ISO8859-1   % 3 ? Q R_2g7>rABFCo3 = 3 q h  R h  Lx}MxZ1tN=4U<(qe !qr"z#K_$p%;&X'E(`+07,3h./C0263"4 5!u6T"@7u"8# 9r#:Y$];E$=P$>A%N?0%@J%A,& B9&9CD&sD0&EJ&F7(4G,(lHj(I.)Jo)3K4*L2*M%+ N9+1O)+kP++Q*+R)+S%,T:,<U,,wV(,W,Xv-SYw-Z.B[D.\0/ ]E/<^1/_G/`3/aC00bI0tcA0dD1eD1EfD1gB1hP2iE2clA2mB2nB3.o@3qpQ3qC4rF4Hs@4uI4vQ5w.5lx@5y>5z6{G6|.7}27K~/7~67:7C8 8dU98R99Q:R;U;ZN;?;>E>b*>G>J?@?f*?a?g@48@B@EAEA^CAQAFB:BBCBCCACLGC@C?DFDWHDADnE):Eactiveinactivestoppingwarned to stopstartingopenedclosedopen pendingclose pendinginoperativeopen but inactivetest pendingtestingSubsystem :Group PID StatusSubsystem :Group PID Status0513-001 The System Resource Controller daemon is not active. 0513-002 The System Resource Controller has received a request that it does not understand and could not service. 0513-003 A possible systems administration problem has been found. The System Resource Controller is not running as superuser. 0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, %1$s, is currently inoperative. 0513-005 The Subsystem, %1$s, only supports signal communication. 0513-006 The Subsystem, %1$s, is currently stopping its execution. 0513-007 The options specified are not valid for this command. Please reference your manual for valid options. 0513-008 The subserver type, %1$s, is not on file. 0513-009 You must set the parameter typerequest to NEWREQUEST to send a new request and receive your first reply. You will only receive continued replys while typerequest is not set to END and an error is not returned. Refer to the typerequest parameter to srcsrqt or 'srcstat' in your programmers manual. 0513-010 The System Resource Controller is experiencing problems with its message queue communications. 0513-011 The subsystem reply length is invalid. The valid lengths for the reply size must be between the size of a srchdr structure and SRCPKTMAX, or the size of a short.0513-012 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's user id could not be established. Please check the Subsystem's user id and try again. 0513-013 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's audit id could not be established. Please check the Subsystem's audit id and try again. 0513-014 The request could not be passed to the %1$s subsystem. The System Resource Controller is experiencing problems with the subsystem's communication socket. 0513-015 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. Please check subsystem resources and try again later. 0513-016 The System Resource Controller is experiencing problems in acquiring the memory that it needs. Please try the command again later. 0513-017 The %1$s Subsystem ended abnormally. You must manually restart it. 0513-018 System Resource Controller requires that you be running as root when a remote host is specified for a request. 0513-019 System Resource Controller requires that you be running as root or be part of the group system for local requests. 0513-020 The %1$s Subsystem did not end normally. The subsystem respawn limit has been exceeded. Check the Subsystem and restart it manually. 0513-021 The subserver is not on file or subserver is not currently active. Check your subserver entries and try again. 0513-022 Subserver currently under command processing. The Subserver you are referencing is currently busy. Wait until the Subserver is finished and try again. 0513-023 The Command has already been processed. 0513-024 The command cannot be performed because a System resource limit has been exceeded. Contact your System Administrator to correct the problem. 0513-025 The Subserver exists under another name. Duplicates are not allowed. 0513-026 The remote host cannot determine your host's name. The remote host must be able to determine your host's name for remote System Resource Controller requests. 0513-027 Your host is not specified in the /etc/hosts.equiv file on the remote host. Your host may only execute remote System Resource Controller requests if your host name appears in the remote host's /etc/hosts.equiv file. 0513-028 A privileged internet port could not be allocated. Remote system Resource Controller requests require a privileged internet port. Try again later when a port become available. 0513-029 The %1$s Subsystem is already active. Multiple instances are not supported. 0513-030 The System Resource Controller daemon has stopped. 0513-031 Multiple instances of the Subsystem exist. Specify the Subsystem Process ID and try your command again. 0513-032 Invalid SRC return AF_UNIX address. You must use the System Resource Controller commands or library calls to use the System Resource Controller. 0513-033 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's communication queue could not be established. 0513-034 The System Resource Controller was unable to establish a pipe with which to communicate with the %1$s Subsystem. 0513-035 The %1$s Subsystem ended abnormally. SRC will try and restart it. 0513-036 The request could not be passed to the %1$s subsystem. Start the subsystem and try your command again. 0513-037 The System Resource Controller is already active. 0513-038 Usage is one of: startsrc [-h host] [-e environment] [-a argument] -s subsystem_name startsrc [-h host] [-e environment] [-a argument] -g group_name startsrc [-h host] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid] 0513-039 Usage is one of: lssrc [-h host] -a lssrc [-h host] -g group_name lssrc [-h host] [-l] -s subsystem_name lssrc [-h host] [-l] -p subsystem_pid lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid] lssrc [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid] lssrc -S [-s subsystem_name | -d ] lssrc -T [-t subserver_type] lssrc -N [-n notify_name] 0513-040 Usage is one of: stopsrc [-h host] [-f | -c] -a stopsrc [-h host] [-f | -c] -g group_name stopsrc [-h host] [-f | -c] -s subsystem_name stopsrc [-h host] [-f | -c] -p subsystem_pid stopsrc [-h host] [-f] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid] stopsrc [-h host] [-f] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid] 0513-043 The stop of the %1$s Subsystem failed. 