v = Verbose mode. -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. -X = Kernel extension exports (kext, exportfile, local, major, recalc). Usage: Shared WPAR synchronization: syncwpar [ [-a] [-i] | [-F] [-r] ] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Detached WPAR synchronization: syncwpar syncwpar -D [-d device] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Detached WPAR ifix operations: syncwpar syncwpar -D {-E | -R } { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Flags: -a = Perform additional installation only. -i = Only update installp filesets. -F = Force copy RPM files. -r = Only update RPM files. -p = Preview operation. Do not actually perform the synchronization. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Expand file system space if possible. -A = Apply operation to all corrals. -f = Specifies a file containing a list of workload partitions. -D = Synchronize detached workload partitions. -d = Installation device to use for detached synchronization. -E = Installs ifix into detached workload partitions. -R = Removes ifix from detached workload partitions. Usage: Shared WPAR synchronization: syncwpar [ [-a] [-i] | [-F] [-r] ] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Detached WPAR synchronization: syncwpar -D [-d device] [-p] [-v] [-X] { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Detached WPAR ifix operations: syncwpar -D {-E | -R } { -A | -f wparNamesFile | wparName } Versioned WPAR device data synchronization: syncwpar -c wparName Flags: -a = Perform additional installation only. -i = Only update installp filesets. -F = Force copy RPM files. -r = Only update RPM files. -p = Preview operation. Do not actually perform the synchronization. -v = Verbose mode. -X = Expand file system space if possible. -A = Apply operation to all corrals. -f = Specifies a file containing a list of workload partitions. -c = Synchronize predefined device data in a versioned workload partition. -D = Synchronize detached workload partitions. -d = Installation device to use for detached synchronization. -E = Installs ifix into detached workload partitions. -R = Removes ifix from detached workload partitions. Usage: To change a setting: chwpar [-a] [-b attr=value ...] [-B [attr=value ...]]... [-A] [-c] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...] ... [-F] [-h hostName] [-H architecture] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-n newName] [-M attr=value ...] [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-u userScript] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-x] [-X attr=value] wparName To delete a setting: chwpar -K [-A] [-b] [-B attr=value] [-c] [-D devname=value] ... [-F] [-H] [-i] [-I rtdest=dest rtgateway=gateway [attr=value ...]] ... [-M directory=value ...] [-N {address|address6}=value] ... [-R [attr ...] ] [-S] [-u] [-v] [-x] [-X kext=value] wparName Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Bootlist of workload partition. -B = Bootset settings (devname, devid, bootset, vg). -c = Flag as checkpointable. -d = Base directory. -D = Device exports (devname, devtype, export). -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -h = Hostname. -H = Change the workload partition's targeted architecture type. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -K = Deletes the specified attributes from the configuration of the workload partition. -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, mountopts). -n = New workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Changes Workload Partition UUID. If not given, new UUID will be automatically generated. -v = Verbose mode. -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. -X = Kernel extension exports (kext, exportfile, local, major, recalc). Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-b | -B{r|f} | -D | -I | -M | -N | -X] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-b|-B{r|f}|-D|-I|-M|-N|-X} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -b = Print Bootlist information. -Br = Print Bootset information of a RootVG WPAR. -Bf = Print Bootset information of a non RootVG WPAR. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), N (Maintenance), M (Moving), B (Broken), and E (Error). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application) and C (Checkpointable). -X = Print kernel extension exports. Usage: mkwpar [-a] [-A] [-b devexportsFile] [-B wparBackupDevice] [-c] [-C] [-d directory] [-D attr=value ...