ISO8859-1Ie_hfag*hzi|zjk0l4mrnqop}qCr1Ls5~tZu v/ w4 x_ yQ `zc {G | ^}T ~_ s( D Q A >?Uc~L WVvf%E}QNY9:Us[hbE'Bmv)OcyOy-j-Pr-jBTU JH 1587-101 Error encountered while attempting to allocate a data object. The program will stop. 1587-102 Error encountered while attempting to deallocate a data object. The program will stop. 1587-103 The options string for the SMP run-time options environment variable '%1$s' contains unexpected or invalid text instead of an option name. All SMP run-time options have been set to their default values. 1587-104 There is a missing '=' after option name '%1$s'. All SMP run-time options have been set to their default values. 1587-105 There is a missing colon after option name '%1$s'. All SMP run-time options have been set to their default values. 1587-106 The value %1$s specified for option '%2$s' is not in the valid range %3$lld to %4$lld. All SMP run-time options have been set to their default values. 1587-107 '%1$s' is not a valid run-time option. 1587-108 '%1$s' is not a valid run-time sub-option. 1587-109 SMP runtime library error. Unknown scheduling type : %1$d. Please contact your service representative. 1587-110 SMP runtime library error. Unknown AFFINITY scheduling strategy : %1$d. Please contact your service representative. 1587-111 SMP runtime library error. Failed initialization of AFFINITY scheduling strategy : %1$d != %2$d. Please contact your service representative. 1587-112 SMP runtime library error. Loop iterator is of unsupported data type. Please contact your service representative. 1587-113 SMP runtime library error. Could not create a new thread. 1587-114 Incorrect nesting of OpenMP directives. 1587-115 User-defined lock has not been initialized. 1587-116 Internal SMP runtime library error. Please contact your service representative. 1587-117 The string for the OpenMP environment variable '%1$s' contains unexpected or invalid text. OpenMP environment variable ignored. 1587-118 Invalid nesting of '%1$s' construct. 1587-119 Error: Invalid number of threads defined. 1587-120 SMP runtime library error. Memory allocation failed when creating thread number %1$d. 1587-121 SMP runtime library error. Could not bind thread %1$d to resource %2$s. 1587-122 SMP runtime library error. The stack for thread %1$d is within %2$d bytes of overflowing. 1587-123 SMP runtime library error. Incorrect schedule kind specified. 1587-124 SMP runtime library warning. The requested number of OpenMP threads exceeds the thread limit %1$d. The result of the program may be altered if the OMP_THREAD_LIMIT is not increased. 1587-125 Error: Thread binding using Resource Set failed when creating thread %1$d. 1587-126 Error: BIND option takes 3 arguments (start, number of requested resource and stride) 1587-127 Error: SDL value is incorrect. 1587-128 SMP runtime library error. Resource Set allocation failed. 1587-129 %1$s with id = %2$d is invalid. Please use a number between 0 and %3$d. 1587-130 Error: Thread binding failed for '%d'. Id '%d' is invalid for '%s'. Hardware resource off-line or value above Max of %d. 1587-133 Error: Invalid number for max active level setting. 1587-134 Error: Invalid number for atomics opt level setting. 1587-135 The list for the environment variable %1$s was too long; list truncated at element %2$d. 1587-136 Environment variable '%1$s' value is larger than the maximum supported value '%2$d'; the environment variable is ignored. 1587-137 Environment variable '%1$s' value is larger than the maximum supported value '%2$d'. The value is set to the maximum supported. 1587-138 the specified place list is invalid '%1$s', reverting to default. 1587-139 Warning, specified place list includes a resource listed in multiple places. 1587-140 The clause '%1$s' is larger than maximum supported value '%2$d'. The value is set to the maximum supported. 1587-141 The environment variable '%1$s' is capped by environment variable '%2$s' with value '%3$d'. 1587-142 The value for omp_proc_bind_t cannot be modified once set. 1587-143 The product of elements in the nthreads-var Internal Control Variable '%1$d' exceeds the maximum supported number of threads '%2$d', the maximum value is used. 1587-144 The value specified for chunk size '%1$d' is larger than the maximum supported size '%2$lld', the value is set to the maximum. 1587-145 Illegal combination of clauses '%1$s' and '%2$s' for construct '%3$s'. 1587-146 Option '%1$s' has been deprecated and now default to option '%2$s'. 1587-147 Incorrect nesting of ordered constructs found. 1587-148 Incorrect nesting of loop or single constructs. 1587-149 An ordered construct was found, but the ordered clause is missing in the enclosing loop (or parallel loop) construct. 1587-150 An ordered construct was called more than once within the same iteration . 1587-151 The OMP_PLACES environment variable does not support 'sockets' for this platform. Reverting to 'cores' . 1587-152 OMP_STACKSIZE exceeds system stack limit. Switching to the heap for allocation . 1587-153 A number specified for an OMP variable was outside of its valid range %1$lld to %2$lld. 1587-154 There are hardware resources shared by two or more places. 1587-155 Number of resources in a place exceeds maximum of %1$d. 1587-156 Insufficient threads on place %1$d with the MASTER proc_bind policy. May take threads from other places. The result of the program may be altered if the OMP_THREAD_LIMIT is not increased. 1587-157 Insufficient threads on place subpartition %1$d to %2$d with the %3$s proc_bind policy. May take threads from other places. The result of the program may be altered if the OMP_THREAD_LIMIT is not increased. 1587-158 Missing Target for offloading. 1587-159 Missing Target for offloading after successful target offloading. The program will stop. 1587-160 Target device %1$d is out of bound (nonnegative, smaller than %2$d). 1587-161 Error encountered while attempting to allocate a data object on the target device %1$d. The program will stop. 1587-162 Error encountered while attempting to move data object between the host and the target device %1$d. The program will stop. 1587-163 Error encountered while attempting to execute on the target device %1$d. The program will stop. 1587-164 Encountered a zero-length array section that points to memory starting at address 0x%1$llx. Because this memory is not currently mapped on the target device %2$d, a NULL pointer will be passed to the device. 1587-165 Error while mapping on the target device %1$d. The program will stop. 1587-166 Encountered an implicit map that fully includes the memory of a single prior map on the target device %1$d. Access on the device must be restricted to the memory of that prior map, which starts at host address 0x%2$llx. 1587-167 Encountered an ambiguous map that fully includes the memory of several prior maps on the target device %1$d, including prior maps that start at host addresses 0x%2$llx and 0x%3$llx. The program will stop. 1587-168 Encountered a map that partially includes the memory of a prior map on the target device %1$d. The encountered map starts at host address 0x%2$llx and the prior map starts at host address 0x%3$llx. The program will stop. 1587-169 No valid target devices available. 1587-170 Error while processing OMP Tool. The program will stop. 1587-171 Error when processing an explicit map that fully includes the memory of a single prior map on the target device %1$d. Prior map starts at host address 0x%2$llx. The program will stop. 1587-172 Offload is disabled by OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD='DISABLED' environment variable. 1587-173 Mapped data on target device %1$d is discarded by omp_resource_pause routine1587-174 The value for the OpenMP environment variable '%1$s' cannot be set for device '%2$d'. OpenMP environment variable ignored. 1587-175 The underlying GPU runtime reported the following error %1$s.