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(commit operation will NOT occur)PREVIEW only? (reject operation will NOT occur)PREVIEW only? (remove operation will NOT occur)PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur)DETAILED output?VERIFY update and check file sizes?PREVIEW only? (update operation will NOT occur)FIXES to installInstall New Software Products at Latest LevelUpdate Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)Installation OptionsProcess multiple volumes?Install New SoftwareACCEPT new license agreements?Preview new LICENSE agreements?Show License AgreementsSHOW license agreement text?Show Installed License AgreementsShow License Agreements on Installation MediaInstall Software BundleSoftware License AgreementsAccept License AgreementsACCEPT Installed License AgreementsFailure to accept the license agreement terms will prevent the use of this system.Software Service ManagementComparison ReportsCompare Installed Software to Fix RepositoryCompare Installed Software to List of Available UpdatesCompare Fix Repository to List of Available UpdatesGenerate All Comparison ReportsFIX REPOSITORY locationSelect which report files to generate.Installed Software that is at a LOWER levelInstalled Software that is at a HIGHER levelUpdates for filesets that are NOT INSTALLEDInstalled Software with NO UPDATES foundWrite reports to a file? Provide location. (Leave blank to omit.)LIST of Available Updates locationInstalled Software that is at a lower level than LATEST (lowerthanlatest1.rpt)Installed Software that is at a HIGHER level than the latest maintenance level (higherthanmaint.rpt) the latest maintenance level (lowerthanmaint.rpt)A report will be generated showing filesets in the Fix Repository that are at a lower level than the latest levels available (lowerthanlatest2.rpt).Filesets in the Fix Repository that are at a LOWERlevel than latest (lowerthanlatest2.rpt)level than latestRename Software Images in RepositoryINPUT directory for softwareLOG software name changes (location of log file)Eliminate Unnecessary Software Images in RepositoryREMOVE DUPLICATE softwareREMOVE SUPERSEDED updatesREMOVE LANGUAGE software PRESERVE languageSAVE removed files DIRECTORY for storing saved filesCopy Software Bundle to Hard Disk for Future InstallationSOFTWARE BUNDLE to copyDIRECTORY for storing software bundleClean Up Software Images in RepositoryDIRECTORY containing softwareDIRECTORY location for reports.Select which reports to run.Installed Software that is at a LOWER level than the latest maintenance levelUse RESPONSE file (response file location)Create response TEMPLATE (template location)RECORD response file (record file location)EFIX ManagementInstall EFIX PackagesCheck Installed EFIXESList EFIXES and Related InformationRemove Installed EFIXESLOCATION of EFIX Package -OR-LOCATION of Package List FileMOUNT Installation?DEBUG output?EFIX LabelEFIX IDEFIX VUIDVERBOSITY LevelLOCATION of EFIX List FileVERIFICATION LevelFILE location of lslpp -Lc output(Leave blank to compare against this system.)Interim fixes installed on the Base SystemInterim fixes not installed on the Base SystemInterim fixes installed on the Other SystemInterim fixes not installed on the Other SystemLabel:DescriptionThin Server MaintenanceRelocatable Software Installation and MaintenanceINSTALLED SOFTWARE locationSOFTWARE INSTALL locationWPAR Management Perform Operation in Global Environment Perform Operation on Detached WPARs Detached WPAR Names Remount Installation Device in WPARs Alternate WPAR Installation DeviceINVOKE live update?Requires /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/lvupdate.data.Software Maintenance AgreementView Software Maintenance Terms and ConditionsAccept Software Maintenance Terms and ConditionsView Software Maintenance AgreementsACCEPT Software Maintenance Agreements?Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Live Update)List All UsersUser NAMEADMINISTRATIVE USER?User IDUser can LOGIN?Primary GROUPGroup SETADMINISTRATIVE GROUPSSU GROUPSHOME directoryInitial PROGRAMUser INFORMATIONAnother user can SU TO USER?User can LOGIN REMOTELY(rsh,tn,rlogin)?User CAN TELNET?TRUSTED PATH?Valid TTYsAUDIT classesPRIMARY authentication methodSECONDARY authentication methodMAX. FILE sizeMAX. CPU timeMAX. DATA segmentMAX. STACK sizeMAX. CORE file sizeFile creation UMASKEXPIRATION date (MMDDhhmmyy)Remove a User from the SystemRemove AUTHENTICATION information?List All GroupsAdd GroupGroup NAMEADMINISTRATIVE group?Change Group AttributesGroup IDUSER listADMINISTRATOR listRemove a Group from the SystemIs this user ACCOUNT LOCKED?Days to WARN USER before password expiresPassword CHECK METHODSPassword DICTIONARY FILESNUMBER OF PASSWORDS before reuseWEEKS before password reuseWeeks between password EXPIRATION and LOCKOUTPassword MAX. AGEPassword MIN. AGEPassword MIN. LENGTHPassword MIN. ALPHA charactersPassword MIN. OTHER charactersPassword MAX. REPEATED charactersPassword MIN. DIFFERENT charactersAllowed LOGIN TIMESNumber of FAILED LOGINS before user account is lockedLogin AUTHENTICATION GRAMMARPassword REGISTRYLogin RETRY DELAYNumber of FAILED LOGINS before port is lockedINTERVAL for counting failed loginsREENABLE DELAY for locked portIs this PORT LOCKED?Port NAMEyes,notrue,falsePress Enter to continue.,true,falseRole NAMEAUTHORIZATIONSRole LISTSmit SCREENSVISIBILITYMessage CATALOGMessage NUMBERRemove a Role from the SystemROLESGROUPSLDAPLDAP ClientLDAP ServerConfigure this Host as a LDAP ClientList Status of Client DaemonEmpty the Client Daemon CacheRestart the Client DaemonStart the Client DaemonStop the Client DaemonConfigure this Host as a LDAP ServerStart the LDAP ServerStop the LDAP ServerConfigure this Host as a LDAP ClientLDAP Server ListBind Distinguished NameBind PasswordAuthentication TypeSuffix / Base DNServer Port NumberSSL Key Path Key PasswordCache SizeCache Timeout (seconds)Number of ThreadsHeartbeat Interval (seconds)User ListSearch ModeDefault Entry LocationAsynchronous Timeout (seconds)LDAP Administrator DNLDAP Administrator PasswordSchema TypeProxy User Proxy User DN Proxy User PasswordExport UsersLDAP VersionPKIAdd a Certificate AuthorityChange / Show a Certificate AuthorityChange / Show CA AccountAdd / Change / Show an LDAP AccountChange / Show the PolicyStart the Client DaemonStart PKI Client DaemonStop the Client DaemonStop PKI Client DaemonCertificate Authority NameService Module NamePathname of CA's CertificatePathname of CA's Trusted KeyURI of the Certificate Authority ServerCertificate Distribution PointCertificate Revocation List (CRL) URIDefault Certificate Distinguished NameDefault Certificate Subject Alternate Name URIPublic Key AlgorithmPublic Key Size (in bits)MAX. Communications RetriesSigning Hash AlgorithmCreate Certificates for New UsersInitial User PasswordCertificate VersionPublic Key Size (in bytes)Keystore LocationValidity PeriodReplicate Non-Local CertificatesCheck Certificate Revocation ListsDefault Communications Timeout (Seconds)Change / Show a CA AccountCertificate Creation Reference NumberCertificate Creation PasswordCertificate Revocation Reference NumberCertificate Revocation PasswordTrusted Key LabelTrusted Key PasswordAdministrative User NameAdministrative PasswordServer NameSuffixKeystore AccessAdminkeystore AccessInitial Keystore ModeAllow user to change Keystore Mode?Keystore Encryption AlgorithmFile Encryption Algorithm,file,none,file,admin,guard,yes,no,RSA_1024,RSA_2048,RSA_4096,AES_128_CBC,AES_128_ECB,AES_192_CBC,AES_192_ECB,AES_256_CBC,AES_256_ECBRemove group keystore?no,yesPassword MIN. LOWER ALPHA charactersPassword MIN. UPPER ALPHA charactersPassword MIN. DIGITSPassword MIN. SPECIAL charactersSoft CPU timeHard CPU timeSoft FILE sizeHard FILE sizeSoft DATA segmentHard DATA segmentSoft STACK sizeHard STACK sizeSoft CORE file sizeHard CORE file sizeSoft RSS sizeHard RSS sizeSoft AS sizeHard AS sizeSoft NOFILE descriptorsHard NOFILE descriptorsSoft THREADS per processHard THREADS per processSoft NPROC per userHard NPROC per userTCP/IPHostnameSet the HostnameShow the HostnameStatic RoutesList All RoutesAdd a Static RouteRemove a Static RouteNetwork InterfacesNetwork Interface DriversChange / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface DriverNetwork Interface SelectionList All Network InterfacesAdd a Network InterfaceAdd a Standard Ethernet Network InterfaceAdd an IEEE 802.3 Network InterfaceAdd a Token-Ring Network InterfaceAdd an X.25 Network InterfaceAdd a Serial Line INTERNET Network InterfaceChange / Show Characteristics of a Network InterfaceRemove a Network InterfaceIP / X.25 Host ConfigurationAdd an IP / X.25 Host EntryAdd a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) IP / X.25 Host EntryAdd a Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) IP / X.25 Host EntryChange / Show an IP / X.25 Host EntryRemove an IP / X.25 Host EntryClient Network ServicesName ResolutionDomain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf)List All NameserversAdd a NameserverRemove a NameserverStop Using a Nameserver -------------------------------Set / Show the DomainRemove the DomainHosts Table (/etc/hosts)List All HostsAdd a HostChange / Show Characteristics of a HostRemove a HostServices (/etc/services)List All ServicesAdd a ServiceChange / Show Characteristics of a ServiceRemove a ServiceSyslog (information only)Protocols (information only)Server Network ServicesRemote AccessHost Access (/etc/host.equiv)List All Remote HostsAdd a Remote HostRemove a Remote HostRestrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers)Show All Restricted UsersAdd a Restricted UserRemove a Restricted UserList All Remote HostsAdd a Remote HostNOWNext System RESTARTBOTH Now and at System RestartBOTHOther Available ServicesSuper Daemon (inetd)inetd SubsystemStart Using the inetd SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd SubsystemStop Using the inetd Subsysteminetd SubserversList All inetd SubserversAdd an inetd SubserverChange / Show Characteristics of an inetd SubserverRemove an inetd Subserverportmap Subsystem (information only)PTYsRouting (information only)Nameserver (information only)Arp Tables (information only)Set Hostname Please refer to Help for information concerning hostname / INTERNET address mappingHOSTNAME (symbolic name of your machine)Add Static RouteDestination TYPEDESTINATION AddressDefault GATEWAY AddressMETRIC (number of hops to destination gateway)Remove Static RouteFlush Routing TableFlush Routing Table in the Current Running SystemFlush Routing Table in the Configuration Data Base (effective in the next system restart)Network InterfaceMaximum IP PACKET SIZE for THIS DEVICEMaximum IP PACKET SIZE for REMOTE NETWORKSINTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Network MASK (hexadecimal or dotted decimal)BROADCAST ADDRESS (dotted decimal)TTY PORT for SLIP Network InterfaceBAUD RATEDIAL STRING (either both dial string and baud rate or none) Network Interface NameAdd INTERNET / X.25 PVC Host EntryRemote HOSTNAMELogical CHANNEL numberALIAS(ES) (if any - separated by blank space)COMMENT (if any - for the host entry)Add INTERNET / X.25 SVC Host EntryRemote DTE AddressRECEIVED data PACKET sizeTRANSMITTED data PACKET sizeRECEIVED data WINDOW sizeTRANSMITTED data WINDOW sizeCLOSED USER GROUP selectionCLOSED USER GROUP WITH OUTGOING ACCESS selectionRecognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA)User-Defined Facilities and CALL USER DataChange / Show an INTERNET / X.25 Host EntryList of INTERNET / X.25 HostsChange / Show an INTERNET / X.25 PVC Host EntryChange / Show an INTERNET / X.25 SVC Host EntryRemove an X.25 Host EntryFull Path Name of FILE to Copy to /etc/resolv.confNameserver INTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal)DOMAINList All NameserversStop Using a NameserverFull Path Name of FILE to Save /etc/resolv.confAdd a Host NameList all ServicesOfficial Internet SERVICE NameSocket PORT numberTransport PROTOCOLUnofficial Internet SERVICE NAMESChange / Show Characteristics of a ServiceNew Internet SERVICE NameName of Remote HOSTName of Local USER IDAdd an inetd Subserver Please refer to help for information concerning subserver dependenciesInternet SERVICE NameSOCKET TypeWAIT for Server to Release SocketUSER NameService Program PATH NameService Program Command Line ARGUMENTSChange / Show Characteristics of an inetd SubserverInternet SERVICE Name to ChangeNEW Internet Service NameProtocolStart Using the NameserverHOST NAME(dotted decimal or symbolic name)---------- Optional X.25 Facilities ----------(separate names with blanks)X25 Device NumberStart the inetd subsystem with DEBUGGING on?Full path name of CONFIGURATION FILE to useDESTINATION Address (dotted decimal)Available Network InterfacesUse TRAILER Link-Level Encapsulation?Use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?Enable Hardware LOOPBACK Mode?ACTIVATE the Interface after Creating it?Confine BROADCAST to LOCAL Token-Ring?SECURITY LEVELAUTHORIZED USERS when Security Level is SetChange / Show a Standard Ethernet InterfaceCurrent STATEChange / Show an IEEE 802.3 Network InterfaceChange / Show a Token-Ring Network InterfaceChange / Show an X.25 Network InterfaceChange / Show a Serial Line Network InterfaceChange / Show Characteristics of a Standard Ethernet Network InterfaceAvailable Standard Ethernet Network InterfacesChange / Show Characteristics of a Token-Ring Network InterfaceAvailable Token-Ring InterfacesChange / Show Characteristics of an X.25 Network InterfaceAvailable X.25 InterfacesInternet Service NameNew PROTOCOLRestore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf FileCreate a New /etc/resolv.conf FileOld Internet Service NameOld protocolAvailable SubserversRemote Printer SubsystemCurrent INTERNET addressNew INTERNET ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Host Name or INTERNET Address (dotted decimal)HOSTNAMEChange / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd SubsystemMinimum Configuration & StartupFurther ConfigurationTCP/IP StartupHOSTNAMEInternet ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Network MASK (dotted decimal)Network INTERFACE NAMESERVER Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) DOMAIN NameSTART NowYour CABLE TypeMinimum Configuration & Startup To Delete existing configuration data, please use Further Configuration menusNOWNext system RESTARTBOTHsyslogd SubsystemStart Using the syslogd SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd SubsystemStop Using the syslogd Subsystemrouted SubsystemStart Using the routed SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of routed SubsystemStop Using the routed Subsystemgated SubsystemStart Using the gated SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of gated SubsystemStop Using the gated Subsystemnamed SubsystemStart Using the named SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of named SubsystemStop Using the named Subsystemrwhod SubsystemStart Using the rwhod SubsystemStop Using the rwhod Subsystemtimed SubsystemStart Using the timed SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of timed SubsystemStop Using the timed SubsystemPrint DEBUGGING information levelAlternate PORT numberAlternate BOOT FILEAlternate CONFIGURATION FILEMinutes between MARKED MESSAGESTurn on DEBUGGINGLOG EGP EXTERNAL errors, routing errors and EGP state changesTRACE HELLO packets receivedLOG INTERNAL errors and routing errorsTRACE SNMP transactionsTRACE EGP packets sent and receivedTRACE RIP packets receivedTRACE all routing CHANGESTRACE all routing UPDATESLOG all ERROR messages, ROUTE changes, EGP packetsLOG DEBUGGING informationThis host is acting as a GATEWAYSUPPRESS sending routing informationDO supply routing informationWrite all packets sent and received to STDOUTWrite all PACKETS to LOGFILETRACE timed messages receivedInclude this host in the ELECTION of MASTER timeserverIGNORE this NETWORK when checking for timeserverStop Using the named SubsystemLOGFILE nameVALID NETWORK to check for timeserverSelect BSD style rc ConfigurationSelect BSD style rc Configuration Please answer yes if you want BSD style rc configuration. The default is no. Default style configuration uses the data in the ODM database and uses the file /etc/rc.net to define, load, and configure a corresponding interface. BSD style configuration uses the traditional ifconfig command and it uses the file /etc/rc.bsdnet to configure the corresponding interface.Use BSD Style rc ConfigurationAdd a Serial Optical Network Interfaceno,yesyes,noChange / Show a Serial Optical Network InterfaceAdd a FDDI Network InterfaceChange / Show a FDDI Network InterfaceConfine BROADCAST to LOCAL FDDI-Ring?Change / Show Characteristics of a FDDI Network InterfaceAvailable FDDI InterfacesAdd a 370 Channel Attach Network InterfaceDestination ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Subchannel Address Note: Set up 370 channel adapter before configuring this network interface. CLAW mode has to set and subchannels need to be made available.Change / Show a 370 Channel Attach Network InterfaceNAMESERVERRING SpeedNetwork INTERFACEUse DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startupsnmpd SubsystemStart Using the snmpd SubsystemStop Using the snmpd Subsystemdhcpsd SubsystemStart Using the dhcpsd SubsystemStop Using the dhcpsd Subsystemdhcpcd SubsystemStart Using the dhcpcd SubsystemStop Using the dhcpcd Subsystemany Use the first available interfaceVendor Class IdentifierClient IdentifierIP Address Lease Time (seconds)Requested IP AddressServer Identifier (ip address)Subnet MaskTime OffsetRouters (ip addresses)Timer Servers (ip addresses)Name Server (ip addresses)Domain Name Servers (ip addresses)Log Servers (ip addresses)Cookie Servers (ip addresses)LPR Servers (ip addresses)Impress Server (ip addresses)Resource Location Servers (ip addresses)Boot File SizeMerit Dump FileDomain NameSwap Server (ip address)Root PathExtensions PathIP Forwarding Enable/DisableNon-local Source Routing Enable/DisablePolicy Filters (pairs of ip addresses)Maximum Datagram Reassembly SizeDefault IP Time-to-livePath MTU Aging TimeoutPath MTU Plateau TableInterface MTU sizeAll Subnets are LocalBroadcast AddressPerform Mask DiscoveryMask SupplierPerform Router DiscoveryRouter Solicitation AddressStatic Routes (pairs of IP addresses)Trailer EncapsulationARP Cache TimeoutEthernet EncapsulationTCP Default TTLTCP Keepalive IntervalTCP Keepalive GarbageNIS DomainNIS Servers (ip addresses)Network Time Protocol Servers (ip addresses)Vendor Specific InformationNetBIOS over TCP/IP Name Servers (ip addresses)NetBIOS over TCP/IP Datagram Distribution Server (ip addresses)NetBIOS over TCP/IP Node TypeNetBIOS over TCP/IP ScopeX Window System Font Servers (ip addresses)X Window System Displays (ip addresses)Parameter Request ListMessageMaximum DHCP Messages SizeSite Class IdentifierStart Configured TCPIP DaemonsSet / Show the Domain Search ListSEARCH LISTRemove the Domain Search Listdhcprd SubsystemStart Using the dhcprd SubsystemStop Using the dhcprd SubsystemUse DHCP startingNot Now,Now,System Restarts,Now and System RestartsStop TCPIP Daemonsup,down,detachxntpd SubsystemStart Using the xntpd SubsystemStop Using the xntpd Subsystemmrouted SubsystemStart Using the mrouted SubsystemStop Using the mrouted SubsystemIPV6 ConfigurationIPV6 Static RoutesAdd an IPV6 Static RouteRemove an IPV6 Static RouteIPV6 Network InterfacesIPV6 Daemon/Process ConfigurationAutoconf6 ProcessStart Using the Autoconf6 ProcessStop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTARTChange / Show Restart Characteristics of Autoconf6 ProcessNdpd-host SubsystemStart Using the Ndpd-host SubsystemStop Using the Ndpd-host SubsystemAdd an IPV6 Network InterfaceAdd an IPV6 Network AliasRemove an IPV6 Network AliasAdd an IPV6 Standard Ethernet Network InterfaceAdd an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network InterfaceAdd an IPV6 Token-Ring Network InterfaceChange / Show Characteristics of an IPV6 Network InterfaceAdd an IPV6 FDDI Network InterfaceStart the inetd subsystem with IPV6 on?Start the Autoconf6 Process with SIT on?IPV6 ADDRESS (colon separated)PrefixlengthIPV6 DESTINATION Address(colon separated or symbolic name)IPV6 GATEWAY AddressChange / Show an IPV6 Standard Ethernet InterfaceChange / Show