ISO8859-1+&U:95t5 ) !5 1W 2 ;81286-200 Specify no more than 100 symbols. 1286-201 %s is not a recognized flag. Usage: %s [-t] [-l] [-c] [[-DSymbol] [-USymbol] [-idSymbol] [-iuSymbol]] ... [File] At least one parameter from [-D -U -id -iu] is required. 1286-202 Cannot accept more than one file at a time. %3$s This error occurred on line %2$d in file %1$s. Error in %s line %d: %s. ifdef depth: %d 1286-205 #else or #elif is not expected. 1286-206 #endif is not expected. 1286-207 End of file was not expected in #ifdef. 1286-208 End of file was not expected in comment. 1286-209 End of file was not expected in quoted character. 1286-210 End of file was not expected in quoted string.