ISO8859-1%.F5-|      8623i942 8 ?4 x; 9 4 #9 X5 S  D  b! m" x# $ % & ' ( ) * + , -T .% [/ 0= 1: 22 33 D4( x5 65 7= 89':G;d<(~=>3?#@2A3BQC:qD E-F+G'H?CIFJ#K@L'/M!WN$yO*P3Q-R.+S#ZT~U#V"W)X Y0Z%P[9v\],^._,,` Ya-zb$cd*e,f:Cg-~hijk+l24m#gn"o1pq/r'-s Ut3vu.vOw)xGy)gz!{-|,}#~:2m((")I c#*C>V.p7/(/0`%2$9]W?A<7:t"-,'-U#q.=: :2 u( ( ( 2!#?!V*!.!(!("2"B2"u("M"M#2#m-###"# $.$65$eC$!$ %(%"#%K*%o%% %% %%G%0&-"&^:&&&<&' ';'X'q*''''' 'Usage: indxbib database.{ia, ib, ic} roffbib: 1002-301 The %s is not a valid flag. indxbib: 1002-102 The database file must be in the current directory. Usage: addbib [-p Promptfile] [-a] Database Instructions? Too far back. Abstract: (control-d to end) Continue? Addbib will prompt you for various bibliographic fields.If you don't need a particular field, just hit RETURN, and that field will not appear in the output file.If you want to return to previous fields in the skeleton, a single minus sign will go back a field at a time. (This is the best way to input multiple authors.)If you have to continue a field or add an unusual field, a trailing backslash will allow a temporary escape.Finally, (without -a) you will be prompted for an abstract.Type in as many lines as you need, and end with a ctrl-d.To quit, type n when asked if you want to continue.To edit the database, type edit , vi , or ex instead.addbib: 1002-022 Cannot find or open the promptfile. addbib: 1002-023 The promptfile is missing a between prompt string and %%key addbib: 1002-025 Specify no more than 50 entries in the promptfile. Author: Title: Journal: Volume: Pages:Publisher: City: Date: Other: Keywords:Usage: lookbib Database lookbib: 1002-202 /dev/ttylookbib: 1002-203 The %1$s.ia index file and the %2$s reference file are not found. lookbib: 1002-204 /usr/lib/refer/huntlookbib: 1002-205 EOT Type keywords (such as author and date) after the > prompt. References with those keywords are printed if they exist; if nothing matches you are given another prompt. To quit lookbib, press CTRL-d after the > prompt. Usage: sortbib [-sKEYS] Database [...] sortbib: 1002-402 Specify no more than %d databases. sortbib: 1002-403 The record %1$d is longer than %2$d (%3$d) 1002-404 sortbibsortbib: 1002-405 sorting errorsortbib: 1002-406 Interrupt sortbib: 1002-407 Error: refer: 1002-503 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-505 calling calloc for %1$d*%2$d bytes refer: 1002-506 calloc returned %o refer: 1002-507 in glue1 argc %1$d argv %2$o %3$o refer: 1002-508 argv.1 is %s refer: 1002-509 lmaster now %d refer: 1002-510 in huntmain indexname %1$s typeindex %2$d refer: 1002-511 found old index refer: 1002-512 opened f's as %1$o %2$o %3$o refer: 1002-513 Freed if needed maxhash %d refer: 1002-514 hpt now %o refer: 1002-515 There is not enough memory for hash list (%d). refer: 1002-516 There is not enough memory for hash frequencies (%d). refer: 1002-517 Read pointer files refer: 1002-518 There is not enough memory for the answer list. refer: 1002-519 Cannot find or open %s refer: 1002-520 typeindex now %d refer: 1002-521 back from grepcall refer: 1002-522 approaching doquery fb %o refer: 1002-523 return from doquery with nfound %d refer: 1002-524 after baddrop with nfound %d refer: 1002-525 tagout is /%1$s/, sout /%2$s/ refer: 1002-526 done with huntmain refer: 1002-527 tagout is /%s/ refer: 1002-528 string out is /%s/ refer: 1002-529 were %d bad files refer: 1002-530 Now on %1$s query /%2$s/ refer: 1002-531 tagout now /%s/ refer: 1002-532 Cannot run %s. refer: 1002-533 in dodeliv, arg /%s/ refer: 1002-534 in grepcall, gfile %1$s in %2$o out %3$o refer: 1002-535 %d args set up refer: 1002-536 Cannot read fgrep index %s. refer: 1002-537 Cannot write fgrep output %s. refer: 1002-538 fgrep returned, output is.. refer: 1002-539 back from fgrep refer: 1002-540 Cannot read fgrep output %s. refer: 1002-541 read line as //%s// refer: 1002-542 out now /%s/ refer: 1002-543 line %1$o s %2$o s-1 %3$o refer: 1002-544 back from reading %, out %s refer: 1002-545 There is not enough memory available now. refer: 1002-546 inct %1$d xargv.2. %2$o %3$d refer: 1002-547 bad fgrep call refer: 1002-548 before cgoto refer: 1002-549 before cfail refer: 1002-550 before execute instr %.20s refer: 1002-551 end of string %1$d %2$c %3$c %4$c refer: 1002-552 returning nsucc %d refer: 1002-553 fgrep done www %o refer: 1002-554 in execute ccount %1$d inct %2$d refer: 1002-555 down ccount refer: 1002-556 ex loop ccount %1$d instr %2$o refer: 1002-557 normal read %d bytres refer: 1002-558 they are %%.