ùISO8859-1  ô)1[%x)žÈã / z1 ¬ 3Á õ$2;%n.”2Ã#ö /8 ch Ì 3á *9@Usage: %1$s [-r|-p] -f Filename %1$s: illegal option -%2$s %1$s: argument required for option -%2$s %1$s: illegal argument %2$s %1$s: required argument %2$s missing %1$s: incompatible options %2$s and %3$s %1$s: file %2$s not found Warning: unknown stanza %1$s Warning: unknown parameter %2$s in stanza %1$s Warning: parameter %2$s in stanza %1$s is of type Static, yet its file value (%3$s) differs from its current value (%4$s) Checking successful Checking failed Messages should have been provided Usage: %1$s [-r|-p] -f Filename %1$s: 1485-221 Illegal option -%2$s %1$s: 1485-222 Argument required for option -%2$s %1$s: 1485-223 Illegal argument %2$s %1$s: 1485-224 Required argument %2$s missing %1$s: 1485-225 Incompatible options %2$s and %3$s %1$s: 1485-226 File %2$s not found Warning: unknown stanza %1$s Warning: unknown parameter %2$s in stanza %1$s Warning: tunable %2$s in stanza %1$s appears more than once; only its first occurence will be used Checking successful Checking failed Messages should have been provided %1$s: 1485-230 %2$s is not a regular file Warning: restricted tunable %1$s is not at default value