ISO8859-1?E)D&d#$  . &? %f .13!5;$q%"'v % & cQ 9 r o ] . W ! !3 "" #, $/ ,%] \&U '`(hq)S*^.+#,6-!.G /gR0l1Z'2+3#4&5\6<V7!8999:<);Lf<n=H">xk?LBQ755.8*g' " < < 7W =AEJU,(".)H1r*tD#"?b  !   + 1?q#Q"V 3y L # " ! D W e 0$ $$%C&)'j'.G'J'?(,)(l &( ( ( *( 0))O)o)>))a+I,6,KK,&,,3.l./kL1i 1$1"1122O2N3&5 g5? %6 X6$8&48K+8 D849#:& :J Q;J;W4;*;-<%<09 ] [ -P ] [ -C ] -%c flag requires a parameter. 3001-690 Unable to obtain reserved port. 3001-691 Unable to map to port 3001-692 listen() system call failed. 3001-693 Unable to allocate space. 3001-694 Failed to open %s. 3001-695 LDAP failed to initialize. 3001-696 LDAP failed to bind. 3001-697 Failure to accept socket connection. 3001-698 Failure to read from socket. 3001-699 Failure to write to socket. 3001-700 Failed to add %s to the LDAP server. 3001-701 Failed to modify %s on the LDAP server. 3001-702 Failed to delete %s from the LDAP server. 3001-703 Unable to fork. 3001-704 The secldapclntd daemon is already running. 3001-705 Failure getting semephore. 3001-706 Failure changing semephore. 3001-707 Failure creating thread. 3001-708 DN not found in %s. 3001-709 Failed to read attribute map. 3001-710 SSL initialization failed. Check the SSL key path and key password in the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-711 Failed to connect to any LDAP server. Make sure the servers are running and you have the correct server name, port number, adminDN and password in the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-712 Cache initialization failed. Usage: %s {-t cachetimeout} {-p numberofthread} {-C cachesize} {-T HeartBeatInt} 3001-713 Unknown LDAP protocol version, using version 3. 3001-714 Attribute map path not found. Add usermappath or groupmappath to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-715 SSL key or key password not found. Add the key or password to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-716 Cannot find LDAP mapping for attribute %s. Add the attribute to the user map file. Usage: %s -d DN {-u username} {-S schematype} 3001-717 User %s does not exist. 3001-718 Failed to search %s from the LDAP server. 3001-719 Unable to unmap to port. 3001-720 Error flushing secldapclntd cache. 3001-721 Error getting data from secldapclntd. 3001-722 Cannot find server name. Add server name to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-723 Cannot find adminDN. Add adminDN to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-724 Cannot find admin password. Add the password to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. Usage: %s [-t CacheTimeout] [-p NumberOfThread] [-C CacheSize] [-T HeartBeatInt] [-o OperationTimeout] 3001-725 Cannot find bind DN. Add bind DN to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-726 Cannot find bind password. Add the password to the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. 3001-727 Unknown output schema %s. Usage: %s -S SchemaType -i InputFile [-r] [-R module] 3001-728 Invalid -R option "%s". 3001-737 Cannot find principal name. Set krbprincipal in the %s file. 3001-738 Cannot open key table file. Make sure %s exists or set krbkeypath correctly in the %s file. 3001-739 Cannot find kinit. Make sure %s contains kinit command or set krbcmddir correctly in the %s file. 3001-740 Kerberos init failed using command %skinit, key table file %s, on principal %s. 3001-741 LDAP failed to bind to server %s. Successfully started secldapclntd. Exiting secldapclntd due to signal %d 3001-742 Cannot find LDAP mapping for attribute %s. Add the attribute to the %s map file. Size limit exceeded. Increase the limit on the LDAP server. 3001-746 LDAP Server %s is down. Created new connection to ldap server, total active: %d. Closed idle connection to ldap server, total active: %d. 3001-809 Unkown unit "%s" for attribute "%s". Unit ignored. 3001-810 Attribute "%s" does not supported unit mapping. Unit "%s" ignored. Warning: User "%s" has non-crypt password. This user may not be able to login through LDAP in ldap_auth mode. Server name in certificate does not match with the LDAP server name %s. Cannot verify host name of certificate without SSL or TLS. Enable SSL or TLS in the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file. Failed to parse entries in %s. Usage: %s -s -a -p {-k } { -U } Usage: %s -c -h -d -u -a -p { -k } {-w } { -t } {-C } {-P } { -U } %s: %s version %d or higher is not installed. %s: Failure creating LDAP database files. %s: Failure populating LDAP databases. %s: Failure starting LDAP server. A error occured setting up user/group security LDAP server. A error occured setting up user/group security LDAP client. Usage: %s -s -a -p {-d suffix} {-k } {-w } {-U} Usage: %s -c -h serverlist -a adminDN -p adminpasswd {-d suffix} {-k sslkeypath} {-w sslkeypasswd} {-t cachetimeout} {-C cachesize} {-P num_of_thread} {-m} {-u userlist|ALL} The secldapclntd daemon is already running. The secldapclntd daemon is not running. Starting the secldapclntd daemon. The secldapclntd daemon started successfully. The secldapclntd daemon failed to start. The secldapclntd daemon terminated successfully. Cannot terminate the secldapclntd daemon. Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminpasswd -S schematype {-d baseDN} {-n port} {-k SSLkeypath} {-w SSLkeypasswd} {-U} Usage: %s -c -h serverlist -a adminDN -p adminpasswd {-d baseDN} {-n serverport} {-k SSLkeypath} {-w SSLkeypasswd} {-t cachetimeout} {-C cachesize} {-P NumberOfThread} {-u userlist} {-U} gskit is not installed. Suffix %s exists, %s is not added. Entry %s exists, %s is not added. Cannot contact LDAP server %s. Invalid adminDN or adminpasswd. AdminDN does not match. AdminDN password does not match. Server presetup check failed. Server setup failed. Migrating users and groups to LDAP server. Cannot find the %s base DN from the ldap server. Client presetup check failed. Client setup failed. Unknown server schema type. %s schema is not available. Cannot find users from %s base DN. Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminpasswd {-d suffix} {-k sslkeypath} {-w sslkeypasswd} {-U} {-y domain} {-e flatfile} {-f} {-n port} Usage: %s -c -h serverlist -a adminDN -p adminpasswd {-d suffix} {-n serverport} {-k sslkeypath} {-w sslkeypasswd} {-t cachetimeout} {-C cachesize} {-P num_of_thread} {-u userlist|ALL} {-n serverport} Cannot find base DN for some map. domain %s is too long; the limit is %d characters. suffix is a required parameter. if any of bind dn, password, and server are supplied, all must be supplied. Unable to find default domain, no domain was provided, and YP maps were requested. Please provide a domain or use flat files with -f. Entry %s exists; continuing. Unable to read from %s. Unable to search LDAP database. group id %s exists; not adding %s. user id %s exists; not adding %s. Unable to parse %s map or file. Generates rfc2307 compliant LDIF from YP maps or flat files. usage: %s [options] -d suffix options: -d suffix Suffix to use as tree root -a bind DN Administrator bind DN (-h and -p are required) -h host LDAP server host name (-a and -p are required) -m ldap map Automount map name on the LDAP server -n port LDAP server port -p password bind password (-a and -h are required) -f directory use system files from directory -y domain use maps for domain instead of the default -k key path key path for ssl (-w is required) -w ssl password ssl password (-k is required) -S schema schema type for users and groups. Valid values are RFC2307 and RFC2307AIX. Default is RFC2307. Use RFC2307AIX for extended AIX schema support. -s aeghnprsu select only the specified maps: a - automount e - netgroup g - groups h - hosts n - networks p - protocols r - rpc s - services u - passwd must provide both keyfile and keyfile password. must provide an automount map file. Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminPassword -S schematype [-d baseDN] [-n port] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-x proxyUserDN -X proxyUserPassword] [-u NONE] [-U] Usage: %s -c -h serverlist -a bindDN -p bindPassword [-d baseDN] [-n serverPort] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-t cacheTimeout] [-C cacheSize] [-P NumberOfThread] [-T heartBeatInt] [-M searchMode] [-D defaultEntry] [-A authType] [-u userList] [-U] 3001-729 %s does not exist, cannot set ACL on objects, continuing. 3001-730 Invalid bind DN or bind passwd. 3001-731 Suffix %s does not begin with a supported attribute. Supported attributes are c, cn, dc, o, ou. 3001-732 Unknown authentication type specified with -A command option. 3001-733 Unknown default entry location specified with -D command option. 3001-734 Unknown search mode specified with -M command option. 3001-735 Bind DN %s not found on server. 3001-736 LDAP server failed to start. Stopping the LDAP server. Starting the LDAP server. 3001-737 Failed to terminate LDAP server. Specified suffix exists, no modifications made. The LDAP server is not active. %s's New password: Enter the new password again: 3001-738 The password entry does not match, please try again. Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminPassword -S schematype [-d baseDN] [-n port] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-x proxyUserDN -X proxyUserPassword] [-u NONE] [-v LDAPVersion] [-U] Usage: %s -c -h serverlist -a bindDN -p bindPassword [-d baseDN] [-n serverPort] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-t cacheTimeout] [-C cacheSize] [-P NumberOfThread] [-T heartBeatInt] [-M searchMode] [-D defaultEntry] [-A authType] [-u userList] [-U] 3001-743 %s: Format of -v option value is invalid. The value must be in the form #.# (ie. 6.0). 3001-744 %s: The LDAP version specified with -v option is not installed. Enter an encryption seed to generate key stash files: 3001-745 Encryption seed must be at least %s characters, please try again. 3001-747 Invalid database module "%s" Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminPassword -S schematype [-d baseDN] [-n port] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-x proxyUserDN -X proxyUserPassword] [-u NONE] [-v LDAPVersion] [-U] Usage: %s -c -h serverlist [-a bindDN -p bindPassword] [-d baseDN] [-n serverPort] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-t cacheTimeout] [-C cacheSize] [-P NumberOfThread] [-T heartBeatInt] [-M searchMode] [-D defaultEntry] [-A authType] [-u userList] [-i databaseModule] [-U] 3001-748 The "%s" option requires the "%s" option. 3001-749 Password hashing must be set to crypt. Check the pwd_algorithm setting in /etc/security/login.cfg. Usage: %s -s -a adminDN -p adminPassword -S schematype [-d baseDN] [-n port] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-j SSL|TLS|SSLTLS|SSLONLY] [-x proxyUserDN -X proxyUserPassword] [-u NONE] [-v LDAPVersion] [-U] Usage: %s -c -h serverlist [-a bindDN -p bindPassword] [-d baseDN] [-n serverPort] [-k SSLkeypath] [-w SSLkeyPassword] [-j SSL|TLS] [-t cacheTimeout] [-C cacheSize] [-P NumberOfThread] [-T heartBeatInt] [-M searchMode] [-D defaultEntry] [-A authType] [-u userList] [-i databaseModule] [-U] 3001-811 Unknown encryption protocol type specified with -j command option. 3001-800 Invalid entity name. 3001-801 Object(s) not found: "%s". 3001-802 Error getting object(s). 3001-803 Cannot contact the secldapclntd daemon. Usage: %s [-a] [ entity [entry_name | filter] ] entity: aliases, automount, bootparams, ethers, group, hosts netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services Usage: %s [-a] [ entity [entry_name | filter] ] entity: aliases, automount, bootparams, ethers, group, hosts netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services auths, roles, privcmds, privdevs, privfiles Usage: %s [-a] [ entity [entry_name | filter] ] entity: aliases, automount, bootparams, ethers, group, hosts netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services auths, roles, privcmds, privdevs, privfiles usrkeystore, grpkeystore, efscookies, admkeystore aapolicies, aaprojects, aixpert tsddat, tepolicy, domains, domobjs 3001-804 Not authorized to list "%s". Usage: %s [-a] [ entity [entry_name | filter] ] entity: aliases, automount, bootparams, ethers, group, hosts netgroup, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services auths, roles, privcmds, privdevs, privfiles usrkeystore, grpkeystore, efscookies, admkeystore aapolicies, aaprojects, aixpert tsddat, tepolicy, domains, domobjs, auditconfig, auditclass Usage: %s Usage: rbactoldif -d baseDN [-s tables] The -s flag must be followed by at least one of the following letters, each representing a table name: a authorizations c privileged commands d privileged devices f privileged files r roles e domains o domain objects Without the -s flag, all of the above tables are exported by default. 3001-806 The "%s" flag is required. 3001-807 Failed to get data from the "%s" database. 3001-808 Failed to get attribute for "%s". Usage: efskstoldif -d baseDN [ -u usr1 usr2 ... | "ALL" ] [ -g grp1 grp2 ... | "ALL" ] -u usr1 usr2 ... | "ALL" user names seperated by spaces or ALL users -g grp1 grp2 ... | "ALL" group names seperated by spaces or ALL groups Without the -u and -g flags both the user and group keystores are exported by default. 3001-905 Failed to get data from database for "%s". 3001-906 Failed to get the cookie. Usage: tetoldif -d baseDN [-s [filename] ] [-p [filename] ] -s For signature database -p For TE policy database Without the filenames the -s and -p flags use the default paths. Usage: auditldap [-a|-u] -D -w [-b ] [-f ] auditldap: Successfully uploaded audit configuration file %s to server %s auditldap: Unable to add %s %s auditclasses on LDAP auditldap: command %s failed with code %d auditldap: This machine is not a LDAP client Invalid audit configuration file %s Duplicate stanza %s found in audit configuration file %s Usage: auditldap [-a|-u] -D -w [-b ] [-f ] [-v] [-c]