ISO8859-1N  g  =   * + 8 V     %B!["}- 6 &7G,;-1H Z!{ !"H#;$#O%)s&&',(,)4*0S+:,&--. /+!0M10_2=34*5,6?7O8^9On:;a<r= >?@A B C D EFG3H4II~JK8LNMDBNROHPH#Q&lR0S0T0U@&VKgW6X6Y+!ZAM[&\+]^$_%`$Aafb!c1d1e fR *gR }hN iN!jF!nkP!lF"mF"MnF"oF"pF#"qF#irF#sF#tE$>u"$v$w$x$y$z${% | %'} %3~%>%Q%c%w %% % % %% %C% &-9&9D&s(&*&*' -'70'e/''''&()(-((W (;(.(k) 0)x/)7)7*5*I6*<*7*9++A+e0+0++, =,5%,s,,2,,6- -P!-q --!-!-..7.V.u..../"///R/p//!// 0"0&0I0f 0!0(0)0+1)1DA1nI1$1*2@2J2 242E23;79: > >)>.>1>4>7A><>~>U>)><??TU?l+?<?F@+#@r @D@?@0A<HAmHA4AHB4GB}GB*C ;C8CtGC*C<DFDBZDNDE3EQEQF/PFPFdG# dG dG MHR FH OHOI7IJ JKH;KNLOLbOLMMN*NR OOFOP P!<P,"TPi#P$#P%0P&,Q('$QU(TQz)oQ*eV?+ V,QV-QW._WU/4W0HW1%X32&XY3X4L] 5]Y6]u7<]8]9]:]; ^ < ^= ^'>L^3?e^@T^Au_;B"_C_D]_EL`EFP`G8`H7aI%aTJ%azKaL aM!aNaObPbQ:fRMgSDgTTgUEh<VEhWEhX iY iZi$[2i+\i^]eiy^\i_Xj<`XjaLjbEk;cckdLkeEl2f"lxg!lh!liEljKm%kmqlAmmQmnAnon_p4n{q4nr.nsotSo.uov%tUw5t{xbtyuz z{ z4|HzU}Cz~zQ/unix does not match the executing kernel. Cannot load perfvmmstat extension. Maximum memory allocated = %d (remaining) = %d Processing.. svmon internal error: 0x%04x : %s :occurence = %d errno = %d unable to open debug file %s. WLM must be started. No large page pool defined on this system The specified page size is not supported on this system *** process does not exist ****** segment does not exist ****** user does not exist ****** command does not exist ****** class does not exist ****** frame does not exist ****** no class in tier ****** no subclass for the class ****** class is not a super class ****** no subclass in the tier for the class ****** not a large page segment ****** no pages of the specified size in this segment ****** not a large page process ****** no pages of the specified size for this process ****** not a frame for a large page segment ****** the page of this frame is not of the specified size ****** not a user with large page capability ****** wpar is not active *** Bad PID or SID value Bad FRAME value Bad interval value for -i flag Bad iteration value for -i flag Bad count value for -t flag Unknown flag Only one request (-G/-P/-S/-D/-W/-C/-U/-F/-T) is allowed Default is -G Only one sort flag (-u/-p/-g/-v) is allowed Default is -u Flags not allowed with -D request Flags not allowed with -G or -F request -b flag only allowed with -D request -d flag only allowed with -U or -C request -l flag not allowed with -G and -D request -j flag not allowed with -G, -D, -F and -T request -r flag not allowed with -G, -D and -F request -r or -l flags only allowed with -T request if -x is set -x flag only allowed with -T request -e flag only allowed with -W and -T request Bad syntax A list is mandatory with -D or -C request Bad tier number Only one class parameter is allowed with -T -a A superclass parameter is required for -a when used with -T -a requires -T request -@ flag not allowed with -F or -D request -@ flag not allowed with -@ flag Bad WPAR name Malloc error Unknown error Frame Segid Ref Mod Pincount State Swbits ExtSegid PSize usage: svmon [-G [-i Intvl [NumIntvl] ][-z] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-P [pid1...pidn] [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ] [-l] [-j] [-z][-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-S [sid1...sidn] [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ] [-l] [-j] [-z][-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-D sid1...sidn [-b] [-q] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ] [-z] ] svmon [-F [fr1...frn] [-q] [-i Intvl [NumIntvl] ][-z] ] svmon [-C cmd1...cmdn [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ][-d] [-l] [-j] [-z][-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-U [lognm1...lognmn] [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ][-d] [-l] [-j] [-z][-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-W [class1...classn] [-e] [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumInt vl] ] [-l] [-j] [-z] [-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] svmon [-T [tier1...tiern] [-a superclass] [-x] [-e] [-r] [-u|-p|-g|-v] [-ns] [-wfc] [-q] [-t Count] [ -i Intvl [NumIntvl] ][-l][-z][-m] [ -@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN ] ] ] cannot open %s. WLM is running in passive mode large file mapped to sid no longer mappedmaps %d source(s) Segid: %x Type: %s LPage: %s PSize: %s Address Range: 0..%d : %d..%d Address Range: %d..%d Address Range: 0..