[-O]] ... [-E directory] [-F] [-g vg] [-h hostName] [-H architecture] [-i] [-I attr=value ...] ... [-k /path/to/script] [-l] [-L attr=value ...] [-M attr=value ...] ... [-N attr=value ...] ... [-P] [-r] [-R attr=value ...] [-S attr[+|-]=value ...] [-s] [-t] [-T attr=value ...] [-u /path/to/script] [-U [UUID]] [-v] [-x] [-X attr=value ...] ... { -n wparName [-p [name]] [-e existing_wpar [-W] | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -p name [-n wparName] [-e existing_wpar [-W] | -f inFile] [-o outFile [-w]] | -f inFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-o outFile [-w]] | -w -o outFile [-n wparName] [-p [name]] [-f inFile | -e existing_wpar [-W]] } Flags: -a = Automatically resolve erroneous/conflicting settings. -A = Start automatically on system boot. -b = Path to permitted device exports file. -B = Device or Pathname of savewpar backup image. -c = Flag as checkpointable. -C = Create versioned workload partition. -d = Base directory. -D = Override default device exports (devname, devtype, export). -e = Get specification data from existing workload partition. -E = Directory containing software for versioned workload partition. -f = Path to input specification file. -F = Force - ignore certain errors. -g = Default volume group for local file systems. -h = Hostname. -H = Create an architecture compatible workload partition. -i = WPAR-specific routing. -I = User-specified route settings (rtdest, rtgateway, rtinterface, rtnetmask, rtprefixlen, rttype, rtfamily). -k = Path to post-installation script. -l = Create private, writeable versions of /usr and /opt. -L = Logical volume management policy (image_data, shrink, ignore_maps). -M = Mount settings (dev, directory, vfs, size, crfsopts, mode, vg, logname, host, mountopts). -n = Workload partition name. -N = Network settings (interface, address, netmask, broadcast, address6, prefixlen). -o = Path to output specification file. -O = Overwrite an existing volume group on the speicified disks for a rootvg workload partition. -p = Preserve file system data from the named mount group. -P = Set workload partition root password interactively. -r = Copy global network name resolution configuration into the workload partition. -R = Resource control settings (active, rset, CPU, memory, procVirtMem, totalVirtMem, shares_CPU, shares_memory, totalProcesses, totalThreads, totalPTYs, totalLargePages, pct_msgIDs, pct_semIDs, pct_shmIDs, pct_pinMem). -S = Configures the security settings of a workload partition (secfile, privs[+|-]). -s = Start after creation. -t = Copy rootvg file systems. -T = File system copy controls (preserve_private, preserve_wpars) -u = User script to execute on start & stop. -U = Specifies Workload Partition UUID. If not given, UUID will be automatically generated for the corresponding Workload Partition. -v = Verbose mode. -w = Only write specification file (do not create). -W = Filter out bootset related information from WPAR specification file. -x = Allows access to cross-WPAR semaphores and shared memory segments. -X = Configures the exported kernel extensions (kext, exportfile, local, major). Usage: Tabular: lswpar [-b | -B{r|f} | -D | -I | -M | -N | -X] [-a fieldname[,...]] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Paragraph: lswpar {-G | -L | -R | -S | -T} [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Delimited: lswpar {-c | -d delim} [-a fieldname[,...] | {-b|-B{r|f}|-D|-I|-M|-N|-X} [-a fieldName[,...]] | -G | -R | -S | -T] [-q] [-s state] [-t type] [wparname ...] Flags: -a = Comma-separated list of field names to print. -b = Print Bootlist information. -Br = Print Bootset information of a RootVG WPAR. -Bf = Print Bootset information of a non RootVG WPAR. -c = Colon delimited output (equivalent to -d:). -d = Output delimited by specified delimiter. -D = Print device exports. -G = Print general information (paragraph format). -I = Print user-specified network routes. -L = Long format. -M = File systems or file system dependencies. -N = Print network information. -q = Suppress output header. -R = Print resource information (paragraph format). -S = Print security information (paragraph format). -s = Only print information about workload partitions in a given state. Valid states are D (Defined), L (Loaded), A (Active), F (Frozen), P (Paused), T (Transitional), N (Maintenance), M (Moving), B (Broken), and E (Error). -T = Print operation information. -t = Only print information about workload partitions of a given type. Valid types are S (System), A (Application), L (Versioned) and C (Checkpointable). -X = Print kernel extension exports. Usage: wparprnterr ** WPAR not Found WPAR not specified wparprnterr: command not permitted Usage: wparerr -w [{-c -s -n }] -S arg1 arg2 .. Usage: wparerr [{-c -s -n }] -S arg1 arg2 .. ** WPAR not Found WPAR not specified Invalid argument specified for -s option Invalid argument specified for -n option Default String not specified To enable translation, specify catalog file, message set number and message number. Error logging is not supported for Global wpar