%ds refer: 1002-559 roaming along in ex ch %1$c c %2$o refer: 1002-560 found: nfound %1$d need %2$d refer: 1002-561 found, p %1$o nlp %2$o ccount %3$d buf %4$o buf[2*BUFSIZ] %5$o refer: 1002-562 down ccount2 refer: 1002-563 read %d bytes refer: 1002-564 p %1$o nlp %2$o buf %3$o refer: 1002-565 nr end loop p %o refer: 1002-566 in for loop c now %1$o %2$c refer: 1002-567 next arg is %1$s xargc %2$d refer: 1002-568 wordlist too large refer: 1002-569 read %1$d hashes, iflong %2$d, nhash %3$d refer: 1002-570 read freqs %d refer: 1002-571 after doquery nfound %d refer: 1002-572 after baddrop nfound %d refer: 1002-573 were %d bad files refer: 1002-574 grepquery %s refer: 1002-575 Now on %1$s query /%2$s/ refer: 1002-576 grepmade refer: 1002-577 tagout now /%s/ refer: 1002-578 Index incomplete %srefer: 1002-579 entering doquery nitem %d refer: 1002-580 first few hashes are %1$ld %2$ld %3$ld %4$ld %5$ld refer: 1002-581 and frequencies are %1$d %2$d %3$d %4$d %5$d refer: 1002-582 nitem %d refer: 1002-583 query wd X%1$sX has hash %2$d refer: 1002-584 past that loop nhash %1$d hpt is %2$lo refer: 1002-585 item %1$s hash %2$d hfreq %3$d refer: 1002-586 item hash %1$d frq %2$d refer: 1002-587 first item hash %d lp %ld 0%lo refer: 1002-588 master has %ld refer: 1002-589 master has %d refer: 1002-590 item %1$d, hash %2$d refer: 1002-591 item %1$d hash %2$d seek to %3$ld refer: 1002-592 next term finds %ld refer: 1002-593 bfwh j %1$d nf %2$d master %3$ld k %4$ld refer: 1002-594 j %1$d nf %2$d prevdrop %3$ld prevcoord %4$d colevel %5$d nterm %6$d k %7$ld refer: 1002-595 not skip g %1$d doc %2$d coord %3$d note %4$d refer: 1002-596 not skip g %1$d doc %2$ld coord %3$d nterm %4$d refer: 1002-597 at g %1$d item %2$ld coord %3$d note %4$ld refer: 1002-598 at g %1$d item %2$d coord %3$d note %4$d refer: 1002-599 now have %d items refer: 1002-601 copied over %1$ld coord %2$d refer: 1002-602 copied over %1$d coord %2$d refer: 1002-603 colevel %1$d best %2$d refer: 1002-604 yet got %d refer: 1002-605 returning with %d refer: 1002-606 query long than %d characters refer: 1002-607 no. keys %d refer: 1002-608 keys X%sX refer: 1002-609 in baddrop, nf %1$d master %2$ld %3$ld %4$ld refer: 1002-610 in baddrop, nf %1$d master %2$d %3$d %4$d refer: 1002-611 Warning: index predates file '%s' refer: 1002-612 Missing expected file %srefer: 1002-613 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-614 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-615 pfork %1$o pwait %2$o status %3$d refer: 1002-616 %1$ld key occurrences, %2$d hashes, %3$d docs refer: 1002-617 The file pointer is NULL. refer: 1002-618 Changing hash value to old %d refer: 1002-619 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-620 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-621 Cannot find or open scratch file. refer: 1002-622 Cannot find or open scratch file. refer: 1002-623 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-624 The %d character query cannot be longer than 512 characters. refer: 1002-625 The record at line %d cannot be longer than 1536 characters. refer: 1002-626 Accumulated answers are too long. refer: 1002-627 The answer is too long (%d). refer: 1002-628 No such paper: %s. refer: 1002-629 Too many hits: %s refer: 1002-630 Question at %s. refer: 1002-631 The buffer is longer than %d. refer: 1002-632 The output buffer is longer than %d. refer: 1002-633 File %1$s line %2$d: punctuation ignored from: %3$srefer: 1002-634 sig overflow (%d)refer: 1002-635 t1 overflow (%d)refer: 1002-636 Cannot find or open %s. refer: 1002-637 bflab overflow (%d)refer: 1002-638 nref in labc overflow (%d)1 journal-article3 article-in-book4 tech-report2 book5 bell-tm0 otherrefer: 1002-645 There are more than 500 references for the table (%d). refer: 1002-646 reference pointers too long (%d)refer: 1002-647 Cannot reopen %s. refer: 1002-648 There is not enough memory available now. refer: 1002-649 hashes %1$d used %2$d refer: 1002-650 Elapsed %.2f CPU %.2f (user %.2f, sys %.2f) refer: 1002-651 No query. refer: 1002-652 %d files refer: 1002-653 Adding: refer: 1002-654 %d files refer: 1002-655 %s (%.20s) %s, %ld bytes You like that one?There is a total of %d items. a an the.?!,;:BIBLIOGRAPHY