%d Size of page space allocation: %d pages ( %4.1f MB) Virtual: %d frames (%4.1f MB) Inuse: %d frames (%4.1f MB) Page Frame Pin ExtSegid ExtPage Page Frame Pin Ref Mod ExtSegid ExtPage Page Frame Pin ExtSegid ExtPage Page Frame Pin Ref Mod ExtSegid ExtPage Frame Segid Ref Mod Pincount State Swbits ExtSegid LPage Frame Segid Ref Mod Pincount State Swbits ExtSegid PSize percentage of memory used: %5.2f%% percentage of large page memory used: %5.2f%% percentage of 16 MB page memory used: %5.2f%% percentage of 16 GB page memory used: %5.2f%% size inuse free pin virtual size inuse free pin virtual stolen work pers clnt lpage work pers clnt other pgsize size free PageSize PoolSize inuse pgsp pin virtual memory %10d %10lld %10lld %10d %10d memory %10d %10lld %10lld %10d %10d %10u pg space %10d %10d pin %10lld %10lld %10lld %10ld pin %10lld %10lld %10lld %10lld in use %10lld %10lld %10lld %10ld in use %10lld %10lld %10lld lpage pool %4ld %2s %10ld %10ld L 16 MB %10lld %10lld 0 %10lld %10lld s 4 KB - %10lld %10lld %10lld %10lld virtual %10lld %10lld %10lld Vsid Esid Type Description LPage Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Vsid Esid Type Description PSize Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual 64-bit Mthrd LPage Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual 64-bit Mthrd 16MB Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual User Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual LPageCap User Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Class Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Tier Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Tier Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual SYSTEM segments Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual SHARED segments Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual EXCLUSIVE segments Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual PageSize Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual %4d %2s %10d %10d %10d %10d Addr Range: 0..%d : %d..%d Addr Range: %d..%d Addr Range: 0..%d System segment Unused segment Shared library text segment pid(s)=%s, pid(s)=%s pid:%-8d user: %s pid:%-8d cmd: %s pid:%-8d class: %s pid:%-8d tier: %-1d class:%s source(s)=source=mmap sourcemmap pagingfork treechildren=%lx, %lx parent=%lx size inuse free pin virtual stolen work pers clnt other PageSize PoolSize inuse pgsp pin virtualmemory %10s %10lld %10s %10d %10d memory %10d@ %10lld %10lld@ %10d %10d memory %10d %10lld %10lld %10d %10d memory %10s %10lld %10s %10d %10d %10s memory %10d@ %10lld %10lld@ %10d %10d %10u@ memory %10d %10lld %10lld %10d %10d %10u pg space %10s %10s pg space %10d@ %10d@ pg space %10d %10d pin %10lld %10lld %10lld %10s pin %10lld %10lld %10lld %10lld@ pin %10lld %10lld %10lld %10lld in use %10lld %10lld %10lld New options and deprecated flags can not be used together -o and -c flags only allowed with -X request -O summary=[shortreal|shortvirtual|longreal|longvirtual] flag only allowed with -P, -U, -W and -C request -o filename flag only allowed with -X request -O frame=on flag only allowed with -D request -O pidlist=on flag not allowed with -G and -D request -O process=on flag only allowed with -U or -C request -O activeusers=on flag only allowed with -U request -O range=on flag not allowed with -G and -D request -O filename=on flag not allowed with -G, -D and -T request -O mapping=on flag not allowed with -G and -D request -O subclass=on flag only allowed with -W and -T request -O segment=[on|category] not allowed with -G, -S and -D request -O pgsz=on not allowed with -S, and -D request -O filesystem=on only allowed with -G request -O system=on only allowed with -G request -O filtercat=unattached/unused only allowed with -S request Only one -O option_name is allowed -O sortentity flag error -O invalid option -O overwrite option only allowed with -X request Unknown command line option Unknown option in configuration file (.svmonrc file) Bad filtercat option parameter Bad filtertype option parameter Bad fiterprop option parameter Bad sortseg option parameter Bad sortentity option parameter Bad svmonalloc option parameter Bad subclass option parameter Bad segment option parameter Bad process option parameter Bad mapping option parameter Bad filename option parameter Bad pidlist option parameter Bad range option parameter Bad affinity option parameter Bad summary option parameter Bad activeusers option parameter Bad format option parameter Bad unit option parameter Bad system option parameter Bad pgsz option parameter Bad filesystem option parameter Bad frame option parameter Bad timestamp option parameter Bad commandline option parameter Bad shmid option parameter Bad mpss option parameter Bad overwrite option parameter Bad filterpgsz option parameter Bad -O option syntax (an = is missing) An option is mandatory with the -O flag A file name is mandatory with the -o flag A comment is mandatory with the -c flag Segment option is mandatory with pidlist/range/filename options Selected summary parameter not currently supported, defaulting to basic -F request not currently supported Sorting criteria not currently supported filesystem, process and system options not currently supported Unattached segment -O affinity option not allowed -O affinity option not supported on shared machine Only one request (-G/-P/-S/-D/-W/-C/-U/-T) is allowed Default is -G usage: svmon -G [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -S [SID1...SIDN] [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -P [PID1... PIDN] [-O Options] [ [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -C Command1...CommandN [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -U [LogName1...LogNameN] [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -D SID1..SIDN [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -W [ClassName1...ClassNameN] [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -T [Tier1...TierN] [-O Options] [-a SupClassName] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-@ [ALL | WparName1...WparNameN] ] svmon -X [-o Filename] [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-c ] -@ displays information about the specified WPAR usage: svmon -G [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -S [SID1...SIDN] [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -P [PID1... PIDN] [-O Options] [ [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -C Command1...CommandN [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -U [LogName1...LogNameN] [-O Options] [-t Count] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -D SID1..SIDN [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -W [ClassName1...ClassNameN] [-O Options] [-t Count ] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -T [Tier1...TierN] [-O Options] [-a SupClassName] [-t Count ] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] svmon -X [-o Filename] [-O Options] [-i Interval [NumIntervals] ] [-c ] -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistisc repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commanddline=[on | off] filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal] svmonalloc=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count objet to be printed Unit: %sautoKBMBGBpage Timestamp: %s vmgetinfo(%d) failed. Memory Filesystem System ProcessWPAR Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Pgsp Cache Text Data Pin Size Data Heap Netbuf Vmm Other Text Data Heap Stack OthData ShrdMem MapFile Domain affinity used Domain affinity used Domain affinity *** not supported in shared pools *** Domain affinity *** not supported in shared pools *** Domain affinity Nbpages Domain affinity Nbpages BeginPage EndPage Domain affinity Npages Percent lcpus Domain affinity Npages Domain affinity free used total filecache lcpus Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Pgsp Memory Filesystem System Process Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Pgsp Cache Text Data Pin Size Data Heap Netbuf Vmm Other Text Data Heap Stack OthData ShrdMem MapFile size inuse free pin virtual available stolen size inuse free pin virtual available Vsid Esid Type Description PSize Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual pid number=%d Command Inuse Pgsp OthData Heap Stack Command Virtual Pgsp OthData Heap Stack User Inuse Pgsp OthData Heap Stack User Virtual Pgsp OthData Heap Stack Tier Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Tier Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Class Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Superclass Inuse Pgsp PrvText ShrText PrvData ShrData Superclass Virtual Pgsp PrvText ShrText PrvData ShrData Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile WPAR Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile Superclass Virtual Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile WPAR Superclass Virtual Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Pid Command Inuse Pgsp PrvText ShrText PrvData ShrData Pid Command Virtual Pgsp PrvText ShrText PrvData ShrData Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile WPAR Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile Pid Command Virtual Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile WPAR Pid Command Virtual Pin Pgsp PrvText ShrText Heap Stack OthData ShrMem MapFile Page Psize Frame Pin Ref Mod ExtSegid ExtPage Pincount State Swbits WPAR=%s, WPAR=%s User Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual System segment Unattached segment %s: bad suffix. The filename must have [.svm] or no suffix. XML file %s already exists, use -O overwrite=on to overwrite or delete it manually. Cannot open file %s Flags not allowed with -G request -j flag not allowed with -G, -D and -T request -r flag not allowed with -G and -D request -@ flag not allowed with -D request Segment option is mandatory with pidlist/range/filename/shmid/mapping/mpss options -a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal] svmonalloc=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed size inuse free pin virtual available loaned stolen loaned Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Loaned Pgsp Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Loaned PgspWPAR Size Inuse Free Pin Virtual Available Loaned Pgsp Tid HomeSRAD LocalDisp NearDisp FarDisp Text Stack Data SHMNamed SHMAnon MapFile UnmapFil EarlyLRU Bad threadaffinity option parameter -O threadaffinity option not allowed -a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal] svmonalloc=[on | off] threadaffinity=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed *** Thread affinity is not available when Enhanced