ISO8859-1)Yh#9'Lt* % 2 3  6 J 5 / ; $ #/ H" x1 $ !  " 3& V) }2 # # " " E b " |! "5 e#, $< %'&.-'3\(:)<"'+)S2}!G9T *s & & 3  X;X ;3J%~,G=-W$3&*'2-'`8?) ,J $w @ ( $ +$F6k((&&-B6p"*+7!=Y%$iXLW !<"1[#*$9%D&[7'p!(@$)8$E*z$~"&8'+'U''%'?'&(8(6 2(o _( &) _)) 3)))')5*9*E*H+Z+]9+o+z,b%,--.f.>.1.f/5/|3/*/ -0 +0? 00k (0 o0=15?1s(1+1-2U26#22 2)213=3L%3L334'4;;4c4S5/-5 "5/506&65 6\'6}+6@6 ,7 87? 7x 8/ +8&9(9>$9g <9'9091:"":T":w1:9: 7; 4;> -;s 6; >;  < <$ <1 <> >'">7<1%s>: Internal software error (code <2%d>). Please contact your service representative. <1%s>: Out of memory. <1%s>: ODM failure. <1%s>: Unknown RAID manager: <2%s> <1%s>: Invalid attribute <2%s>. Must be $=$ <1%s>: Too many attributes (max=<2%d>) <1%s>: Invalid option -<2%c> <1%s>: Option requires an argument -<2%c> <1%s>: Option -<2%c> specified twice <1%s>: Option -<2%c> conflicts with option -<3%c> <1%s>: Option -<2%c> invalid without option -<3%c> <1%s>: Unprocessed parameters at end of command line: <1%s>: Must specify RAID manager name with -l option <1%s>: Must specify object name with -n option <1%s>: Attribute "<2%s>" not recognised for this operation <1%s>: Too many members (max=<2%d>) <1%s>: Must specify create type with -t option <1%s>: Unknown create type: <2%s> <1%s>: Must specify serial number with -n option <1%s>: Invalid serial number: <2%s> <1%s>: Invalid object name <2%s> <1%s>: Object <2%s> not found <1%s>: Unknown object type: <2%s> <1%s>: Unrecognised filter type <2%c> <1%s>: Invalid RAID manager name "<2%s>" <1%s>: RAID manager device <2%s> is not available <1%s>: <2%s> is not a RAID manager <1%s>: Failed to get VPD for <2%s> <1%s>: <2%s> not an attached disk <1%s>: SSA hardware failure <1%s>: SSA network error <1%s>: Failed to initialize <2%s> <1%s>: WARNING! The array has been enabled to use hot spares, however there are currently no suitable hot spares available. For maximum data protection suitable hot spare disks should be provided. <1%s>: Could not list resources of filter type <2%c> <1%s>: Resource <2%s> is offline or unknown <1%s>: Attribute "<2%s>" not supported by this RAID manager <1%s>: Object <2%s> is in service mode <1%s>: Invalid option -<2%c> for object <3%s> <1%s>: Invalid option -<2%c> for object type <3%s> <1%s>: WARNING! PVID of object <2%s> has not been cleared <1%s>: Operation not supported by the current configuration <1%s>: Object <2%s> is formatting <1%s>: Object <2%s> is format degraded <1%s>: Object <2%s> has a hardware error <1%s>: Object <2%s> is reserved by another system <1%s>: Object <2%s> is not known <1%s>: Command 0x<2%x> to service 0x<3%x> failed. Error code = 0x<4%x> <1%s>: IACL command 0x<2%x> failed. Error code = 0x<3%x> <1%s>: Object <2%s> is broken <1%s>: Object <2%s> is broken or degraded <1%s>: The old member disk is invalid <1%s>: The new member disk is invalid <1%s>: Insufficient resources for this transaction <1%s>: Transaction Failed <1%s>: Internal software error (code 9001). Please contact your service representative. <1%s>: Internal software error (code 9002). Please contact your service representative. <1%s>: Invalid parameter values <1%s>: Failed to enable fastwrite. Cache missing or broken <1%s>: Invalid component. Check loop configuration <1%s>: Failed to configure component <1%s>: Invalid serial number for Fast Write <1%s>: Object is in an invalid configuration. Check loop configuration <1%s>: Operation requires the 'force' attribute set to 'yes' <1%s>: Name for object create already exists <1%s>: Object is not a RAID 5 array <1%s>: Invalid component. Check loop configuration <1%s>: Object type <2%s> is not known Usage: <1%s> -? <1%s> -M <1%s> -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] <1%s> -I [-o|-z] -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] [-a Attribute=Value] <1%s> -C -l RaidManager -t CreateType -s Member [Member]... [-a Attribute=Value]... [-d [-k DeviceName]] <1%s> -D -l RaidManager -n Name [-u] <1%s> -H -l RaidManager -n Name [-u|-d [-k DeviceName]] [-a Attribute=Value] <1%s> -A -l RaidManager -n Name -i InstructType [-a Attribute=Value] <1%s> -Y[c|a|o] -l RaidManager <1%s>: Invalid argument "<2%s>" for option -<3%c> <1%s>: No RAID manager found for <2%s> <1%s>: Null method_path field in ODM raid_method record <1%s>: No RAID managers found <1%s>: Attribute "<2%s>" cannot be modified for this operation <1%s>: Attribute "<2%s>" specified twice <1%s>: Member name too long (><2%d>): <3%s> <1%s>: Member <2%s> specified twice <1%s>: Cannot specify a name when creating arrays of type <2%s> <1%s>: Validate method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: List method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: List method failed <1%s>: Info method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: Ignoring info method failure for <2%s> (<3%d>) <1%s>: Instruct method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: Undefine method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: Define method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: Change method failed for <2%s> <1%s>: Object <2%s> is not of deletable type <1%s>: Delete not attempted - ssa disk does not exist <1%s>: No <2%s> ODM records found <1%s>: Instruction (-i) must be specified <1%s>: Instruction "<2%s>" not recognised. <1%s>: Option -m or -p requires option -n $ also <1%s>: Cannot run more than one instance of <1%s> at a time. <1%s>: Cannot access lock file <2%s> <1%s>: Cannot specify -k without -d <1%s>: Internal command line overflow. Please check the number of member disks and attributes specified. <1%s>: Internal command line overflow. Please check the number of attributes specified. <1%s>: Internal command line overflow. Please check the device name or type specified. <1%s>: Cannot specify -d and -u <1%s>: Options -m, -p and -x require option -n $ also <1%s>: Option -c requires object type -t $ <1%s>: Option -S requires option -t or -n <1%s>: Option "<2%s>" not supported by this RAID manager Usage: <1%s> -? <1%s> -M [-o] [-l RaidManager] <1%s> -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] <1%s> -I -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] [-a Attribute=Value] [-o|-z[-h]|-S] <1%s> -C -l RaidManager -t CreateType -s Member [Member]... [-a Attribute=Value]... [-d [-k DeviceName]] <1%s> -D -l RaidManager -n Name [-u] <1%s> -H -l RaidManager -n Name [-u|-d [-k DeviceName]] [-a Attribute=Value] <1%s> -A -l RaidManager -n Name -i InstructType [-a Attribute=Value] <1%s> -Y[c|a|o] -l RaidManager Usage: <1%s> -? <1%s> -M [-o] [-l RaidManager] <1%s> -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] <1%s> -I -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x] | -t ObjectType [-c]] [-a Attribute=Value]... [-o|-z[-h]|-S[-o]] <1%s> -C -l RaidManager -t CreateType -s Member [Member]... [-a Attribute=Value]... [-d [-k DeviceName]] [-n Name] <1%s> -D -l RaidManager -n Name [-u] <1%s> -H -l RaidManager -n Name [-u|-d [-k DeviceName]] [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -A -l RaidManager -n Name -i InstructType [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -Y[c|a|o] -l RaidManager Usage: <1%s> -? <1%s> -M [-o] [-l RaidManager] <1%s> -l