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Privileges Security File Additional Privileges Excluded Privileges Remove ALL Security Settings?TYPE namefs Global Directory nfs Remote Directory Remote NODE localfs TYPE Volume group name SIZE of file system in Megabytes Create OPTIONS Mount group from /etc/filesystemsUse and preserve data from existing file systems when creating the workload partition?Select the type of Workload Partition to create Per-Process Virtual Memory Limit1 - Create a SYSTEM Workload Partition 2 - Create an APPLICATION Workload Partition1 No 2 Yes, preserve file systems from a named mount group 3 Yes, preserve file systems by mount pointUnable to find file %1$sInternal error: Invalid workload partition type specified.Specification file %1$s is not for a System Workload Partition.An error occurred while trying to read file "%1$s"System Workload Partition Backup ManagerBack Up a System Workload PartitionRestore a System Workload PartitionPreview Information about a Workload Partition BackupList Filesets in a Workload Partition BackupList Files in a Workload Partition BackupRestore Files in a Workload Partition BackupBack Up A System Workload Partition to Tape/FileBack Up A Workload Partition to CDBack Up A Workload Partition to DVDBack Up a Workload Partition to Tape/FileWARNING: Execution of the savewpar command will result in the loss of all material previously stored on the selected output medium. Use an existing savewpar image?Back Up a Workload Partition to ISO9660 DVDBack Up a Workload Partition to UDF DVDLocation of existing savewpar imageWorkload Partition to back upFile system to store savewpar imagesavewpar creation options:Restore a Workload PartitionForce creation if system level does not match?Force creation if partition exists on system?Automatically RESOLVE conflicts?Alternate Settings(Leave blank to use backup settings)Workload partition specification fileDisplay information about NFS-mounted files?Specification file %1$s is not for an Application Workload Partition. Total PTYs Total Large Pages Max Message Queue IDs (%) Max Semaphore IDs (%) Max Shared Memory IDs (%) Max Pinned Memory (%)WPAR-Specific Routing? IPv6 ADDRESS (colon delimited) Prefix LengthInternet ADDRESSREMOVE Software No Longer Installed In The Global?Detached Workload Partition Synchronization Synchronize Detached Workload Partitions? Operating System Files to replace? Attempt to Synchronize Interim Fixes? INPUT device / directory for software Total Virtual Memory LimitDisplay information about namefs-mounted files?Back up files from NFS mounts?Back up files from namefs mounts?1 No 2 YesCreate a RootVG System Workload Partition (Advanced)Create a RootVG Workload Partition?Create a RootVG Workload Partition from a Specification File Storage Devices Rootvg Devices FORCE the creation of volume groupSecurity ControlExpansion factor for compressed JFS AdaptersKernel Extension Control or Specify Export Files? Extensions Export Files List Extensions Allow ALL, Specify Export Files, or Remove Kernel Extension? RecalculateAdminister VERSIONED Workload PartitionsList VERSIONED Workload PartitionsCreate a Versioned Workload Partition or Specification FileStart / Stop / Reboot a Versioned Workload PartitionChange / Show Versioned Workload Partition CharacteristicsRemove a Versioned Workload PartitionVersioned Workload Partition Backup ManagerCreate a Versioned Workload PartitionCreate a Versioned Workload Partition (Advanced)Create a Specification File from a Versioned Workload PartitionCreate a Versioned Workload Partition from a Specification FileStart a Versioned Workload PartitionStart a Versioned Workload Partition in Maintenance ModeStop a Versioned Workload PartitionReboot a Versioned Workload PartitionVersioned Workload Partition NameVersioned Workload Partition MOUNT POINTSTOP the Versioned Workload Partition?Back Up a Versioned Workload PartitionBack Up A Versioned Workload Partition to Tape/FileBack Up A Versioned Workload Partition to CDBack Up A Versioned Workload Partition to DVDVERSIONED WORKLOAD PARTITION to back upBack Up a Versioned Workload Partition to ISO9660 DVDBack Up a Versioned Workload Partition to UDF DVDCreate a RootVG Versioned Workload Partition (Advanced)Preserve NFS Mount Points?System Version Value1 No 2 Yes, preserve file systems from a named mount group 3 Yes, preserve file systems by NFS mount pointInactive Workload PartitionsArchitecture CompatibilitySystem Copy ControlDirect Copy from System or Backup Image? File or Device of Source System Image Preserve Private Software from Source? Preserve WPAR File Systems from Source? Synchronize Versioned Workload Partitions?Private and writable version of /usr and /opt?Synchronize Predefined Device Configuration DataAdd a File System to the Mount ListRemove a File System from the Mount ListAdditional flags to pass directly to mkwparVersioned Workload Partition Software MigrationUpgrade a Versioned Workload Partition with System SoftwareSystem Workload Partition NameINPUT device / directory for softwarenone,basic,all