0513-044 The %1$s Subsystem was requested to stop. 0513-046 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's standard in could not be established. Please check the Subsystem's standard in path and try again. 0513-047 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's standard out could not be established. Please check the Subsystem's standard out path and try again. 0513-048 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's standard error could not be established. Please check the Subsystem's standard error path and try again. 0513-050 Usage is one of: traceson [-h host] [-l] -g group_name traceson [-h host] [-l] -s subsystem_name traceson [-h host] [-l] -p subsystem_pid traceson [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid] traceson [-h host] [-l] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid] 0513-051 Usage is one of: tracesoff [-h host] -g group_name tracesoff [-h host] -s subsystem_name tracesoff [-h host] -p subsystem_pid tracesoff [-h host] -t subserver_type [-o subserver_object] [-p subsystem_pid] tracesoff [-h host] -t subserver_type [-P subserver_pid] [-p subsystem_pid] 0513-052 Usage is one of: refresh [-h host] -g group_name refresh [-h host] -s subsystem_name refresh [-h host] -p subsystem_pid 0513-053 The System Resource Controller is having socket problems. If you specified a foreign host, try configuring Internet sockets and try your command again, otherwise contact System Administration. 0513-054 The host, %1$s, that you wish to send this command to is not a known host. 0513-055 SRC's internet service is not defined. You must define SRC's internet service to be able to use remote SRC. 0513-056 Timeout waiting for command response. If you specified a foreign host, see the /etc/inittab file on the foreign host to verify that the SRC daemon (srcmstr) was started with the -r flag to accept remote requests. 0513-057 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The Subsystem's communication socket could not be established. 0513-058 SRC has received a request with a version identifier that it could not service. 0513-059 The %1$s Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is %2$s. 0513-061 Usage: mkserver -s subsystem_name -t subserver_type -c subserver_code. 0513-062 The %1$s Subsystem must exist to complete this command. 0513-063 Subserver type already exists on file. 0513-064 The Subsystem name and Subserver code point are already on file. 0513-065 The %1$s Subserver has been added. 0513-066 Usage: mknotify -n notify_name -m notify_method 0513-067 Notify method already exists with subsystem or group name. 0513-068 The %1$s Notify method has been added. 0513-069 Usage: mkssys -s subsystem_name -p subsystem_path -u userid [-t synonym_name] [-a command_arguments] [-i stdin] [-o stdout] [-e stderr] [-R | -O] [-d | -D] [-q | -Q] [{-I message_queue_key -m subsystem_mtype} | {-S -n signorm -f sigforce} | -K] [-E priority] [-G group_name] [-w wait_time] 0513-070 Subsystem or synonym_name is already on file. 0513-071 The %1$s Subsystem has been added. 0513-072 Usage: chserver -t subserver_type {[-t subserver_type] [-s subsystem_name] [-c subserver_code]} 0513-073 The %1$s Subserver has been changed. 0513-074 Usage: chssys -s old_subsystem_name {[-s new_subsystem_name] [-t synonym_name] [-a command_arguments] [-p subsystem_path] [-u userid] [-i stdin] [-o stdout] [-e stderr] [-R | -O] [-d | -D] [-q | -Q] [{-I message_queue_key -m subsystem_mtype} | {-S -n signorm -f sigforce} | -K] [-E priority] [-G group_name] [-w wait_time] } 0513-075 The new subsystem name is already on file. 0513-076 The new synonym_name is already on file. 0513-077 Subsystem has been changed. 0513-078 Usage: rmnotify -n subsystem_name or group_name 0513-079 Notify method has been removed. 0513-080 Usage: rmserver -t subserver_type 0513-081 Subserver type has been removed. 0513-082 Usage: rmssys -s subsystem_name 0513-083 Subsystem has been Deleted. 0513-084 There were no records that matched your request. 0513-085 The %1$s Subsystem is not on file. 0513-086 The %1$s Group is not on file. 0513-087 The %1$s Subsystem has received a request that it does not understand and could not service. Contact System Administration. 0513-088 The stop force signal specified is an invalid signal. Change the signal number to a valid one and try again. 0513-089 The stop normal signal specified is an invalid signal. Change the signal number to a valid one and try again. 0513-090 There has been an unexpected database error with ODM. Please record this number '%1$s' and contact system administration. 0513-091 The request to turn on tracing was completed successfully. 0513-092 The request to turn on tracing failed. 0513-093 The request to turn off tracing was completed successfully. 0513-094 The request to turn off tracing failed. 0513-095 The request for subsystem refresh was completed successfully. 0513-096 The request for subsystem refresh failed. 0513-097 The System Resource Controller objects have been created. 