ISO8859-1   *" JY m\ W $T |  e g "G{Raapt w  !"#2$1%P&9X'!()* +,-./J-0>x12h34D56 78 9:;<=>?@ A'B C )D 6ECFRGaHjI{JfKLMN)O;P@Q:5R;pSjTx UP VF W4!(X!]Y"eZ#[p$\=%]x%C^(%_%`E&a%&b'c'5d(e(f)gm*dh+iJ+j,k,>lw,m-kn.Do .Lp.Yq._r.fs.wt.u/}v0Nwb1Bx\1y2z2{2| 2}2~2?2f3!v3344 566k7ZN78[9 :gA:;1 ;A;K?.{?@qAAAAiA'B$QBLxBvCRCgCPDI,DvEzF>$FmFGD6Ga-GVG&H.HD )Hs $H 'H /H 'I*IB1Im7I-I1JZJ7J5J,JUK6KgKKKK KLL% "L8!$L["$L#'L$LGLM5MNOPXQQ R/ R S TM ZTSVVdVlWqW|W>X )XCXm%YY&Y(@Y;Y|Y &Y ;Y 7Z ZA4Z_)Z*Z+Z@['[VM[~ [ >[ X\* G\ I\]^ ^ ^3^(_2)_[?_+_Q_)`CV`m`abw!cqtcd<ddoeeVf 0f )gLh;iRjjmk4kln l m &n4 o[ Ipr?  r7s <sA0s~sst[2u] )u 5uluv]FvyvLvw)GwE w>wwNxPCI RAID Microcode DownloadPCI RAID Physical Disk FormatPCI RAID Physical Disk IdentifyDisplay PCI RAID Adapter Error LogThis selection will download microcode to a PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID Adapter or physical disk.This selection is used to format a physical disk connected to a PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID Adapter.This selection will identify physical disks connected to a PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID Adapter.This selection will display the internal error log of a PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID Adapter.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the type of microcode to download. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s From the list below, select any number of disks by moving the cursor to the disk and then press Enter. To cancel the selection, press Enter again. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current adapter microcode level: %3$s Select the level of microcode to download. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current physical disk microcode level: %3$s Select the level of microcode to download. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the level of microcode to download. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current adapter microcode level: %3$s Select where the adapter microcode file is located. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select where the physical disk microcode is located. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download is in progress. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download is in progress. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download completed successfully. Adapter microcode level: %3$s PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download completed successfully. Physical disk microcode level: %3$s PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current microcode level: %3$s The correct microcode file for this device could not be found. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current microcode level: %3$s The correct microcode file for this device could not be found. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the physical disk to be formatted. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s *** WARNING *** All data on physical disk %3$d (Channel %4$d, ID %5$d) will be lost. Once a disk format operation has started, it can't be stopped. The disk will continue to format until it completes. Are you sure you want to format this physical disk? PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s YesNoSerial NumberFRU NumberDiagnostic LevelMicrocode LevelBoot Block LevelPhysical DisksTo continue, press Enter.Once all selections have been made, press Commit. Move the cursor to the selection and press Enter.Adapter%1$s Physical Disk %2$d (Channel %3$d, ID %4$d) %5$s %6$s%1$s Physical Disk %2$d %3$s %4$sFunctional MicrocodeBoot Block MicrocodeLatest LevelPrevious Level/etc/microcode directoryDiskettePlease stand by.Formatting physical disk %1$d (Channel %2$d, ID %3$d). %4$d%% Complete.Format complete on physical disk %1$d (Channel %2$d, ID %3$d).The format operation is still in progress. The physical disk will continue to format until it completes. Press Enter to continue monitoring the format operation or Cancel to return to the device selection menu.The format operation is still in progress. The physical disk will continue to format until it completes.The physical disk %1$d (Channel %2$d, ID %3$d) is not in the correct state to be formatted. The disk must be in one of the following states before it can be formatted. To change the state of a physical disk, run the Disk Array Manager.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Identify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The following physical disks are connected to this adapter.Device StateONLINEHOT-SPAREREADYREBUILDDEFUNCTDEFUNCT HOT-SPARESTAND-BYSTAND-BY HOT-SPAREEMPTYPFA IndicatedYES! Replace drive as soon as possible.Vendor IDProduct TypeModel NumberROM Code LevelRAM Code LevelUnit S/NAssembly FRU P/NFRU P/NPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Display Adapter Error Log RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s %1$s%1$sThis Service Aid cannot be run on this adapter because it is in use. In order to run this Service Aid, free the resource and run this Service Aid again.An unrecoverable software error occurred.An adapter hardware error was detected by this Service Aid.An adapter configuration error was detected by this Service Aid.An adapter channel error was detected by this Service Aid.An adapter firmware error was detected by this Service Aid.The POST indicates that the boot block jumper is installed. Remove the boot block jumper from the adapter.The boot block jumper must be