ISO8859-1d~  + ) = N bs!!\Y&$`H5  2 B ? u 0 x4 3 <O*TB2R&6 V / <O - 02" #/0S!"%, (M v!-P+.(Z(3 V 7 JSystem Identify IndicatorSystem Fault IndicatorSYSTEM IDENTIFY INDICATORSYSTEM FAULT INDICATORDetermining system capabilities.normalfaultidentifyThe indicator state has been changed to %s Identify IndicatorsFault IndicatorsIDENTIFY INDICATORSFAULT INDICATORSCHANGE INDICATORSIdentify and Attention IndicatorsIDENTIFY AND ATTENTION INDICATORSThis selection allows the state of the System Identify Indicator to be displayed or changed.This selection allows the state of the System Fault Indicator to be displayed or changed.The current state of the System Identify Indicator is specified in the brackets upon entry to this task. This state may be changed to either 'normal' or 'identify' by making the appropriate selection. Refer to the system guide for additional information concerning the use of this indicator.The current state of the System Fault Indicator is specified in the brackets upon entry to this task. This state may be set to either 'normal' or 'fault' by making the appropriate selection. The System Fault Indicator will be set to the normal state when exiting this task if the indicator was in the normal state upon entry. Refer to the system guide for additional information concerning the use of this indicator.This selection displays all supported Identify Indicators and allows their states to be changed.This selection displays those resources that have their Fault Indicators set to FAULT, and allows the state of the Fault Indicators to be set to NORMAL. In addition, the Identify Indicator state will be displayed, and can be changed from this Task.This selection will turn all Identify Indicators off.If any identify indicators are selected to be turned off, this selection will turn off the corresponding fault indicators. No action will be taken if this is the only selection made.This selection will toggle the Identify Indicator state. If an 'I' appears to the left of this selection, the Identify Indicator is currently in the 'identify' state. If an 'F' appears to the left of this selection, the Fault Indicator is in the 'fault` while the Identify Indicator is in the normal state. The fault can be identified by selecting the Identify Indicator. If neither an 'I' nor an 'F' appears to the left of this selection, both the Identify and corresponding Fault Indicators are in the 'normal' state.This selection will set all Fault Indicators on. When this task is complete, all Fault Indicators that are not currently turned on will return to the 'normal' state.This selection will turn all Fault Indicators off.This selection will turn all Fault and Identify Indicators off.This selection will allow you to turn off the specified Fault Indicator. In addition, if there is a corresponding Identify Indicator, it will allow you to turn the Identify Indicator on or off.This selection will turn off the Fault IndicatorThis selection will turn off the Identify Indicator.This selection will turn on the Identify Indicator.This selection will turn off the System Attention Indicator.This selection will toggle the Identify Indicator state. If an 'I' appears to the left of this selection, the Identify Indicator is currently in the 'identify' state. If an 'A' appears to the left of this selection, the Attention Indicator is in the 'attention' state while the Identify Indicator is in the normal state. If neither an 'I' nor an 'A' appears to the left of this selection, the LED at the location specified is in the 'normal' state.This system may have outstanding hardware problems that have not been resolved. The appropriate method to reset this indicator LED is through the Log Repair Action Task after any hardware problems have been resolved. To continue with this selection, press Enter. To cancel this selection press F3.The System Fault Indicator will be set to the 'normal' state when leaving this task.Remember to run the Log Repair Action Task against the replaced or repaired resource. This action will keep the System Fault Indicator from going back to the 'fault' state due to a previous error in the error log that has already been serviced.The current state of the System Identify Indicator is specified within the brackets upon entry to this task. This value can be set to either 'normal' or 'identify'. System Identify Indicator StateThe current state of the System Fault Indicator is specified within the brackets upon entry to this task. This value can be set to either 'normal' or 'fault'.System Fault Indicator StateSelect one or more choices with Enter.There is no list for this task.All Fault Indicators have been set to 'fault'. All Indicators that are being set to 'fault' that were not previously set to 'fault' will be changed back to the 'normal' state when leaving this popup.All Fault Indicators have been set to 'normal'.All Fault and Identify Indicators have been set to 'normal'.The Fault Indicator has been set to 'normal'.The Identify Indicator has been set to 'normal'.The Identify Indicator has been set to 'identify'.Remember to run the Log Repair Action Task against the replaced or repaired resource. This action will keep the Fault Indicator from going back to the 'fault' state due to a previous error in the error log that has already been serviced.Set all Fault Indicators to FAULT.Set all Fault Indicators to NORMAL.Set all Fault and Identify Indicators to NORMAL.Primary EnclosureSet Fault Indicator to NORMAL.Set Identify Indicator to NORMAL.Set Identify Indicator to IDENTIFYSet ALL Identify Indicators to NORMALSet corresponding Fault Indicators to NormalSet System Attention Indicator to NORMALusage: %s [-s normal] usage: %s [-s {normal|identify}] This command is not supported on this system An error occurred while trying to display or change the value of this indicator.User is not authorized to run diagnostics. The specified indicator does not exist. usage: %s [-s normal][-l location code] usage: %s [-s {normal|identify}][-l location code] usage: %s [-s {normal | identify}] [-l location code | -d device name] %s [-t] The specified indicator is neither in normal nor identify state. The indicator is in either an insert or remove state for service action. usage: %s [-s normal ] [-l location code | -d device name] %s [-t]