an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network InterfaceChange / Show an IPV6 Token-Ring Network InterfaceChange / Show an IPV6 FDDI Network InterfaceConfigure Tunnel InterfaceAdd an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel InterfaceStart the Autoconf6 Process with VERBOSE on?IPV6 SOURCE ADDRESS (colon separated)IPV6 DESTINATION ADDRESS (colon separated)IPV4 SOURCE ADDRESS (dotted decimal)IPV4 DESTINATION ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Configure AliasesAdd an IPV4 Network AliasRemove an IPV4 Network AliasIPV4 ADDRESS (dotted decimal)Flush IPV4 Routes in the Configuration Data BaseFlush IPV6 Routes in the Configuration Data BaseAuthentication ConfigurationList Authentication MethodsSet Authentication MethodsKerberos 5Kerberos 4Standard AuthenticationNdpd-Router SubsystemStart Using the Ndpd-router SubsystemStop Using the Ndpd-router SubsystemEtherChannelList All EtherChannelsAdd An EtherChannelChange / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannelRemove An EtherChannelAvailable EtherChannelsEnable Alternate EtherChannel AddressAlternate EtherChannel AddressEtherChannel AdaptersQuality of Service Configuration & StartupStart Using the QoS SubsystemStop Using the QoS SubsystemIPv6 Network Interface NameAdd a Virtual IP Address InterfaceAdd a Virtual IPv6 Address InterfaceEnable Round Robin ModeEnable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo FramesChange / Show a Virtual IP Address InterfaceAvailable Virtual IP Address Interfacespxed Subsystembinld SubsystemStart Using the pxed SubsystemStop Using the pxed SubsystemStart Using the binld SubsystemStop Using the binld SubsystemCOST(interface to associate route with)Enable Active Dead Gateway Detection?any Use any available interfaceDefault Gateway Address (dotted decimal or symbolic name) Cost Do Active Dead Gateway Detection?Remove an IPV6 Network Interface addressModeInternet Address to PingNumber of RetriesRetry Timeout (sec)Is this a Local (Interface) Route?Backup AdapterNetwork Interface(s) using this VIPA Interface Name(s) ADD/REMOVE Interface(s)ADD,REMOVEEtherChannel / IEEE 802.3ad Link AggregationList All EtherChannels / Link AggregationsAdd An EtherChannel / Link AggregationChange / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel / Link AggregationRemove An EtherChannel / Link AggregationAvailable EtherChannels / Link AggregationsEnable Alternate AddressAlternate AddressEtherChannel / Link Aggregation AdaptersEtherChannel / Link AggregationHash ModeDelete Backup AdapterAdd Main AdapterDelete Main AdapterAdd Backup AdapterInterface Specific Network Options ('NULL' will unset the option) rfc1323 tcp_mssdflt tcp_nodelay tcp_recvspace tcp_sendspacedefault,src_port,dst_port,src_dst_portstandard,round_robin,8023adNONE EtherChannel / Link Aggregation: %s Status: %s Attributes: Automatically Recover to Main ChannelForce A Failover In An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation Perform Lossless Failover After Ping FailureParent AdapterIEEE 802.3ad Intervallong,shortSource HMC Hostname or IP addressSource HMC UsernameMigration between two HMCs Remote HMC Hostname or IP address Remote HMC UsernameSource SystemDestination SystemMigrating Partition NameMigration Validation OnlyLive Partition Mobility with Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA)Add a Cluster Pseudo Network InterfaceChange / Show a Cluster Pseudo InterfaceTap Network AdapterEnable ALTERNATE ETHERNET addressALTERNATE ETHERNET addressList All Tap AdaptersAdd A Tap AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of a Tap AdapterRemove a Tap AdapterAvailable Tap AdaptersTap Adapter NameEnable Jumbo FramesChange / Show an TAP Network InterfaceChange / Show an IPV6 TAP Network InterfaceAdd a TAP Network InterfaceAdd an IPV6 TAP Network InterfaceMAC swapstandard,round_robin,8023ad,teamingName of Device to Change / ShowDevice nameName of Device to ShowAdd an Ethernet Data Link ControlChange / Show an Ethernet Data Link ControlRemove an Ethernet Data Link ControlDEPTH of the receive queueName of Device to AddName of Device to RemoveAdd a QLLC Data Link ControlShow a QLLC Data Link ControlRemove a QLLC Data Link ControlAdd a SDLC Data Link ControlChange / Show a SDLC Data Link ControlRemove a SDLC Data Link ControlAdd a Token Ring Data Link ControlChange / Show a Token Ring Data Link ControlRemove a Token Ring Data Link ControlData Link Controlsdlcqllcx25_qllcdlcsdlcsdlcdlctokentokenringAdd a FDDI Data Link ControlChange / Show a FDDI Data Link ControlRemove a FDDI Data Link ControlfddidlcfddiEthernet Data Link ControlsFDDI Data Link ControlsSDLC Data Link ControlsToken Ring Data Link ControlsX.25 QLLC Data Link ControlsMove the LFT to Another DisplayDisplay MnemonicTake Effect Now, Next IPL, BothNow,Next IPL,BothSelect the Active Font for Next System RestartFont IdentifierAdd a Font to the SystemPATHNAME of Font FileChange the Keyboard Map for Next System RestartPATHNAME of Keyboard MapSelect the DisplaySelect the Display SizeDisplayDisplay screen WIDTH (in millimeters)Display screen HEIGHT (in millimeters)Select the Display Refresh RateDisplay Refresh RATE (in hertz) WARNING: Make sure the selected monitor supports the refresh rate chosen before executing this command or the monitor will not be readable. The selected refresh rate will not take effect until the next system reboot.List All Graphics Adapters AvailableSelect the Display TypeSelect the Display Resolution and Refresh RateGraphics AdapterDisplay TypeDisplay Power ManagementTime before display dimmed (in minutes)Time before display power suspended (in minutes) To disable Display Power Management, set the dimmed time to zero. Note all changes will take effect next IPL.Time before display power turned off (in minutes) To disable Display Power Management, set the dimmed time to zero.Generate an Error ReportSchedule automatic cleaning of the error logClean the error logCONCURRENT error reporting?SUMMARY or DETAILED error reportError CLASSES (default is all)Error TYPES (default is all)Resource CLASSES (default is all)Resource TYPES (default is all)Resource NAMES (default is all)Error ID's (default is all)STARTING time intervalENDING time intervalFILENAME to send report to (default is stdout)PRINTER to send report toRemove entries older than this NUMBER OF DAYSThis command will run until interrupted.Press Enter to continue.1 no2 yesnoyessummary,intermediate,detailedFILENAME for error report1 filename (defaults to stdout)2 printerChange / Show Characteristics of the Error LogMaximum LOGSIZELOGFILETEMPLATE fileMESSAGE fileError LABELS (default is all)SEQUENCE numbers (default is all)Memory BUFFER SIZEType of ReportDuplicate Error DetectionDuplicate Time Interval in millisecondsDuplicate Error MaximumShow only Duplicated ErrorsConsolidate Duplicate ErrorsEnableLog Stream full-nameno,yesRestrict errpt to privileged usersdisable,enableSTART TraceSTOP TraceGenerate a Trace ReportShow exec PATHNAMES for each event?Show PROCESS IDs for each event?Show CURRENT SYSTEM CALL for each event?Time CALCULATIONS for reportIDs of events to INCLUDE in reportID's of events to EXCLUDE from reportSTARTING timeENDING timeFILE NAME for trace report (default is stdout)PRINTER to send trace report toEVENT GROUPS to trace (default is kernel trace)ADDITIONAL event IDs to traceEvent IDs to EXCLUDE from traceTrace MODESTOP when log file full?LOG FILE Omit DATE-SYSTEM HEADER to log file?Trace BUFFER SIZE in bytesLOG FILE SIZE in bytesRun in INTERACTIVE mode?yes,noSend the Trace Report to:1 filename (defaults to stdout)2 printeralternate,single,circularelapsed+delta in milliseconds,elapsed only,elapsed+delta in microseconds,noneLOG FILE to create report fromno,yesSAVE PREVIOUS log file?Omit PS/NM/LOCK HEADER to log file?Show THREAD IDs for each event?Buffer Allocationautomatic,kernel heap,separate segmentsEVENT GROUPS to traceManage Event GroupsList all Event GroupsAdd an Event GroupChange/Show an Event GroupRemove Event GroupsSelect a template Event GroupEvent Group ID (optional) If none, no template group is used.Event Group IDEvent Group DescriptionEvent Group Hook IDsSelect an Event GroupEvent Groups to EXCLUDE from traceEvent Group IDsEvent Groups to INCLUDE in reportEvent Groups to EXCLUDE from reportProcess IDs to TraceProgram to TracePropagate Tracing tonew processes and threads,new threads,nothingManage TraceDefault Buffer SizeDefault Log File SizeDefault Log FileNon-Root User Buffer Size MaximumReset Original Default ValuesChange/Show Default ValuesShow WPAR Names for each event?Show WPAR CIDs for each event?WPARs to include in reportWPAR names to TraceSave WPAR's CID in trace entries?ChannelSerialize I/ODiscard trace buffers0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7Restrict non-privileged users from using trace Channel-0 Restrict non-privileged users from using trcrpt Channel-0 disable,enableShow Current Dump DevicesChange Primary Dump DeviceChange Secondary Dump DeviceShow Information About the Previous System DumpCopy a System Dump from a Dump Device to a FileFormat a System DumpStart a Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a Dump to the Secondary Dump DevicePrimary dump deviceSecondary dump deviceCopy dump image from:Copy dump image to:Size in bytes of dump imageDate of last dumpDump file or dump deviceFilename to send report to (default is stdout):Printer to send report to:Send the formatted dump to:1 filename (defaults to stdout)2 printerInput and output file blocksize for copyNo previous dump recorded.Copy a System Dump from a Dump Device to DisketteShow Estimated Dump SizeChange the Directory to which Dump is Copied on BootCONTINUE Boot if Copy FailsDIRECTORY full pathnameAlways ALLOW System Dumpyes,notrue,falseSystem Dump CompressionCheck Dump Resources UtilityCheck dump resourcescron time parametersLog or Mail Resultslog,mail,bothChange the Type of DumpType of Dumptraditional,fw-assistedChange the Full Memory Dump ModeFull Memory Dump Modedisallow,allow,requiredisallow,requireStart a Full Memory Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a System Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a Traditional System Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a Selective Memory Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a Traditional System Dump to the Secondary Dump DeviceComponent / Live DumpThe Live Dump facility is used to take a snapshot of a subset of system memory in order to help debug system problems. Live Dump does so with minimal customer disruption. No system reboot is required.Start a Live DumpSelect this menu item to specify parameters to start a Live Dump.List Components that are Dump AwareSelect this menu item to display components that are dump-aware.List Live Dumps in the Live Dump RepositorySelect this menu item to display live dumps in the dump repository.Change/Show Global Live Dump AttributesSelect this menu item to change/show global live dump attributes.Change/Show Dump Attributes for a ComponentSelect this menu item to change/show dump attributes for one component.Change Dump Attributes for multiple ComponentsSelect this menu item to change dump attributes for multiple components.Refresh the Kernel's List of Live DumpsSelect this menu item to refresh the kernel's list of live dumps. This is useful if you remove live dumps from the directory or want to retrieve held dumps.Enable Live Dumpsyes,noYes to enable live dumps, no to disable live dumpsLive Dump Repository's DirectorySpecifies the directory where live dumps will be written.Live Dump Free Space Threshold %The threshold at which live dump will record errors regarding the amount of free space left in the live dump repository.Live Dump Detail LevelThe global live dump detail level.Live Dump Heap Size (in MB)The size of the live dump internal heap. 0 indicates default heap size.Live Dump Duplicate Suppression Typeall,pre,post,noneThe type of duplicate suppression performed on live dumps.Suggested Live Dump Freeze Interval (in ms)If a live dump freeze exceeds this amount, an error will be logged.Restore Original Live Dump Settingsno,yesChoose this option to restore default live dump settings.Changes persist across a reboot Applies to global status and detail level only.Choose this option to have enabled/disabled status and level persist across reboots. All other options automatically persist across reboots.Component Path Name or AliasChanges applyComponent Path Name or Alias Specifiednow,at reboot,both now and at rebootUse this screen to modify the live dump properties of multiple components.Component Path NamesList of component path names. A comma or space seperated list can be provided.Component Logical Alias NamesList of component logical alias names. A comma or space seperated list can be provided.Component Type/Subtype IdentifiersList of component type/subtype identifiers. A comma or space seperated list can be provided.Apply Changes to SubcomponentsApply Changes to Parent ComponentsChanges Apply ToCurrent Components Only,Future Components Only,Current and Future Components,No Current or Future ComponentsChanges Persist Across a RebootDelete CustomizationsDo you want to delete persistent customizations?Use this screen to delete previously specified persistent customizations.for Future Components,for Components on Next BootPseudo-Component IdentifiersError CodeList of component path names. A comma or space seperated list can be provided. Indicate a failing component (if any) by preceding its name with the @ symbol.Symptom StringFile Name PrefixDump Prioritycritical,infoGenerate an Error Log EntryDump Typesserialized,unserializedForce this DumpDump SubcomponentsDump Parent ComponentsObtain a Size Estimate (no dump is taken)Show Parameters for Components (no dump is taken)Display Persistent CustomizationsWhat Type of Persistence?This Boot Only,Next Boot OnlyEnable System DumpsSystem Dump Detail LevelChange/Show Global System Dump PropertiesDump Legacy ComponentsSelect yes to include non-component dump aware subsystems in a system dump. Otherwise, select no.Set the global system dump detail level. Valid values range from 0-9.Specify a built-in live dump pseudo-component. Pseudo-components can be seperated only by spaces. Valid pseudo-components are eaddr, context, tid_t, tid, tslot, pid_t, pid, pslot, errbuf, mtrc, systrace, comptrace, and kernext.Select this menu item to display live dumps in the current repository.Failing Component Path NameFailing Component Logical Alias NamesFailing Component Type/Subtype IdentifiersList of component path names. A comma seperated list can be provided.List of component logical alias names. A comma seperated list can be provided.List of component type/subtype identifiers. A comma seperated list can be provided.Logical volume NAMELogical volume TYPEPOSITION on physical volumeRANGE of physical volumesMAXIMUM NUMBER of PHYSICAL VOLUMES to use for allocationNumber of copies allocated for each logical partitionAllocate each logical partition copy on a SEPARATE physical volume?RELOCATE the logical volume during reorganization?MAXIMUM NUMBER of LOGICAL PARTITIONSPERMISSIONSEnable BAD BLOCK relocation?SCHEDULING POLICY for reading/writing logical partition copiesEnable WRITE VERIFY?Logical volume LABELRename a Logical VolumeCURRENT logical volume nameNEW logical volume nameno,yesChange Characteristics of a Physical VolumePhysical volume NAMEAllow physical partition ALLOCATION?Physical volume STATEactive,not activeChange a Volume GroupVOLUME GROUP nameActivate volume group AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?A QUORUM of disks required to keep the volume group on-line ?Convert this VG to Concurrent Capable?Autovaryon VG in Concurrent Mode?Prefix for new logical volumeCopy a Logical VolumeSOURCE logical volume nameHow is the DESTINATION logical volume specified?DESTINATION logical volumeDestination VOLUME GROUP namenew logical volume name,overwrite existing logical volume,system assigned logical volume nameCopy over an existing logical volumeCopy to a user created logical volumeCopy to a system created logical volumeDESTINATION logical volume to createExport a Volume GroupIncrease the Size of a Logical VolumeLOGICAL VOLUME nameNumber of ADDITIONAL logical partitionsPHYSICAL VOLUME namesFile containing ALLOCATION MAPAdd a Physical Volume to a Volume GroupImport a Volume GroupACTIVATE volume group after it is imported?Show Characteristics of a Logical VolumeList OPTIONstatus,physical volume map,logical partition mapList Contents of a Physical VolumePHYSICAL VOLUME namestatus,logical volumes,physical partitionsList All Physical VolumesList Contents of a Volume Groupstatus,logical volumes,physical volumesList All Logical Volumes by Volume GroupList All Volume GroupsList only the ACTIVE volume groups?Move Contents of a Physical VolumeSOURCE physical volume nameDESTINATION physical volumesMove only data belonging to this LOGICAL VOLUME?Add a Logical VolumeNumber of LOGICAL PARTITIONSLogical volume name PREFIXNumber of COPIES of each logical partitionMAXIMUM NUMBER of LOGICAL PARTITIONSAdd Copies to a Logical VolumeNEW TOTAL number of logical partition copiesSYNCHRONIZE the data in the new logical partition copies?Add a Volume GroupPhysical partition SIZE in megabytesACTIVATE volume group after it is created?Volume Group MAJOR NUMBERMake this VG Concurrent Capable?Make default varyon of VG Concurrent?Create VG Concurrent Capable?Auto-varyon in Concurrent Mode?Remove a Physical Volume from a Volume GroupFORCE deallocation of all partitions on this physical volume?Remove a Volume GroupRename a Logical VolumeCURRENT logical volume nameNEW logical volume nameReorganize a Volume GroupLOGICAL VOLUME namesRemove a Logical VolumeRemove Copies from a Logical VolumeNEW maximum number of logical partition copiesDeactivate a Volume GroupPut volume group in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT mode?Activate a Volume GroupRESET device configuration database?RESYNCHRONIZE stale physical partitions?Activate volume group in SYSTEM MANAGEMENT mode?no,yes,on errorFORCE activation of the volume group? Warning--this may cause loss of data integrity.Varyon VG in Concurrent Mode?jfs,jfslog,paging,boot,copy,sysdumpedge,middle,center,inner-middle,inner-edgeminimum,maximumparallel,sequentialread/write,readonlyMirror Write Consistency?Synchronize a Volume GroupChange a Logical VolumeMirror a Volume GroupMirror sync modeKeep Quorum Checking On?Create Exact LV Mapping?Foreground,Background,No SyncUnmirror a Volume GroupSynchronize LVM MirrorsSynchronize by Volume GroupSynchronize by Logical VolumeSynchronize by Physical VolumeNumber of Partitions to Sync in Parallel Delay Writes to VG from other cluster nodes during this SyncSynchronize All Partitionsparallel,sequential,parallel/sequential,parallel/round robinoff,active,passiveno,yes,superstrictLTG Size in kbytesSet hotspare characteristicsSet synchronization characteristics of stale partitionsSet hotspare characteristicsForce the creation of a volume group?no,concurrent capable,enhanced concurrentSerialize IO?Stripe Size?Not Striped,4K,8K,16K,32K,64K,128KSynchronize Logical Volumes?no,enhanced concurrentCreate a big VG format Volume Group?Change to big VG format?Add an Original Volume GroupAdd a Big Volume GroupAdd a Scalable Volume GroupChange to scalable VG format?Max PPs per VG in kilobytesMax Logical VolumesMax PPs per VG in units of 1024SCHEDULING POLICY for writing/reading logical partition copiesparallel,sequential,parallel write/sequential read,parallel write/round robin readNot Striped,4K,8K,16K,32K,64K,128K,1M,2M,4M,8M,16M,32M,64M,128MMirror Pool StrictnessOff,On,SuperstrictMirror Pool for First CopyMirror Pool for Second CopyMirror Pool for Third CopySet Mirror PoolChange Mirror Pool NameRemove From Mirror Poolstatus,logical volumes,physical volumes, physical volume mirror pools, logical volume mirror poolsEnable Strict Mirror PoolsNo,Yes,Superstrict,Off,On,SuperstrictNot Striped,4K,8K,16K,32K,64K,128K,256K,512K,1M,2M,4M,8M,16M,32M,64M,128MConcurrent CapableInfinite Retry Optionyes,noChange / Show Day and TimeReport System ActivityReport ALL activities listed below? - OR any combination of the following - Report use of FILE ACCESS system routines?Report BUFFER ACTIVITY for transfers, accesses, and cache hit