installed to download boot block. microcode. Install the boot block jumper on the adapter.Run diagnostics on the adapter to determine if any service actions are required.Run the Disk Array Manager to resolve the adapter configuration error.No physical disks were detected by this Service Aid.Usage: %1$s {-a|-p|-f|-i|-e} -a = Adapter microcode download -p = Physical disk microcode download -f = Physical disk format -i = Physical disk identify -e = Display the internal adapter error log Note: Additional usage is available for each option listed above.Usage: %1$s -a -d [-B][-D][-P] -a = Adapter microcode download -B = Download boot block microcode (default to functional microcode) -D = Microcode is on diskette (default to /etc/microcode directory) -P = Download the previous level of microcode (default to latest level)Usage: %1$s -p -d -l [-D][-P] -p = Physical disk microcode download -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 40) -D = Microcode is on diskette (default to /etc/microcode directory) -P = Download the previous level of microcode (default to latest level)Usage: %1$s -f -d -l -f = Physical disk format -l = Channel/ID of physical disk (i.e. 40)Usage: %1$s -i -d -i = Physical disk identifyUsage: %1$s -e -d -e = Display the internal adapter error log -l = Channel/ID of physical disk (i.e. 40)PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID The physical disk %1$d (Channel %2$d, ID %3$d) is not in the correct state to download microcode. The disk must be in one of the following states before the microcode download operation can be performed.%1$s Physical Disk %2$02.2x (Channel %3$01.1x, ID %4$01.1x) %5$s %6$s%1$s Physical Disk %2$02.2x %3$s %4$s%1$s All Physical DisksPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current physical disk (%3$02.2x) microcode level: %4$s Select the level of microcode to download. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the level of microcode to download to all disks selected. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download completed successfully. Physical disk (%3$02.2x) microcode level: %4$s PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current microcode level: %3$s The correct microcode file for this physical disk (%4$02.2x) could not be found. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s *** WARNING *** All data on physical disk %3$02.2x (Channel %4$01.1x, ID %5$01.1x) will be lost. Once a disk format operation has started, it can't be stopped. The disk will continue to format until it completes. Are you sure you want to format this physical disk? Format complete on physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x).Display PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID VPDThe physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is not in the correct state to be formatted. The disk must be in one of the following states before it can be formatted. The boot block jumper must be installed to download boot block microcode. Install the boot block jumper on the adapter.The physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is not in the correct state to download microcode. The disk must be in one of the following states before the microcode download operation can be performed. WARNINGNON-EXISTENTSPAREFAILEDFAILED HOT-SPARERECONSTRUCTINGPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Certify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s From the list below, select any number of disks by moving the cursor to the disk and then press Enter. To cancel the selection, press Enter again. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Certify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The certify operation may take approximately 20 minutes to complete for each physical disk selected. Results:PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Certify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The certify operation has completed. If any of the physical disks have failed, select the physical disk and perform any service actions listed. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Certify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Recovered Data Errors: %1$d Unrecovered Data Errors: %2$d Blocks Reassigned: %3$d %4$s PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Certify RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The certify operation has not completed. Do you wish to cancel the certify operation? PassedFailedIn progressSelected Service Action: Replace the physical disk as soon as possible. Service Action: PFA indicated, replace the physical disk as soon as possible. Service Action: Unknown physical disk problem. Replace the physical disk as soon as possible.Physical Disk CertifyPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current microcode level: %3$s The configuration data could not be read from the NVRAM of the adapter.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Current microcode level: %3$s The configuration data could not be restored to the NVRAM of the adapter.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The microcode download has completed. If the download has failed for any of the disks, select the physical disk and press Enter for the reason for failure. SUCCESSPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the device type to download microcode to. NOTE: Downloading the boot block microcode requires the boot block jumper to be installed on the adapter. Press Cancel to continue or move the cursor to a failed disk and press Enter. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s From the list below, select any number of disks by moving the cursor to the disk and then press Enter. To cancel the selection, press Enter again. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s *** WARNING *** All data on the selected physical disks will be lost. Once a disk format operation has started, it can't be stopped. The disk will continue to format until it completes. Are you sure you want to format the selected physical disks? PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The format operation is in progress. %1$s Physical Disk %2$02.2x (Channel %3$01.1x, ID %4$01.1x) %5$s.%1$d%% CompleteCompletedPCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Format RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The format operation has completed. If the format has failed for any of the disks, select the physical disk and press Enter for the reason for failure. An adapter configuration error was detected when running the Service Aid on physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x).PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Adapter Error Log Analysis RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Type or select values in entry fields. Press COMMIT after entering all desired information.Starting timeEnding timeFile where ELA information is savedUnable to write Error Log Analysis data to file %1$s.The system error log contains entries referencing an old microcode level. CHECK........the microcode level on the adapter. level of microcode if the current level is earlier than 97308. CLEAR........the error log of SCSI_ARRAY_ERR9 errors for this adapter.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID Physical Disk Microcode Download RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s The download operation has not completed. Do you wish to cancel the download operation? The microcode you are trying to download may be corrupted or is incompatible with the adapter. Contact your support person.PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID IDENTIFY AND REMOVE RESOURCES RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select a physical disk from the list. PCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID IDENTIFY AND REMOVE RESOURCES RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$s Select the state the physical disk should be set to.NormalIdentifyRemovePCI SCSI-2 F/W RAID ADAPTER SERVICE AID IDENTIFY AND REMOVE RESOURCES RAID Device: %1$s in location %2$sThe adapter does not support this task.The physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is set to normal state.The physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is set to identify state. A flashing led identifies this disk.The physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is set to remove state. A flashing led identifies this disk. NOTE: The state of the disk will be reset to Normal when you exit from the task. The physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is not controlled by SCSI enclosure services.The current level of adapter microcode does not support SCSI enclosure services.The system error log contains entries referencing an old microcode level. CHECK........the microcode level on the adapter. level of microcode if the current level is earlier than 97308. CLEAR........the error log of SCSI_ARRAY_ERR9 errors for this adapter.The boot block jumper must be installed to install boot block microcode. Install the boot block jumper on the adapter.The microcode you are trying to install may be corrupted or is incompatible with the adapter. Contact your support person.Analyze Adapter Internal LogThis selection will analyze the adapter's internal log entries. The logs analyzed depend on the adapter type.DOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$sDOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$s adapter microcode. %3$sDOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk microcode.DOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk (%3$02.2x) microcode Current microcode level: %4$sFORMAT MEDIA %1$s %2$s physical disksFORMAT MEDIA %1$s %2$s physical disk %3$02.2xPCI RAID PHYSICAL DISK IDENTIFY %1$s %2$sADAPTER ERROR LOG ANALYSIS %1$s %2$sCERTIFY MEDIA %1$s %2$s physical disksCERTIFY MEDIA %1$s %2$s physical disk %3$02.2xIDENTIFY AND REMOVE RESOURCES %1$s %2$sDISPLAY MICROCODE LEVEL %1$s %2$s adapterDISPLAY MICROCODE LEVEL %1$s %2$s physical disksDOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk (%3$02.2x) microcodeDISPLAY MICROCODE LEVEL %1$s %2$s BackplanesINSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s Backplane Microcode.INSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s Backplane (%3$02.2x) Microcode Current microcode level: %4$sINSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$sINSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s adapter microcode. %3$sINSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk microcode.INSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk (%3$02.2x) microcode Current microcode level: %4$sINSTALL MICROCODE %1$s %2$s disk (%3$02.2x) microcode INSTALL DISK MICROCODE %1$sINSTALL ADAPTER MICROCODE %1$sINSTALL MICROCODE %1$sINSTALL BACKPLANE MICROCODE %1$sFORMAT MEDIA %1$sCERTIFY MEDIA %1$sIDENTIFY AND REMOVE RESOURCES %1$sDISPLAY ADAPTER MICROCODE LEVEL %1$sDISPLAY ADAPTER MICROCODE LEVEL %1$sDISPLAY BACKPLANE MICROCODE LEVEL %1$s ADAPTER ERROR LOG ANALYSIS %1$s ------------------------------------------------------- Date/Time: %sA unexpected software/hardware error is detected on physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Save the error log entries and contact your Support Personnel. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x A unexpected firmware/hardware error is detected when accessing physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Save the error log entries and contact your Support Personnel. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x SCSI Bus error is detected when accessing physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Please check the cables, terminators and all devices on the bus. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x A hardware/software error has been logged by the physical manager for physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Save the error log entries and contact your Support Personnel. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Physical Manager reports that the physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) is dead. Replace the disk immediately if not already done. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Physical Manager reports that the channel %1$01.1x is dead. Check the cables. If the cables are good, replace the adapter. Details: %2$x %3$x %4$x Physical Manager reports that physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) has been failed by software simulation. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Physical Manager reports that errors were logged during adapter's Power On Self Test(POST). Run diagnostics on the adapter to isolate the problem. Details: %1$x %2$x %3$x Self-monitoring function indicates the physical disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Sense Key: %7$x ASC/ASCQ: %8$xPhysical Manager reports a Hard Equipment Error on physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Replace the disk. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Sense Key: %7$x ASC/ASCQ: %8$xPhysical Manager reports a Hard Data Error on physical disk %1$02.2x(Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x). Replace the disk. Details: %4$x %5$x %6$x Sense Key: %7$x ASC/ASCQ: %8$xEnter the starting and ending times for the error log entries. Error log analysis includes all the error log entries after the starting time and before the ending time. Starting time and Ending time have the form mmddhhmmyy (month, day, hour, minute, and year). If the file name is specified, the Error Log Analysis results are saved to the file.The adapter internal log does not contain any errors that require a service action.Cache manager reports that the write cache has failed. Run diagnostics on the adapter. Details: %1$xCache manager reports that the write cache battery has failed. Run diagnostics on the adapter. Details: %1$xCache manager reports that the write cache battery is low on power. Run diagnostics on the adapter. Details: %1$xRAID Hot Plug DevicesThis selection invokes the RAID function for Hot Swap devices.Enter selections, use Commit to continue.From the list below, select any number of disks by moving the cursor to the disk and then use 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, use 'Enter' again.Select a physical disk from the list. All Physical DisksPhysical Disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) %4$s %5$sSelect the device type.Microcode Level: Current microcode for device %1$s is: Current microcode for physical disks attached to %1$s are: Current microcode for backplanes attached to %1$s are: Current microcode level: %1$sSelect the device type to download the microcode to.Select the type of microcode to download.Select the level of microcode to download.Select where the microcode file is located.Select the level of microcode to download to all disks selected.The microcode download is in progress. The microcode download completed successfully. Current microcode level: %1$sDownload microcode has failed.The correct microcode file for this device could not be found.The download operation has not completed. Do you wish to cancel the download operation? The configuration data could not be read from the NVRAM of the adapter.The configuration data could not be restored to the NVRAM of the adapter.The microcode download has completed. If the download has failed for any of the disks, select the physical disk and use Enter for the reason for failure. Use Cancel to continue or select a failed disk and use Enter for additional information.The selected physical disk is not in the correct state to download microcode. The disk must be in one of the following states before the microcode download operation can be performed. Boot microcode level: %1$sFunctional microcode level: %1$sSelect the device type to install the microcode to.Select the type of microcode to install.Select the level of microcode to install.Select the level of microcode to install to all disks selected.The microcode installation is in progress. The microcode installation completed successfully. Current microcode level: %1$sInstallation of the microcode has failed.The install operation has not completed. Do you wish to cancel the install operation? The microcode installation has completed. If the installation has failed for any of the disks, select the physical disk and use Enter for the reason for failure. Use Cancel to continue or select a failed disk and use Enter for additional information.The