RaidManager[-n Name [-m|-p|-x|-e]|-t ObjectType [-r Name] [-c]] <1%s> -I -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x|-e]|-t ObjectType [-r Name] [-c]] [-a Attribute=Value]... [-o|-z[-h]|-S[-o]] <1%s> -C -l RaidManager -t CreateType -s Member [Member]... [-a Attribute=Value]... [-d [-k DeviceName]] [-n Name] <1%s> -D -l RaidManager -n Name [-u] <1%s> -H -l RaidManager -n Name [-u|-d [-k DeviceName]] [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -A -l RaidManager -n Name -i InstructType [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -Y[c|a|o] -l RaidManager <1%s>: Options -e, -m, -p and -x require option -n $ also <1%s>: Option -c and -r requires object type -t $ Usage: <1%s> -? <1%s> -M [-o] [-l RaidManager] <1%s> -l RaidManager[-n Name [-m|-p|-x|-e]|-t ObjectType [-r Name] [-c]] <1%s> -I -l RaidManager [-n Name [-m|-p|-x|-e]|-t ObjectType [-r Name] [-c]] [-a Attribute=Value]... [-o|-z[-h]|-S[-o]] <1%s> -C -l RaidManager -t CreateType -s Member [Member]... [-a Attribute=Value]... [-d [-k DeviceName]] [-n Name] [-r Name] <1%s> -D -l RaidManager -n Name [-u] <1%s> -H -l RaidManager -n Name [-u|-d [-k DeviceName]] [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -A -l RaidManager -n Name -i InstructType [-a Attribute=Value]... <1%s> -Y[c|a|o] -l RaidManager <1%s>: Invalid <2%s> value: <3%s> <1%s>: HotSpare with RemoteDisk or FastWrite is invalid <1%s>: Object's filter type not recognised <1%s>: Invalid Managing Filter - <2%c> <1%s>: FastWrite only valid on Raid5 <1%s>: Attribute '<2%s>' must have a numeric value - NOT <3%s> <1%s>: Error retrieving '<2%s>' value <1%s>: Member count for '<2%s>' is <3%lu> - should be 1 <1%s>: Error converting value '<2%s>' to a number <1%s>: Illegal attribute value (<2%lu>). Must be between <3%lu> and <4%lu> in steps of <5%lu>. <1%s>: Array member cannot be changed <1%s>: Resource <2%s> NOT going to be attached, but no -u flag was passed to the Change method <1%s>: -d flag set, but resource <2%s> is attached <1%s>: Raid-5 arrays cannot be made free <1%s>: Invalid configuration requested <1%s>: Attribute <2%s> inapplicable to changed state <1%s>: Attribute 'use=<2%s>' incompatible with flag '-d' <1%s>: WARNING! Turning off an offline/broken cache can lead to data loss. To override this warning, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: Illegal attribute values. '<2%s>' (<4%lu>) $<= '<3%s>' (<5%lu>). <1%s>: Illegal attribute values. '<2%s>' (<5%lu>) $> '<3%s>' (<6%lu>) - '<4%s>' (<7%lu>). <1%s>: Attribute 'use=<2%s>' incompatible with flag '-u' <1%s>: Unable to modify hot-spare parameters unless at least one hot-spare disk exists in the selected pool. <1%s>: ATTENTION! Unable to modify hot-spare parameters unless at least one hot-spare disk exists in the selected pool. <1%s>: Attribute '<2%s>' is missing. <1%s>: ATTENTION! Object <2%s> contains a valid PVID. Changing it to a system disk may corrupt the system configuration. To override this warning and create the system disk, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: ATTENTION! Fast write is inactive for object <2%s>. To override this warning, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: Could not create <2%s> <1%s>: Could not attach <2%s> <1%s>: Must specify serial number for new disk with -n option <1%s>: Invalid serial number for new disk: <2%s> <1%s>: <2%d> member(s) specified with -s option Permitted range for create type: Min=<3%d>, Max=<4%d> <1%s>: Invalid serial number for member <2%d>: <3%s> <1%s>: Attribute <2%s> inapplicable to create type <1%s>: Member <2%s> is degraded