ratios?Report SYSTEM CALLS?Report KERNEL activity?Report MESSAGE and SEMAPHORE activities?Report AVERAGE QUEUE LENGTH while occupied, and percentage of time occupied?Report PAGING statistics?Report CPU activity?Report status of TEXT, PROCESS, i-node, and FILE TABLES?Report SYSTEM SWITCHING activity?Report TTY DEVICE activity?Show System LevelDisplay ALL the options? - OR any combination of the following - Display the LAN NETWORK number?Display the type of HARDWARE running the system?Display the name of the NODE?Display the RELEASE number of the operating system?Display the SYSTEM name?Display the operating system VERSION?YEAR (00-99)MONTH (01-12)DAY (1-31)HOUR (00-23)MINUTES (00-59)SECONDS (00-59)Interval LENGTH of each system activity samplingNUMBER of sampling intervals *********************************************Show Virtual Memory StatisticsSECONDS between samplesNUMBER of samplesShow Input/Output StatisticsSECONDS between samplesNUMBER of samplesShow System Activity While Running a CommandCOMMAND nameReport System Activity per Processor ?1 no2 yesReport System Activity per ProcessorPROCESSOR IDsReport TYPE1 DEFAULT Report2 USER-DEFINED ReportShow default ReportShow user-defined ReportSECONDS between samplesNUMBER of samplesPrint the most ACTIVE locks ?yes,noMAX. NUMBER of locks to analyseMAX. NUMBER of displayed locksREFERENCE Rate in percentBlock RATIO in percentMIN. NUMBER of times the lock has been takenShow Adapter ThroughputShow System ThroughputShow TTY/CPU Utilization StatisticsShow TimestampsShow Path StatisticsShow Disk Utilization StatisticsShow Asynchronous I/O statistics (Legacy)Show Asynchronous I/O Statistics (POSIX)Show Asynchronous I/O Queue StatisticsShow Asynchronous I/O File System StatisticsUse 132 column Output FormatEnter Specific Drive to be ReportedShows the throughput report for the available adapters on the system.Shows the Overall System Throughput Statistics.Shows the utilization statistics report for TTY/CPU.Shows the timestamps along with the I/O statistics report.Shows the I/O statistics for all available I/O paths.Shows the Asynchronous I/O statistics on the system. This uses the AIX legacy calls to gather the reqired data. To retrieve these statistics, Aysnchronous I/O must be enabled on the system.Shows the Asynchronous I/O statistics. The statistics are collected using POSIX supported calls. To retrieve these statistics, Asynchronous I/O must be enabled on the system.Shows Queue statistics for the Asynchronous I/O activities on the system. Asynchronous I/O must be enabled on the system, for these statistics to be available.Shows the File System statistics, where the Asynchronous I/O activities are happening. Asynchronous I/O must be enabled on the system, for these statistics to be available.Selecting this option, allows displaying the iostat command output using a 132 column format. By default, iostat output fits only in 80 columns.This option is used to enter the specific drive whose I/O statistics only is required. The default report contains the statistics of all the drives.Shows the utilization statistics for all the disks available on the system.Show Tape Utilization StatisticsPrint Queue to Change / ShowCharacteristics to Change / ShowPrinterChange / Show Accounting File NameChange / Show Queuing DisciplinePRINT QUEUE nameCharacteristic to Change / Show1 Queue Characteristics 2 Queue Device Characteristics Printer to Change / ShowChange / Show Printer Connection CharacteristicsLocal PrintersBAUD ratePARITYBITS per characterNumber of STOP BITSXON-XOFF handshaking?yes,noUse DTR communication protocol?TRANSMIT buffer countType of PARALLEL INTERFACEPrinter nameInterfaceDescriptionStatusLocationParent adapter PORT numberPrinter TIME OUT period (seconds)STATE to be configured at boot timeQueue to Change / ShowSystem DEFAULT QUEUE nameQUEUE to which device is attachedInclude status of print queues remote servers?Hold or Release jobs hold,releasePrint JOB NUMBER - OR - PRINT QUEUE name - OR - Print JOB OWNERDESTINATION PRINT QUEUE name SOURCE (Select ONE of the following) Print JOB NUMBER - OR - PRINT QUEUE name - OR - Print JOB OWNERQUEUE to removeQueue from which to Remove a DeviceDEVICE namePriority LEVEL. Enter a number between 0 and 20. A root user, or a user in the printq group, may enter a number between 0 and 30. (Larger numbers indicate higher priorities.)15PRINT QUEUE containing job (required for remote jobs)Name of queueQueuing DISCIPLINEfirst come first serve,shortest job nextACTIVATE the queue?ACCOUNTING FILE pathnameHOSTNAME of remote serverPathname of the SHORT FORM FILTER for queue status outputQueue DEVICE to change / showQUEUE from which to remove a deviceQueue to which device is attachedQueue to which queue device is attachedPathname of the LONG FORM FILTER for queue status outputPRINT QUEUE name (* for all queues)No jobs found that meet the specified criteria. # ATTACHMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION User Defined Backend Name of QUEUE on remote serverName of DEVICE to addQUEUE to which to attach deviceBACKEND OUTPUT FILE pathnameACCESS MODE of backend output filewrite only,both read and writeNumber of FORM FEEDS when printer goes idleQUEUE to change / showPrint HEADER pages?never,always,groupPrint TRAILER pages?BACKEND PROGRAM pathnameALIGN page if printer has been idle?Queue Device to Change / ShowName of queue deviceQUEUE to which queue device is attachedChange / Show Characteristics of a QueueShow Status of Print QueuesMove a Job Between Print QueuesHold / Release Print JobsList All Print QueuesList All QueuesList All Queue DevicesList of Devices Attached to Queue: Add a Queue Device to an Existing QueuePrioritize a Print JobSet System's Default Print QueueRemove a QueueRemove a Queue DeviceCancel a Print JobChange / Show Characteristics of a Queue DeviceAdd a QueueName of QUEUE to addWill this become the DEFAULT queue?Add a Print QueueAdd a Remote Print Queueremote,user-definedTYPE of print spooler on remote serverAIX Version 3 or 4,BSD,System V,AIX Version 2 (RT PC)DESCRIPTION of printer on remote server Type of print spooler on remote serverPrinter DEVICE on the remote server (examples: lp0, lp1, ...) NOTE: Mounting the directory of print attributes located on the remote server allows print job attributes to be displayed and validated when starting print jobs destined for the remote server. Note that: -The Network File System (NFS) program product must be installed and running, and -The remote server must be running AIX Version 4 and have exported the directory /var/spool/lpd/pio/@localName of QUEUE DEVICE to addShould this become the DEFAULT queue?,AIX Version 3 or 4,BSD,System V,AIX Version 2 (RT PC)Add a Printer to an existing Print QueueShow the Status of Print JobsShow the status of ALL print jobs? - OR any combination of the following - Print JOB NUMBERStart a Print JobCOPY FILE and print from copy?TEXT to display on console before printing jobFILE to display on console before printing jobNOTIFY when job finished?Print job PRIORITYJob TITLEPrint queue nameName of FILE to printNUMBER of copies1REMOVE FILE after print job completes?MAIL MESSAGES instead of displaying them?SEPARATOR PAGESnone,header for job; no trailer,header for job; trailer for job,header for job; trailer for each file,header for each file; no trailer,header for each file; trailer for job,header for each file; trailer for each file,no header; trailer for job,no header; trailer for each file'DELIVER TO' TEXTStart a Print QueueStop a Print QueueRemove a Print QueuePrinter to RemoveRemove Queue GhostRemove Generic QueueShow Status of the Print Server SubsystemStop the Print Server SubsystemStart the Print Server SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of the Print Server SubsystemThere are no clients with print access.Add Print Access for a Remote ClientRemove Print Access for a Remote ClientName of REMOTE CLIENT (Hostname or dotted decimal address)Name of REMOTE CLIENTStop subsystem now, on system restart, or bothnow,system restart,bothStart subsystem now, on system restart, or bothTRACE lpd daemon activity to syslog?EXPORT directory containing print attributes? Note: Exporting this print server's directory containing its print attributes will allow print clients to mount the directory. The clients can use this server's print attributes to display and validate print job attributes when starting print jobs destined for this print server. Note that the Network File System (NFS) program product must be installed and running.Print queue '%s' does not exist. Print queue cannot be removed until no jobs remain. Queue '%s' does not exist. No queue device exists for queue '%s'. Server attribute directory mounted. mkque failed. mkquedev failed. mkvirprt failed. Added print queue '%s'. Added queue '%s'. Added queue device '%s'. Usage: piomisc_base [arg1] [arg2] ...FALSEneverThe following error has occurred: REMOVE FILE from system after sending job to remote print server?chvirprt failed. Warning: Directory not mounted. Print attributes are not available for the chosen remote server type. Printer Attached to Remote Host Backend TIME OUT period (minutes)Send control file first?To turn on debugging, specify output file pathnameSend PASS-THROUGH FLAG to queue on remote server?no,yesAIX Print Mode Only: AIX and System V Print Mode: Change / Show Current Print SubsystemCurrent Print SubsystemAIX Print SpoolingSystem V Print SpoolingManage Print RequestsList Print RequestList All Print RequestsMove Print RequestMove All Print Requests on DestinationCancel Print RequestCancel All Print Requests for User on DestinationCancel All Print Requests for User on All DestinationsCancel All Print Requests on DestinationCancel All Print Requests on All DestinationsList Print DestinationsRemove DestinationsManage DestinationsPRINTER nameChange / Show Default DestinationAccept Requests for DestinationReject Requests for DestinationEnable PrinterDisable PrinterChange / Show Default Print Priority for All DestinationsDEVICE nameAdd Local Printer ConfigurationAdd Remote Printer ConfigurationAdd JetDirect Printer ConfigurationManage Print ServicesStart Print ServicesStop Print ServicesManage Remote SystemsAdd Remote SystemRemove Remote SystemChange / Show Remote SystemChange / Show Current Print SubsystemSelect ONE of the following: DESTINATION name - OR - USER id - OR - Print REQUEST IDDESTINATION nameOLD destination nameNEW destination nameCANCEL Print Request IDUSER IDREASONHANDLING for current job?Change / Show Default Print Priority for All Destinations Device is hardwired or a terminal?COMMENTCLASS name ---------- Interface Program Options ---------- MODELPrinter TYPESCONTENT TYPEForce BANNER?ALERT type on error WAIT before alert in minutesRECOVERY on faultSERVER namePRINTER NAME on server --------- Header/Trailer Page Options --------- ----------- Error Processing Options ---------- TIMEOUT in minutesRETRY in minutesSYSTEM Namereprint current job,cancel current job,wait for completionhardwired,terminalyes,nomail,write,nonebeginning,continue,waitRemove DestinationSYSTEM namePrinter Intervention SelectionUser Defined SCRIPT to invokeDELAY (in minutes)Number of RETRIESUSER to notifyRun ScriptSend MailRetryRestrict port used below 1023?yes,nono,normal,fastVerify a File SystemNAME of file system -OR-TYPE of file system FAST check?SCRATCH file (must not be on the file system being checked)List All Mounted File SystemsMount a File SystemFILE SYSTEM nameDIRECTORY over which to mountFORCE the mount?Request an INHERITED mount?REMOTE NODE containing the file system to mountMount as a REMOVABLE file system?Mount as a READ-ONLY system?Unmount a File SystemNAME of file system to unmountREMOTE NODE containing the file system(s) to unmountTYPE of file systemUnmount ALL mounted file systems? (except /, /tmp, /usr) -OR-Unmount all REMOTELY mounted file systems? Mount a Group of File SystemsGROUP nameUnmount a Group of File SystemsGROUP nameList All File SystemsAdd a Journaled File SystemVolume Group NameVolume group nameSIZE of file system Unit SizeMegabytes,Gigabytes,512bytes512bytes,Megabytes,Gigabytes Number of unitsMOUNT POINTMount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart?PERMISSIONSChange / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File SystemFile System NameFile system nameNEW mount pointMount GROUPVolume group nameRemove a Journaled File SystemAdd a CDROM File SystemDEVICE nameChange / Show Characteristics of a CDROM File SystemAdd a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical VolumeLOGICAL VOLUME nameRemove a CDROM File Systemread only,read/writeMount OPTIONSDisallow DEVICE access via this mount?Disallow execution of SUID and sgid programs in this file system?Remove Mount PointStart Disk Accounting?Fragment Size (bytes)Number of bytes per inodeCompression algorithmDefragment a Journaled File SystemPerform, Query, or Report ?perform,query,reportAllocation Group Size (MBytes)Add a Standard Journaled File SystemAdd a Compressed Journaled File SystemAdd a Large File Enabled Journaled File SystemLarge File EnabledBlock Size (bytes)Inline Log?Inline Log size (MBytes)SIZE of snapshot Unit SizeMegabytes,Gigabytes,512bytes512bytes,Megabytes,Gigabytes Number of unitsCreate and back up a snapshotRemove Snapshot after back up completes?Remove Snapshot Logical Volume?Remove Snapshot Mount Point?SnapshotsSnapshot Mount PointSnapshot LocationCreate and back up a snapshot by nameCreate and back up a snapshot by inodeCreate directory for mount?Extended Attribute FormatVersion 1,Version 2Back up extended attributes?Logical Volume for LogdefaultRemove Deleted Snapshot Logical Volumes?Allow Small Inode Extents?Enable EFS?,Version 1,Version 2Reclaim free space from filesystem?ENABLE Quota Management?Quota TYPEUSER nameUser SETGroup SETQuotas-Enabled Enhanced Journaled FILE SYSTEM NameUNITS for Block Limit InformationBLOCK LIMIT Information, displayed in units ofBLOCK LIMIT InformationFILE LIMIT InformationBlocks currently IN USE Block Usage SOFT LIMIT Block Usage HARD LIMIT Block Usage GRACE PERIOD Block Usage Grace Period UNITSFiles currently IN USE File Usage SOFT LIMIT File Usage HARD LIMIT File Usage GRACE PERIOD File Usage Grace Period UNITSQuotas-enabled FILE SYSTEM NameNon Quotas-enabled FILE SYSTEM NameCALCULATE current disk block and file usage now?Enable or Disable quota Management?Stop or Restart quota limit Enforcement?Quotas-enabled file system SETPRINT HEADER LINES for each file system?DETAILED output?Limits Class IDLimits Class NAMEno,all,user,groupall,user,groupkilobytes,megabytes,gigabytesseconds,minutes,hours,daysenable,disablestop,restartuser,groupSnapshot NameCreate Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System in File SystemCreate Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System in New Logical VolumeRemove Internal Snapshot of an Enhanced Journaled File SystemRemove External Snapshot of an Enhanced Journaled File SystemRollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to an External SnapshotRollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to an Internal SnapshotCreate and backup an Internal snapshotCreate and backup an External snapshotAllow internal snapshots?Remove a ProcessSIGNAL typeSIGTERM,SIGKILLPROCESS IDShow all Current ProcessesShow Process StatusSet Initial Priority of a ProcessPRIORITY numberCOMMAND nameAlter the Priority of a Running ProcessPRIORITY incrementPROCESS ID1 no2 yesShow THREADS information ?Show all Current Processes and ThreadsBind a Process to a ProcessorPROCESS IDPROCESSOR IDUnbind a Processyes,noThis option will perform a backup by inode.This option will perform a backup by name.FILESYSTEM to backupBackup DEVICERestore DEVICEBackup LEVEL (0 for a full backup)RECORD backup in /etc/dumpdates?FILE or DIRECTORY to backupCurrent working DIRECTORYBackup LOCAL files only?VERBOSE output?PACK files?Target DIRECTORYFILE or DIRECTORY to restore(Leave blank to restore entire archive.)Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input operationBackup extended attributes?Restore extended attributes?Backup EFS attributes?yes,noSchedule a JobStop the SystemTIME the system goes down (in minutes from now)MESSAGE to all users on the systemSet System Run LevelSystem RUN LEVEL (M = Maintenance mode)0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,MINTERACTIVE shutdownRESTART the system after shutdownCOMMAND or SHELL SCRIPT (full pathname)YEARMONTHJan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,DecDAY (1-31)HOUR (0-23)MINUTES (0-59)SHELL to use for job executionKorn (ksh),Bourne (bsh),C (csh)List All Scheduled JobsRemove a Job from the ScheduleJOB NUMBER to removeBroadcast Message to all UsersMESSAGEChange Initial InterfaceUser NAMEUser NAME Initial Interface "desktop" = Desktop, window, and clock. "windows" = window and clock. "command line" = shell command line prompt. The Initial Interface is the interface that will come up on-screen immediately after the user logs in and enters a password.desktop,windows,command lineSystem ManagementInstallation and MaintenanceDevicesSystem Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)Security & UsersCommunications Applications and ServicesPrint SpoolingProblem DeterminationPerformance & Resource SchedulingSystem EnvironmentsApplicationsUsing SMIT (information only)Select the Keyboard Map for Next System RestartAssign the ConsoleChange / Show Date and TimeInstall and Update Optional Program ProductsInventory / Vital Product DataMaintenanceSet System Run LevelInstall/Configure Devices Added After IPLManage Local PrintersTTYPTYFixed DiskCD ROM DriveDiskette DriveTape DriveCommunicationLow Function Terminal (LFT)List All Supported DevicesList All Defined DevicesFile SystemsPaging SpaceLogical Volume ManagerUsersGroupsChange a User's PasswordStart a Print JobCancel a Print JobShow the Status of Print JobsPrioritize a Print JobSchedule JobsManage Local Printers, Queues, and Queue DevicesManage Remote Printer SubsystemError LogTraceSystem DumpHardware DiagnosticsVerify an Optional Program Product Report System ActivityList All Scheduled JobsSchedule a JobRemove a Job from the ScheduleStop the SystemChange / Show Date, Time, and Time ZoneChange Language EnvironmentChange / Show Number of Licensed UsersManage ProcessesBroadcast Message to all UsersList All Options on MediaList All Pending UpdatesInstall Optional Program Products with UpdatesInstall Optional Program ProductsCommit Verified Updates (Replace Previous Versions)Update Optional Program ProductsReject Updates and Use Previous VersionsList All Problems Fixed by UpdatesCreate Backup Format for Later InstallationClean up after Install FailureShow System LevelList All Defined DevicesList All Installed Optional Program ProductsShow History of an Optional Program ProductShow Prerequisites of an Optional Program ProductShow Dependencies of an Optional Program ProductShow ID of an Optional Program ProductShow Files Included in an Optional Program ProductPrinter/PlotterManage Local Printer SubsystemList All Defined TTYsAdd a TTYMove a TTY to Another PortChange / Show Characteristics of a TTYRemove a TTYConfigure a Defined TTYGenerate Error ReportTrace a TTYChange / Show Characteristics of the PTYRemove the PTY; Keep DefinitionConfigure the Defined PTYGenerate Error Report for the PTYTrace the PTYList All Defined DisksList All Supported DisksAdd a DiskChange / Show Characteristics of a DiskRemove a DiskConfigure a Defined DiskGenerate Error Report for a DiskTrace a DiskList All Defined CD ROM DrivesList All Supported CD ROM DrivesAdd a CD ROM DriveChange / Show Characteristics of CD ROM DriveRemove a CD ROM DriveConfigure a Defined CD ROM DriveGenerate an Error Report for a CD ROM DriveTrace a CD ROM DriveList All Defined Diskette DrivesAdd a Diskette DriveChange / Show Characteristics of a Diskette DriveRemove a Diskette DriveConfigure a Defined Diskette DriveGenerate Error Report for a Diskette DriveTrace a Diskette DriveList All Defined Tape DrivesList All Supported Tape DrivesAdd a Tape DriveChange / Show Characteristics of a Tape DriveRemove a Tape DriveConfigure a Defined Tape DriveGenerate an Error Report for a Tape DriveTrace a Tape DriveEthernet AdapterToken Ring AdapterMultiprotocol Adapter3270 Connection Adapter5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterX.25 