0513-098 The notify_name must exist as a subsystem name or a group name. 0513-099 The notify_name is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-100 The notify_method is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-101 The subserver_type is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-102 The subsystem_name is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-103 The synonym_name is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-104 The argument to the subsystem is too long. Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-105 The subsystem_path is too long. Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-108 The stdin path is too long. Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-109 The stdout path is too long. Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-110 The stderr path is too long. Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-111 The group_name is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-112 The argument to the subsystem is too long. Only 2400 bytes are allowed. 0513-113 The environment is too long. Only 2400 bytes are allowed. 0513-114 The subserver_object is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-115 The host name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-117 Invalid Subsystem priority. Priority must be in the range 0-39. 0513-118 Invalid Subsystem message type. Message type must be greater than zero. 0513-119 You must specify the subsystem name. 0513-120 You must specify the path to the subsystem executable. 0513-121 You must specify the subsystem communication method. 0513-122 AF_UNIX Socket family has not been configured. The System Resource Controller is experiencing problems with its. local socket communications. Contact Systems Administration. 0513-123 You may only pass 2000 bytes of information to the subsystem. 0513-124 The %1$s subserver has been started. 0513-125 The %1$s subserver could not be started. 0513-126 The %1$s subserver is already active. 0513-127 The %1$s subserver was stopped successfully. 0513-128 The %1$s subserver was not stopped successfully. 0513-129 The %1$s subsystem does not support the requested action. 0513-130 The %1$s Subsystem could not be started. The System Resource Controller could not create an internal file in /var/adm/SRC. Please check the /var filesystem and the /var/adm/SRC directory and try again. 0513-131 The System Resource Controller could not create or update an internal file. 0513-132 The interface to the System Resource Controller kernel extension failed. 0513-133 Usage is one of: confsrc [-q] [-Q] [[-R] -h host [-u username] [-U password]] -s subsystem_name -a configargs confsrc [-q] [-Q] [[-R] -h host [-u username] [-U password]] -p subsystem_pid -a configargs 0513-134 The configuration request was succesfully passed to the %1$s subsystem. 0513-135 An authentication error has occurred; user, host, or password incorrect. 0513-136 The System Resource Controller on the remote host refused a TCP connection. 0513-137 A security method error has occurred; invalid or mismatched methods. 0513-138 The user_name is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-139 The password is too long. Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-140 The specified user id or user name does not exist. 0513-141 The System Resource Controller on the remote machine is only accepting extended requests. 0513-142 The System Resource Controller method already exists. 0513-143 The System Resource Controller method not found. 0513-144 Missing the subsystem name; Use -S to specify name. 0513-145 Missing the action; Use the -A to specify the action. 0513-146 Missing the method pathname; Use the -m to specify the method. 0513-147 The Subsystem name is too large; Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-148 The specified action is invalid. 0513-149 The method pathname is too large; Only 199 bytes are allowed. 0513-150 The method arguments are too large; Only 8191 bytes are allowed. 0513-151 The user_name is too large; Only 29 bytes are allowed. 0513-152 Unsupported command line option. 0513-153 Usage: mksrcmeth -s subsystem_name -A action -m method_pathname -a method_args -u user 0513-154 Usage: chsrcmeth -s subsystem_name -A action [-m method_pathname] [-a method_args] [-u user] 0513-155 Usage: rmsrcmeth -s subsystem_name -A action 0513-156 The notify_name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-157 The subserver_type is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-158 The subsystem_name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-159 The synonym_name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-160 The argument to the subsystem is too long. Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-161 The subsystem_path is too long. Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-162 The stdin path is too long. Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-163 The stdout path is too long. Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-164 The stderr path is too long. Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-165 The group_name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-166 The subserver_object is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-167 The user_name is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-168 The password is too long. Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-169 The Subsystem name is too large; Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-170 The method pathname is too large; Only 1023 bytes are allowed. 0513-171 The user_name is too large; Only 255 bytes are allowed. 0513-172 The Subsystem has been changed or deleted,Please stop all existing instances before creating newone. 0513-173 User %1$s not authorized to perform this action.