ISO8859-1M,T/2,/K ,{  / $ 2)E"o)4+9(X%'$ 4AT$+; #!1C"*u#($7%& &0 ('* Y(< )) *# +2 ,0 B- s. /) 0 1) 20 "3, S4- 5$ 6 7( 8 94 4:' i;( <+ =* >% ? 7@ UA# lB% C) D. EF0+G-\H IJ K L!M/Usage: pkgmk [-o] [-a architecture] [ -b base_source_directory] [-d device] [-f prototype] [-l limit] [-p pstamp] [-r root_path] [-v version] [variable=value ...] [pkginst] Building pkgmap from package prototype file ## Processing pkginfo file ## Attempting to volumize %d entries in pkgmap ## Compressing package files ## Making mirror image of package for compression ## Processing compressed version of package Could not copy <%s> to mirror image of package Unexpected error during compression of <%s> Could not read <%s> Error occurred in attempt to re-execute pkgmk. Memory allocation failure, errno=%d Too many paths listed with -r option, limit is %d Invalid package instance identifier <%s> Invalid package abbreviation <%s> Unknown or invalid device specified <%s> Unable to obtain temporary file resources, errno=%d Invalid device specified (datastream) <%s> Unable to volumize package Unable to make directory <%s> Unable to create symbolic link for <%s> Must use -o option to overwrite <%s> Unable to unmount device <%s> Unable to locate required pkginfo file Unable to process pkginfo file <%s> Unable to locate prototype file Unable to stat filesystem <%s> Unable to determine or access output file system for device <%s> Unable to find info for device <%s> Unable to build pkgmap from prototype file Other packages found - package must fit on a single volume Failure in compression routine Could not create compressed image directory list Unable to open compression list file <%s> Unable to get current working directory Package does not fit space currently available in <%s> Parameter <%s> is not defined in <%s> PKG parameter <%s> does not match instance <%s> WARNING:Not compressing <%s> - no savings WARNING:Not compressing <%s> - relative path above rootlist WARNING:missing directory entry for <%s> WARNING:parameter <%s> set to "%s" WARNING:unreferenced class <%s> in prototype file Unable to process package information, errno=%d Could not save compressed listn Exec of <%s> failed, errno=%d Could not open compressed list file <%s> %s terminated (signal %d) %s (%ld blocks) does not fit on a volume information file <%s> must appear on first part all install files must appear on first part part %d: selected files do not fit on volume Part %2d -- %ld blocks, %ld entries ## Packaging complete ## Packaging terminated at user request ## Packaging was not successful Parametric class specification for <%s> not allowed No object for <%s> found in local path No object for <%s> found in search path No object for <%s> found in root directory Unable to process contents of object <%s> Write of <%s> entry failed, errno=%d Garbled default settings: %s Unknown directive: %s Unable to change directory to <%s> Processing of <%s> may be incomplete Too many levels of include (limit is %d) Unable to process include file <%s>, errno=%d Ignoring include file <%s> Unable to build parameter environment, errno=%d Too many parameter definitions (limit is %d) Unable to get current directory Garbled entry. Pathname: %s Problem: %s rename(%s, %s) failed (errno %d) Usage: pkgmk [-c] [-o] [-a architecture] [ -b base_source_directory] [-d device] [-f prototype] [-l limit] [-p pstamp] [-r root_path] [-v version] [variable=value ...] [pkginst] %s Aborted at user request. %s Aborted by signal %d Usage: %s [-inos] srcdev dstdev [pkg [pkg...]]