AdapterKeyboardDisplaysFontsMouseTabletSpeakerVolume GroupsLogical VolumesPhysical VolumesList All File SystemsList All Mounted File SystemsAdd / Change / Show / Delete File SystemsJournaled File SystemsAdd a Journaled File SystemAdd a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical VolumeChange / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File SystemRemove a Journaled File SystemCDROM File SystemsAdd a CDROM File SystemChange / Show Characteristics of a CDROM File SystemRemove a CDROM File SystemMount a File SystemMount a Group of File SystemsUnmount a File SystemUnmount a Group of File SystemsBackup a File SystemRestore a File SystemVerify a File SystemList All Paging SpacesAdd Another Paging SpaceChange / Show Characteristics of a Paging SpaceRemove a Paging SpaceActivate a Paging SpaceList All UsersAdd a UserChange / Show Characteristics of a UserRemove a UserList All GroupsAdd a GroupChange / Show Characteristics of a GroupRemove a GroupGenerate an Error ReportClean the Error LogStart TraceStop TraceGenerate a Trace ReportChange the Primary Dump DeviceChange the Secondary Dump DeviceCopy a System Dump from a Dump Device to a FileFormat a System DumpShow All Current ProcessesRemove a ProcessList All Defined Printers/PlottersList All Supported Printers/PlottersAdd a Printer/PlotterMove a Printer/Plotter to Another PortChange / Show Characteristics of a Printer/PlotterRemove a Printer/PlotterConfigure a Defined Printer/PlotterGenerate an Error Report for Printers/PlottersTrace a Printer/PlotterVirtual PrintersQueuesQueue DevicesClient ServicesServer ServicesRemote Printer QueuesQueue DevicesHost Access for Printinglpd Remote Printer SubsystemList All QueuesAdd a Remote QueueChange / Show Characteristics of a QueueRemove a QueueList All Queue DevicesAdd Another Queue Device to an Existing QueueChange / Show Characteristics of a Queue DeviceRemove a Queue DeviceList all Remote Clients with Print AccessAdd Print Access for a Remote ClientRemove Print Access for a Remote ClientStart Using the Print Server SubsystemChange / Show Restart Characteristics of the Print Server SubsystemStop Using the Print Server SubsystemStart Trace on a TTYStop Trace on a TTYGenerate a Trace Report for a TTYStart Trace on the PTYStop Trace on the PTYGenerate a Trace Report for the PTYStart Trace on a CD ROM DriveStop Trace on a CD ROM DriveGenerate a Trace Report for a CD ROM DriveStart Trace on a Diskette DriveStop Trace on a Diskette DriveGenerate a Trace Report for a Diskette DriveStart Trace on a Tape DriveStop Trace on a Tape DriveGenerate a Trace Report for a Tape DriveAdapterServicesUser ApplicationsData Link ControlAdd a Data Link ControlShow a Data Link ControlRemove a Data Link ControlSwap Available Keyboard MapsRemap a Key on the KeyboardList Current Software Keyboard Map for LFTAdd a New Keyboard MapChange the Keyboard RateChange the Keyboard ClickGenerate an Error Report for the KeyboardTrace the KeyboardAssign a Single Character to a KeyAssign a Function to a KeyAssign a String to a KeyAssign a Non-Spacing Character to a KeyList All Displays Available to the LFTSelect the Background & Foreground ColorsSelect the Palette ColorsSelect the Cursor ShapeSelect the Default DisplayGenerate Error Report on a DisplayTrace a DisplayList All Fonts in the SystemSelect the Active Font for Next System RestartSelect the Font PaletteAdd a Font to the SystemGenerate Error Report on the MouseTrace the MouseGenerate an Error Report for the TabletTrace the TabletSet the Speaker VolumeGenerate Error Report on the SpeakerTrace the SpeakerList All Volume GroupsAdd a Volume GroupSet Characteristics of a Volume GroupList Contents of a Volume GroupRemove a Volume GroupActivate a Volume GroupDeactivate a Volume GroupList All Logical Volumes by Volume GroupAdd a Logical VolumeSet Characteristic of a Logical VolumeShow Characteristics of a Logical VolumeRemove a Logical VolumeCopy a Logical VolumeList All Physical Volumes in SystemChange Characteristics of a Physical VolumeMove Contents of a Physical VolumeStart Trace on a Printer/PlotterStop Trace on a Printer/PlotterGenerate a Trace Report for a Printer/PlotterAdd a Virtual PrinterChange / Show Printer Attribute Database (Virtual Printers)Remove a Virtual PrinterStop a Print QueueStart a Print QueueAdd a QueueAdd a Queue Device to an Existing QueueList All Ethernet AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of an Ethernet AdapterGenerate an Error Report for an Ethernet AdapterTrace an Ethernet AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface DriverList All Token Ring AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of a Token Ring AdapterGenerate an Error Report for a Token Ring AdapterTrace a Token Ring AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface DriverList All Defined Multiprotocol PortsAdd a Multiprotocol PortMove a Multiprotocol Port Definition to Another PortChange / Show Characteristics of a Multiprotocol PortRemove a Multiprotocol PortConfigure a Defined Multiprotocol PortGenerate an Error Report for a Multiprotocol PortTrace a Multiprotocol PortList All 3270 Connection AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of a 3270 Connection AdapterGenerate an Error Report for a 3270 Connection AdapterTrace a 3270 Connection AdapterList All 5085/86/88 Attachment AdaptersAdd a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterRemove a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterConfigure a Defined 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterGenerate an Error Report for a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterTrace a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterChange / Show an X.25 Adapter for InitializationList All X.25 AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of an X.25 AdapterChange / Show Network ParametersChange / Show Packet ParametersChange / Show Frame ParametersChange / Show Default for Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVC)Change / Show a Specific Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)Change / Show General ParametersGenerate an Error Report for an X.25 AdapterTrace an X.25 AdapterStart Trace on the KeyboardStop Trace on the KeyboardGenerate a Trace Report for the KeyboardStart Trace on a DisplayStop Trace on a DisplayGenerate a Trace Report for a DisplayStart Trace on a DiskStop Trace on a DiskGenerate a Trace Report for a DiskStart Trace on the MouseStop Trace on the MouseGenerate a Trace Report for the MouseStart Trace on the TabletStop Trace on the TabletGenerate a Trace Report for the TabletStart Trace on the SpeakerStop Trace on the SpeakerGenerate a Trace Report for the SpeakerChange a Volume GroupAdd a Physical Volume to a Volume GroupRemove a Physical Volume from a Volume GroupReorganize a Volume GroupImport a Volume GroupExport a Volume GroupChange a Logical VolumeRename a Logical VolumeIncrease the Size of a Logical VolumeAdd a Copy to a Logical VolumeRemove a Copy from a Logical VolumeStart Trace on an Ethernet AdapterStop Trace on an Ethernet AdapterGenerate a Trace Report for an Ethernet AdapterStart Trace on a Token Ring AdapterStop Trace on a Token Ring AdapterGenerate a Trace Report for a Token Ring AdapterStart Trace on a Multiprotocol PortStop Trace on a Multiprotocol PortGenerate a Trace Report for a Multiprotocol PortStart Trace on a 3270 Connection AdapterStop Trace on a 3270 Connection AdapterGenerate a Trace Report for a 3270 Connection AdapterStart Trace on a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterStop Trace on a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterGenerate a Trace Report for a 5085/86/88 Attachment AdapterStart Trace on an X.25 AdapterStop Trace on an X.25 AdapterGenerate a Trace Report for an X.25 Adapter__ROOT__SYSTEM STARTUP MENU Your Base Operating System has been installed. You can now perform any of the options below.Backup SystemOptional Program ProductsTCP/IPNFSStart NFSAdd a File System for MountingAdd a PrinterChange a PrinterList PrintersChange a TTYList TTYsList DisksList CD ROM DrivesList Diskette DrivesList Tape DrivesAdd a Communications AdapterChange a Communications AdapterList Communications AdaptersRemove a Communications AdapterList Volume GroupsReduce a Volume GroupAdd a File SystemChange a File SystemRemove a File SystemAdminister a QueueAdd a Print QueueAdd a Queue DeviceSystem Controlled ProcessesSelect the Display SizeStart NOWStart at Next System RESTARTStart BOTH Now and at System RestartStop NOWStop at Next System RESTARTStop BOTH Now and at System RestartList Contents of a Physical VolumeTCP/IP StartupAdd the Hostname for a Remote ServerShow Current Dump DevicesShow Information About the Previous System DumpStart a Dump to the Primary Dump DeviceStart a Dump to the Secondary Dump DeviceCopy a System Dump from a Dump Device to DisketteDefine a Fixed Disk to the Operating SystemAdd a Fixed Disk to an Existing GroupAdd a Fixed Disk Without Data to a New GroupAdd a Fixed Disk With DataConsoleAssign the ConsoleRedirect Console OutputSynchronize a Volume GroupAdd a Dials/LPFKeysChange / Show Characteristics of a Dials/LPFKeysRemove a Dials/LPFKeysConfigure a Defined Dials/LPFKeysGenerate an Error ReportTrace a Dials/LPFKeysDials/LPFKeysList All Defined Dials/LPFKeysSelect the Fonts to Load on Next System RestartTerminalsMultimediaList All Audio Capture & Playback AdaptersChange/Show Characteristics of an ACPAGenerate an Error ReportTrace an ACPASCSI AdapterSCSI Initiator DeviceList All SCSI AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of a SCSI AdapterTrace a SCSI AdapterList All Defined SCSI Initiator DevicesList All Supported SCSI Initiator DevicesAdd a SCSI Initiator DeviceChange / Show Characteristics of a SCSI Initiator DeviceRemove a SCSI Initiator DeviceConfigure a Defined SCSI Initiator DeviceTrace a SCSI Initiator DeviceChange / Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I/ORemove Asynchronous I/O; Keep DefinitionConfigure Defined Asynchronous I/OAsynchronous I/OResource Status & MonitorsAnalysis ToolsResource ControlsShow Process StatusShow Virtual Memory StatisticsShow Input/Output StatisticsShow System Activity While Running a CommandTraceRemove a ProcessSet Initial Priority of a ProcessAlter the Priority of a Running ProcessMultimediaShow Characteristics of a Supported DeviceShow Characteristics of a Defined DeviceAudioVideoList All Audio Capture & Playback AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of an ACPATrace an ACPAClean Up After a Failed InstallationCommit Software (Remove Previous Version)Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future InstallationDiskless Workstation ManagementEnable Software for a ClientInstall / Update SoftwareInstall SoftwareList All Installed SoftwareList All Installed UpdatesList All Problems Fixed by Software on Installation MediaList All Software on Installation MediaList All Uncommitted SoftwareList Dependents of a Software ProductList Files Included in a Software ProductList Prerequisites of a Software ProductManage Software InventoryReject Uncommitted Software (Use Previous Version)Show History of a Software ProductShow ID of a Software ProductSoftware Installation & MaintenanceSoftware InventoryStandard Installation & MaintenanceSystem MaintenanceVerify Consistent Installation LevelVerify a Software ProductList Devices370 Parallel ChannelList all 370 Parallel Channel AdaptersChange/Show Characteristics of a 370 Parallel Channel AdapterTrace a 370 Parallel Channel AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of the Error LogPrinter/Plotter DevicesLocal Queue DevicesAdd Another Local Queue Device to an Existing QueueComplete Initial Network Configuration of an X.25 AdapterTrace Asynchronous I/OBackup the SystemPasswordsRemote Printer Queue DevicesChange the Keyboard Map for the Next System RestartManage FontsConvert FilesOptional Software ProductsSoftware Configuration MigrationManage Language EnvironmentList Software ConfigurationSave Software ConfigurationRestore Software ConfigurationMove Configuration Files to Permanent DirectoryLocal Print DevicesChange / Show Restart Characteristics of the lpd SubsystemValidate SoftwareProcesses & SubsystemsProcessesConvert System MessagesConvert Flat FilesStop a Single SubsystemChange Initial Priority of a ProcessInstall / Maintain SoftwareList All Applied but Not Committed SoftwareCommit Applied Software (Remove Previous Version)Reject Applied Software (Use Previous Version)Install Software With UpdatesInstall Software Without UpdatesUpdate SoftwareFinish Incomplete Client InstallationList All Updates to a Software ProductAdd a Keyboard MapMove the LFT to Another DisplayGraphic DisplaysList All Jobs ScheduledStart Daemons on ServerStart BOOTP DaemonConfigure NFS (if Not Already Configured)Manage Shared Product Object Trees (SPOTs)List all SPOTsList All Clients on a SPOTShow Characteristics of a SPOTAdd a SPOTRemove a SPOTManage ClientsAdd a Diskless ClientChange / Show Client SPOTChange / Show Characteristics of a ClientRemove a Diskless ClientList All Diskless ClientsSoftware ProductsFDDI AdapterList All FDDI AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of a FDDI AdapterTrace a FDDI AdapterInstall Updates OnlyAdd a HostStart TFTP DaemonReject Applied Updates (Use Previous Version)Remove Applied Software ProductsRemote /usr Client ManagementInstall / Update This Client From Remote /usrDiskless Client ManagementInstall / Update This Client From Remote ServerSelect the Display Refresh RateList All Multimedia Video Capture AdaptersChange/Show Characteristics of an M-VCATrace an M-VCAMove Print JobsHold / Release Print JobsShow Estimated Dump SizeChange the Directory to which Dump is Copied on BootFiles & DirectoriesList Contents of a BackupBackup a File or DirectoryRestore a File or DirectoryRead/Write Optical DriveList All Defined R/W Optical DrivesList All Supported R/W Optical DrivesAdd a R/W Optical DriveChange / Show Characteristics of R/W Optical DriveRemove a R/W Optical DriveConfigure a Defined R/W Optical DriveGenerate an Error Report for a R/W Optical DriveTrace a R/W Optical DriveR/W Optical File SystemsAdd a R/W Optical File SystemChange / Show Characteristics of a R/W Optical File SystemRemove a R/W Optical File SystemStart Trace on a R/W Optical DriveStop Trace on a R/W Optical DriveGenerate a Trace Report for a R/W Optical DriveList R/W Optical DrivesManage Print JobsShow the Status of Print JobHold / Release a Print JobManage Print QueuesShow Status of Print QueuesSet the System's Default Print QueueList All Print QueuesChange / Show Print Queue CharacteristicsRemove a Print QueueManage Print ServerShow Status of the Print Server SubsystemProgramming ToolsQueues and Queue DevicesMove a Job Between Print QueuesAdd an Additional Printer to an Existing Print QueueChange / Show Printer Connection CharacteristicsStart the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon)Stop the Print Server SubsystemLogin ControlsChange / Show Password Attributes for a UserLock / Unlock a User's AccountChange / Show Login Attributes for a PortChange / Show Login Attributes for a UserBind a Process to a ProcessorUnbind a ProcessShow Lock StatisticsGraphic Input DevicesChange / Show Characteristics of the KeyboardWork With LFT Software KeyboardSoftware KeyboardInstall Additional Printer/Plotter SoftwareInstall Additional Device SoftwareManage System LogsSpaceball(TM)Add SpaceballRemove SpaceballList All Graphics Adapters AvailableSelect the Display TypeSelect the Display Resolution and Refresh RateChanges will become effective at next system restartDisplay Power ManagementReset User's Failed Login CountList All G10 Graphics with Motion Video AdaptersAdd a G10 Graphics with Motion Video AdapterRemove a G10 Graphics with Motion Video AdapterConfigure a G10 Graphics with Motion Video AdapterTrace a G10 Graphics with Motion Video AdapterG10 Graphics with Motion Video AdapterPATHNAME of consoleEnable for LOGINPATHNAME of console outputDisk ArrayChange / Show Characteristics of System DumpAdd a Compressed Journaled File SystemAdd a Large File Enabled Journaled File SystemAdd a Standard Journaled File SystemRolesAdd a RoleChange / Show Characteristics of a RoleRemove a RoleList All RolesPATHNAME of console LOG FILESIZE of console LOG FILEConsole log VERBOSITYConsole tag VERBOSITYShow the Console Log FileManage Remote Reboot FacilityDeactivate a Paging SpaceEnhanced Journaled File SystemsAdd an Enhanced Journaled File SystemAdd an Enhanced Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical VolumeChange / Show Characteristics of an Enhanced Journaled File SystemRemove an Enhanced Journaled File SystemDefragment an Enhanced Journaled File SystemList Snapshots for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemCreate Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemMount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemRemove Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemUnmount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemChange Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemCreate Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical VolumeCreate and back up a snapshotRollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to a SnapshotManage Quotas for Enhanced Journaled File SystemsChange / Show Quota Limits for a UserChange / Show Quota Limits for a GroupList Quota Usage for UsersList Quota Usage for GroupsManage Quotas for an Enhanced Journaled File SystemEnable / Disable Quota ManagementStop / Restart Quota Limits EnforcementList Quota UsageRecalculate Current Disk Block and File Usage StatisticsAdd a Limits ClassChange / Show Characteristics of a Limits ClassMake a Limits Class the Default Limits for a File SystemAssign a User or Group to a Limits ClassList Limits Classes for a File SystemRemove a Limits ClassBackup / Restore Limits Information for a File SystemChange the Type of DumpChange the Full Memory Dump ModeSystem Password PolicyPassword AlgorithmDefault MIN. LENGTHDefault MIN. ALPHA charactersDefault MIN. OTHER charactersDefault MAX. REPEATED charactersDefault MIN. DIFFERENT charactersChange / Show Characteristics of pureScale logging of the Error LogDefault MIN. LOWER ALPHA charactersDefault MIN. UPPER ALPHA charactersDefault MIN. DIGITSDefault MIN. SPECIAL charactersParent AdapterParent adapterPORT numberPort numberCONNECTION addressConnection addressDescriptionStatusLocationKEEP definition in databaseApply change to DATABASE onlyyes,notrue,falseon,offDevice typeDevice interfaceDevice InterfaceDevice ClassDevice TypeDefined Devicesavailable,definedNOTE: A selection of "none" configures devices added after IPL without the installation of softwarenoneenable,disableParent NamePrinter/PlotterPrinter/Plotter TypePrinter/Plotter typePrinter/Plotter interface Ignore the following attributes when using the Print Queue: none,even,oddstandard,convergedPrinter/Plotter InterfaceTTYTTY TypeTTY typeTTY interfacenone,even,odd,mark,spaceenable,disable,share,delay POSIX special control characters: no,reboot,dumpavailable,definednone,ibm3161-C,vt220ACPA AdapterDiskDisk TypeDisk typeDisk interfaceCannot add this type of disk.Physical volume IDENTIFIERASSIGN physical volume identifierParent ControllerCD ROM DriveCD ROM Drive TypeCD ROM Drive typeCD ROM Drive interfaceR/W Optical DriveR/W Optical Drive TypeR/W Optical Drive typeR/W Optical Drive interfaceDiskette Drive3.5inch,5.25inch,3.5inch4MbTape DriveTape Drive TypeTape Drive typeTape Drive interfaceEthernet Adapterbnc,dixToken Ring AdapterDials/LPFKeysDials/LPFKeys TypeDials/LPFKeys interfaceChange / Show Characteristics of Operating Systemsecure,compatibleSCSI Initiator Device TypeSCSI Initiator Device typeX.25 CoProcessor/1 AdapterList All X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdaptersManage Device Drivers for X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdaptersTrace an X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdapterAdd a X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdapterChange / Show Characteristics of a X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdapterRemove a X.25 CoProcessor/1 AdapterX25 Adapter TypeParent BusISA Virtual ConnectionISA Interrupt LevelInterrupt PriorityBus