selected physical disk is not in the correct state to install microcode. The disk must be in one of the following states before the microcode install operation can be performed. *** WARNING *** All data on the selected physical disks will be lost. Once a disk format operation has started, it can't be stopped. The disk will continue to format until it completes. Are you sure you want to format the selected physical disks? Format operation is in progress. The format operation is still in progress. The physical disk(s) will continue to format until format is completed. Format operation has completed. If any of the physical disks have failed, perform any service actions listed. Select the disk and use Enter to display the status or service actions.Physical Disk %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) %4$s.The physical disk is not in the correct state to be formatted. The disk must be in one of the following states before it can be formatted. The certify operation may take approximately 20 minutes to complete for each physical disk selected. Results: The certify operation has completed. If any of the physical disks have failed, select the physical disk and perform any service actions listed. The certify operation has not completed. Do you wish to cancel the certify operation? Select the state physical disk should be set to.Download Adapter Microcode usage: diag -c -d -T "download [-B][-D][-P]" -B = Download boot block microcode (default is functional microcode) -D = Microcode is on diskette (default is /etc/microcode directory) -P = Download the previous level of microcode (default is latest level)Download Physical Disk Microcode usage: diag -c -d -T "download {-l | -A} [-D][-P]" -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27) -A = Download microcode to all disks -D = Microcode is on diskette (default is /etc/microcode directory) -P = Download the previous level of microcode (default is latest level)Format Physical Disk usage: diag -c -d -T "{-l | -A}" -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27) -A = Format all disksIdentify Physical Disks(Display VPD) usage: diag -c -d -T "identify"Analyze Adapter Internal Log usage: diag -c -d -T "adapela [-s -e ]" -s = all errors after this date are analyzed -e = all errors before this date are analyzedCertify Physical Disk usage: diag -c -d -T "certify {-l | -A" -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 23) -A = Certify all disksIdentify and Remove Physical disks usage: diag -c -d -T "identifyRemove -s {identify|remove|normal} -l " -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27)Display Adapter Microcode Level usage: diag -c -d -T "disp_mcode [-r]" -r = Display microcode level in raw formatDisplay Physical Disk Microcode Level usage: diag -c -d -T "disp_mcode {-l | -A}" -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27) -A = Display microcode levels for all disks.Display Physical Disk Microcode Level usage: diag -c -d -T "disp_mcode -A" -A = Display microcode levels for all disks.Install Adapter Microcode usage: diag -c -d -T "download [-B][-D][-P]" -B = Install boot block microcode (default is functional microcode) -D = Microcode is on diskette (default is /etc/microcode directory) -P = Install the previous level of microcode (default is latest level)Install Backplane Microcode usage: diag -c -d -T "download -t backplane {-l | -A} [-D][-P]" -t backplane = Device type is backplane attached to the raid adapter -l = Backplane channel/ID (i.e. 27) -A = Install microcode to all backplanes -D = Microcode is on diskette (default is /etc/microcode directory) -P = Install the previous level of microcode (default is latest level)Install Physical Disk Microcode usage: diag -c -d -T "download {-l | -A} [-D][-P]" -l = Physical disk channel/ID (i.e. 27) -A = Install microcode to all disks -D = Microcode is on diskette (default is /etc/microcode directory) -P = Install the previous level of microcode (default is latest level)Display Microcode Level usage: diag -c -d -T "disp_mcode [-r][-t adapter|adapter-boot|raid-dasd|backplane" -r = Display microcode level in raw format -t = Selective displayBackplanesBackplane %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) %4$sBackplane %1$02.2x (Channel %2$01.1x, ID %3$01.1x) %4$s %5$sNo backplanes were detected by this Service Aid.All BackplanesFrom the list below, select any number of backplanes by moving the cursor to the backplane and then use 'Enter'. To cancel the selection, use 'Enter' again.The microcode installation has completed. If the installation has failed for any of the backplanes, select the backplane and use Enter for the reason for failure. Use Cancel to continue or select a failed backplane and use Enter for additional information.The microcode installation completed successfully. The load_id for this backplane is: %1$s SCSI RAID Physical Disk Status and Vital Product DataThis selection displays information on the physical disks that are currently not used in the RAID subsystem.PCI SCSI Disk Array ManagerThis selection allows you to service and maintain your RAID Subsystem.PCI SCSI RAID Array ManagerThis selection allows you to service and maintain a PCI SCSI RAID subsystem.PCI SCSI Disk Array ManagerThis selection allows you to service and maintain PCI SCSI disk arrays.PCI Disk RAID Array ManagerThis selection allows you to service and maintain disk arrays.PCI-X SCSI RAID Array ManagerThis selection allows you to service and maintain a PCI-X SCSI RAID subsystem.