ISO8859-1YD,Erv4y8[C D E F G HSI=0 1!2"3#4$5%WH&K'(h )u*Gv+,s-t.u/v081 02 13 24/ 35 c6 }7 8; 9= :? M;o <@ =, >>S k? @ A B C D EA F^ VG! H. IJ]K>L=MCNO##P'GQoR6S>T/U%(V"NW&qX+Y mn]o4+ S S Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. YESNOPlease stand by. The microcode is being downloaded.Please stand by. The disk drive motor is being started.INSERT.........the microcode diskette into the diskette drive. When finished, press Enter.Please remove tape from the drive, if one is inserted. When finished, press Enter.Please stand by. The microcode is being read from the media.Boot Block microcodeFunctional microcodeDevice at location %1$-16.16s DOWNLOAD MICROCODEA software error has occurred. The system's configuration data could not be accessed. A hardware error has occurred. The device selected could not be accessed. A software error has occurred. A check condition occurred while downloading the microcode. The microcode on the device is not useable. An error occurred attempting to read the source of the microcode file. The device you chose is not available to accept a microcode download. To perform a microcode download on this device you must use this procedure from the removable media package. The adapter you chose is not available to accept a microcode download. To perform a microcode download on this adapter, you must load Diagnostics from a device that does not use this adapter. The microcode download has completed successfully. Once you have finished using this procedure you should perform the system's shutdown procedure and then load diagnostics to test the device or devices on which the microcode has been downloaded. The microcode download could not be performed. To continue, press Enter.The drive indicates that there is a tape in the drive. Remove the tape from the drive before attempting to download microcode. The command "dosdir" or "dosread" is not found on the system. To perform the download of the microcode run the non-disk based diagnostics which were shipped with the machine. These must be version 2.4 or higher. The latest level of microcode is not present on the media. The previous level of microcode is not present on the media. An error occurred while attempting to read the microcode file. The microcode file on the media may be corrupted/truncated.The size of the file is less than what is expected. A hardware error occurred when writing microcode to the device. DOWNLOAD MICROCODE FOR %1$s IN LOCATION %2$sSelect values in entry fields. Press COMMIT after entering all desired information.Input device for MicrocodediskdisketteMicrocode level to downloadlatestpreviousDownload microcode even if current level is missing on the media?NOTE: Downloading the boot block microcode requires the jumper to be installed on the adapter. Current Microcode Level is %1$sSelect the type of microcode to be downloaded.The current level of microcode is not present on the source media. To download microcode, choose the option to download even if current level is missing.Error occurred while accessing the diskette drive. The media may not be present in the drive. REMOVE.........the diskette (if any) from the diskette drive.A usage error has occurred. The download microcode procedure is invoked directly. This program can be invoked through "diag" only.The selected device is not configured to accept microcode download.DOWNLOAD MICROCODE %1$s %2$sDISPLAY MICROCODE LEVEL %1$s %2$sThe current microcode for %1$s is %2$s.Initializing......Please remove tape from the drive, if one is inserted.INSERT.........the microcode diskette into the diskette drive.Select values in the entry fields for download.There is no diskette drive available.The microcode is being downloaded.The disk drive motor is being started.The microcode is being read from the media.The microcode level installed on the device matches the latest level of microcode in the source directory. Press Enter to Continue the install, or Press Cancel to Exit.An error has occurred. The download microcode procedure is invoked with incorrect parameters.The current level of microcode is not present on the microcodenmedia. This microcode is necessary if you desire to return to the current level of microcode after downloading a new level of microcode. Use the force flag -F option to download microcode. Usage: %1$s [-d [-%2$c {latest|previous} [-s diskette] -t* {boot|functional} -c [-F]]] -c -- Command Line mode. No prompting. -F -- Force flag. Required to down load microcode if the current level is not available on the media. * -- -t is valid and required for ascsi devices only.%1$s The microcode download operation is cancelled. This may leave the device unusable. USAGE: diag [-c] -d -T "download [-s /etc/microcode|diskette|] [-l {latest|previous}] [-f]" -c No console mode. Run without user interaction. -d Run the task on the device specified. -T download Download microcode. -s Specify the source for the microcode files. For example: fd0, cd0. /etc/microcode is the default. -l latest Install the latest level of microcode. This is the default. -l previous Install the previous level of microcode. -f Install microcode even if the current level is not on the source. USAGE: diag [-c] -d -T disp_mcode -c No console mode. Run without user interaction. -d Run the task on the device specified. -T disp_mcode Display the micrococde level.