IO AddressBus Memory AddressWindow SizeConfigure a Defined X25 AdapterUnconfigure any Child DevicesConfigure/Unconfigure DevicesUnconfigure a DeviceConfigure a Defined DeviceDevice NamePCI Hot Plug ManagerList PCI Hot Plug SlotsAdd a PCI Hot Plug AdapterReplace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug AdapterIdentify a PCI Hot Plug SlotOperationreplace,removePCI SlotMPIO ManagementMPIO Path ManagementList/Export PathsList/Export All PathsList All Paths for a DeviceList All Paths under a ParentEnable PathsEnable Selected or All PathsEnable Paths for a DeviceEnable Paths under a ParentConfigure PathsConfigure Selected or All PathsConfigure Paths for a DeviceConfigure Paths under a ParentAdd a PathChange/Show Path CharacteristicsChange/Show Characteristics for a PathChange/Show Characteristics for a Device's PathChange/Show Characteristics for a Parent's PathDisable PathsDisable Selected or All PathsDisable Paths for a DeviceDisable Paths under a ParentRemove PathsRemove a PathRemove a Path for a DeviceRemove Paths under a ParentMPIO Device ManagementList All MPIO DevicesList MPIO Devices Under a ParentList Parents for an MPIO DeviceChange/Show MPIO Device CharacteristicsConfigure an MPIO DeviceRemove an MPIO DevicePath Management for an MPIO DeviceMPIO Parent ManagementList All Parents for All MPIO DevicesPath Management for a ParentPath Status to DisplayField by which to sortExport File NamePaths to EnablePaths to ConfigurePathAutomatically add pathsConnectionPaths to DisablePath to RemovePaths to RemoveAll PathsAll,Enabled,Disabled,Defined,Available,MissingDevice Name,Path Status,Parent NameAllReservation ToolQuery Reservation StatusQuery Persistent Reservation ValuesRelease a single path or persistent reservationVirtual Target DevicesList All Virtual Target DevicesList All Virtual I/O AdaptersAdd a Virtual Target Device for a Logical VolumeAdd a Virtual Target Device for a Physical DiskConfigure a Virtual Target DeviceRemove a Virtual Target DeviceLogical Volume NameVirtual SCSI Host Adapter NameVirtual Target Device NameDisk NameCryptographic AdaptersList All Cryptographic AdaptersChange / Show Characteristics of an Cryptographic AdapterTrace a Cryptographic AdapterCryptographic AdapterList All Paging SpacesAdd Another Paging SpaceVOLUME GROUP nameVolume group nameSIZE of paging space (in logical partitions)PHYSICAL VOLUME nameStart using this paging space NOW?Use this paging space each time the system is RESTARTED?Change / Show Characteristics of a Paging SpacePAGING SPACE namePaging space namePhysical volume nameRemove a Paging SpaceActivate a Paging SpaceNUMBER of additional logical partitionsDeactivate a Paging SpaceOr NUMBER of logical partitions to removeChecksum SizeChange / Show Number of Licensed UsersMaximum number of FIXED licensesFLOATING licensingon,offNumber of AVAILABLE FIXED licensesIMMEDIATELY update AVAILABLE FIXED licensesno,yesChange / Show Date, Time, & Time ZoneUse DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME?CUT (Coordinated Universal Time) Time Zone# Does this time zone go on # DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME? # 1 yes2 no(CUT0GDT) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0BST) United Kingdom (CUT) (AZOREST1AZOREDT) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2FALKDT) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3GRNLNDDT) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4ADT) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5EDT) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6CDT) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7MDT) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8PDT) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9ADT) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10HDT) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11BDT) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12NZDT) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11METDT) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10EETDT) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9JDT) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9KORDT) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8WAUDT) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8TAIDT) Taiwan (CUT +8) (BEIST-8BEIDT) Peoples Rep. China (CUT +8) (THAIST-7THAIDT) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6NOVDT) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5PAKDT) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4WDT) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-2MEDT) Turkey (CUT +2) (SAUST-3SAUDT) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (WET-2WET) Finland (CUT +2) (USAST-2USADT) South Africa (CUT +2) (NFT-1DFT) Norway; France (CUT +1)(CUT0) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0) United Kingdom (CUT) (AZOREST1) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11M) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10E) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8) Taiwan (CUT +8) (BEIST-8) Peoples Rep. China (CUT +8) (THAIST-7) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-2) Turkey (CUT +2) (SAUST-3) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (WET-2) Finland (CUT +2) (USAST-2) South Africa (CUT +2) (NFT-1) Norway; France (CUT +1)Any changes made to the time zone will take effect at the next system boot.YEAR (00-99)MONTH (01-12)DAY (01-31) HOUR (00-23)MINUTES (00-59)SECONDS (00-59)Time zoneDoes this time zone go on daylight savings time? yesnoOld time zoneChange / Show Date & Time(CUT0) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0) United Kingdom (CUT) (AZOREST1) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8) Taiwan (CUT +8) (BEIST-8) Peoples Rep. China (CUT +8) (THAIST-7) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-2) Turkey (CUT +2) (SAUST-3) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (WET-2) Finland (CUT +2) (USAST-2) South Africa (CUT +2) (NFT-1) Norway; France (CUT +1)Day Light Savings Time Offset from CUT([+|-]HH:MM:SS)Start Daylight Savings Day([Mmm.ww.dd|Jn])Start Daylight Savings Time(HH:MM:SS)Stop Daylight Savings Day([Mmm.ww.dd|Jn])Stop Daylight Savings Time(HH:MM:SS)Standard Time ID(only alphabets)Standard Time Offset from CUT([+|-]HH:MM:SS)Day Light Savings Time ID(only alphabets)Change Time Zone Using System Defined ValuesChange Time Zone Using User Inputted ValuesChange Time Zone(CUT0GDT) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0BST) United Kingdom (CUT) (WET0WEST) Western Europe (CUT) (AZOREST1AZOREDT) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2FALKDT) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3GRNLNDDT) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4ADT) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5EDT) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6CDT) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7MDT) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8PDT) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9ADT) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10HDT) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11BDT) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12NZDT) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11METDT) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10EETDT) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9JDT) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9KORDT) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8WAUDT) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8TAIDT) Taiwan (CUT +8) (BEIST-8BEIDT) Peoples Rep. China (CUT +8) (THAIST-7THAIDT) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6NOVDT) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5PAKDT) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4WDT) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-2MEDT) Turkey (CUT +2) (SAUST-3SAUDT) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (EET-2EEST) Eastern Europe (CUT +2) (USAST-2USADT) South Africa (CUT +2) (CET-1CEST) Central Europe (CUT +1)(CUT0) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0) United Kingdom (CUT) (WET0) Western Europe (CUT) (AZOREST1) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8) Taiwan (CUT +8) (BEIST-8) Peoples Rep. China (CUT +8) (THAIST-7) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-2) Turkey (CUT +2) (SAUST-3) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (EET-2) Eastern Europe (CUT +2) (USAST-2) South Africa (CUT +2) (CET-1) Central Europe (CUT +1)Select COUNTRY or REGIONTIME ZONE nameOFFSET from Greenwich Mean TimeTime Zone DESCRIPTIONNFSNFSConfigure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured)Network File System (NFS)Configure NFS on This SystemAdd a Directory to Exports ListChange / Show Attributes of an Exported DirectoryRemove a Directory from Exports ListAdd a File System for MountingChange / Show Attributes of a NFS File SystemRemove an NFS File SystemStart NFSStop NFSChange Number of nfsd, biod, lockd DaemonsStart AutomounterStop AutomounterStart NFSStop NFSChange Number of nfsd, biod, and lockd DaemonsAdd a Directory to Exports ListChange / Show Attributes of an Exported DirectoryChange Attributes of an Exported DirectoryRemove a Directory from Exports ListRemove a Directory from Exports ListAdd a File System for MountingChange / Show Attributes of an NFS File SystemChange / Show Attributes of an NFS File SystemRemove an NFS File SystemRemove an NFS File SystemStart AutomounterStop AutomounterSTART NFS now, on system restart or bothSTOP NFS now, system restart or bothNUMBER of nfsd (Server) daemons to runNUMBER of biod (Client) daemons to runCHANGE number now, system restart or bothPathname of directory to export Mode to export directory Hostname list. If exported read-mostlyAnonymous UID Hosts allowed root access Hosts & netgroups allowed client accessSecurity methodExport directory now, system restart or bothPathname of exported directoryPathname of directory to exportMODE to export directoryForce? (Only if exported NFS V4)Anonymous UIDHOSTS allowed root accessHOSTS & NETGROUPS allowed client accessUse SECURE OPTION?Change export now, system restart or bothPathname of exported directory to be removedPathname of directory to be removed from the NFS exports listRemove export now, system restart or bothPathname of mount pointPathname of remote directoryHost where remote directory residesMount type nameSecurity methodMount now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both?Mode for this NFS file systemAttempt mount in foreground or backgroundNumber of times to attempt mountBuffer size for readBuffer size for writesNFS timeout. In tenths of a secondInternet port number for serverMount file system soft or hardAllow keyboard interrupts on hard mounts?Minimum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modificationMaximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modificationMinimum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modificationMaximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modificationMinimum & maximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after any modificationThe maximum number of biod daemons allowed to work on this file systemPathname of NFS directoryPathname of mount pointPathname of remote directoryHost where remote directory residesMount type nameSecurity methodRemount file system now, update /etc/filesystems or both?Mode for this NFS file systemAttempt mount in background or foreground?Number of times to attempt mountBuffer size for readBuffer size for writesNFS timeout. In tenths of a secondInternet port number for serverMount file system soft or hardAllow keyboard interrupts on hard mounts?Minimum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modificationMaximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modificationMinimum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modificationMaximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modificationMinimum & maximum time, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after any modificationThe maximum number of biod daemons allowed to work on this file systemPathname of mount pointPathname of mount pointRemove entry from /etc/filesystems, unmount now, or both?Network Information Service (NIS)Network Information Service (NIS)Change NIS Domain Name of this HostConfigure / Modify NISStart / Stop Configured NIS DaemonsManage NIS MapsConfigure this Host as a NIS Master ServerConfigure this Host as a NIS Slave ServerConfigure this Host as a NIS ClientChange / Show Characteristics of Master Server ConfigurationChange / Show Characteristics of Slave Server ConfigurationRemove NIS Server Configuration from this HostRemove NIS Client Configuration from this HostTransfer Maps to Slave ServersRetrieve Maps from Master Server for this SlaveBuild / Rebuild Maps for this Master ServerStart the Server Daemon, ypservStart the Client Daemon, ypbindStart the yppasswdd DaemonStart the ypupdated DaemonStop the Server Daemon, ypservStop the Client Daemon, ypbindStop the yppasswdd DaemonStop the ypupdated DaemonChange NIS Domain Name of this HostConfigure this Host as a NIS Master ServerConfigure this Host as a NIS Slave ServerConfigure this Host as a NIS ClientRemove NIS Server Configuration from this HostRemove NIS Client Configuration from this HostChange / Show Characteristics of Master ServerChange / Show Characteristics of Slave ServerTransfer Maps to Slave ServersRetrieve Maps from Master Server for this SlaveBuild / Rebuild NIS Maps for this Master ServerStart the Server Daemon, ypservStart the Client Daemon, ypbindStart the yppasswdd DaemonStart the ypupdated DaemonStop the Server Daemon, ypservStop the Client Daemon, ypbindStop the yppasswdd DaemonStop the ypupdated DaemonDomain name of this hostCHANGE domain name take effect now, at system restart or both?HOSTS that will be slave serversCan existing MAPS for the domain be overwritten?EXIT on errors, when creating master server?START the yppasswdd daemon?START the ypupdated daemon?START the ypbind daemon?START the master server now, at system restart, or both?HOSTNAME of the master serverCan existing MAPS for the domain be overwritten?START the slave server now, at system restart, or both?START the NIS client now, at system restart, or both?HOSTS that are slave serversCurrent domain name of this hostDomains being served by this masterSTART the yppasswdd daemon?START the ypupdated daemon?START the ypbind daemon?CHANGE server now, at system restart or both?Domain Name that this slave is servingHostname of master server for this slave serverCan existing MAPS for the domain be overwritten?The NIS server configuration will be removed from this host now & for every system restartThe NIS Client configuration will be removed now & for every system restartDomain name for these mapsMaps to be transfered to slavesName of the MAP to be transferedDOMAIN name of the mapsHOSTNAME of the master serverFORCE the transfer?MAPS that are to be builtConfigure Secure NFS & NISStart Keyserv DaemonStop Keyserv DaemonAdd / Change Keys for UsersStart the Keyserv DaemonStop the Keyserv DaemonAdd / Change Keys for UsersSTART the keyserv daemon now, at system restart or bothSTOP the keyserv daemon now, at system restart or bothUSER that is to have a key created or changedPARAMETERS to be used for the automount daemonConfigure HA-NFS on This SystemStop HA-NFS daemonsConfigure and Start HA-NFSStop HA-NFSConfigure a Primary ServerConfigure a Backup ServerHOSTNAME of this systemHOSTNAME of the twin systemPrimary NETWORK ADAPTER locationSecondary NETWORK ADAPTER locationFirst Primary DISK ADAPTER locationSecond Primary DISK ADAPTER locationFirst Secondary DISK ADAPTER locationSecond Secondary DISK ADAPTER locationUDP PORT numberLOGFILE to useEXPORTS FILE to useTIMEOUT periodGRACE PERIOD valueNumber of PINGS for failure detectionSTART HA-NFS now and at system restart, or only at system restartSTOP HA-NFS now and at system restart, or only at system restartPathname of alternate exports file/etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system restart./etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system restart.Allow execution of setuid and setgid programs in this file system?Allow device access via this mount?Server supports long device numbers?Adapter CONNECTORAdapter card SCSI IDApply change to DATABASE onlyAvailable Network InterfacesChange/Show Characteristics of a Network AdapterChange/Show Characteristics of a SCSI AdapterChange/Show Characteristics of a Token Ring AdapterChange/Show Characteristics of an Ethernet AdapterChange/Show State of a Network InterfaceConfigure Devices and InterfacesConfigure HA-NFS DaemonsConfigure HA-NFSConfigure Primary Network InterfaceConfigure Secondary Network InterfaceConfigure a Defined DiskCurrent StateDOMAIN NameDefault GATEWAY AddressDescriptionEnable ALTERNATE ETHERNET addressEnable ALTERNATE TOKEN RING addressEnable TARGET MODE interfaceEthernet AdapterHOSTNAMEHardware addressHighly Available NFS (HA-NFS)Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal)LocationMinimum Configuration & StartupMinimum Configuration & Startup To Delete existing configuration data, please use Further Configuration menusName of adapter code download fileNetwork INTERFACENetwork INTERFACE NAMESERVERNetwork Interface NameNetwork MASK (dotted decimal)PRIMARY IP ADDRESS of the twinPrimary DISK ADAPTER locationsPrimary NETWORK ADAPTER locationREMOVE HA-NFS now and at system restart, or only at system restartRING speedRemove HA-NFSSCSI AdaptersSECONDARY IP ADDRESS of the twinSTART HA-NFSSTART TCP/IP daemons NowSTOP HA-NFSSecondary DISK ADAPTER locationsStart HA-NFSStatusTarget Mode interface enabledToken Ring AdapterYour CABLE Type(dotted decimal or symbolic name)ALTERNATE ETHERNET addressALTERNATE TOKEN RING addressEthernet AdaptersToken Ring Adaptersboth,now,restartnow,restart,bothread-write,read-only,read-mostlyno,yesboth,restart,nownow,both,filesystemsread-write,read-onlybackground,foregroundhard,softyes,noboth,filesystems,nowalldetach,up,downboth,restartnowsoft,hardQuit if errors are encountered?Over write NIS map files?Allow access by NFS versionsNFS version for this NFS filesystemIP protocol to useany,tcp,udpany|2|3|4Public filesystem?no,yesExternal name of directory (NFS V4 access only)Cache FSCacheFS AdministrationCacheFS MountingCacheFS StatisticsCacheFS FSCKCacheFS LoggingCacheFS Workspace SizeCreate a Cache File SystemRemove a Cache File SystemList Cache File SystemsRun a Consistency CheckUpdate CacheFS Resource AllocationsOptionsMaximum BlocksMaximum Blocks (Percentage)Minimum BlocksMinimum Blocks (Percentage)Threshold BlocksThreshold Blocks (Percentage)Maximum FilesMaximum Files (Percentage)Minimum FilesMinimum Files (Percentage)Threshold FilesThreshold Files (Percentage)Cache DirectoryCache ID to removeallCache NameCache NameFile Systems to CheckallBack Filesystem to UseBack Filesystem TypeNFSCD ROMMount OptionsMount PointNFS Server NameRemote Filesystem NameReset statisticsyesnoFile System to CheckCheck Logging of a FilesystemStart/Change Logging of a FilesystemHalt Logging of a FilesystemFile System to CheckFilesystemLog FilenameFilesystemLog FileChange / Show Attributes of a Cache File SystemMaximum File Size (Megabytes)Pathname of cache directoryMount backing to an NFS filesystemMount backing to a CDROM filesystemBack filesystem to use (if already mounted)CDROM deviceShow logging of a filesystemTransport protocol to useany,2,3,4NIS server - required if there are no NIS servers on this subnetBind Client to a ServerNIS ServerChange / Show Characteristics of Client ConfigurationUse acls on this mount?Number of NFS retransmitsExchange POSIX pathconf information?Inherit group IDs?Add DES credentials for NIS+ principals?Add DES credentials to the root domainAdd LOCAL credentials to the root domainAdd NIS+ userAdd new member to existing NIS+ groupAuthentication level for NIS+ daemonChange NIS+ Domain Name of this hostClear the keysClient hostname with credentials to addConfigure / Modify NIS+Configure this host as a NIS+ Client Configure this host as a NIS+ Master ServerCreate and initialize NIS+ client?Create client credentials on the serverCreate new NIS+ groupDelete NIS+ groupDelete NIS+ userDirectory from which NIS+ files populatedDirectory nameDomain name of this NIS+ hostDomain nameEmulate NIS(yp) dns resolver service?Emulate NIS(yp) service?Hostname of NIS(yp) serverHostname of NIS+ serverIP address of NIS(yp) serverIP address of NIS+ serverInitialize a NIS+ user?List members of NIS+ groupList root directory contentsManage configured NIS+ daemonsMember to delete from groupNIS(yp) domainNIS+ Domain name of this hostNIS+ administration commandsNIS+ credential administrationNIS+ group administrationNIS+ group to createNIS+ group to deleteNIS+ groupnameNIS+ new member to add to groupNIS+ root directory administrationNIS+ server hostNIS+ user administrationNIS+ user to deleteName of NIS+ group to deleteName of existing NIS+ groupName of new NIS+ groupNetwork Information Service Plus (NIS+)New member to add to groupOverwrite existing cred entries?Overwrite local NIS maps?Populate NIS+ tables from a NIS(yp) server?Populate NIS+ tables from local files?Populate the NIS+ cred table using DES?Populate the Root Master Server TablesPopulate from system filesPopulate from NIS mapsPrincipal-namePublic key administrationRemove NIS+ Client Configuration from this hostRemove NIS+ Server Configuration from this hostRemove credential information from this local domainRemove member from NIS+ groupRemove member from existing NIS+ groupSecure-RPC-netnameServer nameSet up for NIS(yp) compatibility?Set up replica server on hostname?Show contents of root directory objectsStart / Stop NIS+ daemonStart / Stop cachemgr daemonStart / Stop nispasswd daemonStart NIS+ daemonStart cachemgr daemonStart nispasswdd daemonStop NIS+ daemonStop cachemgr daemonStop nispasswdd daemonType of NIS+ master serverType of user to create?Update IP address of one serverUpdate IP addresses of servers of a domainUpdate NIS+ files?Update current domain's public keysUpdate keys of a server for current domainUpdate keys of all directory objects served by a serverUpdate keys of directory object for a given directoryVerbose mode?Where to delete?Authentication level for NIS+ clientSTART the NIS+ daemon now, at system restart, or both?STOP the NIS+ daemon now, at system restart, or both?START the NIS+ cache manager now, at system restart, or both?STOP the NIS+ cache manager now, at system restart, or both?START the NIS+ password daemon now, at system restart, or both?STOP the NIS+ password daemon now, at system restart, or both?NIS+ domainNIS+ objectsShow characteristics of root directory objectsPing NIS+ serversType of NISPINGNIS+ domain nameNIS+ host nameNUMBER of lockd daemons to runEnable RPCSEC_GSSDisable RPCSEC_GSSEnable now, on system restart or bothDisable now, on system restart or bothChange Version 4 Server Root NodeChange Version 4 Server Public NodeRoot Node DirectoryPublic Node DirectoryFlush NFS V4 Translation CacheConfigure NFS Local DomainConfigure NFS V4 Foreign Identity MappingConfigure Local Realm MappingConfigure Default Client SecurityDisplay Current NFS Local DomainChange NFS Local DomainDisplay Current Local Realm MappingsAdd a Local Realm MappingRemove a Local Realm MappingDisplay Current Default Client Security ListChange Default Client Secuity ListRemove Security From ListRealmNFS DomainNFS Local DomainDefault Security ListSecurity to RemoveConfigure User MappingsConfigure Group MappingsConfigure Realm to Domain MappingsAdd a New User Mapping IdentityRemove a User Mapping IdentityAdd a New Foreign User Identity MappingRemove a Foreign User Identity MappingAdd a New Group Mapping IdentityRemove a Group Mapping IdentityAdd a New Foreign Group Identity MappingRemove a New Foreign Group Identity MappingAdd a New Realm to Domain MappingRemove a Realm to Domain MappingUser Mapping IdentityGroup Mapping IdentityUser NameGroup NameEIM Server HostnameEIM DomainEIM SuffixEIM Administrator PasswordList Identity Mappings of a User Mapping IdentityList Identity Mappings of a Group Mapping IdentityList Realm to Domain MappingsDisplay Current NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping ConfigurationAdd NFSv4 File System FSID OptionsChange / Show NFSv4 File System FSID OptionsReset NFSv4 File System FSID OptionsMajor FSIDMinor FSIDChange Version 4 Lease TimeLease Time (in seconds)EIM Access-only PasswordSearch for a User Mapping IdentitySearch for a Group Mapping IdentityReferral locations (NFS V4 access only)Replica locationsPreferred serverConfigure Version 4 ReplicationConfigure Version 4 Server DelegationConfigure Version 4 Client DelegationReplicationChange replication now, system restart or bothAllow the NFS version 4 server to delegate files?Change server delegation now, system restart or bothAllow the NFS version 4 client to accept file delegations?Change client delegation now, system restart or bothAllow delegation?Ensure primary hostname in replica listSecurity method 1Security method 2Security method 3Security method 4Security method 5Proxy ServerCreate Proxy ServerRemove Proxy ServerCache directory optionsExport optionsWhole File LockingConfigure Version 4 Grace PeriodNFSv4 Grace PeriodNFSv4 Grace Period AutoExtendVersion of exported directory to be removedVersion of exported directory to be changedScatterAdd Server EntryRemove Server EntryList Server EntryEIM Server typeS,PSet HeartBeatInterval for nfsrgydHeartBeat Interval in secondsnone,full,partialOptimization flag for diskless/datalessList All SubsystemsQuery TYPEQuery a SubserverQuery a SubsystemRefresh a SubsystemSUBSERVER nameStart TraceStart a SubserverStart a SubsystemStop All SubsystemsStop SubsystemStop TYPEStop TraceStop a SubserverStop a SubsystemSubserver nameSubserversSubsystem NameSubsystem PROCESS IDSubsystemsTrace SubserverTrace SubsystemTrace TYPESubsystem ParametersConvert Flat FileCURRENT FILE / DIRECTORY nameCURRENT CODE setNEW FILE / DIRECTORY nameNEW CODE setSOURCE message catalogLOCALE of source message catalogTARGET message catalogLOCALE of target message catalogConvert System MessagesThe message catalog %s was not converted. Error : The source locale %s is not installed. Error : The target locale %s is not installed. Error : The codeset conversion from %1$s to %2$s failed. Change/Show/Reset Core File Copying DirectoryReset/Clear Core File copying directoryShow the Directory to which Core file copiedChange the Directory to which Core file copiedDIRECTORY full pathnameList All Mounted File Systems on a DiskDISK NameUnmount File Systems on a DiskRemove a Disk with DataSelect a DISKVOLUME GROUP NameCABINET NumberDISK NumberKEEP definition in database?yes,noPOWER OFF the Disk?Remove a Disk without DataFORCE deallocation of all partitions on this physical volume?no,yesRemove a DiskPower off a DiskPower on a Diskfile systems mounted on %s are : file system %s unmounted. Cannot umount file system %s. The volume group %s is varied off. The volume group %s is exported. 'The disk %s in the cabinet %s is powered off. Cannot power off the disk %s in the cabinet %s. The volume group %s is reduced. The disk %s in the cabinet %s is powered on. Cannot power on the disk %s in the cabinet %s. Removable Disk ManagementList All Mounted File Systems on a DiskUnmount File Systems on a DiskRemove a Disk from the Operating SystemRemove a DiskPower off a DiskPower on a DiskRemove a Disk with DataRemove a Disk without DataBefore physically remove the disk plugged on slot %s on bus %s in cabinet %s, verify that the disk light is off. BUS IDCONNECTION AddressOpen DoorShow an Alog File Alog TYPE Alog File NAMEChange / Show Characteristics of an Alog File Alog File SIZEVERBOSITYAlogallTimeStampShow Target IDAdd Concurrent Use and Use Once LicensesSERVER NameVENDOR NamePRODUCT NameProduct PASSWORDVERSIONLICENSE AnnotationShow Concurrent Use and Use Once LicensesSERVERVENDORPRODUCTDelete LicensesLICENSE TimestampAdd VendorsVendor IDVendor PASSWORDDelete VendorsShow VendorsServer NAMEVendor NAMEAdd New Licenses and New Vendor InformationProduct NAMEShow Server CharacteristicsAdd Nodelocked License from the KeyboardNodelocked LICENSENodelocked License COMMENTAdd Nodelocked License from a FileFILE Containing the Nodelocked LicenseShow Nodelocked LicensesDelete a Nodelocked LicenseLICENSEVerify License ServersShow License Usage SummaryManage License Servers and License DatabasesShow License Usage on ServersShow Available License ServersManage Nodelocked LicensesShow Target IDManage Concurrent Use and Use Once LicensesManage Vendor Information in License DatabasesShow Server CharacteristicsAdd New Licenses for a Previously Added VendorShow License Information By Server Show Licenses Currently Being UsedShow Licenses Held by a Specific UserAdd a Nodelocked LicenseUSER NameYou must choose all if you have not specified a product.initNo servers available for this vendorLicense not found in databaseNot authorized to use productTime disparity too largecommunications failure#This file contains new nodelocked licenses.The file supplied is not a valid nodelocked license file.Software License ManagementPerform Standalone Configuration for Adding/Using LicensesFile NAMEInstallation AssistantSet Date and TimeSet root PasswordSet Installation DeviceConfigure Network CommunicationsMount a Remote File SystemManage System Storage and Paging Space (rootvg)Add/Show Disks for System Storage (rootvg)Add/Show Paging SpaceSPACE available in rootvg (MB)Space ALLOCATED in rootvg (MB)DISKS in rootvgDisks to be ADDEDMEMORY size (MB)RECOMMENDED paging space (MB)CURRENT paging space (MB) NEW paging space (MB)Create UsersCreate a UserSet PasswordDefine PrintersImport Existing Volume GroupsInstall Software ApplicationsAdd License Passwords for ApplicationsSet Up for Adding Concurrent-Use and Use-Once LicensesNODELOCKED licenses to add?CONCURRENT / USE-ONCE licenses to add?Set Up for Adding License PasswordsInstall a Bundle of Software (Easy Install)Tasks Completed - Exit to LoginBack Up the SystemINPUT device/directory for softwareSet Installation DeviceManage Language EnvironmentManage Nodelocked LicensesManage Concurrent-Use and Use-Once LicensesManage VendorsImport a Volume GroupMount a File SystemInstall Printer SoftwareAdd a Print QueueTCP/IP StartupAdd a Hostname to Access Other SystemsStart NFSyes,noPress Enter to automatically install the backup command. Press F3 to cancel.Press Enter to automatically install NFS. Press F3 to cancel.Press Enter to automatically install the printer backend. Press F3 to cancel.Press Enter to continue.Set Date and Time (Recommended)Set root Password (Recommended)Set Installation Device (Recommended)Set Up for Adding License Passwords (Recommended)Click on this item to automatically install the backup command.Click on this item to automatically install NFS.Press Enter to automatically install the printer software. Press F3 to cancel.Click on this item to automatically install the printer software.Add an ISA AdapterInstall Selectable Software (Custom Install)Finish migration installationIf you performed a migration install, then the initial portion of the install is complete. To complete the migration installation from CD-ROM, you must update the rest of your installed software from the remaining CD's. If you migrated from a tape, then you do not need to update additional software. If you performed a new or preservation installation, then you do not need to update additional software.Current memory in the system.All the physical volumes associated with rootvg.Current free space in rootvg.Recommended paging space based off current memory size.Current paging space size.Enter the new size of the paging space to be created.Set Password for Users isso, sa and soSet Password for User issoSet Password for User saSet Password for User soChange/Show Primary Language EnvironmentSelect Set of Cultural Convention, Language, and KeyboardChange/Show Cultural Convention, Language, or KeyboardSelect SET (cultural convention, language and keyboard)Selected set's CODESETSelected set's CULTURAL conventionSelected set's LANGUAGE translationSelected set's KEYBOARDINPUT device/directory for softwareEXTEND file systems if space needed?Primary CULTURAL conventionPrimary LANGUAGE translationPrimary KEYBOARDAdd Additional Language EnvironmentsCULTURAL convention to installLANGUAGE translation to installRemove Language EnvironmentsChange/Show Language HierarchySet User Languages1ST language translation choice2ND language translation choice3RD language translation choiceChange/Show Applications for a LanguageList Applications Installed for a LanguageAdd Language for Application Already InstalledInstalled APPLICATIONRemove Language for ApplicationsLANGUAGE translation to removeCULTURAL convention to removeInstalled LANGUAGE translationSelected APPLICATIONConvert System Messages and Flat FilesConvert System MessagesConvert Flat FilesError: Empty locale string.Error: Language codeset does not match keyboard and cultural convention.Error: Keyboard and cultural convention codesets do not match.Error: Cultural convention or keyboard information missing in ODM.Error: Language information missing in ODM.Error: Keyboard information missing in ODM.Error: Font information missing in ODM.undefinedALLError: The selected settings for cultural convention, language, and keyboard require the installation of additional filesets that are not currently installed. Select an installation device that contains the following filesets: Error: The selected CULTURAL convention and LANGUAGE translation require the installation of filesets which could not be found in the current input device or directory. Error: You must be logged in as root to run this command. Error: You must be logged in as an authorized user to run this command. You must be root to run this program. Login as "root" or use the "su" command before running this program. The license server was not found to be running on this machine. If the license server is already configured on this machine, then simply run the program "/usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_start" to start your daemons. If the license server has not yet been configured on this machine, then go to the directory "/usr/lib/netls/conf" and run the program "netls_config". This will generate the program "netls_first_time", which you must then run to start your license server properly. Installing a compound license on this machine... The compound license is already installed. The compound license was successfully installed. The compound license was not installed. Please verify that your license server is configured and running, and try again. Checking for floating user licenses already installed on this machine... Floating user licenses are already installed on this machine. Use the SMIT screen for "Change the Number of Installed Floating User Licenses" to update your license count. No licenses currently installed. Licenses = Targetid = The licenses are being appended to the file "/usr/lib/netls/conf/AIX.FLOAT". Your licenses were successfully created. Adding licenses to the server... Your licenses were not successfully added. Check the file "/usr/lib/netls/conf/AIX.FLOAT" for details. Your licenses were successfully added. Your licenses were not created. Check the "/usr/lib/netls/conf/AIX.FLOAT" file for error messages. Deleting the floating user licenses previously installed on this machine... Timestamp = No floating user license could be found installed with the specified timestamp. The floating user license previously installed on this machine could not be deleted. See the file "/usr/lib/netls/conf/AIX.FLOAT" for details. Creating and adding the new floating user licenses... The floating user license previously installed on this machine has been deleted. Manage AIX Floating User Licenses for this ServerRegister Floating User LicencesChange the Number of Installed Floating User LicensesNumber of Licenses to InstallAIX User License to ChangeNew Number of LicensesAIX Version for License RegistrationChange / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion PortsConfigure Defined I/O Completion PortsI/O Completion PortsPPPLink Control ConfigurationPPP IP InterfacesAdd a Link ConfigurationChange / Show a Link ConfigurationRemove a Link ConfigurationAdd a Server InterfaceChange / Show a Server InterfaceRemove a Server InterfaceLINK ConfigurationLINK ConfigurationPPP subsystem namemax server connectionsmax client connectionsmax ip interfacesmax async hdlc attachmentsmruasync character mapnegotiate MRUnegotiate async mapnegotiate protocol compressionnegotiate address control compressionPPP IP ConfigurationPPP IP ConfigurationPPP IP ConfigurationPPP IP ServerPPP IP ServerPPP IP ServerLocal IP addressStarting Remote IP addressNumber of addressesNetmaskStart PPPStop PPPSTART PPP now, on system restart or bothboth,now,restartSTOP PPP now, system restart or bothnow,restart,bothPAP AuthenticationCHAP AuthenticationAdd a UserChange / Show a UserRemove a UserAdd a PAP UserChange / Show a PAP UserRemove a PAP UserPAP User ListUser namePasswordRemote host nameAdd a CHAP UserChange / Show a CHAP UserRemove a CHAP UserCHAP User Listforce authenticationchap intervalmax demand connectionsAdd a Demand InterfaceChange / Show a Demand InterfaceRemove a Demand InterfaceDemand CommandPPP IP DemandPeer nameAuthenticator namemax attachments for multilink MRRU PPP subsystem telephone numberEnable PPP compressionEnable PPP SNMP subagentPPP SNMP subagent passwordPPP SNMP subagent communitytransmit async character mapAdding PPP MIB to /etc/mib.defs.negotiate magic numberPPP IPv6 InterfacesMaximum IPv6 InterfacesPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IPv6 ServerPPP IPv6 ServerPPP IPv6 ServerLocal IPv6 Interface IdentifierStarting Remote IPv6 Interface IdentifierLocal IPv6 Interface IdentifierStarting Remote IPv6 Interface IdentifierNumber of Interface IdentifiersDemand CommandPPP IPv6 DemandPPP IPv6 DemandPPP IPv6 DemandPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IP & IPv6 InterfacesAdd a Client InterfaceChange / Show a Client InterfaceRemove a Client InterfaceMaximum IP & IPv6 InterfacesPPP IPv6 ClientPPP IP & IPv6 ConfigurationPPP IP & IPv6 ServerPPP IP & IPv6 DemandORIERR_NOOP -- No operation performedORIERR_NODB -- Missing databaseORIERR_NOKEY -- Missing database key fileORIERR_NOSYS -- Missing database system switchesORIERR_NOKEYFIT -- The key does not fit the data baseORIERR_BADHANDLE -- Handle not validORIERR_QRYBAD -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYSTR -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYLINE -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYCONSTR -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYCONLIST -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYCONID -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYRELID -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYRELLIST -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYFLDVAL -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYRELVAL -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYBASVAL -- ori_search query errorORIERR_QRYNEGVAL -- ori_search query errorORIERR_INITDB -- ori_open initialization errorORIERR_CDRET -- ori_errorORIERR_ALLOCNT -- ori_errorORIERR_SRCHIT -- ori_errorORIERR_RDOVRFLW -- ori_read buffer overflowORIERR_BADSEEK -- ori_seek function illegalORIERR_OUTLINE -- ori_outline beyond endORIERR_CITREFS -- ori_getcitrefs badCould not start /bin/smitty Could not open display %s Pattern not found.How to searchEnter a pattern to search for in the command output window. Regular expression patterns are supported. 