Affinity is disabled *** Bad tmem option parameter -O tmem option not allowed -O summary=[ame|longame] flag only allowed with -G request mmode ucomprsd %9s %10s %10s comprsd %10s %10s %10s ucomprsd %9s comprsd %10s ucomprsd Active Memory Expansion Size Inuse Free UCMSz UCMFr CMSz CMFr txf cxf dxm Active Memory ExpansionWPAR Size Inuse Free UCMSz UCMFr CMSz CMFr txf cxf dxm TMSz %%UCM %%CM CRTrue Memory: %s%s CurSz %%Cur TgtSz %%Tgt MaxSz %%Max CRatio ucomprsd %10s%s %5.2f%s %10s%s %5.2f%s %10s%s %5.2f%s %5s comprsd %10s%s %5.2f%s %10s%s %5.2f%s %10s%s %5.2f%s %5.2f%s txf cxf dxf dxm AME %5.2f%s %5.2f%s %5.2f%s %10s%s memory %10s %10s %10s %10s %10smemory %10s@ %10s %10s@ %10s %10spg space %10s@ %10s@ pin %10s %10s %10s %10s pin %10s %10s %10s %10s@ in use %10s %10s %10s mmode-a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal | ame | longame] svmonalloc=[on | off] threadaffinity=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] tmem=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual PageSize Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual Vsid Esid Type Description PSize Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual ucomprsd SYSTEM segments Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualSHARED segments Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualEXCLUSIVE segments Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual ucomprsd ucomprsd CR -O ame=[on|off] flag not allowed with -G request Bad ame option parameter Active Memory Expansion is not enabled on the system, -O summary=[ame|longame] flag is not allowed. Active Memory Expansion is not enabled on the system, -O ame=[on|off] flag is not allowed. Command Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualUser Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualSuperclass Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualTier Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualTier Superclass Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualClass Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualTier Inuse Pin Pgsp VirtualUncompressd: %d frames (%4.1f MB) Compressed: %d frames (%4.1f MB) Compressed: %d blocks (%4.1f MB) ucomprsd %10s%s %6.2f%s %10s%s %6.2f%s %10s %6s %5s comprsd %10s%s %6.2f%s %10s%s %6.2f%s %10s%s %6.2f%s %5.2f Active Memory Expansion Size Inuse Free DXMSz UCMInuse CMInuseWPAR Size Inuse Free DXMSz UCMInuse CMInuse TMSz TMFr CPSz CPFr txf cxf CR Bad vxfs option parameter -O mpss=on flag not allowed with -G and -D request -O vxfs=on flag not allowed with -G and -D request Segment option is mandatory with vxfs option Not a valid maxbufsize *** Max buffer segment size is exceeded. Use -O maxbufsize to increase the size ***-a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] maxbufsize=[KB | MB | GB] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal | ame | longame] svmonalloc=[on | off] threadaffinity=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] tmem=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed Bad file_mem_scan option parameter -O file_mem_scan not allowed with the options used Segment option is mandatory with pidlist/range/filename/shmid/mapping/mpss/file_mem_scan options -a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] file_mem_scan=[on| off] (default is off) filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] maxbufsize=[KB | MB | GB] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal | ame | longame] svmonalloc=[on | off] threadaffinity=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] tmem=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed -t flag is not allowed with -X -@ flag is not allowed with -X Only one request (-G/-P/-S/-D/-W/-C/-U/-T/-X) is allowed Default is -G Page Psize Frame Pin Ref Mod -a restricts the scope to the subclasses of the SupClassName parameter (in the Tier report) -c used with the -X flag, allows to add a comment to the XML report -i instructs svmon to display statistics repetitively -o specifies the output file for the -X flag -O -O option=value, ... ] activeusers=[on | off] affinity=[on | detail | off] commandline=[on | off] file_mem_scan=[on| off] (default is off) filename=[on | off] filtercat=[off exclusive kernel shared unused unattached] filterpgsz=[off s m L S] filterprop=[off notempty data text] filtertype=[off working persistent client] format=[80 | 160 | nolimit] frame=[on | off] mapping=[on | off] maxbufsize=[KB | MB | GB] mpss=[on | off] overwrite=[on | off] pgsz=[on | off] pidlist=[on | number | off] process=[on | off] range=[on | off] segment=[on | category | off] shmid=[on | off] sortentity=[inuse | virtual | ....] (depending on the selected summary) sortseg=[inuse | pin | pgsp | virtual] subclass=[on | off] summary=[basic | longreal | ame | longame] svmonalloc=[on | off] threadaffinity=[on | off] timestamp=[on | off] tmem=[on | off] unit=[auto | page | KB | MB | GB | TB] -t displays memory usage statistics for the top count object to be printed Domain affinity Npages Percent Private lcpus