ISO8859-1])"&L"s#   4 !S u *&# )*Td  - ;[/y,  !!$"F#[$q%'&"'()$*9+R,9q-%./"0 1 22 F3 e4P 5' 6W 7? T83 9E :/ ;3 ><* r=4 >> ?? @/ QA1 B/ C0 DU E4 jF= Ge H+CI.oJ4K:LCMARN6OP"QSR\S"qTUV5W<X4<Y"qZ.[V\']BFailed to get VIOS level Failed to get the operating system level Failed to get source file information Failed to get device data for %s. Could not get location code for %s Could not get devType for %s Failed to get the default SP Failed to get disk info for: %s No devices of type %s found Failed to get VTD type for %s failed to get lvserial_id for %s Could not get udid info for %s Failed to back up VIOS config data for %s Failed to initialize the backup file. Failed to finalize the backup file Failed to clean up resources. Failed to create the ZIPped backup file. realloc failed Failed to get CuDv for %s Creation of directory %s failed Deletion of directory %s failed Failed to process %s Failed to open file %s. Failed to acquire ODM lock. ODM copying to a temporary directory failed. Failed to change ODM dir to %s Failed to reset ODMDIR to %s Failed to get Migration data for adapter at %s Failed to get details of %s from the system Failed to validate %s devices Failed to create %s invalid device specified Required attributes %s not found Device %s not found Command %s Failure %s:Couldn't configure SEA IP Failed to get %s data from backup file Failed to get %s data from system Failed to add %s to list Failed to add %s to hash table Failed to remove %s from hash table Validation of %s failed UDID validation failed for %s LV %s is already assigned as a backing device through %s Unknown Tag specified for processing Failed to create file parser Backup file %s is not well formed Failed to get view data for %s XML writer is NULL Device %s to be restored(y/n)?DEPLOYED or CHANGED devices: Some error occured during hardware validation. Details are seen in the log file.Would you like to proceed further(y/n)?Some error occured during virtual devices validation. Details are seen in the log file.Dev name during BACKUP Dev name after RESTORE Backedup Devices that are unable to restore/change Dev name during BACKUP Is Valid? Is Deployable?WARNING: %s is ignored due to unknown VTD type Insufficient memory, not able to complete command. An invalid value was passed by the user. Specified object is currently not cluster capable. A VIOS is currently already a member of an existing cluster. Request cannot be currently serviced because cluster is busy. Not able to locate specified physical volume- Addition of a new object to the cluster failed. Removal of an object from the cluster failed. A VIOS is currently not a member of a cluster. Action cannot be completed due to the existence/non-existence of dependent objects. Action cannot be completed due to internal errors. Storage capacity is not sufficient to complete the request. Action failed due to the existence of the specified object. Incomplete list returned due to an error. An invalid action was requested by the user. Mapping failed between LU to VSCSI Server Adapter. The requested operation has been failed due to an error. The request has been processed successfully with some exceptions. Action failed due to the non existence of a udid of the object. The specified virtual server adapter does not exist. Unknown exception type. VIOS is not a member of cluster. Action cannot be completed due to internal errors. See log file for more details. %s restore failed. %s restore partially successful. %s restore successful. Invalid path %s specified. Error occured during validation of hardware devices. Error occured during validation of cluster/network devices. Error occured during validation of storage devices. Details are in the log file : %s. Errors have been detected during restoration. Both Static and Dynamic Configuration exists for IPV6. Only Dynamic will be restored. Error processing device (type %s) : %s NOTE: If any further changes are made in the cluster configuration such as adding, removing, or replacing a disk, or adding or removing nodes from the cluster, this backup file cannot be used to restore the full cluster. Also, this backup file cannot be used to restore a single cluster node if the cluster repository disk is changed. If such changes are made, you must take a fresh backup.