1800-074 A -m may not follow a -n or -d flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-075 A -n may not follow a -m or -d flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-076 A -d may not follow a -m or -n flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-008 Specified FastPath key: "%1$s", is longer than %2$d characters. Reenter SMIT command line with corrected FastPath key. 1800-009 Specified FastPath key sequence number: "%1$s", is longer than %2$d characters. Reenter SMIT command line with corrected FastPath key sequence number. Usage [-CDfhMtvXx] [-o Object_repository_path] [-l SMIT_main_log_file_path] [-p entity/value string] [-r run_mode] [-s SMIT_script_log_file_path] [-a SMIT_transaction_log_file_path] [[-{n,m,d}] Id_FastPath] -d Id_FastPath = start with this dialog screen -C = start smit in the Curses mode -D = debug; set -t, -v, and internal trace modes -f = filter mode (do not flush stdin between screens and do not check for a tty on stdout) -h = this help/usage message -M = start smit in the windows mode -m Id_FastPath = start with this menu screen -n Id_FastPath = start with this selector screen -o Object_repository_path = alternate SMIT/ODM database object repository (directory) path (default path is /usr/lib/objrepos) -p "entity1:val1,val2;entity2:val1,val2..." or "val1,val2;val1,val2" Msmit only. Allows nameselects and dialogs to be filled in from the command line. Also allows multiple entities to be operated on simultaneously. The environment variables ENTITY_SEP and VALUE_SEP can be set to override the default comma and semicolon separators. -r [1,2,3,4] Msmit only. 1: Exit msmit when "done" is clicked in the output window. 2: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in a dialog. Print the dialog options upon exit. Do not run the command. 3: Run msmit silently, print the dialog options. Do not run the command. 4: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in the dialog. Print the commands upon exit. Do not run the command. -t = generate trace information for (main) log file -v = verbose (main) log file mode; show generated CommandStrings for intermediate commands and the target task commands, together with their output after they are run -x = do not run any Command_to_Execute (the actual task CommandString), but continue to log any Command_to_Execute to the (script, main) log files as usual -X = do not run any Command_to_Discover, Command_to_List, Command_to_Classify, Command_to_Execute 1800-093 Could not open SMIT log file: "%s". This session will not be logged. If logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.1800-102 Could not open SMIT script file: "%s". The commands run will not be logged. If command logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.1800-001 TERM environment variable entry missing. TERM should be set to your terminal type; set your TERM environment variable or use local problem reporting procecures 1800-002 Could not access terminfo database for your terminal type. Use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-003 No tty on stdout; SMIT needs a terminal for normal interactive use. Use the -f flag to redirect stdin or stdout. 1800-004 Initscr() error occurred. This may be due to insufficient storage for starting program. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-005 SMIT requires a minimum of 24 line by 80 column output display. Check terminal or window size and try again. 1800-006 Internal error: unknown asl_init() return code. Use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)1800-010 More than 1 matching menu item was found during Fast Path search. Extra matching entries will be ignored. (Internal error in contents of SMIT/ODM database entries; exactly one unique match should exist.)1800-011 There are currently no additional SMIT menu screen entries available for this item. This item may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Specified sm_menu_opt with id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)1800-012 Internal error: odm_get_list(): object class = sm_menu_opt, id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s". ODM error message: %3$s Use local problem reporting procedures.(Menu screen selected, FastPath = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", next_id = "%3$s", title = "%4$s".)(Menu screen selected as FastPath, id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", next_id = "%3$s", title = "%4$s".)(Last entry above was an alias for next entry below.)1800-013 Internal error: odm_get_list(): object_class = sm_menu_opt, id = "%1$s", ODM error message: %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures.1800-014 There are currently no additional SMIT menu screen entries available for this item. This item may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Specified sm_menu_opt with id = "%s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)1800-015 More than %d sm_menu_opt (menu) objects for next menu screen; extras ignored.1 asl_screen() returned action/index = %1$d / %2$dHelp will appear when supported on this system.This item is for information only. Press enter to exit this panel and then press F1 or Esc+1 = Help to check for additional information on this item.2--exit smit_menu() action/index = %1$d / %2$d1800-016 Error in SMIT-ODM database sm_menu_opt data descriptors. Use local problem reporting procedures.------entering smit_name_select (%1$s, %2$s, %3$d)1800-017 Internal error: odm_get_list() failed: object class = sm_name_hdr, id = "%1$s". ODM error message: %2$s1800-018 There are currently no additional SMIT selector screen entries available for this item. This item may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Specified sm_name_hdr with id = "%s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)1800-019 Internal error: odm_get_list() failed: object class = sm_cmd_opt, id = "%1$s". ODM error message: %2$s1800-020 Some information needed for selected item is missing from SMIT ODM database. (Specified sm_cmd_opt with id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)Type or select a value for the entry field. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.(Selector screen selected, FastPath = "%1$s", id = "%2$s", next_id = "%3$s", title = "%4$s".)1 asl_screen() returned action/index = %1$d / %2$dHelp will soon be appearing here.1800-021 List generating command missing from SMIT/ODM database. Running the following Command_to_Classify: > %s 1800-022 Error exit status (%1$d) returned by Command_to_Classify; the output is: "%2$s" (The Command_to_Classify is: "%3$s".) Output from Command_to_Classify follows: "%s" 1800-023 This selector screen does not use a command_to_classify.1800-024 Invalid name_hdr.type specified in SMIT/ODM database1800-025 Invalid name_hdr.next_type specified in SMIT/ODM database2--exit smit_menu() action/index = %1$d / %2$d Object class: sm_menu_opt, id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", next_id = "%3$s", text = "%4$s" Object class: sm_name_hdr, id = "%1$s", next_id = "%2$s", option_id = "%3$s", name = "%3$s" Object class: sm_cmd_hdr, id = "%1s", option_id = "%2s", name = "%3s" Object class: sm_cmd_opt, id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", name = "%3$s"----entering smit_dialog (%1$s, %2$s, %3$d)1800-026 Internal error: odm_get_list() failed: object class = sm_cmd_hdr, id = "%1$s". ODM error message: %2$s1800-027 There are currently no additional SMIT dialog screen entries available for this item. This item may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Specified sm_cmd_hdr with id = "%s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)(A dialog matching the given FastPath was found. It was skipped since it requires a preceeding name select screen. To override this action and to view (but not run) this dialog, insert the -Xd flags immediately before the FastPath on the SMIT CommandString.)1800-094 The dialog screen with FastPath: "%s", requires a preceeding name select screen. This dialog may be viewed (but not run) by inserting the -Xd flags immediately before the FastPath on the SMIT CommandString.(Dialogue screen selected, FastPath = "%1$s", id = "%2$s", title = "%3$s".)1800-028 Internal error: odm_get_list() failed: object class = sm_cmd_opt, id = "%1$s". ODM error message: %2$s1800-029 Too many command option entries for dialog menu; extras ignored.1800-030 Required second line missing from current_value_set: "%s". Use local problem reporting procedures.1800-030 Required second line missing from current_value_set. Use local problem reporting procedures.Help will soon be appearing here.1800-031 No list generating command.Running command...2--exit sm_dialog() action/index = %1$d / %2$d1800-032 Error detected while building the command line about to be displayed.1800-033 Command will not be run due to error detected while building command line. Command_to_Execute follows below: >> %s 1800-034 Exit status (%d) returned by command. (Command process used the stdout and stderr file descriptors inherited from the SMIT process.)1800-035 Exit status (%d) returned by command. (Command process used stdout and stderr file descriptors connected to SMIT via pipes.) Size of output = %d bytes. Output from Command_to_Execute follows below:---- start -------- end ----COMMAND STATUSyesnofailedrunningOK1800-082 SMIT/ODM database data error: invalid ring index = %1$d does not correspond to valid ring field option for command option entry with name: "%2$s". Last ring entry will be used as default. Use local problem reporting procedures. [%s] Starting SMIT1800-037 Cannot open catalog message file; using ODM English language message fields.1800-038 odm_initialize() failed, ODM error message: %s Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-078 ODM odm_set_path() failed on object repository path (of the SMIT/ODM database): "%s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-040 Cannot open SoftCopy help information database. Help is not available for this SMIT session. You may continue from here or you can check the $LANG environment variable setting or use local problem reporting procedures. For the current setting of $LANG, the help database files should be: "%s", "%s". ORIERR: %d, ori2_open() on SoftCopy help information datbase failed.1800-041 odm_close_class() for object sm_menu_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-042 odm_close_class() for object sm_name_hdr. ODM error message: %s1800-043 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_hdr. ODM error message: %s1800-044 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-045 ORIERR: %d, database close failed.1800-046 odm_terminate() failed.1800-047 An abnormal condition forced SMIT to exit prematurely. The log file may contain additional information. Doing following Command_to_List: >%s 1800-050 Error exit status (%1$d) returned by Command_to_List; the output is: "%2$s" (The Command_to_List is: "%3$s".)1800-051 There are no items of this type. Output from Command_to_List follows: %s 1800-049 Invalid Command_to_List mode, "%s", specified in SMIT database. Command_to_Discover follows: %s1800-081 Error exit status (%1$d) returned by Command_to_Discover; the output is: "%2$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%3$s".)1800-091 Format error ("#" missing) in output from the Command_to_Discover: "%1$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%2$s".)1800-092 Format error: "\n" missing in output from following Command_to_Discover: "%1$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%2$s".) Command_to_Discover output follows: %s1800-083 Data error: could not find matching ring field value for corresponding Command_to_Discover value. sm_cmd_opt[%1$d].disc_field_name: "%2$s". The current actual value will be used as the default value for the following dialog. Use local problem reporting procedures.1800-052 xsystem(): pipe() system call on stdout failed: %s.1800-053 xsystem(): pipe() system call on stderr failed: %s.1800-077 xsystem(): execl() system call failed: %s.1800-054 xsystem(): execl() system call failed, invalid return code = %d.1800-055 xsystem(): fork() system call failed.1800-056 xsystem(): fcntl() error on stdoutd[0], errno = %d .1800-057 xsystem(): fcntl() error on stderrfd[0], errno = %d .stdinfd[1] = %1$d, stdoutfd[0] = %2$d, stderrfd[0] = %3$d (decimal)1800-058 xsystem(): select() failed: %s(select() returned errno = EINTR, was ignored).polrc: %1$d, rtnevents[0]: %2$x (hex), [1]: %3$xselrc: %1$d, read_list.fdsmask[0]: %2$8x (hex)selrc: %1$d, write_list.fdsmask[0]: %2$8x (hex)1800-059 xsystem(): read(stdout) failed, returned errno = %dxsystem(): selected read(stdout) returned %d charactersxsystem(): read(): "%*.*s" 1800-060 xsystem(): read(stderr) failed, returned errno = %dxsystem(): selected read(stderr) returned %d charactersxsystem(): wait() return value = %1$d, (errno = %2$d)1800-089 The command being run has been halted. (The process for the command was halted by signal = %d.)xsystem(): wait() signal return status = %x (hex), %d (decimal)xsystem(): wait() exit return status = %x (hex), %d (decimal)xsystem_term(): Signal caught: %dExiting due to SIGTERM Signal.Command: %1$-14.14sstdout: %2$-14.14sstderr: %3$-14.14s Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.1800-080 Signal (SIGTERM) received = %d; Treating as an unconditional exit request. 1800-061 Exiting SMIT (signal %d received). error %d occurred.1800-090 Possible SMIT/ODM data value error; lookup of following command postfix string token failed: "%s". It will be ignored. Use local problem reporting procedures.Looked up name: "%1$s" with value string: "%2$s"1800-096 Newline missing in current_value_set.New discover string: "%s"Getting help information ...1800-070 Exit status (%1$d) returned by man command while attempting to retrieve help information.1800-063 Could not successfully complete database search for requested help information. Use local problem reporting procedures. (ori2_search() failed: %1$s, ori2_search(): ori_query parameter is: "%2$s".)1800-098 Help information missing from softcopy database.ori2_search() found no matches; ori2_search(): ori_query parameter is: "%s"1800-064 Could not read help information from softcopy database; no data available for this item.ori2_readf() failed.-------- Beginning of raw help text buffer ---------------- End of raw help text buffer --------1800-065 ori2_seek() failed. ori_errno is %d.1800-068 Multiple help entries were found. Only the first entry found will be displayed. Use local problem reporting procedures. (ori2_search(): found %1$d matching tags; ori_query parameter is: "%2$s".)1800-069 Could not successfully complete database access for requested help information.1800-095 For more information on this topic, proceed to the next level of SMIT.1800-071 No help available for this topic.1800-097 Retrieval of ODM error message failed.1800-073 ODM error number %d1800-039 Internal error: odm_free_list() failed. Object class: %s Use local error reporting procedures.Help is not available in this version1800-084 System error: reduce_sbrks(): malloc(): There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. SMIT will exit immediately.+ reduce_sbrks ptr = 0x%x1800-085 Internal error: internally constructed string would be too long for target field if copied; result will be truncated: "%1$.100s".... Maximum size of %2$d characters exceeded. Use local problem reporting procedures.1800-086 Internal error: internally constructed string would be too long if following strings are concatenated; result will be truncated: "%1$.100s".... "%2$.100s".... Maximum size of %3$d characters exceeded. Use local problem reporting procedures.+ smit_free() pointer = 0x%1$x (call line number = %2$d)1800-087 System error: smit_realloc(): realloc(): There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. SMIT will exit immediately.1800-088 System error: smit_malloct(): malloc(): There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. SMIT will exit immediately.1800-099 NOTE: This command may change a terminal mode that may affect SMIT, or it may need to be run outside of SMIT for other reasons. Therefore SMIT will exit immediately before running this command.(A selector screen entry matching the given FastPath was found. It was skipped since it requires a preceeding selector screen. To override this action and to view (but not run) this dialog, insert the -Xn flags immediately before the FastPath on the SMIT CommandString.)1800-100 The selector screen with FastPath: "%s", requires a preceeding selector screen. This selector screen may be viewed (but not run) by inserting the -Xn flags immediately before the FastPath on the SMIT CommandString.Initializing SMIT ...Processing data ...Origin Date = %1$s and Time = %2$sExiting SMIT# **** internal command was not run. (SMIT -X CommandString flag set.) ****Command has been logged to script file. (SMIT -x CommandString flag set)1800-104 An alias entry id duplicates another alias or menu entry in the SMIT/ODM database. (Specified sm_menu_opt has the following duplicate id: "%1$s".) Duplicate entries are ignored. Use local problem reporting procedures.The value for this entry field must be in the range shown below. Press Enter or Cancel to return to the entry field, and enter the desired value.ORI error number: %d Press Enter to continue. 1800-105 system("sync"): system call failed: %s.The environment variable TERM is currently set to a terminal type that does not support the full screen display capabilities required for SMIT. Set TERM to an appropriate terminal type or use another terminal.1800-106 An error occurred: %1$s1800-109 There are currently no additional SMIT screen entries available for this item. This item may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-111 A value must be specified in the entry field for: "%s".1800-041 odm_close_class() for object %s. ODM error message: %spress Enter to continuePress the enter key to continuePress the Enter key to continueYou must be a superuser to run DSMIT. Getting license..... [%s] Starting Distributed SMITExiting Distributed SMITInsufficient authorizations for this panel! smitacl returned error. Please check your SMIT ACL Database. The output is too long to display properly. Please consult the log file for a complete output. Using SMIT Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Understanding the Menu Screen 3. Understanding the Dialog Screen 4. Understanding the Command Status Panel 5. Making Selections from a List of Choices 6. Using SMIT Function Keys 7. Using SMIT Fastpath 8. Related information in InfoExplorer Home or Esc-< Scroll to top of command output. End or Esc-> Scroll to bottom of command output. PageUp or Esc-V Scroll to the previous page. PageDown or Ctrl-V Scroll to the next page. 1. Overview SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is an interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. It displays a hierarchy of menus that lead to interactive dialogs. 2. Understanding the Menu Screen The menu title appears at the top of the screen. The function keys for the menu appear at the bottom of the screen. A list of menu items appears on the left of the screen. Use the cursor keys (up and down arrow keys) to move to any of the menu items. Press Enter (Return) to select a menu item. Then one of the following occurs: * another menu appears * command output appears (i.e. for a list request) * a pop-up select screen appears * a dialog screen appears 3. Understanding the Dialog Screen The dialog title appears at the top of the screen. The function keys for the dialog appear at the bottom of the screen. Descriptions of the various fields appear on the left of the screen. Entry fields appear on the right side of of the dialog screen. Use the cursor keys to move to any entry field. In a dialog, you are asked to supply details of the task you previously selected. Symbols are used to indicate various types of fields. The symbols may be displayed in various places in the dialog. These symbols are not displayed in a menu. Symbol Meaning [ ] Indicates a typeable entry field. < > Indicates there is more text to the left or right of the visible entry field. * Indicates this field requires a value. The following symbols appear on the right side of the screen: + Indicates a list of choices (or an option ring) is available. Press F4 to display the list or use the Tab key to display one choice at a time. # Indicates a numeric field. X Indicates a hexadecimal field. / Indicates an accessible file name. Highlighted entry Indicates a user modified entry. Highlighted entries are in reverse video. 