ISO8859-1. "#$%82P . . . * H-e    (4C^z3$ %!"/-#]$o%&2'3(# )5-*c+v,>-./! [t J p} T 9* &  9 X !q{||*yo/@ mwZDE]#H  |!Y!B!SSA DisksList All Defined SSA Logical DisksList All Defined SSA Physical DisksList All Supported SSA Logical DisksList All Supported SSA Physical DisksAdd an SSA Logical DiskChange/Show Characteristics of an SSA Logical DiskTrace an SSA Logical DiskShow Logical to Physical SSA Disk RelationshipShow Physical to Logical SSA Disk RelationshipList Adapters Connected to an SSA Logical DiskIdentify an SSA Physical DiskIdentify an SSA Logical DiskShow Connection Paths to an SSA Physical DiskParentRESERVE disk on openQueue depthSize in Megabytesadapter_aadapter_bprimary_adapteradapter_a,adapter_bSSA Logical DiskSSA Physical DiskSSA AdapterLocation LabelRemove an SSA Logical DiskRemove an SSA Physical DiskAdd an SSA Physical DiskChange/Show Characteristics of an SSA Physical DiskConfigure a Defined SSA Logical DiskConfigure a Defined SSA Physical DiskTrace an SSA Physical DiskList Adapters Connected to an SSA Physical DiskSSA Logical DisksSSA Physical DisksFlash disk identification lightList SSA Logical Disks Connected to an SSA AdapterList SSA Physical Disks Connected to an SSA AdapterCancel all SSA Disk Identifications A1 A2 B1 B2 SSA Cluster NumberMaximum Coalesce A1 A2 B1 B2 SSA Node NumberChange/Show the SSA Node Number For This SystemSSA disks are connected to the system using IBM's Serial Storage Architecture. Selecting SSA Disks here allows you to add and remove SSA disks, as well as to change their characteristics.Each SSA logical disk is created on one or more physical SSA disks. Use this option to display which SSA physical disks make up which SSA logical disks.Each SSA logical disk is created on one or more physical SSA disks. Use this option to display which SSA logical disks are built upon which SSA physical disks.SSA disks can be connected to up to two SSA adapters. Use this option to see which adapters are connected to a disk.Use this option to flash the identification light on an SSA physical disk.Use this option to flash the identification lights on all the SSA physical disks which make up a particular SSA logical disk.Use this option to display to connection paths from an SSA adapter to a physical disk connected to that adapter. The output is in the form 'A1 A2 B1 B2', which show the hop counts to the disk from the adapter's A1, A2, B1 and B2 ports. If there is no route to the disk via a particular port then a '-' is displayed instead of the hop count.Identifies the type of the disk interface.The parent of all SSA disks is 'ssar'.The connection address for SSA devices is a 15 byte ASCII string. Pressing F4 will list all SSA logical disks which are connected to any SSA adapter in the system but which are not defined in the device configuration database. For disks the connection address is the 6 byte IEEE SSA Unique ID, converted into a 12 character ASCII string suffixed by the two character LUN number suffixed by a 'D'. For other SSA devices the string is a 14 byte unique identifier suffixed by a letter indicating the device type.Indicates whether the disk will be reserved to this system by default when it is opened. Most applications manage the reservation of disks directly so this attribute should be set to the default value "yes". Changing the value to "no" can result in undetected data loss if the disk is a member of a volume group.Indicates the maximum number of concurrent I/O operations which can be sent to the disk.For SSA logical disks, the location code format is AA-BB-L. AA - This field refers to the location of the primary controlling adapter. A value of 00 indicates the controlling adapter card is located in the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system. BB - The BB field identifies the I/O board containing the adapter. The first digit is 0 for the standard I/O board or 1 for the optional I/O board. The second digit identifies the slot on the I/O board that contains the adapter. L - indicates that this is an SSA logical disk.SSA disks can be connected to up to two adapters. This shows the name of the first adapter which is connected to this disk.SSA disks can be connected to up to two adapters. This shows the name of the second adapter which is connected to this disk.This identifies the primary adapter to be used to communicate with the disk. This will be the preferred access path to the disk. If the adapter specified becomes unreliable or fails, then the other adapter will be used, if it is available.The name of the SSA logical disk. SSA logical disks typically have names in the form hdiskxx where xx is a system wide unique number.The name of the SSA physical disk. SSA physical disks typically have names in the form pdiskxx where xx is a system wide unique number.The size of the logical disk in megabytes.The name of an SSA adapter. SSA adapters typically have names in the form ssaxx, where xx is a system wide unique number.A textual description of the disk's location. For example: "drawer_1,bay_2". Note that spaces are not permittedIndicates whether or not to flash the disk identification light.SSA Logical Disks are automatically configured into the system at boot time with default characteristics that typically do not require change. Selecting SSA Logical Disks here allows you to add and remove SSA logical disks, as well as to change their characteristics.SSA Physical Disks are represented in the customized device database as pdisks. These devices represent the physical disk drives and are primarily used for service and configuration operations. A pdisk device cannot be used to store data. Selecting SSA Physical Disks here allows you to add and remove SSA physical disks, as well as to change their characteristics.The connection address for SSA disks is a 15 byte ASCII string. The connection address is the 6 byte IEEE SSA Unique ID, converted into a 12 character ASCII string suffixed by the two character LUN number suffixed by a 'D' to indicate that the device is a disk. For other SSA devices the string is a 14 byte unique identifier suffixed by a letter to indicate the device type.List the names of the SSA logical disks connected to an SSA adapter.List the names of the SSA physical disks connected to an SSA adapter.Cancel all outstanding disk identifications. This will cause all SSA disks attached to the system to stop flashing their identification lights.The connection address for SSA devices is a 15 byte ASCII string. Pressing F4 will list all SSA physical disks which are connected to any SSA adapter in the system but which are not defined in the device configuration database. The connection address for disks is the 6 byte IEEE SSA Unique ID, converted into a 12 character ASCII string suffixed by the two character LUN number suffixed by a 'D'. For other SSA devices the string is a 14 byte unique identifier suffixed by a letter indicating the device type.For SSA physical disks, the location code format is AA-BB-P. AA - This field refers to the location of the primary controlling adapter. A value of 00 indicates the controlling adapter card is located in the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system. BB - The BB field identifies the I/O board containing the adapter. The first digit is 0 for the standard I/O board or 1 for the optional I/O board. The second digit identifies the slot on the I/O board that contains the adapter. P - indicates that this is an SSA physical disk.The SSA cluster number is used to distinguish between systems in SSA networks which contain multiple systems. The cluster number for each system must be unique within the SSA network. It is used for fencing and for the concurrent mode interface. NOTE The system has to be rebooted for changes to this value to come into effect.This is the maximum number of bytes that the device driver will instruct the hardware to transfer during a single operation.The SSA node number is used to distinguish between systems in SSA networks which contain multiple systems. The node number for each system must be unique within the SSA network. It is used for fencing and for the concurrent mode interface. NOTE The system has to be rebooted for changes to this value to come into effect.