ISO8859-1X"*(.0W&13 ( #2 XV % + 3Nb1t5(s6.,*>Zi# <!*@"'k#=$%& ' (( 3), \*$ +. ,# -2 .4 4/= i0. 1 2% 3' 4< D5" 6 7 8/ 9% : &; G<! f=b > ?E @i RA B C D E"F)1G.[H%I'J=K2LIM%cNO P8Q+R *S4T6IUEV"W"X} There is 1 more package to be %s.Do you want to continue with installation? %d directories successfully verified.## Executing INSTALL script provided by package. ## Executing set postinstall script. ## Pre-SVR4 package reports failed installation. Installation in progress. Do not remove the %s. Insert %v into %p.installed*** Installing Pre-SVR4 Package ***An attempt to install the <%s> pre-SVR4 package on <%s> completed with exit status <%d>. There are %d more packages to be %s. Package: %s (%s) part 1 of %s pathname = %s processed Processing of packages for set <%s> is completed. READY TO PROCESS: REPROMPTING FOR: ## Restoring permissions of all <%s> directories. Set: %s (%s) ## Pre-SVR4 package reports successful installation.Installation of <%s> has been suspended.Usage: pkgadd [-n] [-d device] [-a admin] [-r response] [pkg [pkg ...]] pkgadd -s dir [-d device] [pkg [pkg ...]] Usage: pkgask -r response [-d device] [pkg [pkg ...]] Could not find (%s) on <%s>. Could not determine current working directory.WARNING:e-mail notification may have failed.WARNING:unable to send e-mail notificationA package you have specified for installation is not located on the %s inserted in <%s>. Bad device <%s> specified.Unable to change directory to <%s>.Could not change owner of package image temporary directory.Device <%s> is not listed in device table.Could not process datastream from <%s>. Error messages are logged in /var/sadm/install/logs/%s.log. Expected datastream in %sgetvol() returned <%d>Incomplete entry <%s>.Incomplete entry <%s:%s>.Login <%s> may not install software, %s.A serial id/activation key pair is required.Memory allocation failure, errno=%d.Unable to find archive for <%s> in datastream.No changes were made to the system.Unable to create copy of UNINSTALL script in <%s>.Quietmode may not be specified with <%s> admin file.The -n option cannot be used when removing pre-SVR4 packages.Selected package <%s> not found on media <%s>.No packages were found in <%s>.No packages were found on %s in <%s>.Device <%s> not listed in device table.More than one package referenced but only one response file.Unable to open contents file <%s>.Pathname: %s Package: %s (%s) from <%s>. Installation of package instance <%s> failed. Could not open package list file %s. Unable to open pkgmap file <%s>. 1 package was not processed! %d packages were not processed! The package you have specified for installation was not found in the device/directory specified. Unable to obtain package volume.A product identifier is required when package validation is enabled. The current volume is in old (pre-SVR4) format; the PKGASK command is not able to understand this format.Problem: %s PROCESSING:Unable to process contents file.Unable to reopen stdin.Response file <%s> must not exist.Response file <%s> must be full pathname.Response file is invalid for pre-SVR4 package.Response file (to write) is required.Unable to restore permissions for <%s>.Attempt to restore permissions of <%s> files may have failed.Selected package <%s> was not found on %s in <%s>. Set: %s (%s) from <%s>.Could not open setinfo file for <%s>.Call to setuid failed, %s.Unable to stat filesystem <%s>. Unable to make temporary directory to unpack datastream.Unable to determine device to install from.(unknown)Unknown device <%s>.Installation process was interrupted by user request. Installation requires %d free blocks in %s and only %d are available.Unable to open response file <%s>. Error messages are logged in %s. Usage: pkgadd [-n] [-d device] [-a admin] [-r response] [-P path][pkg [pkg ...]] pkgadd -s dir [-d device] [pkg [pkg ...]]