4. Understanding the Command Status Panel A command associated with a dialog screen is invoked when Enter is pressed. The normal result from issuing a command is to have a command status screen displayed. While the command is running, "Command: running" will be displayed in the upper left portion of the screen and the function keys will not be displayed. As output is generated by the command, it will be displayed on the screen. When the command completes, Command: OK or Command: Failed appears and the first lines of the command output will be redisplayed in the the panel. If the output does not fit on the screen, the cursor keys can be used to scroll through the information. The key sequences detailed in Using SMIT Function Keys can also be used for scrolling. [TOP] indicates the first line of the text. [BOTTOM] indicates the last line of text. [MORE...nn] indicates nn lines of text are not displayed on the screen. Besides the normal command status panel used for output, there are special cases where SMIT clears the screen and gives control of the screen to the application being invoked. 5. Making Selections from a List of Choices Up and Down Cursor Keys Moves between fields to select an entry. Tab Key Press to display the choices for an entry with a "+" symbol to the right of the entry. If the entry field is blank, press the List key instead of using Tab. Press Shift-Tab to display the previous choice. To select one item from a single select pop-up: Move the cursor to the correct item. Press Enter to select the item. To select more than one item from a multiple select pop-up: Move the cursor to the first item to select. Press F7 to select the individual item (Press F7 a second time to deselect the item). Continue selecting until all desired items are highlighted. Then press Enter to select the entire group of selections. 6. Using SMIT function keys In SMIT, various function keys appear at the bottom of the menu or dialog screens. Only those functions that are valid for the specific menu or dialog are displayed. The following describes these function keys. If a key sequence (Esc+number) is used, press the Esc key, quickly followed by the letter key. The following functions are valid if your keyboard has not been remapped. Functions Description F1 or Esc+1 = Help Gives more information on the item selected. In some areas of SMIT, for more information on the topic go to the next level. F2 or Esc+2 = Refresh Redraws the screen. Use if console messages overwrite the screen. F3 or Esc+3 = Cancel Backs up one level to the previous screen. F4 or Esc+4 = List Presents a list of possible choices for an entry field. A scrollable pop-up is displayed. F5 or Esc+5 = Reset Resets the entry field to the original setting. F6 or Esc+6 = Command Displays the command that SMIT is building. F7 or Esc+7 = Edit Allows editing of an entry field. Use if a larger entry field is needed. F7 or Esc+7 = Select Makes individual selections on muti-select lists. F8 or Esc+8 = Image Saves screen image in the smit.log file. Also displays the FastPath. F9 or Esc+9 = Shell Escapes to a shell. F10 or Esc+0 = Exit Exit from SMIT. Enter = Do Runs the command built by SMIT. Home or Esc-< Scroll to top of command output. End or Esc-> Scroll to bottom of command output. PageUp or Esc-V Scroll to the previous page. PageDown or Ctrl-V Scroll to the next page. 7. SMIT FastPath The SMIT FastPath is a shortcut method to display a SMIT dialog panel or menu directly from the command line. Press the Image key to display the FastPath for the current screen. To derive the SMIT FastPath for device related tasks, combine an Action Prefix with the Device Abbreviation. Action Prefix Device Abbreviation ------ ------ ------ ------------ (add) mk (printer) prt (change) ch (tty) tty (list) ls (pty) pty (remove) rm (disk) dsk (cdrom) cdr (diskette) dskt (tape) tpe (adapter) adp Examples of FastPaths for devices are: 1. To add a printer device, enter: smit mkprt This takes you to the menu that guides you through the steps of adding a printer device. 2. To list tape devices you want to work with, enter: smit lstpe This takes you to the menu or dialog that lists tape devices that are configured on your system. 8. Related Information. The InfoExplorer system also contains information describing the use SMIT for System Management tasks. The following are articles that can be referenced in the InfoExplorer data base. "SMIT Command" provides information on the smit command; what flags can be invoked to vary the output of SMIT, and how to use the smit.script file and the smit.log file. "SMIT Overview for Programmers" provides information you can use to understand various programming aspects of the SMIT menu hierarchy, including how to add new menus and dialogs. "Installation and Maintenance in SMIT" provides information you can use for installing and updating software, and other tasks. "Devices in SMIT" provides information you can use to add, change, list or remove devices, among other tasks. "Physical and Logical Storage in SMIT" provides information you can use to add, change, remove, list, mount, work with network file systems, among other tasks. "Security and Users in SMIT" provides information you can use to add, change, list or remove users or user groups from the system, among other tasks. "Communications Applications and Services in SMIT" provides information you can use to perform configuration tasks for Network File Systems (NFS), SNA, TCP/IP, and HCON. "Spooler in SMIT" provides information you can use to start or cancel printing jobs. You can also manage queues or queue devices. "Problem Determination in SMIT" provides information you can use to work with error logs, reports, and dumps. You can also run hardware diagnostics. "Performance and Resource Scheduling in SMIT" provides information you can use to set the system runlevel, report system activity or schedule jobs, among other tasks. "System Environments in SMIT" provides information you can use to manage processes, broadcast messages to users, stop your system, assign consoles, or change keyboard mappings, among other tasks. on No value_set found for a given host.Submit Command for Execution.Continuing will submit the command(s) to all the machines included in the Collective. This is your last chance to stop before execution. Press Enter to execute command(s) on all machines. Press Cancel to return to dialogue.Machine for Specific SelectionsThe following hosts have been excluded due to consistency reasons: %sCommon Dialogue for # Distributed Execution Mode sequential concurrentFailed host(s) have been auto-excluded: %sConflict in selecting the next screen! Make other selections in previous screens, and/or exclude some hosts from the Collective.1800-201 Too many hosts included in the collective; extras ignored.1800-203 Failure to restore consistency.1800-204 Redefining collective failed: %s1800-205 Failed attempt to get the local host name.1800-206 Unsuccesful execution.1800-207 No included hosts in the Collective.1800-208 Failure to auto-exclude failed host(s): %s1800-209 Redefining collective failed: %s Check if the host(s) are defined in /usr/share/DSMIT/hosts.1800-210 Redefining collective failed: Check if the domain(s) are defined correctly in /usr/share/DSMIT/domains.1800-211 Redefining collective failed: %s Check if the host(s) are defined in /usr/share/DSMIT/hosts. Check if the domain(s) are defined in /usr/share/DSMIT/domains.1800-220 xsystem(): execl() system call failed: %s.1800-221 xsystem(): execl() system call failed, invalid return code = %d.HostDomain Using SMIT Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Understanding the Menu Screen 3. Understanding the Dialog Screen 4. Understanding the Command Status Panel 5. Making Selections from a List of Choices 6. Using SMIT Function Keys 7. Using SMIT Fastpath Home or Esc-< Scroll to top of command output. End or Esc-> Scroll to bottom of command output. PageUp or Esc-V Scroll to the previous page. PageDown or Ctrl-V Scroll to the next page. 1. Overview SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is an interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. It displays a hierarchy of menus that lead to interactive dialogs. 2. Understanding the Menu Screen The menu title appears at the top of the screen. The function keys for the menu appear at the bottom of the screen. A list of menu items appears on the left of the screen. Use the cursor keys (up and down arrow keys) to move to any of the menu items. Press Enter (Return) to select a menu item. Then one of the following occurs: * another menu appears * command output appears (i.e. for a list request) * a pop-up select screen appears * a dialog screen appears System Management Interface ToolCommand OutputEdit FieldShow CommandInformational MessageError MessageHelp ContextHelp MessageEdit MessageReset MessageSingle Select ListMulti-select ListCancelOKDoCloseListSelect AllStopDoneKeepCommand:Return To:Select one item from the list.Select one or more items from the list.Output:OkFailed Current FastPath: %s Select any highlighted label to see help on that item.Select any highlighted label to see or edit that item.Select any highlighted label to reset to original value.ExitxEditEShowSHelpHExit SMITEEdit FieldEReset FieldFReset AllACommandCFastPathPFindFFind NextNOn ContextCOn WindowWOn KeysKIndexIOn HelpHStarting Motif SMITStopping Motif SMITThe value of this entry field must be in the range shown below %sOverview Understanding the Menu Window Understanding the Dialog Window Understanding the Path Window Understanding the Command Output Panel Making Selections from a List of Choices Using SMIT Functions Using SMIT FastPath SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is an interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. It displays a hierarchy of menus that lead to interactive dialogs. The menu window is the lower window of the primary SMIT screen. The menu title appears at the top of the window. The allowable functions will be displayed in the menu bar. A list of menu items appears in the menu screen. Select any of the items in the menu screen. Both the text and the button to the left of the text are selectable. One of the following will then occur: * another menu appears * command output appears (i.e. for a list request) * a pop-up select screen appears * a dialog screen appears The dialog window is the lower window of the primary SMIT window. The dialog title appears at the top of the window. The allowable functions will be displayed in the menu bar or on the right side of the window. Descriptions of the various fields appear on the left side of the window. Entry fields appear in the center of the dialog screen. Select the Do button to perform the task. In a dialog, you are asked to supply details of the task you previously selected. Symbols are used to indicate various types of fields. The symbols may be displayed in various places in the dialog. These symbols are not displayed in a menu. Symbol Meaning * Indicates this field requires a value. The following symbols appear on the right side of the screen: List Indicates a list of choices is available. Select this button to display the list. Up Arrow or Indicates an option ring is available. Select the Down Arrow down arrow to move forward through the list, the up arrow to move backward. # Indicates a numeric field. X Indicates a hexadecimal field. / Indicates an accessible file name. Highlighted entry Indicates a user modified entry. Highlighted entries have a white background. The path window is the top window of the primary SMIT window. It shows menus which have been traversed in order to get to the current menu or dialog. If an entry in the path window is selected, the menu associated with that entry will be redisplayed. A command associated with a dialog screen is invoked when Do is selected. The normal result from issuing a command is to have a command output screen displayed. While the command is running, a person running will be displayed in the upper right portion of the screen and the only active button will be the Stop button. As output is generated by the command, it will be displayed on the screen. If the command completes successfully, the word OK will be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the window. If the command fails, the word Failed will be displayed. Besides the normal command status panel used for output, there are special cases where SMIT will run the command in a separate screen and gives control of that screen to the application being invoked. To display a list of choices, press the List button. To select one item from a single select pop-up: Select the desired item from the list. The list pop-up will go away and the selected item will be entered into the field. To select more than one item from a multiple select pop-up: Select each desired item from the list. Select OK and the list pop-up will go away and the selected items will be entered into the field. An item may be selected from an option ring by either displaying the list or by selecting the up and down arrow buttons. Selecting the down arrow button will select the next item in the list. Selecting the up arrow button will select the previous item in the list. Functions Description Exit SMIT (From the Exit menu.) Exits SMIT. All SMIT windows will be closed. Edit Field (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Highlights the fields which can be edited and prompts to select one of them. That field is then displayed in a wide pop-up. This function can be used to display a long field which will not fit in the entry area of a dialog window. Reset Field (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Highlights the fields which can be reset and prompts to select one of them. That field is then set to its original value. Reset All (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Resets all the fields to their original values. Command (From the Show menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Displays the command that SMIT is building. FastPath (From the Show menu.) Displays the current FastPath. Find (From the Show menu.) Active only in the command output window. Prompts for a pattern to find in the output window. If that pattern is found, it is highlighted in the output window. Simple regular expression patterns are supported. Find Next (From the Show menu.) Active only in the command output window. Finds the next string which matches the pattern entered on the previous Find. On Context (From the Help menu.) Highlights the fields which have contextual help and prompts to select one of them. The help for the selected item will appear in a pop-up window. Contextual help can be retrieved for any item until the Keep or Cancel button in the help pop-up is selected. The help pop-up will remain on the screen if the Keep button in the help pop-up is selected. On Window (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the window from which this selection was made. On Keys (From the Help menu.) Displays the function keys and the keyboard accelerators. Index (From the Help menu.) Displays an index of help topics, and provides help for each of the topics. On Help (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the use of the help functions. Help (From a pop-up.) Displays help on how to use the pop-up. Cancel (From the primary window.) Backs up to the previous menu. If no previous menu exists, SMIT will exit. Do (From the primary window.) Active only on a dialog screen. Performs the current task. Another dialog or the command output panel may appear. List button Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have a list of choices available. Displays a selectable list of choices for a field. Selections made from this list will be entered into the field. Down arrow Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have an button option ring. Selects the next entry from the option ring. Up arrow Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have an button option ring. Selects the previous entry from the option ring. Stop (From the command output window.) Stops the execution of the command. Done (From the command output window.) Closes the command output window. The SMIT FastPath is a shortcut method to display a SMIT dialog panel or menu directly from the command line. Select FastPath from the Show menu to display the FastPath for the current screen. To derive the SMIT FastPath for device related tasks, combine an Action Prefix with the Device Abbreviation. Action Prefix Device Abbreviation ------ ------ ------ ------------ (add) mk (printer) prt (change) ch (tty) tty (list) ls (pty) pty (remove) rm (disk) dsk (cdrom) cdr (diskette) dskt (tape) tpe (adapter) adp Examples of FastPaths for devices are: 1. To add a printer device, enter: smit mkprt This takes you to the menu that guides you through the steps of adding a printer device. 2. To list tape devices you want to work with, enter: smit lstpe This takes you to the menu or dialog that lists tape devices that are configured on your system.How to use a pop-up listAn Edit Field pop-up will display a field in a larger window. If the field is editable, the value can be changed by typing in the text area of the pop-up. If an option ring is available, up and down arrows will be displayed to the right of the field. Pressing the down arrow will select the next entry in the list. Pressing the up arrow will select the previous entry. Select the OK button to close the pop-up and the field in the dialog window will be changed. Select the Cancel button to close the pop-up without changing the field.The SMIT FastPath is a shortcut method to display a SMIT dialog panel or menu directly from the command line. Type: smit %s to display the screen associated with the %s FastPath.This is the command which will be run by SMIT when the Do button in the primary SMIT window is selected.A value must be specified in the entry field for: "%s".Popup list is not available for this entry field.Cannot open catalog message file; using English language messages.System error: fork(): Cannot create another process at this time. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures.System error: exec(): Cannot run: %s". Check path name and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.Internal error: ring field size: index (%1$d), maximum size (%2$d), length (%3$d). Use local problem reporting proceedures.A path or file name must be specified in the entry field for: "%s".Current fast path: "%s"NOTE: This command has been selected to run outside of SMIT. Therefore, SMIT will exit immediately before running this command.ARE YOU SURE? Continuing may delete information you may want to keep. This is your last chance to stop before continuing.An internal error or system error has occurred. See the log file for further information.System error: open(): Cannot open the file: "%s" Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures.System error: write(): Cannot write to the file: "%s" Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures.The following accelerators provide a shortcut to the functions shown in the main menu bar. Accelerator Action ------------- --------------- / Find n Find Next F6 Show Command F8 Show FastPath F9 Reset All Fields F12 Exit SMIT Ctrl+F1 Help on Context Ctrl+F5 Reset Field Ctrl+F7 Edit Field The following table describes the key translations defined for the text fields. Translation Task Performed -------------- ------------------- F5 Resets the text field to the default value. F7 Provides an edit popup to edit the text field. Enter Performs the current task. Ctrl+l Displays a list of choices available for the text field F4 Displays a list of choices available for the text fieldThis window displays help text. A Keep button will appear in the dialog if you selected Help On Context. Pressing this button will keep the help dialog on the screen and end the contextual help mode. When you are done viewing the text, select the Cancel button to close the help pop-up.%s For more information about SMIT, select Index from the Help menu.ClearHelp on HelpHelp on KeysHelp IndexHelp on WindowHelpFastPathFindFind NextExecution ModeAskASequentialSConcurrentCFailed MachinesCommand exit status is: CommandCommand Button - Displays the command to be run if the OK Button was pressed. To first preview the command before running it, click on the Command Button.Change PasswordThe password has been changed for user %1$s.Your attempt to change the password for user %1$s has failed.Change Password has been cancelled.Usage: msmitpasswd [username] OKApplyResetCancel?Help***###Common Entity Name ###***You are not authorized to change this password.