or broken <1%s>: Member <2%s> is not a valid candidate <1%s>: Unrecognised attribute: <2%s>=<3%s> <1%s>: Boolean attribute <2%s> - invalid format <1%s>: Attribute <2%s> - invalid format <1%s>: Illegal attribute value for <2%s> (<3%s>=<4%lu>). Must be between <5%lu> and <6%lu> in steps of <7%lu>. <1%s>: Candidate list unobtainable due to resetting of <2%s> <1%s>: Attribute '<2%s>' must have a numeric value - NOT <3%s> <1%s>: Members must be on the same loop <1%s>: Members do not match specified loop <1%s>: Must specify pool name with -n option <1%s>: Invalid number of components specified. The number of components must be even <1%s>: Incorrect number of members <1%s>: Object <2%s> not found <1%s>: Unattached object: <2%s> <1%s>: Invalid device name for -k option <1%s>: Object <2%s> in use by OS as device <3%s> <1%s>: Device <2%s> already in use by OS (connwhere = <3%s>) <1%s>: Disk <2%s> is not known to OS <1%s>: Array <2%s> in use by OS as device <3%s> - use -u option to undefine <1%s>: Could not detach <2%s> <1%s>: Could not delete <2%s> <1%s>: Could not list members of <2%s> <1%s>: Can't identify filter type from Serial number <2%s> <1%s>: WARNING! Deleting a cache_broken object can lead to data loss. To override this warning, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: WARNING! Some hot spare pools are no longer protecting any array components <1%s>: Can't identify filter type from <2%s> <1%s>: Unknown instruction: <2%s> <1%s>: Must specify instruction with -i option <1%s>: <2%s> is not a valid candidate for <3%s> <1%s>: <2%s> is not a member of <3%s> <1%s>: Unknown attribute: <2%s> <1%s>: Invalid attributes for Exchange <1%s>: Object <2%s> does not support <3%s> <1%s>: Cannot exchange components of offline or unknown objects <1%s>: Must specify old_member for exchange <1%s>: Cannot exchange components of rebuilding objects <1%s>: WARNING! Object <2%s> may contain copied data. Coupling it to another resource can lead to data loss. To override this warning, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: WARNING! Unable to uncouple a copying or a copy degraded resource. To override this warning and destroy the coupled raid_copy array, use the command line attribute '-a force=yes'. <1%s>: Invalid attribute "<2%s>" for <3%s> <1%s>: Must specify "<2%s>" for <3%s> <1%s>: Object <2%s> is already coupled. <1%s>: Object <2%s> is not coupled. <1%s>: hdisk '<2%s>' is defined but does not exist on <3%s> <1%s>: Could not list members of <2%s> <1%s>: Object of type <2%s> cannot have members <1%s>: Objects of type <2%s> cannot have parents <1%s>: Object <2%s> has no parent <1%s>: <2%s> is not an SSA device <1%s>: SSA device <2%s> is not an hdisk or pdisk <1%s>: Physical disk <2%s> is not configured. Run cfgmgr <1%s>: Object of type <2%s> does not support exchanges <1%s>: Could not list exchange candidates for <2%s> <1%s>: Could not list candidates for '<2%s>' <1%s>: Objects of type '<2%s>' do not have candidates <1%s>: Object type '<2%s>' not supported by this RAID manager Raid-0 arrayRaid-1 arrayRaid-3 arrayRaid-5 arrayPhysical diskOperating System diskFast Write cacheNVRAM recordHot Spare diskRalsRaid-10 arrayRaid Copy array<1%s>: Internal filter stack limit reached Physical diskDormant NVRAM entryMissing member diskRAID-5 arrayCreate RAID-5 array from pdisksDormant Fast Write Cache entryRAID-0 arrayCreate RAID-0 array from pdisksRAID-1 arrayCreate RAID-1 array from pdisksRAID-10 arrayCreate RAID-10 array from pdisksHot Spare PoolCreate Hot Spare Pool from pdisksRAID Copy arrayCreate RAID Copy array from pdisks